Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1238: 1210 Two confirmed, [Mist Nest Master]

Chapter 1238 1210. Two names confirmed, [Mist Nest Master]

Tisaya’s self-introduction in her opening remarks was concise and powerful.

 While indicating his identity, he also endorsed his attainments in the field of chaos magic.

 The former dean of a magic academy, even people who have no knowledge or concept of magic, such as the New World Survey Team, can immediately understand the authority represented by this title.

 “Welcome, Ms. Tissaya.”

As the representative figure of the investigation team, the Commander-in-Chief was the first to show a smile on his dark face and nodded to Tissaya.

“Oh, yeah!” The little old man from the Dragon Tribe carefully pushed up the small gold-rimmed round glasses on the bridge of his nose and looked at the sorceress. "A senior magic scholar took the initiative to come to our world! This is really something new!"

“Mainly because of the terrifying creature brought about by the convergence of the celestial spheres, it made the connection between us stronger during this time.”

Tisaya said without missing a beat.

Although the people in the New World Investigation Team gave her a good impression, her long experience of struggling in the mage circle made Tisaya first choose to use ambiguous descriptions to lower the other party's wariness.

 After all, having unlimited access to their world will make the indigenous people of this world uneasy, right?

 “Really? Yeah.”

The old man from the Douding'er Dragon Tribe shook his head up and down as he spoke, but because his skin had become very loose due to aging, Tisaya could not tell whether the other party believed what he said through his face and expression.

On the contrary, it was people like the swordsman master, Little Jack, and the leader of the second phase of the regiment who nodded frequently and lowered their voices from time to time, but they became noticeable and amazed because of this.

 Even though the swordsman's whole body was wrapped in a suit of armor that looked very sophisticated and tight to Tissaya, his emotions were very easy to guess.

 “Former dean?” The monitor of the supplies class, a Latina-style brown-skinned beauty, repeated the title in confusion.

She looked at Tissaya in surprise.

“But you look like you are only in your early thirties? You have already been the dean of a magic academy and you have resigned?”

 “Magic allows me to live far longer than human beings, and my appearance can also remain.”

Disaya replied with a normal expression.

Tisaya, who is far more old-school and mature than sorceresses like Margarita, does not shy away from talking about how the sorceresses preserve their magical looks.

 She also does not hide her pursuit of beauty.

Although she usually looks meticulous and even strict, some apprentices who don't like her are even called a "mean and world-weary old maid because of her lack of sex."

But everyone who has come into contact with Tissaya knows that she spends a lot of money on beauty potions, creams and other fields, and she spends a lot of money on a long-term and stable basis.

At this time, the supplies squad leader also let out a low voice of exclamation, shocked that magic could do so many wonderful things.

But Tissaya raised her eyebrows in surprise and looked at the other party.

 Because they are both women, but the material squad leader could only admire the "lifespan" and "appearance" in Tisaya's words at this time, but had no jealousy or desire.

 She doesn’t understand magic, Tissaya is sure.

 But it is precisely because she does not understand magic, and does not know the cost, difficulty and cruelty behind magic, that she should show desire.

 But she. Or rather this group of people.

Tisaya glanced around.

Everyone’s face was like, ‘Wow, this thing is awesome. ’ But it doesn’t mean persistence or desire.

 To put it bluntly, it’s similar to “A novel game appeared among the children, and everyone cheered.”

 Inexplicably, this senior sorceress had some feelings about Berengar's words, "This is such a good place," that she didn't understand just now.

"Magic is indeed magical, but I still have doubts." The director of the Plant Plant Research Institute crossed his arms and asked, "Magic is also based on the magic of chaos, right? But our purpose is to isolate and eliminate the magic of chaos. "

“Isn’t it more dangerous the more magic is used in this situation?”

 “Don’t worry about this.” Tissaya responded calmly.

 Blocking a place that is dangerous or involves a lot of chaotic magic. This kind of situation is not uncommon in her career as a mage.

 Therefore, although there is no chaotic magic power to be mobilized in the external environment, but only this stored in her own body, she does not feel guilty.

 This is the surplus born of knowledge and experience after years of training.

“Chaos magic can be blocked by chaos magic, and I don’t have much magic power in my body now. What plays the main role this time is my experience and knowledge.”

“Using a very small amount of chaotic magic power to block it with extremely skillful means.”

Disaya's experience as the host of many meetings made her look at the dark-skinned and white-haired commander-in-chief seriously at this time.

 The pros and cons of the plan have been made clear at this moment, and all that is needed is the final decision.

Although the New World is very large and there are only a few people in the investigation team, it is easy to find a remote place to throw away a body.

 But Tissaya knew Lane.

If the "aboriginals" in the investigation team disagree, even if he is capable of it, Lan En will not discharge the carcass of the Dino Tyrannosaurus that is enough to cause ecological pollution to the New World without any care or attention.

 Instead, find a way to deal with it yourself.

The majestic-looking commander-in-chief crossed his arms and frowned, apparently making some kind of trade-off in his mind.    This is also normal.

Tisaya thought to herself.

Although the Tyrannosaurus Rex came from this world, it is another matter to let the corpse of the Tyrannosaurus Rex with the twisted nature of Chaos Magic come back and bear the risk of ecological change.

 But unexpected.

After just a few seconds of thinking, the commander-in-chief with a majestic black face simply nodded.

 “Okay, let’s do it, Lan!”

Tisaya was a little shocked, but the young demon hunter took it calmly from beginning to end.

“Although that is not our world, solving ecological threats cannot be considered so much.”

 The commander-in-chief said in a deep voice.

“If we are always immersed in the fragmentary questions of ‘I have a greater risk and he has contributed more’, then let’s not do anything else. That is not the style of the investigation team!”

“Besides, the living Tyrannosaurus Rex has been killed by Lan En, and what we have to deal with is just a corpse. There is no reason to retreat.”

 “I declare!”

 The Commander-in-Chief raised a hand and looked around.

 At the same time, everyone who was originally in a relaxed discussion atmosphere became serious at this time.

"Now that we know the reason why Yanwanglong suddenly appeared in the transit base, as well as its confirmed special habits, we will organize a team to investigate the precious 'trapped period' of this ancient dragon. Research!"

“Secondly, although the Flame King Dragon is an ancient dragon, it is not as serious as the Molten Mountain Dragon and is worthy of mobilizing all the strength of the entire group.”

“Therefore, we need to simultaneously carry out the harmless treatment and research process of the Dino Tyrannosaurus carcass.”

The commander-in-chief assigns and directs tasks in an orderly manner. His decades of leading the investigation team have already made him easy to deal with emergencies.

As soon as he finished speaking, an old voice continued.

“[Master of Mist Nest].”

 “What?” the commander-in-chief asked a little doubtfully.

The director of the Institute of Ecology who made a sound was sitting on a pile of books, but even so he was only at the height of a normal person's waist.

His aged posture made people who didn't know better really think that this guy might die at any time.

 But the commander-in-chief knew that this old man had been like this since he came to the New World decades ago.

The old man from the dragon tribe, Dou Ding'er, had already begun to pull out a book from under his buttocks, and he couldn't wait to write and draw in it.

These things are said to be books, but in fact they were all compiled by him in the New World. It can be considered a 'manuscript' that has not yet been published.

“That extremely special Tyrannosaurus rex gained mysterious magic power from wandering into another world. There is no experience more unique than this, right?”

“And this extraordinary and powerfulness created by a unique experience, or even the only ‘speciality’ in the group, is the most obvious characteristic of the so-called [Two Monsters].”

“Therefore, on behalf of the Institute of Ecology, I name this dinosaur Tyrannosaurus—[Lord of the Fog Nest].”

“Then let’s call these two Dread Tyrannosaurus [Mist Nest Lords].” The commander-in-chief agreed naturally.

 Immediately, he turned to Lan En, Tissaya and Berengar, the three guests from another world.

 A smile appears on a serious face.

“And now, in order to celebrate that there were no casualties in our transit base, we have also obtained new information on the ecological habits of Yanwangsaurus, in addition.”

 The Commander-in-Chief opened his hands to the guests in a welcoming gesture.

“We also want to welcome guests from afar, as well as the specially recruited hunters from our fifth phase of the group!”

Aiden and Little Jack, who was standing behind the sword master, clapped their hands in unison, raised their hands, laughed and cheered.

 “Let’s have a party!”*2

"Ha ha!"

 The leader of the second phase group suddenly stood up and laughed, and the rest of the group also looked almost excited.

Berengar beside him was startled, and Tissaya was also surprised at why the transition from the meeting to the banquet was so smooth and fast.

 According to her experience, there are still at least a few hours to spend.

 “I told you, this is a great place for vacation!”

Lan held Tishaya's hand, ran down to the bow of the ship where the meeting was held, and drove up the stairs built by the investigation team in the mountains.

 Weapon and Lynx Pavilion, if you go there late, you will have to stand and eat and drink!

 The news of the banquet was spread throughout the Star Stronghold. No one was injured in the ancient dragon's unusual actions, and there was more progress in ecological research.

Everyone cheered and was happy about it.

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