Athena in Tower Defense Game! [LitRPG]

Chapter 152: A Shift in the Sky

Chapter 152: A Shift in the Sky

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Chapter 152: A Shift in the Sky

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The lost soul gazed toward the distant glow, braving the swirling sands as it approached.

Though no bigger than the size of a hand, it stood unwavering against the relentless wind. The scent was strong—a mix of monstrous musk, coupled with the unmistakable aroma of humans.

Its form slowly elongated, bones protruding as if desiccated, and its sunken cheeks deepened. With each hunt, it evolved. Where once its eyes were pools of inky blackness, a faint white ring now circled the edges.

This small addition—a mere sliver of white—granted its powers a significant leap.

Dark threads, as black as the abyss, swirled between its hands. They hovered ominously, ready to ensnare any prey the moment they were detected.

[Lost Soul]

Level: 6
Skills: Confusion, Intimidation, Misleading
(Cannot attack those protected by light.)

It sought companions, those who would journey with it.

Like a ghost, it drifted ever closer toward the flickering firelight. Its presence, peculiar as it was, made the withered treants part ways before it, allowing passage. As for the unfortunate creatures too ignorant to yield, they were swiftly devoured, their souls condemned to wander alongside it.

Then, it spotted two humans—delicious prey.

As the thick black smoke dissipated, the enormous figure shrank once again to a size that could fit in one’s palm, its grotesque face scrunched in displeasure, lips pursed.

Its once-majestic cloak, now tattered and scratched, was hastily withdrawn in a fit of anger. It dared not linger here and quickly turned towards the sanctuary of Athena.

The creature unfurled the parchment in its hands.

"The Sky’s Shift."

It raised a tiny hand, wiping away the phrase. As it did, a new line slowly materialized. The action sent a shudder through its body, as if struck by a jolt of electricity, wisps of black smoke curling from its form.

Yet, despite the discomfort, it hadn’t crossed the boundary of what was forbidden, remaining within acceptable limits.

The words reappeared on the parchment:

"Watcher Nearby, Campfire."

Frustration boiled within it, longing to scrawl the humans’ exact appearance, even pinpoint the location. But alas, it lacked the authority to do so.

For the lost soul, its vengeful desire seemed utterly justified. It was valuable information after all—what harm in altering it a little?

In the end, it was Witty who emerged victorious, collecting a mountain of treats, taller than itself.

As for the unfortunate outcome, Paopao lost every last morsel of its snacks.

Now, Witty curled up on the sofa next to Athena, a fluffy black-and-white ball of fur, its back turned toward them.

Tap, tap, tap... knock!

The night visitor was in an ill temper, nursing wounds that still ached dully. Its grip on the parchment tightened as it seethed.

Athena set her book aside, rising to answer the door. Her gaze instinctively fell downward.

As expected, the lost soul, no larger than a hand, stood there. She raised an eyebrow in mild surprise, for the last time they met, it had been the size of a thumb.

It seemed the creature had been busy, evolving significantly since their last encounter.

This time, it didn’t wait for her to extend her hand. Eagerly, it raised the parchment, urging her to take it.

As soon as Athena grasped it, the parchment reverted to its normal size.

"Watcher Nearby, Campfire."

Reading the line, Athena’s first thought went to the two individuals who had just fled from Zone 007.

Normally, the messages the lost soul delivered pertained to monsters or environmental changes, yet this time, it brought news of people—information she was already aware of.

She observed the creature closely. It, too, was watching her, silently assessing her reaction.

In the past, it would have grown impatient and left by now. But today, it lingered, quietly gauging her response.

Its usual black robe was nowhere to be seen, replaced by a dusty, greyed appearance. If she hadn’t been so observant, she might have missed the faint cuts marring its small body.

Given the direction it had come from, and knowing its nature as a creature that thrived on deceiving others, why would it let two wounded humans slip away?

The truth was simple: it was still too young. Though intelligent, it lacked experience in the treacherous games humans played.

“Did you encounter two people on your way here?” Athena asked.

The lost soul's initial reaction was one of stunned confusion, followed quickly by a display of feigned bewilderment, as if offended by the question.

But this only served to confirm her suspicions.

She thrust the parchment back into its hands. As soon as it touched the creature, the parchment shrank once more.

"Write it as it was. No alterations." Her gaze was sharp, her tone cold.

The lost soul was absorbing knowledge at an alarming rate. One day, it would grow into a true monster, master of deceit and temptation. When that day arrived, no contract would hold it bound.

Making deals with monsters was always akin to dancing with a tiger.

For now, though, Athena intended to squeeze whatever use she could from it.

Her thoughts remained unchanged. The lost soul's description had always been simpler than that of other creatures. Its profile contained little more than its level.

Yet, its growth was swift. It was the only creature she had encountered thus far that could move freely in the dark, endowed with a unique affinity for shadows.

Upon realizing its trick had been caught, the lost soul's first instinct was to flee.

But the sanctuary permitted its entry because of its contract with Athena.

Now, at her command, it could just as easily seal it within, preventing any escape.

Sure enough, it smacked into the barrier.

Defeated, the creature reluctantly took the parchment and, with no other choice, rewrote the original message upon the blank page.

A fool’s errand indeed.

Without real information, nothing would appear on the parchment. Athena wasn’t concerned it would try to alter it again; as long as the information was useful, that was enough.

"The Sky’s Shift."

As the sanctuary’s barrier parted, the lost soul wasted no time in fleeing, vanishing into the night. Athena, having acquired the information she sought, paid it no further mind.

She lifted her gaze toward the skies. Compared to the desolate earth, the sky seemed almost… normal.

Yet, that only deepened her unease. Even armed with this new knowledge, the path ahead remained shrouded in mystery. She couldn’t see, nor could she grasp, what lay beyond the veil.

If there was one thing that stood out in all this strangeness, it was that blood-red sun—neither warm nor able to banish the darkness.

It no longer rose, nor did it set, having replaced both the sun and moon.

But for all its brilliance, it seemed nothing more than a beautiful ornament, bringing about no real change.

If there was any true shift in the sky, it had to be that.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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