Awakening The Gluttony Talent: I Become Stronger By Eating

Chapter 241 - 241: Guo Huaimin

Chapter 241: Guo Huaimin

However, none of these things escaped Lu Yu’s eyes. A mere Martial Arts Warrior deploying gimmicks before a Great Grand Master whose strength was comparable to that of a War General was too overconfident of his own abilities. He was like a mantis trying to stop a cart.

Suddenly, an overpowering force swept over. Tang Ming was sent flying out. His whole body was covered with blood, and his expression became contorted with despair.

Lu Yu waved his hand, and the dagger spun and fell back into his hand. He approached Tang Ming step by step and said in an icy voice, “Since you don’t want to go in a dignified way, then I shall give you a dignified departure.”

When the blade was about to stab down, three successive auras at the level of a Great Grand Master suddenly burst out, covering heaven and earth. They swept rapidly towards the Capital City University’s affiliated Third High School, making Lu Yu frown slightly.

“Stop right there!”

“My friend, be merciful to others. Our younger ones made a mistake. We are prepared to give you a satisfactory compensation package.”

A voice full of vitality and energy rang out. Following that, the figures of three elderly men appeared. Their bodies emanated a great sense of oppression, making everyone present shake with trepidation all over.

These three men were the Elders of the Wang family, the Li family and the Tang family respectively. The moment they appeared, the auras of these high-ranking members shocked many people.

“Surely these three families have shown up too fast?” Zheng Xiaochuan said with a puzzled look.

Lu Yu, on the other hand, understood perfectly well. It had taken an hour to uncover these people who were bullying his son and daughter. This one hour was more than sufficient to send messages to the three families and have their members quickly rush to the Capital City University’s affiliated Third High School.

“Save me! Great Elder, save me!” Tang Ming was ecstatic to see the Elder from the Tang Family and cried out loudly.

Just as he was about to run to his savior, Lu Yu kicked him to the ground. Seeing his own younger generation humiliated so badly in public, the Elder’s face sank immediately.

However, taking into consideration the information he had just received, the facts that Lu Yu was a Count and he could not afford to have anything happen to Tang Ming, the Elder had to be patient. He put on his most amicable expression and said, “My friend, with regard to the losses suffered by your children, our Tang family is willing to pay 3 million federal dollars in compensation. In addition, we will supply all the cultivation resources for four years at no cost to you.”

The Wang family’s Elder and the Li family’s Elder also made their offers, which did not differ much from the offer from the Tang family’s Elder.

3 million federal dollars was not considered a lot in the capital where the land costs were astronomical. However, this free supply of cultivation resources for four years was a condition that no one could refuse.

The duration of the studies in the martial arts university was also four years, which happened to coincide with the offer. Thus, they were implicitly telling Lu Yu that Lu Shui’s entry into the martial arts university was a done deal with the Elders around.

Lu Yu gave a scornful laugh inwardly. He looked at Lu Shui and said, “Daughter, the decision is in your hands. Whether to forgive them or not, I just need one word from you.”

“No! I will never forgive them for the rest of my life. Scum like them should go to hell!” Lu Shui screamed in a broken voice. When she recalled the injustice she and Lu Shan had suffered in school, she still had trouble quelling her anger.

Hearing Lu Shui’s answer, the Elder of the Li family said, “Little girl, do you want to reconsider? The amount of compensation is completely negotiable. ”

Lu Yu pulled Lu Shui behind him. He looked at the Elder of the Li family and said in an icy voice, “My daughter has made herself clear. There is no more room for negotiation. Today, they must die at all costs!”

Seeing there was completely no room for negotiation, the elders of these three powerful families also dropped their pretense, revealing their sinister and icy expressions.

“Friend, do you really want to do this?” The Elder of the Wang family spoke menacingly as his eyes flickered with a touch of killing intent. Seeing that Lu Yu did not have the slightest intention of wavering, he said in an icy tone,

“Then I have no choice but to take my junior away.”

“If you want to take him, go ahead and try,” Lu Yu replied with an indifferent expression.

The Elder of the Wang family did not believe in Lu Yu’s threat. With his strength, plus the presence of the Elders from the other two families, it was categorically impossible for Lu Yu to kill his junior.

However, reality was such a slap in the face. Just as the Elder of the Wang family was about to forcibly take Wang Fei away, Wang Fei suddenly let out a wretched scream. His body arched upwards and his face was filled with horror as if he had encountered the most terrible nightmare, screaming in terror.

“No! No… Argh!” In the end, Wang Fei spewed a mouthful of blood and collapsed to the ground, dead.

“You rascal! What the heck have you done?” Caught off guard by this unexpected turn of events, the Elder of the Wang family was shocked and angry. He immediately blamed this on Lu Yu.

Soon, Tang Ming also began screaming in terror like Wang Fei, like he was experiencing a most terrible nightmare as well. The others who had bullied Lu Shan and Lu Shui before followed in their footsteps and died one after another.

“Oh no! They have been hit by hallucinations. They are losing their minds in the illusionary realms and dying as a result.” The Elder of the Tang family realized what happened and yelled out loud.

The whole school was wrapped inside Lu Yu’s Illusionary Realm Kingdom. It was a piece of cake for Lu Yu to make these few Martial Arts Warriors die violent deaths through undetectable hallucinations.

“No! Spare my life! I will tell you everything! To tell the truth, everything was…” Li Tian, who was the last one left, suddenly shook violently all over before dropping dead.

Lu Yu frowned deeply. Li Tian’s death was completely out of his control. Was someone secretly interfering with his illusionary realm to kill Li Tian?

“Not surprisingly, it should be someone from the Ying family.” Soon, realization hit Lu Yu as he said to himself inwardly.

Only the Ying family had this ability and held a grudge against him. Only they could make a person die outside his control under his very nose.

However, even if Li Tian was silenced, Lu Yu already knew what he should know. When his Illusionary Realm Kingdom wrapped around the bodies of Li Tian and the others, Lu Yu had already uncovered a lot of information.

“Damn you, Lu Yu! Even if you are a Count, I will not stop today until you are dead!” The Elder of the Li family did not detect anything amiss and blamed Li

Tian’s death on Lu Yu, cursing and swearing furiously.

Lu Yu did not bother to explain anything. He simply released the aura of Great Grand Master Grade 9. At once, an aura soared to the sky, sweeping across the entire Capital City University’s affiliated Third High School. Its might was as heavy as the ocean, like a god descending from high above.

The Elders of the three powerful families all looked appalled, unable to believe this scene at all. The aura on this guy Lu Yu’s body was actually so much stronger than theirs.

“It’s good that they’re killed! These degenerate scumbags all deserved to die!” All of a sudden, there was the sound of applause and a voice of approval.

The Elders of the three powerful families turned their heads in anger, intending to kill this guy who dared to gloat at their misfortune immediately. However, when they saw who was coming, they all curbed their killing intent and did not dare to say anything more.

Even Tan Lan, who was ready to rebuke a few words, was completely deflated. That was because the visitor was none other than Guo Huaimin, the professor from Capital City University. He was a Great Grand Master powerful expert. Whether in terms of strength, identity, or status, none of the Elders could hold a candle to him.

They saw Guo Huaimin walking towards them briskly. He looked at Lu Yu with admiration as well as a trace of respect, and then he spoke up, “The school is originally a place to study and learn.. These few worthless scum defiled this place and their deaths are not worth pitying!”

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