Awakening The Gluttony Talent: I Become Stronger By Eating

Chapter 67 - Race Against Time

Chapter 67: Race Against Time

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

In the temporary residence of the Military Lord.

As soon as Song Yu entered, she hurriedly said, “Military Lord, something terrible has happened. I just learned that the City Lord’s Office has sent out eight great experts from the four dojos. They have been following closely behind Lu Yu’s group. It’s obvious that they want to do something bad to him. Hurry up and think of a way to save him!”

Lu Yu had saved Song Yu’s life, so Song Yu owed him a big debt of gratitude. She wanted very badly to help him, to save him this time.

When he heard this, Xu Qingguo was a little surprised. He didn’t expect something like that to happen.

In the beginning, he had asked the people from the City Lord’s Office and the four dojos to carry out this mission, but they found all kinds of excuses to turn it down. No one was willing to go on this mission.

After much difficulty, he managed to ask Lu Yu, who was willing to step forward to risk his life for this mission, yet these people had joined forces to take him down.

As a seasoned war veteran, he quickly guessed the intention of the City Lord and the four dojos.

“It seems that these people think that since Lu Yu can’t be used by them, they want to eliminate him as soon as possible. I’ve anticipated long ago that they might attack, but I didn’t expect them to act so fast,” Xu Qingguo muttered.

At this moment, Song Yu was a little anxious. Those were the eight powerful experts of the four dojos. They were very formidable, and any two of them could easily defeat Lu Yu, let alone all eight experts striking at the same time.

“Military Lord, please hurry up and think of a way to save Lu Yu. Saving him will definitely bring you many benefits,” Song Yu pleaded.

At this moment, the Military Lord, Xu Qingguo, said helplessly, “Of course I know that. I also think very highly of Lu Yu. I was even thinking of bringing him to the Gamma Military Zone after the matters here are settled. But I didn’t expect this group of people to move so quickly. Unfortunately, we don’t have many men in Lunan City now, and the reinforcements outside haven’t arrived yet. I don’t have many experts on hand at all. There’s no way I can go up against eight powerful experts from the four dojos.”

“Then what should we do?” Song Yu was also well aware of the situation here. The attack on the city by the Fearsome Beasts had happened too suddenly, and now the Military Lord didn’t have many people left here. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have asked the City Lord’s Office and the four dojos to send people to carry out this mission.

Under normal circumstances, the Military Lord Xu Qingguo would have sufficient manpower stationed by his side. A miserable Lunan City would not dare to act so outrageously in front of him.


Military Lord Xu Qingguo thought for a moment, then said, “There’s no way we can fight them head-on. Now, I can only send people to inform Lu Yu and ask him to escape quickly. Whether he lives or dies will depend on his luck. This is all I can do for him in Lunan City.”

Song Yu felt that this was a good idea, and was the only feasible solution at the moment. She hurriedly asked, “Military Lord, please let me lead the team to carry out this mission. I want to inform Lu Yu personally.”

Song Yu was well aware that the Military Lord’s manpower here was limited right now and the people he could send out wouldn’t be very skilled.

However, this operation was a race against time. She must inform Lu Yu before the eight powerful experts from the four dojos find him. Only then would he have a chance to escape.

If the two groups meet each other, there would be no chance for escape and Lu Yu would be doomed.

When the Military Lord heard this, he became hesitant. After all, Song Yu was the beloved daughter of the Song family. He was still a little apprehensive of the Song family and didn’t want Song Yu to take the risk.

Besides, he also thought highly of Song Yu and didn’t want anything to happen to her. He hoped that Song Yu could train well and grow into a powerful expert.

This mission was extremely dangerous.

It was not just the eight powerful experts of the four dojos. There were various powerful Fearsome Beasts in the blood-sucking wasteland too, which already posed a big threat.

Therefore, this mission might very well cost them their lives.

Song Yu saw the Military Lord’s hesitation and quickly insisted, “Military Lord, this is completely my own idea. Please allow me to go on this mission. I will definitely be careful and ensure that nothing will happen to me. Even if something really happens, my father knows my personality so he won’t pursue this matter. Please allow me to carry out this mission. Lu Yu saved my life. If something happens to him and I can’t help him, I will regret it for the rest of my life.”

Military Lord Xu Qingguo saw Song Yu’s determination and also knew her personality. If he didn’t agree, she probably wouldn’t give up. He had no choice but to nod and agree. He said, “All right, Song Yu, I hereby order you to carry out this mission. You must go to the inner parts of the blood-sucking wasteland and inform Lu Yu, then you must retreat in time. Remember, you must avoid the most dangerous element. The eight powerful experts of the four dojos are not opponents that your team can deal with. I will do everything in Lunan City to support you. You can go down to gather your team members and collect your smart bracelet as soon as possible.”

“Yes, Sir!”

Song Yu replied excitedly and immediately left. She went down and selected two personnel to accompany her, then collected a smart bracelet that showed Lu Yu’s location and hurriedly set off while there was still evening light available.

The blood-sucking wasteland was incredibly dangerous. The main purpose of this mission was to rush to inform Lu Yu as soon as possible. Therefore, if she brought more people, not only would they not be able to help, they would also become a burden to her. Song Yu did not need to bring so many people. She simply brought two people with good skills who had reached the level of a Martial Master and immediately set off.

Meanwhile, in the blood-sucking wasteland.

Lu Yu and the others gradually approached the location of the person to be rescued according to the information indicated on the smart wristband.

However, seeing that dusk was approaching and the sky was turning dark, he could only stop moving and rest for the night on the spot.

At night in the blood-sucking wasteland, the Fearsome Beasts ran rampant and the place was even more dangerous. Lu Yu and the others had no need to take such a risk by continuing through the night.

Meanwhile, on the other side, the eight powerful experts of the four dojos saw that it was already late. Judging from Lu Yu’s location, they figured Lu Yu and the others had also stopped for the night.

After ascertaining that Lu Yu couldn’t escape their grasp, they relaxed and prepared to rest.

Only Song Yu, who was in a hurry to inform Lu Yu in advance, didn’t care about the dangers of the blood-sucking wasteland at night. Instead, she led her two team members and continued to advance as quickly as possible.

“Captain Song, isn’t it too dangerous to travel in the blood-sucking wasteland at night? Why don’t we stop and rest?”

“Yes. It’s too dangerous at night. Isn’t it better if we set off again at daybreak?”


When Song Yu heard this, she shot the two of them an icy stare and said, “I’ll give you guys two choices. You can either rest here and then turn back and withdraw from this operation, or follow me and continue forward. I am also aware that the blood-sucking wasteland is more dangerous at night, but this is a risk we must take. Our mission this time is a race against time. If we are a step slower, the mission will fail. Do you understand?”

When the two of them heard this, their expressions turned awkward. They exchanged looks with each other, but finally chose to proceed with Song Yu.

If they retreated now, they would be no different from deserters. If the Military Lord pursued this matter, they would definitely be doomed and they would bring their families great shame.

If they followed Song Yu, the worst outcome would be death. Their families would still receive the martyrs’ compensation and they would bring honor to their ancestors!

As for the pros and cons of the two choices, they could still distinguish which carried greater importance.

With that, Song Yu led the two of them and continued moving forward, following the instructions leading to Lu Yu’s location on the smart bracelet.

“Lu Yu, you must survive this time,” Song Yu thought to herself.

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