Battle of Ascension

Chapter 288: You Can't Run Away

Chapter 288: You Can't Run Away

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There was a sound of horse hooves from behind and suddenly two shining axes appeared before Randy, blocking the two Infernal blades, and saved Gorat from the gates of death.

"Hehe, it won't be this easy to kill one of us," Sabil let out a chuckle as he blocked Randy Infernal Blades, their strength was even.

"Oh, really!?" Randy smirked before he vanished and appeared in the Sabil's back.

However, to his surprise, Zakhar was already there with two spears. He was ready to confront Randy head-on.

Zakhar thrust his two spears at Randy's chest, he took this chance to launch a fatal attack. However, Zakhar thrust missed as Randy's body flickered and vanished.

This time Randy appeared right below Zakhar. He bent his body down and slashed his two Infernal Blades upward.

But someone blocked Randy's two Infernal Blade with another two swords, two swords shrouded in the black flame, it was Kururi's.

Meanwhile, Goradin was on his back with his four sabers moved downward, aiming at Randy's head. The same as before, Randy used his Shadow Elemental Power and appeared behind Goradin.

This time, Randy didn't launch his attack as Gorat was already there, Randy took a few steps back, distancing himself from the five Legendary Grade Undead. Their teamwork surprised him.

It was a bit troublesome to kill them rather than the Mythical Grade Beast in the Ascension World because of the five Legendary Grade Undead cooperation. But of course, he had not used his full strength.

He had used only Shadow Elemental Power for his movement and his Fire Elemental Power to increase his attack damage. Also, his Shadow Elemental Power had become much stronger after evolving to the Bloom, it only took two seconds delay before he could use another Shadow Drive.

Meanwhile, the five Legendary Grade Undead also had their communication as they stared cautiously at the male human in the black armor. The male human in the black armor's strength was unexpected to them.

They thought no matter how strong the male human was; the male human was easy to kill as long as they joined a hand, but under the male human's assault, they could only protect each other, rather than launching an attack at the male human.

"We have to initiate the attack," Gorat immediately spoke. It was not their style to defend passively, also

"By initiating the attack, it will be easier for us to read his movement,"

Randy's Shadow Elemental Power was the most troublesome, it was like instant teleportation without a tool, so they had to watch his movement clearly, and read his movement to kill the male human.

If they passively defended under the male human assault, it would not take long before one of them fell.

Kururi let out a low grunt before nodding his head. But before they could even make their move, they saw the male human was the first one to make his move.

They saw the male human was throwing his two swords. One sword shot at Zakhar who was at the end of their left while one sword shot at Sabil who was at the end of their right. The two swords were still shrouded in the crimson fire.

After throwing his sword, the male human also rushed forward with a small and long sword in his right hand. As the male human rushed at them, they noticed the male's human body flickered for a while before vanished thoroughly without a trace.

Looking at the male human vanished under their watch, the five Legendary Grade Undead alerted as their grip on the weapon tightened. Meanwhile, Zakhar and Sabil had not planned to block the incoming sword but dodged the incoming as they stayed alert.

However, just as Zakhar moved his skeleton body to the right, Randy appeared under the sword with Darkness shrouded in dark red energy.

Kururi who was beside Zakhar noticed Randy who appeared suddenly, he had two choices here. First, saving Zakhar or the second was to attack Randy and let Zakhar received Randy's swords on his own.

But Kururi without hesitation chose the latter, he chose to launch an attack at Randy. The dark flame which enveloped his body blazed intensely as his huge twin swords also had been enveloping in the dark flame.

"DIE!!!" Kururi shouted while he moved his twins swords from the left and right like a pincer.

But soon, Kururi noticed something amiss as he saw the male human was turning his head at him and made a smirk. He felt a bad premonition, but he didn't stop his sword.


Kururi's twin sword collided and Randy disappeared, leaving no trace, and the sword missed its target.


Afterward, Kururi heard Sabil's shriek from his back. He immediately looked back. Not only Kururi, Zakhar, Gorat, and Goradin also looked up. The four witnessed Sabil's skeleton body was getting crumbled as they saw five dark red energy cut through Sabil.

Earlier when Randy appeared right between Zakhar and Kururi, Gorat, Goradin, and Sabil advanced as they intended to help, but three seconds later they heard Sabil's miserable shriek.

The four realized why the male human threw his two swords earlier, it was not the real attack, but it was only his trick. The male human goal was the shadow under the sword, but even they realized it now, it was too later as Sabil died, and they saw the human took a vial which dropped after Sabil died.

Kururi dark flame blazed intensely. With no words, he rushed at Randy at with his huge twin swords. Not only Kururi, Gorat, and Goradin also used their dark flame as they also did the same thing, attacking Randy.

Different from the other three, Zakhar had his body with black liquid. Each time the black liquid dropped on the ground, there was a "pssh pssh" sound as the black liquid corroded the ground.

Zakhar also rushed forward, but different from the other three. As Zakhar rushed forward, there was a black liquid on his back, it was like a black curtain.

Randy however still had his calm look despite facing the four furious Legendary Grade Undead, but the crimson fire which covered his body and the head blazed ever more fiercely.

He stayed still as Kururi, Gorat, and Goradin launched a wave of the dark flame at him. Also, the black curtain on Zakhar back also slammed at the bright figure under the crimson flame.


The four Legendary Grade Undead shouted simultaneously. The dark flame was like billow mixed with the black liquid slammed at the bright figure and the bright light dimmed as the black flame the corrosion liquid covered the crimson flame.

However, it was only for a moment. The dark flame and the corrosion liquid diminished rapidly, it was like the dark flame and the corrosion liquid were evaporating under the intense of crimson flame.

Looking at this, the four Legendary Grade Undead realized their attack was not working on the male human. They realized the male human's Fire Elemental Power was much stronger than their Elemental Power.

The four Legendary Grade Undead looked each other. They were looking for a way to solve their current precarious situation.

Running away from the male human was out of the choice because the first one who ran away would die first as exposed your back to this kind opponent was a stupid decision.

Also, the first one who tried to run away would die first. If one tried to run away, there was a chance for one among the four would survive, but none of them wanted to sacrifice their life for their friend.

Despite having good teamwork, but their friendship was not that close for one to sacrifice their life for their friend.

The four looked each other, but the only way to salvage from the current situation was to fight back even though there was only a small chance for them to win.

Less than 10 seconds, the dark flame and the corrosion liquid were evaporating, there was a light sphere expanded, reaching over 10 meters in diameter with the male human in the center of the light sphere.

Not only that, there were fifty swords formed and the fifty swords formed under the dark red energy. Also, each sword shrouded in the crimson flame. The fifty swords were floating around the male human.

Looking at the male human, the four Legendary Grade Undead felt even more uneasy. Their skeleton instinct told them to not enter the light sphere no matter what, but if they didn't enter the light sphere, then they could not fight the male human, let alone killing the male human.

Kururi, Zakhar, Gorat, and Goradin looked each other before Gorat nodded his skull, "I will act as a vanguard, you guys follow me!"

The four Legendary Grade Undead decided to fight despite the high risk.

Gorat took a step forward with his huge shield which enveloped under the dark flame. But it didn't stop here, there were another huge shield formed under the dark flame on his left, right, and back.

"GO!" Gorat charged forward. Even with four shields protected him from all sides, Gorat still felt uneasy.

Gorat at the foremost line, Kururi followed Gorat, Goradin behind Kururi, and Zakhar was at the rearmost.

However, when the four entered the light sphere, the fifty swords which had been formed under the dark red energy vanished.

"Watch ou" Gorat shouted, but stopped his words in the halfway as twenty red lines pierced through every shield he created and his skeleton body in the gray armor crumbled under the assault of the twenty swords.

Meanwhile, another twenty swords also assaulted Kururi. Even though what he could see was only a flash of a red line, but Kururi managed to block most swords with his huge twin swords.

However, Kururi was not in a good condition as a few swords pierced through his armor. Different from Kururi and Gorat, Zakhar and Goradin's condition was better because only five swords assaulted them.

However, this was only the start. Randy used another twenty swords to launch the second assault, forty swords aimed at Kururi. Kururi realized he had no chance to survive under forty swords assault, but he had a clue regarding the male human's skill, the light sphere was the key, but it was too late for him.

"Get out! Get out from the light sphere and run away from here!!!" Kururi shouted to his friend. It was the last words which came out from Kururi before forty swords slashed to him at once.

Zakhar and Goradin also realized about this clue. Just as the Zakhar and Goradin wanted to charge out from the light sphere, however, there was a sound from their back which shocked them.

"You can't run away from me,"

Zakhar and Goradin looked back. But what they saw was the male human in the black armor grinned at them. Meanwhile, the fifty swords surrounded them and the two realized their fate was sealed.

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