Battle of Ascension

Chapter 292: Nature Delight

Chapter 292: Nature Delight

Randy shared his own view about this Monkin Island with the others. He guessed this Monkin Island had been conquered by other force. But it was not Kururi Legion for sure.

Based on the information he got from Kiddo and Rougher, Kururi stated they were going to conquer to the east, they didn't even know there was an island here. It was not Kururi Legion, but it didn't rule out about the other races.

"All right, we will set a temporary camp here and we will make a few groups to investigate the forests,"

It was Randy's decision after the others agreed with his view. There was other race had been conquered Bali Territory and changed its name to Monkin Island. So, they would investigate what was inside the forest first before, collecting the data about the beast and monster inside, and looked for the owner of Monkin Island.

Afterward, they divided Garuda's members into many groups to investigate the forest. The same as before, each group comprised 10 people.

Randy ordered to each group to record the route they took and it would be best if they could make a map. Each group would venture for 5 hours inside the forest. After five hours, no matter what they found, they must go back to the camp, and another group would continue the investigation from the earlier group.

"But if you encounter trouble, immediately send a message through the Guild Messenger!"

The monster or the beast inside the forest was unknown. They had no data about the level and the grade, they had zero information. Even though he had confidence in his strength, but Randy didn't want to attack blindly based on his own strength only.

There was no guarantee, there was no beast or monster as strong as him. So they must investigate what was inside first rather than blindly attacking what was inside the forest. It was better safe than sorry.

After they made a temporary camp as the other prepared the meal for lunch.

One hour later, Garuda's members had built their camp and finished their lunch. Now, it was time for the work.

Twenty groups of Garuda had prepared for the investigation. The first batch was twenty group, spread over to twenty directions.

Meanwhile, Randy also would enter the forest to investigate the forest. Zhen Yi and Long Xinya also would enter the forest separately. While Akihiro and Asuka would together investigate the forest together.

Udin and Gusti had their task. It was watching the camp. There was no guarantee their camp would not be attacked, so Randy gave the two a task to keep watch the camp.

Even though there were Kiddo and Rougher with their over thirty thousand skeleton soldiers, but if the one who attacked the camp was Emperor Grade or maybe Legendary Grade. Kiddo and Rougher were hopeless against those higher grades.

That was why he placed Udin and Gusti to stay in the camp.

It was the time for investigating the forest. Randy stood before the forest, the over 50 meters tall tree with green lush leaves and the tree had dark brown trunks.

Randy put his hand on one tree and the tree's information appeared in his eyes.


[Ulinae Tree]


The tree name was Ulinae. Rand looked up, the tree had over 50 meters tall, but he was not sure how tall to be more exact.

The size itself was much bigger, was about ten adult's bodies. Moreover, the branch was about two adult's bodies in size. Each time he set his eyes on the forest, the forest would give him a mysterious feeling.

It was not dangerous or calming his mind like the forest in Evergreen City, but a mysterious one. It was like the forest itself pulled him to enter.

Zhen Yi and Long Xinya had not entered the forest, but the twenty groups had entered earlier than them. Akihiro and Asuka also had entered the forest, but Zhen Yi and Long Xinya were curious what Randy wanted to do.

At first, he was in a daze as he stared into the depth forest. Afterward, he touched the tree before looking up, but it was still the same. His eyes were unfocused, not sure what was in his mind or what he was looking for by acting like this.

After that, Randy took five steps back. Zhen Yi and Long Xinya also did the same, following every of his action.

After they saw Randy was in a daze again as his eyes were staring into the depth forest. However, soon they saw there was a blue fire swirled right before Randy.

They shocked and immediately took their weapon as they were ready to engage the battle. The blue was about 5 meters and it kept revolving in the front Randy for ten seconds before stopping.

Not only Zhen Yi and Long Xinya, Garuda's members who were in the camp also noticed the blue fire which suddenly appeared. They swarmed to the source of the blue fire but noticed the three leaders were there.

They let out a sigh of relief because Randy, Zhen Yi, and Long Xinya had not departed. They didn't get closer, but watching from the distance.

After ten seconds, the blue fire vanished, and a small blue cat appeared. Randy was summoning Sovereign Rocky.

Randy also noticed the commotion on his back. He looked back and stunned as Zhen Yi and Long Xinya made a stance to fight.

"You haven't left yet?" Randy didn't realize the two women were on his back. He looked back to tell the Garuda's members to get back as the blue fire was his doing. But didn't expect the two women were still here.

But Randy didn't get a response from the two women as they looked a small blue "cat" in the front of Randy. The blue "cat" was stretching its two forelimbs before letting out a yawn.

Zhen Yi immediately approached the blue "cat" with a loving expression, "What a cute cat~,"

Hearing Zhen Yi's voice, Sovereign Rocky looked back and showed its sharp teeth. Rocky was threatening Zhen Yi. After all, Rocky was a griffin, not a cat, but Zhen Yi called it a cat was the same as offending him.

Sovereign Rocky bared its sharp teeth, showing he didn't like to be called cat by the female human.

"Ugh~ It's so cute," Zhen Yi stretched her hand to catch the blue "cat", but the blue "cat" avoided Zhen Yi's hand swiftly before leaping up toward Randy's head.

Zhen Yi stunned by how fast the cat was avoiding her hand and Randy's face darkened as Rocky was stretching out its four limbs on his head before closing its eyes.

Zhen Yi looked at Randy and her eyes were twinkling. Zhen Yi approached Randy as her eyes never left from Rocky.

"Honey, where did you get this cat?"

"First, this is not a cat, okay? He is a griffin. Second, he is my Battle Partner. Battle partner"

Randy gave a full explanation of Battle Partner. Actually, the two women already knew about the Battle Partner, but it was about Ancillary, about Kiddo and Rougher. But he had not explained about the pet.

Zhen Yi's eyes shone after hearing about the pet, "I also want one,"

Long Xinya just stayed still silently, but her eyes never left Rocky on Randy's head.

Randy rolled his eyes and his wife's demand. Surprisingly, Rocky also rolled its crimson eyes before turning away from Zhen Yi.

"Get the egg then you will get a Battle Part" However, Randy stopped his words in the halfway as if he remembered something.

Randy blinked his eyes at Zhen Yi and Long Xinya, the two women also did the same, blinking their eyes at Randy.

"Don't you have skills to tame the beast? Why don't you try it?"

Yes, these two women got a new skill after integrating to a fox bloodline. After they integrated with the bloodline, their hidden stat Charm surpassed 2000 and generated a new skill.

Nature Delight, it was the skill they got after integrating with a fox bloodline. Actually, the skill had nothing to do with the fight. The skill was a passive skill like his Dragon Aura. However, Nature Delight or could be called nature bless.

Nature Delight, it was a benevolent aura and would give a neutral beast favorable impression. A neutral beast was a beast with not affiliate force or could be called free beast which often they found in each territory.

Nature Delight's description written in the Battle System said they could set a contract if the beast had a highly favorable impression to the person who had Nature Delight Skill.

Zhen Yi and Long Xinya didn't put this skill on their eyes as the skill was useless to them, at least it was the two thought before they saw Rocky. But after looking at Rocky, the two women changed their mind.

"All right, let's focus on our current mission first before thinking about the pet," Randy clapped his hand before put Rocky on the ground.

Rocky struggled to break free from Randy's hand, but it was futile. When Randy put it down, Rocky tried to leap onto his head again, but Randy caught it.

"Stop playing, it's time to work,"

Even though Rocky was a Saint Grade Beast, but there was a shortcoming on it which annoyed him, Rocky was too lazy. He didn't know it was the Inflame Griffin's nature or not, but Rocky was too lazy.

Rocky won't even hunt for his own food but waiting for him to feed hit. At first, he didn't mind about that, but later it became its habit.

Rocky rolled his eyes, but he followed Randy's order nevertheless. Suddenly, Rocky body enlarged and its mane turned into the blazing blue fire along with his four ankles blazed in the blue fire.

Zhen Yi's eyes went round as an admiration look plastered on her face. The cute Rocky changed into Majestic Rocky with a proud look. The cat turned into a lion.

The current Rocky was 2 meters tall and 3.5 meters long. There were two fangs protruded downward from its mouth.

Randy hopped onto Rocky and dashed into the forest, leaving only a blue afterimage.

"It's a Saint Grade Beast! Boss is Boss after all," Udin muttered in a low voice as his eyes were full of admiration toward Randy.

Saint Grade Beast was unheard for the common people, he knew there was a Saint Grade Beast above the Mythical Grade Beast. Randy had told them about the beast's grade from the lowest to the highest, from the Common Beast to Divine Beast.

However, this was his first time to see a Saint Grade Beast and that Saint Grade Beast was his Boss' pet.

Randy dashed with Rocky into the deep of the forest. At first, he felt nothing and found nothing. But after three minutes run, he felt he was being watched.

Randy stopped Rocky and Rocky happily stopped running. He immediately lied down on the ground and closed his eyes after finding a comfortable place for taking a nap.

Randy speechless, but he paid no attention to it as he scanned the surrounding. However, the feeling being watched also vanished when he asked Rocky to stop.

Finding nothing, Randy kicked Rocky's butt, "Don't be lazy, let's walk,"

Afterward, the feeling being watched vanished thoroughly, Randy didn't feel being watched again after wandering around for an entire day.

Randy found nothing in the forest. There was no beast, there was no monster, there was no spirit, there was elemental, there's nothing except Ulinea Tree.

Harvesting nothing, Randy headed back toward the temporary camp only to get bad news. Forty teams which dispatched to investigate the forest also found nothing except the tree. Zhen Yi, Long Xinya, Akihiro, and Asuka also the same, they found nothing.

This could be considered bad news for them. Even Randy wanted to attack and capture Monkin Island, he didn't know how to it.

The second day, 60 teams dispatched to investigate the forest, but the result was the same. They could not trace single of life in the forest.

Even though they had encountered no danger or any creature. They could not help but feel uneasy.

The third day, another 60 groups dispatched, but the result was still the same.

The fourth day, Randy got good news, but that good news was from Evergreen City. Somad had successfully making Sea Cloak Rune. It was good news indeed.

The fifth day however they encountered trouble. One team who entered the forest went missing.

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