Battle Royale of the Sinners

Chapter 202

Chapter 202

Chapter 202 – The Absolute Strength of Jinyang Army

Lu Bu was watching Zhang He maneuvering his troops, rushing into the Imperial Army formations . He grinned and spoke to Gao Shun .

"Isn’t that your [Formation Crusher] maneuvering?"

Lu Bu referred to the maneuver that Zhang He displayed . Horsemen’s greatest weapon was speed and horse strength . By rushing into the enemy-packed formation consecutively and retreating with the right timing, all formations would collapse into pieces if they had not prepared a proper defensive formation .

Gao Shun nodded and criticized, "It’s a weaker version of mine . His tactic won’t work against a proper spear-wall, arrows, or a shielded porcupine formation . They’re light cavalries with weak warhorses after all . Besides, there aren’t many sergeants who can lead the charge properly . You can see that the front horse was interrupted and collided with enemy soldiers . Then, the entire formation was stopped before they can charge through the enemy lines . A good charger will never allow his horse’s chest to collide with the living enemies . "

"There are rooms to improve, but that general is doing well so far," Zhang Liao approved .

Li Feihong did not join in the commentary . He kept his mouth shut while he closed his eyes . He did not pay attention to the conversation as he was watching the battlefield using his special [Monitors] .



[Private Farm World] LV 5 (7,034,419/16,000,000)

- Able to access a private world in another dimension .

- World Size 5,000 km .

- Time Scale Current World - Private World: 1 day – 45 days .

- The host can grow crops in the private world .

- The host can raise animals in the private world .

- All objects in the private world can be taken out to the real world .

- The host can summon monitors in both worlds .

- The host can open two gates at once .

Skill Cost:

- 1 Lifespan per one-minute gate connection .

- Upkeep: 2,000 lifespans per year .

Skill Restriction:

- Can only grow crops that exist in this world .

- Can only raise animals that exist in this world .

- Can only be used once per day . Skill resets at midnight .



Li Feihong’s skill continued to grow as he focused on raising crops and animals in his private world since he returned to Jinyang .

Typically, raising and harvesting one plant or a stalk of rice net him one EXP point . However, after they seized warhorses and the [Red Hare] horses from Dong Zhuo, Lu Bu, Zhang Liao, Gao Shun took one Red Hare each and left other horses to Li Feihong . He took them into his private world to breed them . He discovered that for each Red Hare foal he got from the breeding, he got 10,000 EXP in return .

As a result, his skill level increased by two from the continuous Red Hare breeding, and the functions of his private world improved . He was able to summon his monitors to the outside world, and he could open two gates at once .

After Li Feihong realized that he was able to open the second gate, he had a new inspiration . It was a new tactic that he could apply in a battlefield, which he had planned to use it today .

Because of the nerf, a new restriction barred Li Feihong from using the assassination gate technique . To use it, he had to rest in the private world for one day, allowing the system to reset the cooldown of the skill overnight . Then, Li Feihong could use open the gate again the next day to kill his target . It would require him another day to reopen the gate and return to the outside world .

In conclusion, Li Feihong needed three days to complete his assassin job and return if he wanted to use it .

However, with two gates, Li Feihong could complete the entire process within a day!

He could open one gate in front of him and the other gate nearby the target he wanted dead . The trick lied within the private world . Instead of connecting the private world and opening the portal in a different location, Li Feihong could attach two exit portals in the private world next to each other . Once the two portal holes connected, a new warp gate would be formed . Li Feihong did not have to move into his private world to perform his assassination technique anymore, and he would be able to teleport from one spot to another spot within a minute .

At this moment, Li Feihong was holding on a pistol, which Tong had given him along with a couple of magazines of bullets . The weapon and the method were ready . All Li Feihong needed to do was to pick a target .

. . .

Seeing that Li Feihong did not comment on the battle, Lu Bu smacked his back and snapped him out of his trance .

"Pay attention, Feihong!"

The bullied strategist looked at his boss with a wry smile . He was doing his job, and he DID pay full attention to the battlefield . He even located Wang Kuang, Zhang Yang, and many important officers within the Imperial Army . Li Feihong was in the middle of his decision about who he should kill .

Lu Bu ignored the protesting smile of his subordinate and ordered everyone, "Anyway, I’m tired of watching . Let’s get our men ready . "

The crescent halberd pointed toward the sky, and flag bearers had their signal flags ready .

"All units, trample these insects underfoot!" Commanded with his arrogant tone, Lu Bu and his Red Hare rushed down the slope without waiting for his soldiers .

The 50,000 cavalries, with geared riders and horses, followed after their grand commander . The horse hooves resonated and created a rumbling sound of an earthquake . The ground shook by the massive weight of the riders and the horses, scaring birds and small creatures nearby .

Lu Bu reached the nearest enemy battalion first . The crescent halberd swung down, severing five shocked Imperial soldiers in one swing . His personal polearm did not stop moving . Lu Bu and his crescent halberd became a meat grinder, mowing down the front and the sides of his horse, killing any unfortunate soldiers who stood in his way .

The god of war darted his eyes around, looking for a worthy opponent to fight . Then, he spotted Feng Yue, the grand commander of Wang Kuang Army, who stood out from the rest .

"Another ambush! Get ready! Spear-*BANG*"

The general collapsed before he finished his order because of the assassination technique of Li Feihong .



Li Feihong shuddered by Lu Bu’s killing intent . His face revealed a bitter smile, and tear welled in his eyes .

"But I did it for the troops . The enemy will be in a panic, and we’ll have fewer casualties . "

Zhang Liao patted Li Feihong’s shoulder, "Don’t mind it . He’ll forget it after a few minutes . "

Gao Shun and Zhang Liao separated to oversee the flanks of their army, leaving the sobbing Li Feihong behind .

As for the otherworlder strategist, he did not follow after the men . Li Feihong had a hundred guard to protect himself, and he could move around with them tagging along .

The battlefield below the cliff was not a place for him to mingle with, so he stayed behind to continue monitoring . As he moved his monitor cameras around, Li Feihong noticed something .

"I spotted a group of deserters . All of you, come with me . "

Li Feihong saw a suspicious group of soldiers escorting an elderly man on the north . They were hiking the mountain into the forest to slip away from the valley battlefield . Since their number was only a few hundred, Li Feihong led the one hundred men north toward the deserters .


The Imperial troops attempted to form spear-walls to counter the cavalries . They reformed their ranks and turned toward the west . Archers took out their bows and arrows, getting ready to fire a supporting volley . Everything went well as they were trained to do, but all of a sudden, their legs and hands were petrified .

The monstrous-sized Red Hare and the war god roamed the battlefield unhindered . Everywhere he passed through, militated bodies flew in the air, raining blood and human’s innards .

Lu Bu’s body soaked with blood . He beheaded an unlucky officer that attempted to challenge him and stole his halberd . With the crescent halberd in his right hand and a stolen polearm in his left hand, Lu Bu cleaved through a path for the ally cavalries behind him .

"Boring! Boring! Boring! Give me a decent opponent!" Roared Lu Bu .

He did not realize it yet . Rather, he did not care . His overwhelming killing intent enveloped the entire battlefield, terrifying the Imperial soldiers to the point that they wet their pants before Lu Bu reached them .

"Are you sure you’re professional soldiers!? A brat I’ve met even fought better than you lots!"


A dozen severed bodies were sent flying .

"You can’t even raise a spear, and you call yourself a man!?"


Another group flew to the air along with their innards .

"None of you worth a dog shit! Go back and suck yo mama’s tits!"


Spearmen’s heads and their broken weapons scattered in the air .

"Why are scum like you wearing decorated armor!? Do you think you can show off in front of me!?"


A well-dressed officer was cleaved in half from the top of his head .

As he swept through the battlefield, Lu Bu continued swearing and taunting all soldiers, looking for a decent fighter .

However, he was disappointed . He charged alone from the west cliff to the east cliff, which passed through six 5,000-man-battalions, he had yet to see anyone who could last more than one of his strike .

"This is as far as you can go!"

An officer of the Imperial army appeared . He rode a warhorse and was charging at Lu Bu .

The god of war smirked, but his face turned ugly as he read his opponent’s skill level . The general was another trash in Lu Bu’s eyes .

"Well, at least you have some courage . Give me your name!"

"I’m Gao Ma of Henei, remember when you-*SWUA* . "

The general could not finish his introduction as Lu Bu’s halberd severed his head with one strike .

"Gao Ma? More like CAO NI MA*! Your mother is a terrible woman naming you that!"

Finished killing the officer, Lu Bu looked in front of him . He finally realized he reached the other side of the valley .

"Dead end already?"

He turned around and planned to charge into the enemy formation again . Alas, Lu Bu could not continue rampaging anymore .

Zhang Liao, Gao Shun, and their 50,000 heavy horsemen were dominating in the battlefield .

Unlike what Zhang He did, these elite troopers did not allow their horses to ram into the enemy soldier as they utilized their weapons to cut a path for their partners .

Because they treated their horses like they were their children, all of them knew that ramming the horses into the enemies could cause internal injuries to the horses in the long run . As a result, the discipline of avoiding horse ramming was ingrained into their instinct .

Although there were collisions occasionally by accident, the horsemen on the second line immediately replaced the frontline chargers the moment they lost their momentum .

As a consequence of avoiding direct collision of horse-ramming, their charging speed did not slow down .

At first, the 50,000 horsemen charged directly with their gigantic square formation . Hundreds of wedged-shape slowly formed as the sergeants and the two generals began cleaving paths for their men . The charging wedge cut through the square-shaped infantry formations and turned them into unorganized mobs, waiting to be slaughtered or captured .

Gao Shun and Zhang Liao did not have to use their [Formation Crusher] tactic as this Imperial Army’s morale and performance had already been weakened by Lu Bu’s tyrannical killing intent .

"What a dullard . " Lu Bu complained after seeing his subordinates’ efficiency .

’Once this is over, I’ll visit that coward brat Tong and beat the hell out of him! How dare he using me as he please! I’m not even his subordinate . I’m going to demand my compensation for my provision and for wasting my times! Damn him!’

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