Be A Virtuous Wife! So Tough!

Chapter 149

C149 – Pulp Farmer

While en route, Crown Prince Zhao directed the convoy towards the outskirts. Tang Yue inquired, “Where are we heading?”

Crown Prince Zhao had his attention fixed on the new paper-making method Tang Yue had provided. Compared to the previous one, this method was far more detailed, with clear step-by-step instructions, drawings, and adjustments to the sequence and procedure of steps. It appeared much more practical.

“I’m eager to see what this paper is all about. Will it truly possess the magical qualities you claim?”

Tang Yue casually rested his hands behind his head and observed Tang Yue’s complete concentration. He replied with a smile, “I share your anticipation. Let’s find out if this paper lives up to its reputation. Tomorrow is New Year’s Eve, Your Highness; do not forget.”

Crown Prince Zhao tidied up the materials after perusing them. “If you can present this paper to Father during the New Year’s Eve banquet,” he remarked, “I am certain it will bring prosperity to everyone.”

He firmly believed that no gift could surpass this one.

“Producing pulp also requires time—boiling, filtering, pressing, and finally drying. Two days might not suffice.”

“More than two days?” Crown Prince Zhao raised his head and grinned. “Do not forget, I have been preparing for half a month.” The convoy came to a halt outside an estate in the outskirts. Tang Yue disembarked and surveyed the surroundings. He couldn’t help but think, What a waste to use such a splendid estate for paper production.

In his opinion, a simple factory could have been built in a less populated area. The paper-making methods of this era did not necessitate chemicals, so pollution was minimal.

Wang Dingjun knocked on the door. Upon seeing the arrival of Crown Prince, he swiftly opened it and said, “Your Highness, you have arrived. Please come inside.”

Tang Yue wrapped his cloak around himself and glanced around as he entered. The courtyard outside appeared perfectly ordinary, devoid of any extra people or equipment. Only upon passing through the two doors did he faintly hear the sounds of work.

“This estate is quite sizable, isn’t it?” Along the way, Tang Yue admired the picturesque scenery, a marked departure from the Crown Prince’s residence’s style.

Crown Prince Zhao nodded. “This estate was where my mother resided after her marriage. It boasts waterside pavilions for cooling off, as well as heated chambers for comfortable living in both cold and hot weather.”

“Then, once we’ve delivered the paper, we can consider repurposing a portion of this beautiful estate for paper production. It’s such a shame.”

“Certainly. If the paper proves successful, this estate won’t be sufficient. We’ll need to construct a larger paper mill.”

Seeing that his plans were already set, Tang Yue refrained from saying anything further.

“Your Highness, the new year is approaching. What brings you here?” A familiar manager emerged from inside and knelt down to address Tang Yue. “The Crown Princess is here as well. It’s quite chilly out here. Please, follow this servant inside.”

Tang Yue vaguely remembered the man from a previous encounter at the Crown Prince’s Palace. He smiled and replied, “No need to hurry. We’ve come to observe the paper-making process.”

Hearing this, the steward’s face lit up with joy. “You’ve arrived at the perfect time. The first batch of paper has just been made. I was about to send someone to the Crown Prince’s Palace with it.”

“Oh?” Crown Prince Zhao expressed his surprise. “Take me to see it.”

The group promptly entered the makeshift paper factory. In contrast to the cold outside, the factory was warm, with a large pot of boiling water and a roaring charcoal fire.

A plate covered with a red cloth was brought over, and every movement was cautious.

Tang Yue couldn’t help but find it amusing. In the modern world, paper was abundant and taken for granted. No one would attach great value to a mere sheet of paper. However, in this context, paper seemed more precious than gold.

Crown Prince Zhao lifted the red cloth to reveal a stack of thin yellow paper on the plate, gazing at it with curiosity.

Tang Yue picked up a few sheets and ran his fingers over them. “No, they’re too coarse. The fibers haven’t been properly processed. I fear they won’t be suitable for writing.”

The first batch of paper had a deep yellow hue. It might be due to uneven pressure during production, resulting in varying thickness. It probably wouldn’t be very comfortable for wiping oneself.

He casually tossed the paper into the charcoal basin, where it quickly turned to ashes. The manager cried out in alarm, “Crown Princess…”

It was a treasure they had painstakingly created, and the manager felt like his heart was on fire.

“There’s no need to rush. Keeping such flawed products is futile. There’s room for improvement in some areas, and the better it becomes.”

Tang Yue provided him with an improved plan. The manager grasped the process and, after a careful examination, his eyes brightened. “Excellent, excellent! That’s why something felt off about the previous steps. Unfortunately, we didn’t have the time to make adjustments. Your method of sweeping the material into the mold is much simpler and more logical than before…”

Crown Prince Zhao ceased his complaints and inquired, “Can we produce new paper before tomorrow’s Shenzhen time?”

“All the necessary materials have been boiled and prepared. If we go through the process a few more times, we can work continuously tonight. However, it’s uncertain if we can improve the paper quality.”

“Then have the new paper delivered to the Crown Prince’s Palace by tomorrow’s deadline. I wish to present it to our Royal Father.”

Upon hearing that the paper was destined for the Palace, the steward grew extremely anxious. “I will ensure they put in their best effort, Your Highness.”

“Very well.” Crown Prince Zhao retrieved some papers he had prepared earlier and played with them affectionately as he walked.

“Is such a delicate and fragile material truly suitable for writing?” Crown Prince Zhao asked with skepticism.

“Certainly. While paper may not match bamboo slips in terms of durability and longevity, its lightweight nature far surpasses that of bamboo. Observe.” Tang Yue moistened the paper with water and wrote two words. The paper’s coarse quality caused the ink to bleed, turning the words into a blurry mess.

He crumpled the paper into a ball and tossed it into the brazier. He explained, “Binding paper into books reduces weight significantly, making storage and transportation convenient. Most importantly, paper allows for the widespread dissemination of books. It won’t be so costly that common people can’t afford it.”

No more words were needed. The following day, the manager delivered a box of paper to the Crown Prince’s Palace. Tang Yue personally inspected it and could only admit that it barely met the required standards but still fell short of the desired quality.

Crown Prince Zhao eagerly retrieved a sheet of paper and composed a poem using a brush. The ink still exhibited signs of smudging, yet the characters were clearly visible on the paper.

He set aside the brush and held the paper with both hands, waiting for the ink to dry. Tang Yue noticed his unwavering gaze and chuckled softly.

Seeing the manager standing humbly nearby, Tang Yue praised, “You’ve done exceptionally well. To produce such paper in such a short time must have been quite demanding on you.”

“Your Highness is too kind. It’s my duty as a servant, not a hardship.”

Tang Yue wasn’t accustomed to the formal address and requested that the manager address him as the other servants in the manor did, “Housekeeper, reward Manager Liao with ten gold coins. Those who contributed to the manor shall each receive three measures of rice and three yards of cloth. Let them enjoy a prosperous year back home.”

“Certainly.” Witnessing the Crown Prince’s approval, the steward promptly carried out the instructions.

Manager Liao’s face lit up with joy, and he promptly knelt down to express his gratitude, saying, “Thank you, Your Highness. Thank you, young master.”

“Please rise,” Tang Yue instructed as he signaled the butler to escort Manager Liao out. He then approached Crown Prince Zhao, who was engrossed in writing. Tang Yue gently lifted his chin and inquired, “How do you find it?”

Crown Prince Zhao didn’t even glance up. He meticulously formed each letter on the paper, only looking up once he had filled the page with words. “It doesn’t differ much from writing on parchment or cloth. I wonder if Father the King will appreciate it.”

Tang Yue considered this and agreed. People who had never encountered paper before and weren’t accustomed to its use might not fully appreciate its significance.

Rubbing his chin thoughtfully, Tang Yue had a sudden idea. He snapped his fingers and exclaimed, “I’ve got it! A single sheet of paper may not have much value, but let’s transform it into a book!”

“How do we go about making a book?”

“It’s simple!” Tang Yue retrieved a stack of paper about ten centimeters thick from a box. Since he had offered to pay, Manager Liao had already pre-cut the paper into uniform sizes, which saved a considerable amount of effort.

He laid out the paper on the desk and asked with a mischievous smile, “Your Highness, can you complete a book within two hours?”

“No problem, as long as it’s under a thousand words.”

“Then let’s compose a Three Character Classic,” Tang Yue proposed, adjusting the paper in front of Crown Prince Zhao and helping him prepare the ink. He placed the brush into Crown Prince Zhao’s hand.

Crown Prince Zhao didn’t hesitate and immediately began writing. He had practiced his penmanship for some time, resulting in neat and well-formed characters. Although there was no concept of calligraphy in this era, as long as the text was legible, it was considered satisfactory.

The Three Character Classic wasn’t particularly lengthy, and Crown Prince Zhao managed to complete it within an hour. Tang Yue collected the sheets he had written and set one aside to dry, blowing gently on it. Once the ink was dry, he arranged the sheets in order.

“Now, we need a cover,” Tang Yue mused, cutting two pieces of bookbinding sheepskin. He requested Crown Prince Zhao to write the three characters “Three Character Classic” on them.

After securing the two pieces of sheepskin, Tang Yue used a needle and thread to stitch the book together. He paid meticulous attention to detail, ensuring the stitching was neat and precise, leaving Crown Prince Zhao silently impressed.

“Alright, let’s take a look,” Tang Yue said, presenting the finished book to Crown Prince Zhao. The book had a raw quality to it, but as they flipped through its pages one by one, it possessed a unique charm.

Crown Prince Zhao perused the book multiple times, finding it hard to part with. He weighed the book in his hand and expressed satisfaction, saying, “This way, future books will be much thinner.”

“However, I can’t produce a large quantity of paper at the moment. It might take some time for paper to become widespread,” Tang Yue acknowledged.

Tang Yue nodded, adding, “Yes, every new invention requires an adaptation period. Once people become accustomed to the convenience of paper, its development will naturally accelerate.”

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