Be A Virtuous Wife! So Tough!

Chapter 228

C228 – That Would be Wonderful

An urgent report raced towards Ye City. At this precise moment, the King of South Jin had just received word of King of Qi’s demise.

According to the intelligence he had received, it was a result of the meticulously devised plan by Crown Prince Zhao after his visit to Qinyang City. Naturally, the King of South Jin was greatly pleased with Crown Prince Zhao’s actions.

“Excellent! Extremely excellent! Haha…” The King of South Jin’s heart brimmed with delight.

“Congratulations, Your Majesty. With this development, the alliance between King of Qi and the Lunar Forsaken Clan shouldn’t pose any complications. Your wisdom shines, Your Majesty.” Xue Tingwei promptly praised.

“Perhaps not,” State Duke Ann voiced concern, “While King Qi’s residence lacks a qualified heir, King of Qi has a cadre of loyal and ambitious followers. If they are spurred on, the alliance’s forces may not crumble solely due to King of Qi’s demise.”

“His Highness should have considered this possibility long ago. I wonder how Crown Prince intends to handle it.”

State Duke Ann shook his head, remarking, “His Highness is presently under house arrest. We remain unaware of his thoughts.”

State Duke Ann surreptitiously raised his gaze and observed the King of South Jin. Seeing the King’s indifference, he grew somewhat anxious.

Even though the Crown Prince’s confinement would not impact his status as Crown Prince, it could tarnish his prestige. Not all court officials were devoid of ulterior motives.

Xue Tingwei and Crown Prince Zhao didn’t have a public association. Now, he openly advocated for Crown Prince Zhao, “Your Majesty, the Crown Prince has diligently served the realm for years, with few missteps. This is an opportunity to harness his talents. It would be wise for Your Majesty to allow him to make amends. Killing two birds with one stone.”

“Redeeming himself through meritorious service? … Haha…” The King of South Jin chuckled, “Very well, no need to advocate for him further. I haven’t restricted his movements. He is currently in Qinyang City.”

The King of South Jin was in high spirits, unburdened by divulging this confidential information to a prominent court official.

State Duke Ann and Xue Tingwei were both taken aback. Xue Tingwei displayed even greater consternation. “Your Majesty, Qinyang City is an exceedingly perilous place. It’s too hazardous for His Highness to be there.”

The King of South Jin regarded him meaningfully. “I will naturally prioritize the Crown Prince’s safety. State Duke Ann, rest assured.”

Xue Tingwei sensed the intriguing atmosphere and swiftly stepped in to mediate. “It seems that the King and the Crown Prince have meticulously arranged everything. We shall witness a father-son team in action. South Jin is certain to prevail in this endeavor!”

He discreetly signaled to State Duke Ann, implying that he should maintain a lower profile. Even if he had concerns for the crown prince, there was no need to display it so prominently in the main hall. Did this not imply an intention to blame the king for not safeguarding his son?

Furthermore, Xue Tingwei had immense trust in the Crown Prince. Regardless of whether he was in Qinyang City or Chuzhou City, the Crown Prince would remain unharmed.

The Crown Prince of South Jin was not a fragile bird confined to a cage.

“The situation in Qinyang City is dire, with North Yue’s forces advancing on the border. The dynasty can only mobilize a limited number of soldiers. I’ve already dispatched nearby guards to offer assistance. These insurgents may be a rowdy bunch, but South Jin won’t easily yield.”

“Your Majesty has thought things through thoroughly. Your subordinate greatly admires your foresight.” Xue Tingwei responded quickly, but deep down, he harbored doubts. The cities had meager guard forces, and only Yu Xin City was relatively close to Qinyang City. The rest were too far away, and it remained uncertain whether they’d send troops or not. Even if they did, the guards’ strength wouldn’t be significantly superior to that of a mob.

It was indeed a cause for concern.

When they exited the palace, State Duke Ann wore a gloomy expression. He remained unresponsive even when Xue Tingwei addressed him.

His anger was palpable. Firstly, he fretted about His Highness’s safety, and secondly, he felt fury simmer within. His son, Hu Jinpeng, had gone missing recently. He must be with His Highness. How could State Duke Ann not be furious about such a significant matter being concealed from him?

“Come on, State Duke, don’t be too upset. His Highness will undoubtedly return safely. You must have faith in him,” Xue Tingwei consoled as he followed after State Duke Ann.

State Duke Ann snorted. “Who can say for certain what His Highness might be contemplating if His Majesty is willing to place him in danger? Nonetheless, I must thank Lord Ting for your assistance earlier.”

“Certainly not. We are all officials of the same dynasty, and we all share the hope for the safe return of the Crown Prince. Assisting one another is our duty.”

State Duke Ann nodded in gratitude once more, then mounted his horse and departed.

In Qinyang City, Crown Prince Zhao and his entourage were preparing to depart. The reinforcements had just arrived moments ago, totaling only two thousand troops. When Crown Prince Zhao stood atop the city wall and saw the meagerly equipped reinforcements, his countenance resembled that of an ice-cold glacier.

“After traveling such a long distance to get here, these people may harbor resentment in their hearts,” Tang Yue sighed with contemplation. He even harbored suspicions that these troops had been nearby for quite some time and only appeared after the battle had concluded.

While his thoughts might appear petty, they were not entirely baseless.

“The guards were already lacking in strength from the start. These individuals seem to be more focused on suppressing civilians than having the courage to confront the bandits. Can they really be considered an army?”

“The King summoned these people for assistance. Does he believe this battle won’t commence?”

Crown Prince Zhao arched an eyebrow. “No, he’s aware of my presence here. He’ll undoubtedly resolve this issue.”

Tang Yue couldn’t decide whether to view the King of South Jin as astute or foolish. Wasn’t this akin to using his son as a wager? What if the Crown Prince couldn’t handle it and met his end here?

“The King indeed places great trust in you!” Tang Yue could only make such a comment.

Crown Prince Zhao descended from the tower with Tang Yue in tow. He gestured for the caravan to depart. “I’ve had a change of heart. I’ll remain in Qinyang City.”

Perplexity swept over everyone. Even Tang Yue was unsure of what he meant. “Why?”

Crown Prince Zhao pulled him into the carriage, shielding them from prying eyes. He explained, “Prepare yourself. We’ll be heading to Chu Province in the near future.”

“Have you received any news from that region? Is there a conflict underway?”

“The two armies are currently in a standoff. There’s no action at the moment.”

“This North Yue is also acting strangely. They’ve neither attacked nor retreated for quite some time. What’s their intention in just remaining idle like this? It’s truly baffling,” Tang Yue expressed his bewilderment.

Crown Prince Zhao furrowed his brow and retrieved a map, examining it repeatedly. Tang Yue noticed the map was covered in annotations and numerous sketches. Crown Prince Zhao must have foreseen something.

“The leader of the army dispatched to the southern part of North Yue this time is Lin Kui. He’s made significant contributions and is fiercely loyal. The only drawback is his impatience and his penchant for strenuous efforts.”

“Then it doesn’t appear to be his typical style for this battle.”

“Indeed. Could it be that North Yue has temporarily replaced their commander? No…” Crown Prince Zhao’s eyes blazed as he studied each point on the map. His frown deepened. “There must be an unexpected factor at play.”

Tang Yue rubbed his forehead. People aren’t omniscient. There’s no use in being anxious. Let’s wait and see what kind of strategy he’s going to employ.”

Crown Prince Zhao nodded and folded the map. He headed to the Prefecture and instructed someone to summon Yang Feng and Wang Dingjun. He conveyed two directives.

The first directive involved assuming command of the two thousand reinforcements and forming them into an ad-hoc unit. They were to undergo rigorous training every day and ensure they were revitalized within the next ten to fifteen days.

Regardless of how small a role one played, it still contributed. Crown Prince Zhao had no intention of letting these individuals off easily. Regardless of their reluctance, they had to adhere to the requirements set for them.

As long as one had a will to survive, their potential could be boundless.

The second directive was to dispatch more personnel for reconnaissance. They couldn’t afford to overlook any movement around Qinyang City. If there were any signs of activity, it had to be reported immediately.

City Lord Yang’s expression turned serious. He first reprimanded the reinforcements and then inquired, “Your Highness, do you suspect that the enemy will launch another attack?”

Wang Dingjun responded, “Yes. Even if they do decide to attack, it shouldn’t be too soon. They suffered significant losses during the previous engagement, and their morale is low. If they do plan another assault, the outcome might not be any different.”

Crown Prince Zhao also grasped this fact. Following the death of the King of Qi, the soldiers from the Qi King Palace and the Yue Yi Clan were unlikely to collaborate closely. They were scheming against each other, and the internal conflict within the alliance army was substantial. In theory, it shouldn’t pose a significant threat.

Since Crown Prince Zhao couldn’t unravel the mystery, he decided to set it aside for now. Since he had made plans to depart in two days, he thought it best to tend to the welfare of his subordinates.

Yang Feng was dismissed, leaving Wang Dingjun alone. Crown Prince inquired, “Are you genuinely interested in becoming a partner with the Loyal and Brave Marquis?”

Wang Dingjun felt embarrassed by the question but still nodded honestly.

Crown Prince asked, “Has your family given their approval?”

Wang Dingjun’s lips curled into a disdainful smile as he replied, “My father’s life expectancy is limited, and he is just holding on. My mother passed away early. As for my other siblings, they don’t have the authority to meddle in my marital decisions.”

In essence, once his father passed away, there would be no one to control his choices.

Crown Prince declared, “Since you’ve made this decision, I will decide for you. But remember, if you ever betray the Loyal and Brave Marquis in the future, the Crown Princess will not forgive you.”

Wang Dingjun was thrilled and knelt on one knee, saying, “Thank you, Your Highness. I will not mistreat her. Rest assured, Crown Princess.” Even if he did intend to mistreat her, it would be a different kind of mistreatment. Zhang Chun wouldn’t take issue with that, would he?

Crown Prince Zhao rolled his eyes and advised, “If there’s nothing else, keep a close watch on him. Don’t let him loiter around in front of the Crown Princess.”

“I will follow your instructions!” Wang Dingjun coughed and tried to contain his excitement. He inquired, “How does Your Highness plan to make the arrangements for us?”

The prospect of them getting married was quite appealing.

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