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20 hours ago
The absurd adventure story of Ian, a wizard in a medieval fantasy world.... Read more The absurd adventure story of Ian, a wizard in a medieval fantasy world. Collapse Adventurers, Age Progression, Aristocracy, Calm Protagonist, Carefree Protagonist, Character Growth, Cheats, Depictions of Cruelty, Different Social Status, Discrimination, Dragons, European Ambience, Fantasy Creatures, Fantasy World, Game Elements, Genius Protagonist, Honest Protagonist, Language Barrier, Low-key Protagonist, Magic, Male Protagonist, Master-Disciple Relationship, Medieval, Mercenaries, Merchants, Nobles, Reincarnated in Another World, Reincarnation, Servants, Skill Assimilation, Spatial Manipulation, Special Abilities, Spirits, Strength-based Social Hierarchy, Summoning Magic, Sword And Magic, Time Skip, Weak Protagonist, Weak to Strong, Wizards, World Travel This is surprisingly good. I had a good laugh and it introduces a new interesting magic system. Still we're still in the early chapters so anything can happen. Overall it's a good read especially if you're tired of all the drama of other novels. It's actually a fairly decent book with lots of laughs and a unique magic system Generic Ahhh the generic korean synopsis we see everywhere... Praise the fool Praise the MTL.Praise the Balance. The title and even the mc name reminds me of I became a dark fantasy villain both named ian and the title also shares similarities… Both are wizard. Something is very coincidental.