Becoming a Wizard by Starting From the Mind Closure Technique

Chapter 355: 87 Renowned Sentiment always meet Indifference_3

Chapter 355: Chapter 87 Renowned Sentiment always meet Indifference_3

Upon hearing that, Link couldn’t help but counter, “You haven’t given me my share yet, I don’t even know how much I’ve made.”

The Serene Wizard chuckled, “Didn’t you say that Jasmine takes care of the finances? I gave it to her.”

Link was speechless.

He indeed had said that.

However, his exact words were that Jasmine would handle the finances for anything ‘freelance’.

It didn’t include his private finances!

But having been teased by the Serene Wizard like this, there was no good response.

Link could only pause and say, “Let’s still do a seventy-thirty split, your potion shop is responsible for the materials, production, and sales.”

“Hehe, okay,”

The Serene Wizard covered her mouth and laughed, “Little brother always gives sister money, how sweet. Big sister loves little brother.”

Link couldn’t help but feel frustrated.

This was definitely not the usual behavior of the Serene Wizard.

Sure enough, a pleasant voice suddenly came from the side, asking, “Serene, who are you video chatting with? Palo that straight-laced man? Ignore him and come drink with us!”

The Serene Wizard glanced towards the source of the voice and said, “It’s not Palo… It’s little brother Link.”


Suddenly, a somewhat sharp shout was heard.

Link found this voice quite familiar.

Before he had time to think about it, Elise’s face appeared on the screen, she chirped excitedly, “Link, how have you been? Are you having fun? Do you miss me? Because I miss you.”

Hearing that, Link felt frustrated again.

Why are girls who have had some drinks so bold?

They all go direct!

Link calmly replied, “Thank you. I’m doing very well. I’m not unhappy.”


Seeing Link’s response, Elise’s enthusiastic expression immediately dropped, and she responded dispiritedly.

A woman as beautiful as the Serene Wizard, but with a more subtle and serene temperament, appeared on the screen. She furrowed her brows and glared at Link, “Are you Link Grande? Is this how you talk to my sister? You…”

Before she could finish, the Serene Wizard covered her mouth.

“Go, go, go…”

The Serene Wizard started to ‘chase’ Renee and Elise away, “Stop interfering with my business.”

“That’s business?”

Renee insisted, continuing to vent the amplified emotions from drinking, “That’s reminiscing about past Palo!”


The Serene Wizard suddenly grimaced, shouted, and then immediately hung up.

All Link saw was a fleeting sadness and loneliness in the Serene Wizard.


As for what just happened, those conversations, Link felt a moment of unreality.

A moment later, before Link could recover, the Serene Wizard sent a video chat request again.

Link wasted no time in accepting it.

The background was the same, but the Serene Wizard’s demeanor had clearly changed.

Her gaze no longer held the previous confusion and laxity, and was as intelligent and profound as usual.


Suddenly, the Serene Wizard made a somewhat unreasonable demand, “I want forty percent of the revenue from this body refining potion.”

After a moment’s pause, Link nodded, “Okay.”

The extra ten percent can be seen as a token of gratitude to the Serene Wizard.

The Serene Wizard didn’t really care whether it was thirty or forty percent, she was just a bit annoyed and wanted to make up for it.

After bypassing the issue of the dividend ratio, the Serene Wizard looked at Link seriously and suddenly sighed deeply:

“Link, don’t be like Palo.”

“Don’t cause others to suffer.”

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