Becoming a Wizard by Starting From the Mind Closure Technique

Chapter 378: 95: Where's the face? Gone!_2

Chapter 378: Chapter 95: Where’s the face? Gone!_2

Upon clicking, he was stunned.

Bobby didn’t need to see the contents of the private message to speculate what Tracey had said.

It was nothing more than the decision of one or some of the Lucias to take action against Link Grande.

Their failure to achieve their goal was certain. The real point of Bobby’s curiosity was whether they would be killed in retaliation.

Ravensmouth City.

Nearing the West District.

Link suddenly twisted the steering wheel, manipulating the “Phantom Coupe” into a cool drift, creating a beautiful half-circle trajectory and spinning the car 180 degrees.

The speed of the “Phantom Coupe” didn’t slow down as it flew away from the West District towards the North District soon after adjusting its height and hovering closer to the ground.

His sense of distance was impressive.

If he moved a bit further, he would have entered the ambush zone.

This sudden turn of events caught the Lucias, who were preparing to make a move in the West District and waiting for Link to get closer, off guard. Those secretly observing through various surveillance methods and reconnaissance magic tools were slightly surprised.

What was this? Backing out at the last minute, or was it a part of his plan, a feigned attack all along?

But there weren’t any special movements from his men, or those of the Serene Wizard, or even the Wizard Cody.

Very interesting.

Keep watching.

Let’s see what happens next.

Link drove the hover car into the Serene Wizard’s villa and then everything fell silent.

There was no sign of him leaving the villa.

There was no activity at the front door, side door, back door, nor under the drain covers within the extensive area centered around the villa.

Under the monitoring of high-level reconnaissance magic tools with many features activated, there was no cloaking or invisibility that could deceive them.

This suggested that Link Grande had no intention of leaving the house.

This made many speculate.

It seemed that the actions of Link Grande tonight were really meant to provoke and test the Lucia?

Then…why did he control five thugs from the West District to subtly inquire about “Molten Gold Ore” and “Rock Iron Ore”?

He also gave a considerable deposit.

Should the transaction continue tonight?

Or was Link Grande himself just a distraction.

And he arranged for unknown subordinates to make the purchase?

But after purchasing, how would they withdraw from the encirclement of the Lucias who had reacted?

Many people, many speculations.

Anything is possible.

In the hall of the first floor of the Serene Wizard’s villa.

Link was leisurely enjoying wine served by the intelligent steward, seriously reading the materials prepared by the Serene Wizard.

He wasn’t at all bothered by the reactions all over the world due to his operation.

Going back in time by twenty minutes before Link set out tonight.

Franda appeared out of thin air in a deserted alley relatively far from the Grande Potion Shop.

The city-wide surveillance and Intelligent Law Enforcement Puppets detected her immediately.

After verification, they established she was a summoned creature belonging to Wizard Link Grande, and had been registered through a secret channel. They lost interest and allowed her to act freely.

As long as she didn’t damage public utilities, cause chaos in the North and East Districts, or riot in the Southern District, the management of Ravensmouth City was relatively relaxed and free.

“Is this the world where the master lives?”

Franda looked at the city that was as bright as day even at night, took a deep breath of the heavily concentrated air of free magic, and felt her body becoming excited.

“Indeed, it’s a world fit for the master.”

After greedily breathing in a few more times, Franda started extolling enthusiastically.

A moment later, she put her excitement aside and started her work.

She brought up the city map from the memory shared with her by the master.

Franda chose the least conspicuous route and headed for the West District.

On her way, there were no issues.

Franda easily reached the West District.

She even walked past those who were preparing ambushes, unnoticeably.

Once she entered the West District, Franda walked directly to the Black Market.

Her fair face expressed an overflowing anticipation and excitement as she muttered to herself:

“I really wish someone would jump out and rob me.”

Franda’s demeanor and muttering instantly cooled down a group of thugs who considered her a fat lamb ready to be exploited.

This kind of person was not to be messed with.

It was better not to interfere with her.

Who knows, even if they only harmed a single strand of hair, their ashes couldn’t be preserved.

Only those major evil forces entrenched in the West District had the strength to seize this juicy meat.

“Oh dear, why isn’t anyone robbing me? ”

After walking through several streets of the inner West District and just before entering the Black Market, Franda looked troubled as she talked to herself.

She had already prepared herself, if anyone tried to rob her, she would use the Psychic Series Witchcraft she recently learnt from the master to teach these villains a lesson.

But it was a pity these thugs lacked insight.

They weren’t cooperating at all.

What a letdown.

Franda, pouting, and looking unhappy, stepped into the Black Market.

Her behaviour stunned the thugs who had been continually observing Franda, and embarrassed the gangs holed up around the Black Market.

When did the bullies of the West District become soft persimmons that everyone wanted to squeeze?

Even a lady, who was obviously visiting the West District and its Black Market for the first time without any experience, wanted to teach them a lesson for her amusement.

The life they lived…

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