Boundless Necromancer

Chapter 472

472. Starting point (4)


The energy of divinity, mana, and magical energy rushed like a storm and filled the sky.

The concept of divinity , divinity , and divinity are the basis of divinity, and have established themselves as divinity.

Even if it were only a momentary miracle, I now possess a power that none of the three ancient gods can match.


Is that why?


As the energy of divinity, mana, and demonic energy was released, the surrounding space and time became distorted, and the God of Time also groaned in pain.

[The God of Time feels pain from your divinity, mana, and magical energy.]

[Ugh…!! ]

It’s not even just that.

Since the sacred realm created by the God of Time is no different from an unfinished building, it would be difficult to have resistance to external energy.

As this side radiated divinity, mana, and magical energy, the huge temple unintentionally cracked open with an ominous sound.

“That’s strange…”

But that was just for a moment.


At that, I narrowed my eyes and continued speaking with a sneer on my lips.

“It’s been a while?”


[The Demon God of Transcendence and Death frowns and shows displeasure.]

[─You’re not answering? ]

The next moment.

Kugu -gu -gu -gu -gu -gu -gu -gu -gu -gu ─── !!

The power of divinity, mana, and magic energy emitted an overwhelming pressure centered around where the God of Time stood.


Of course, the God of Time also had to erupt his divine power in response to this one emitting the power of divinity, mana, and magical energy.

[The God of Time resists by radiating divine power from his entire body.]

[ Ugh…!! Seed of Ascension, don’t you look down on me too much? This is ridiculous…!! ]

It could be said that the God of Time unleashing the divine power he had accumulated as an ancient god with all his might was not a bad countermeasure.

[I may not be at the level of the three ancient gods, but if I were also an ancient god, there was no way I would give in to that level of spatial pressure…!! ]

It’s just….


“…is it at that level?”

The only problem was that it was a countermeasure against me, who had murdered two of the three ancient gods.

“—Then it wouldn’t be a bad idea to experience for yourself what level it is.”

In response, I generously unleashed the power of divinity, mana, and magical energy and concentrated it on the God of Time.


In an instant, the space where the God of Time stood was lightly crushed, like a cookie crushed by a heavy object.

[Ugh—! ]

The God of Time could no longer stand properly on the temple that seemed to have been built with divine power, and bent down as if he had fallen.


[The Lord of Time is astonished when he realizes that your power is beyond imagination.]

[What is this…!! ]

At this point, even the huge temple that appears to be a type of sacred realm created by the God of Time is slowly losing its shape, as if it can no longer endure.

“…you. “Considering that you told me just a moment ago that there was no way you would give in to that level of spatial pressure, aren’t you bowing down too easily?”

When I saw that, I could no longer hold back the laughter rising inside me and let out a sneer.

[The Demon God of Transcendence and Death laughs at the other’s arrogance.]

[…Well. I think this level is just right for someone like you. God of time. ]


there was no response from the other side.

Unlike before, the God of Time could not even respond to what this person said and just lay down, groaning in pain.

While the God of Time was barely able to muster up the strength to not fall completely to the floor of the temple, he let out a voice filled with embarrassment as if he had realized something.

[The God of Time opens his eyes wide and shouts in disbelief.]

[How on earth did this happen…!! How can he become so strong in such a short period of time…? How did you get here? How did this all happen…!! ]

Even under tremendous pressure, the God of Time could not hide his astonishment and continued speaking.

[Isn’t this nonsense…!! Obviously, you were almost dying down there not long ago…! How was it possible to come here safely when even the demon god joined in…!! ]

After hearing those words, I narrowed my eyes and noticed a new fact.

‘Does the fact that the God of Time knew that the Demon God came mean that he was watching what was happening down here just a moment ago?’

Perhaps the God of Time had been observing this area to some extent after building a temple high in the sky that appeared to be a type of sacred realm

… It looks like they are intent on covering it with the sacred realm.’

It didn’t seem like they had looked closely at how this side gained strength in the fight against the demon god.

‘Well, even if I knew I had defeated the Demon God, it’s hard to think that the Time God could have changed anything.’

And perhaps because of that, the God of Time expressed such passionate emotions that at first glance he seemed to have lost his mind.

[The God of Time grits his teeth as he looks at you.]

[Not yet…! Nothing is over yet…!! In the next few minutes, everything will change!! ]

The God of Time did not admit his own defeat, as if he had some secret secret left.

[ Of the three ancient gods, two are on my side, and even though they are lower level, the God of Light also shares the same will…!! ]


[I don’t know how on earth they managed to defeat two of the three ancient gods and get here, but help will arrive in a few minutes…!! ]

Was my guess wrong?


For some reason, the answer was different from what I had expected, so I felt like sighing.


Of course it was.

“It would be best not to expect anything like that.”

[ what? ]

“The reinforcements you are anxiously waiting for will not arrive even if you wait for several minutes.”

[What on earth is that…]

It’s no different-.

“I asked how on earth you were able to defeat two of the three ancient gods and come this far?”

Two of the three ancient gods have died, and the God of Light has long since retired and disappeared.

“It’s simple.”

In other words….

“Now there are no more enemies left in this world who can stop me.”

In fact, it is impossible for reinforcements to arrive as the God of Time wishes.

[The Demon God of Transcendence and Death sneers at the opponent full of hopeful optimism.]

[─Because I killed every single enemy that stood in my way. ]



God of time.

Idama, a rare case of ancient deity who possesses divine

a being whose power was not that strong compared to the powers other than the standards known as the lords of the universe, such as the three ancient deities.

‘In fact, the God of Time himself knows this well, so he recruited powerful people such as the God of Darkness and the God of Light and brought them in.’

Even if this side had not been able to rob the sacred by using the holy relic ‘Unwavering Faith (EX)’, I wonder if they would have succeeded in killing at least one God of Time.

[ …. ]

Is that why?

[They all died…? ]

The God of Time spoke in a muttering manner, unable to focus his eyes.

[The God of Time grits his teeth, denying what you said.]

[No…!! It’s a lie…!! That can’t be possible! There’s no way those monsters could have died so easily!! yes? Right? Go ahead and say so! ]

It almost looks like a crazy person is unable to accept reality and is going on a rampage.

[Two of the three ancient gods were down there…! Even if, by some chance, they had defeated each other instead of working together, it was impossible to kill them both in succession, and there was even a god of light…!! Something that went against the grain cannot be explained without lying. ]

That too was only for a moment.


Landing –

I cut off the gibberish story the God of Time was spouting and landed down from the top of the pillar of the huge temple.

“Then let’s say everything I said was a lie, as they claim.”

[ what…? ]

“I’m just making this suggestion because I think it would be better to show it in person rather than explain it in detail.”

[ …. ]

“Let’s see if reinforcements come.”

Standing before the God of Time, I spoke with a smile on my face.

“why? You said with your own mouth that everything I said was a lie, right? “Just wait until someone comes, whether it’s a dark god, a demon god, or a light god.”

And very kindly.

“Unlike you, I can wait as long as I want.”

I meant it.

Well, the activation time of the divine that was usurped with the sacred relic ‘Unwavering Faith (EX)’ is coming to an end….

Anyway, the God of Time can be killed with just the divine supernormal power it possesses. Isn’t it an opponent?

‘There’s no way I’ll lose.’

It would be okay if the god of time gave him a little grace time to understand and understand his situation.

[ …. ]


[The God of Time is shocked to realize that what you said is the truth without a single lie.]

[ It’s true…? ]

On the contrary, this side came out so confidently that even the God of Time seemed to realize what the truth was.

No matter how much time he waits, reinforcements never arrive.

In short, it meant that the God of Time had no choice but to be killed by me in the end.

Perhaps because of that, the God of Time burst out laughing as if he had lost his mind, and then hung his body as if he had given up.

[The God of Time despairs that his fate has not changed.]

[Tsk tsk…. Yes. In the end, it all means it was all in vain. Does it mean that no one like me could change the fixed fate? It’s devastating. ]


When I saw that, I stopped emitting divinity, mana, and magical energy and looked at the God of Time.

“Before I kill you, there are a few things I want to ask you. Do you care to answer them?”

Because I was curious.

According to what the original God of Proof said, the God of Time must be a being who can ‘predict the future’ using divine supernormal abilities.

That’s why I wanted to hear the answer as to why he calls me by the nickname ‘Seed of Ascension’.

[ …under. The seed of ascension, so great, is asking questions about people like me. That’s a great honor. It doesn’t really matter, so just do it. ]

Well, it was a bit annoying that the God of Time used harsh words, but it wouldn’t be easy to say kind words if you knew that you were destined to die soon.

‘Well, it’s not like I can’t understand it.’

I nodded to what the God of Time said and asked a question to answer my curiosity.

“I’m curious as to why they call me ‘Seed of Ascension’.”

[ Pfft. Are you curious about something like that? You probably know why anyway, right? This is ridiculous. ]

“Well, if I really have to ask, I want to hear the essential reason why you called me the ‘seed of ascension.’”

[An essential opportunity? ]

“okay. As the god of time, you can use ‘future prediction’ through your divine supernormal ability, right? That’s probably why they call me ‘the seed of ascension.’”

[ …In other words, you are wondering what I saw with my ‘future prediction’ that gave me the nickname ‘Seed of Ascension’. ]


The God of Time narrowed his eyes, gritted his teeth, and answered reluctantly.

[ …At that time, I observed the ending of a world full of lies. The end of everything. All the gods that existed in the War of Gods disappeared, leaving behind only fragments of divinity and soul. I just saw you in it. ]

The ending of the world.

I thought perhaps what the God of Time saw was the end of the stage created by the Tower of Trials.

The war of the gods was destined to end in extinction without leaving a single survivor.

[ …there was a fight to the death with a transcendent being. I saw a being that was plotting the fate of the world and creating its laws. You succeeded in killing that transcendent being. After that, the world came to an end and disappeared. ]

But isn’t the story strange?

‘A life-and-death struggle with a transcendent being?’

It was an ambiguous designation that did not refer to any one of the three ancient deities.

A being that manipulates the fate of the world and creates the laws of the world…

Well, since the three powerful ancient gods are cosmic beings, it is not impossible to express them like that.

Still, doubts existed.

“Did you call it the ‘seed of ascension’ because I was the one who won the battle against that transcendent being?”

The God of Time did not call it the ‘seed of ascension’ after looking at one of our myths, .

[ okay. You… After winning victory over that transcendent being, you entered the path of ascension at the end of the world. That’s why I call you the Seed of Ascension and just sense that you are destined to become a transcendent someday. ]

It was a little strange.

‘…Could it be that what the God of Time saw was some kind of turning point?’

Even when I was climbing the Tower of Trials, the God of Proof showed me the future, but it ended without actually coming true, so there was nothing strange about it.

‘…Well, if the war of the gods had proceeded without any incidents, does this mean that a life-and-death struggle with a transcendent being could have occurred?’

Of course, the ‘future prediction’ by the God of Time is just a turning point, so it’s probably not worth worrying about.

“That’s it then.”

Just like that, I looked down at the God of Time while holding the Blood Heaven Demon Sword and the Break Heaven Sword in both hands and spoke coldly.

“It’s goodbye.”

[ …. ]

The God of Time, who saw that, no longer resisted, closed his eyes and calmly accepted his ending.

[ In the end, was it all just a midday dream? Isn’t it permissible to even try to wake up from a dream on your own? Trapped in a dream from which I can never wake up, I remain as an insignificant fragment of a dream. ]

That was the moment when we struck the divine with a mixture of various divine supernormal abilities and divine power-specific powers.


In the blink of an eye, the power of the divine resonated in all directions, ultimately destroying the very concept of divinity possessed by the God of Time.


Next moment.

Twaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa special

The huge temple itself, which appeared to be a type of sacred realm created by the God of Time, completely collapsed and lost its shape.


Only fragments of divinity and soul disappear somewhere.


Just like that, I saw fragments of divinity scattering from the sky as they fell to the distant earth.

I had an intuition among the pieces of divine power that slowly fell to the ground like snowflakes on a winter day.

This means that the war of the gods has lost the driving force to continue.

In other words─.

━The 36th floor trial begins.

━Remaining time – 1 year

━ Condition for passing the trial – Surviving until the end of the War of the Gods

━ Condition for failing the trial – Death of the challenger or end of remaining time

━ Reward for passing the trial –

━ Penalty for failing the trial – Death

Before you know it, you are on the 36th floor of the Tower of Trials. The time has come to end the ordeal.

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