Broken Tower Saga: The First Swordsman

Chapter 118: Enraged (3)

Chapter 118: Enraged (3)

With the help from Anton, the three people from Mah'shai clan were able to avoid some confrontation. Anton helped them with his tracking skill. It may not be able to avoid all the obstacles in the path, but It was more than good that they had time for tests. 

Anton was surprised at first, the words Aeriel had mentioned earlier. Some groups were really hunting for them, and their numbers were well above average. He got into some serious business this time.

"At least you are off some use, outlander," Seriel said. She still not convinced of bringing an outlander with their group.

Anton did not bother to reply to her. Any words he used till now on her was a waste, so why bother?

"Are you planning to move even at night?" he asked Aeriel.

Aerial thought for a moment to nod. "The more we delay, the dangerous our situation will become," she said, sighing. "We need to reach the mountains the sooner the better." 

"Why the mountain, though?" Anton questioned further. "Isn't the weather extra bad there with the blizzard and cold?"

"The one that was after us is trying his best so that we can't traverse the grassland," Ariel said slowly. She leaned forward a little to pull the flask of water from Sepiel. She shook the container a little to measure the amount left before mouthing some of it. She continued after drinking the only mouthful. "It seemed he did not want us to go to the mountains, and I can guess why.

"There is no need to rest now, Outlander. Move your legs."

Anton did not question further, got to his tracking again. Even though he had introduced himself to them, they still call him Outlander. He checked for any sign of damage on the soil or grass. Even a broken twig could tell him if there will be any men in the path. 

Aeriel moved onto the trees again, hiding. While Anton was at the front, behind him were the two spear bearers.

"Looks like another group is here," Anton said, gesturing at the mark on the grass. There was a clear sign of damage on the grass. It looked like the group had no care to hide their tracks. "Two, three, four,. .. eight; no, nine or more. What do we do?"

As Anton said, they all glanced above in the trees. Aeriel who heard Anton, came out from her hiding and gestured with her hands. She said to move along for a while, with caution. 

The three nodded and moved towards the mountain. It was the straight path that ran to the snowy mountain range. The sooner they moved, the safer they would be. 

Only after moving for a few minutes did they come to a pause. Even a headless fool could feel the disturbance in the surrounding mana in the place.

"Looks like a battle is taking place ahead," Sepiel said.

Anton nodded and looked behind to notice Aerial came down from her hiding. She came towards them to hiss, "I should go and take a look."

"Isn't it dangerous?" Anton could not help but ask. Clearly, the mana disturbance was not something caused by a few fellows. If Aeriel got herself caught, then they would be in another jeopardy.

"I will only take a look," saying that the archer moved with long and quiet strides.

Anton thought for only a moment to follow her as well.

"Hey, Outlander, where are you going?" Seriel yelled from behind, but Anton was way too bothered to listen.

Aerial noticed his presence as well after moving a few yards, but she did not get irritable at him. She gestured for him to come behind her. Anton followed as both of them moved between trees towards the place of conflict.

The light was dim. It helped them to hide better. After coming to the place of discomfort, they hid behind a hedge, and saw about a few dozen fellows fighting there.

Just as Anton's eyes moved along the battle, he saw a fellow he was not expecting here. It was an archer firing arrows at the opponents. 

"Ja. . ." Before he could call the name, Aerial sealed his lips with her left palm.

She gave a short glare to him before saying, "Do you know someone here?"

"Sorry," Anton apologised. "Yes, not just one of them." Anton's eyes moved in the battle to locate the familiar figures in the battle. He almost cried out again, but he succeeded in calming his voice. "Wrik is here too," he sighed in relief. "I am saved."

"Huh?" Aerial gave him a look that was asking for more.

"Do you see the swordsman fighting against that orge?" Anton pointed towards the location to continue. "He is my brother. We should go help him."

"What a coincidence,'' Aerial sighed. "The one your brother is fighting is my brother."

"Huh? that Orge?" Anton's mouth hung open. "I mean that giant man?"

"Humph," Aerial snorted. "Don't worry, my relationship with my brother is not that cordial. If you use your brain a little, you might find out the one that was after us is him."

Anton sighed in relief inwardly. 'Guess, I don't have to fight her.' He transferred his attention to the battle again. So far Wrik and his group had the advantage, but suddenly the tall man, who Aeriel claimed to be her brother, drove with great strength. Anton's mind raced, he had the impulse to move straight there.

But before he could move, Aerial caught him again. She shook her head and said, "Our intervention might cause a greater problem, and besides. . ." 

Anton followed her gaze to see Wrik getting injured, but Jacob stopped the conflict just the moment it was about to go fetal.

"That's a fine archer, do you know him too?"

The battle did not go on for further. Ariel's brother moved away with his group, giving a last warning, and finally, then Anton sighed for the third time. Aerial did the same as well.

Anton did not wait for more. The moment Aeriel released his arm, he moved towards the group, calling, "Wrik."

Wrik was startled to hear that at first, but when he saw Anton, his lips parted in delight. He stood up and hugged Anton heavily.

"You are choking me," Anton said embarrassedly. Wrik parted away from the hug as Anton said again, "I did not know you are such a hugger. Gosh!"

Wrik smiled, embarrassedly as well. Before he could say anything to his dear brother, something caught his eyes. Something that made him furious.

Anton detected Wrik's gaze on his dishevelled and abused appearances. Even though he had applied the medicines on his face and everywhere else, the marks were still left. The almost broken nose, that was fixed to some degree, black and purple eyes. Swollen blood marks everywhere. While Anton, who was smiling, looked quite ugly even though he had quite the good-looking appearance. 

"Scythe did this?" Wrik asked with gritted teeth. His fists were clenched unconsciously as the blood vein popped on his temple when he saw Anton was trying to hide his left palm. Wrik caught the palm and saw the middle finger missing. It was cut off entirely.

"Wrik calmed down," Anton tried his best to calm Wrik, whose eyes were glowing with silvery light, but the light was not gentle. It was cold and those are furious with rage. It reminded Anton of the past. He tried his best to calm Wrik down. "Calm down, I am alright, nothing happened to me."

"Tell me what happened?" Wrik asked again with a voice as cold as ice. He could not calm down the rage that was blazing inside of him. It had been years since he got this furious. 

"Breathe first."

Wrik nodded, he felt the rage consuming him as well. He inhaled heavy breathing, and with the exhale his rage calmed down a little. He completed half a dozen heavy breathing to look past Anton. "Jake, Byul and Davin. Will you three treat the wounded?" 

Wrik did not wait for them to answer. He moved Anton to the side and asked, "Tell me what happened?" His voice lost the coldness, but it was still stern. 

"I will tell you later." 

"Ton," Wrik looked Anton in the eye, who was trying to avoid the gaze. "Tell me now."

Anton sighed and decided to tell the truth. He could not lie to Wrik, who was almost like a human lie detector. He told how he was captured and skipped the part of the torture. He told how a crazy guy blackmailed him into accepting a bet. Moreover, the bet did not just apply to him, but to Wrik as well.

"I am sorry Wrik, I could not see Kevin being beaten like that."

"Don't be," Wrik shook his head. "It's not your fault."

"So what do we do about the wager?" 

"Don't worry," Wrik said sternly, " They took one of your fingers. We will leave them with no finger when the test ends. I promise you that."

Anton nodded. He did not talk about the topic, as he was quite tired. "By the way, I have not introduced them to you," he said, gesturing at Aeriel, and where the two other spear bearers were also present. Seriel and Sepiel had come in between the time he was conversing with Wrik.  "They helped me immensely on the way here."

The three tall females bowed their heads at Wrik, and Wrik followed as well.

Wrik found the way of their posture and dressing sense extremely familiar. He could not help but ask.

"By any chance you three know Lily?"


End of Chapter: Enraged. 

Next Chapter: The Lie.

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