Broken Tower Saga: The First Swordsman

Chapter 150: Winter Queen

Chapter 150: Winter Queen

[Just don't take it far. They were all kids, intelligent and talented kids, don't make them hate the Omega council.] 

The judge Nikier arched his brow and pondered. He looked closely at the group of Wrik. They were more talented and intelligent than they needed to be. 

"After a lot of thought and deliberation, I, as the judge of the test and the Justifier of the council, came to a decision to punish the lawbreaker of the tower," Judge Nikier said. "But before that, I would like to give the condemned one here a chance to accept what they had done and accept the punishment they will be given."

All eyes are on Wrik and his group now. They are all waiting for what he has to say. While Wrik gritted his teeth, closing his eyes. He tried everything to calm his anger, but nothing worked. Rage wiggled inside of him and he tried to breathe evenly. 

"I am sorry, but can you repeat yourself again?" Wrik asked, opening his eyes. His voice was as calm as still water of the winter, even though rage consumed him inside of him.

What could he do here that will change his circumstances? Change everyone's circumstances? Nothing. That was the answer he got. If he denies all the charges, they would just give him even more and they would just be marked as liars. And the other way was to accept all the charges, accept all the things they had fought against. It might save him from some punishment, as these men in white and black were looking for a scapegoat. But how could he do that?

If he admits all the things, then all they have fought for will be for nothing. They would be marked with a crime they never did. Maybe get their freedom after some punishment, but could he like such filth in his name? And worse, he was not alone. How could he admit the crimes? It would destroy the lives of everyone here.

"I ask you again," the judge repeated. "Do you accept all the crime and heinous deeds you have done? Do you accept the punishment that you will be given?"

Wrik tilted his head a little sideways and gave an expression that he was in deep thought. "I still don't understand, even though I have almost double the IQ of anyone here. Did I miss something?" Wrik asked, frowning. "Will mind giving a little more context to the situations?"

The expression of the judge turned ugly, but he said nothing. It was not in his dignity, so he let someone else do the bidding.

"How dare you, to insult the honourable judge here?" Harth did the bidding. The golden armoured man with the golden hair and sword said out loud with righteousness. "You want an elaboration of what you did? Fine. I'll tell you. You have enslaved a crowd of thousand numbersthough it is not a punishable crime, but do you have no conscience? And even after that, you people did not stop. You joined your number with the unscrupulous Borgemen and wreaked havoc in the trial, killing so many of your victims." 

"You missed the rapes," Wrik added. These guys were giving him so many crimes, might as well take that too. 

Wrik got the stares of all the people now and felt their fury and worry of his friends beside him. The weather felt chiller than usual. He looked back and gave a small nod to everyone. Resting his two arms above one another against his chest, Wrik looked towards the men of authorities. 

"I get it now," he said, counting his finger. "Murder, rape, enslavement, you have anymore? Well, even you have more, these crimes were not punishableaccording to the law of the test. And more, I admit to accept none of the crimes mentioned.

"Now, let's go back to the question again. Is it still a punishable crime? I get there is no line between black and white, but at least act as if there is. At least for the sake of Maha, and if you have not noticed there are hundreds of people watching."

Anger rose for the first time inside Harth. He was about to shout again, but saw the gesture stopping him.

"Does that mean you are denying all the crimes you are convicted of?" the judge asked. He was not like the elderly figure anymore. He stood there the same way, but the aura he was radiating and the tone he was using indicated only one thing. He was furious. 

"Hold on," Wrik said, fuming. "Answer my question first. Are all the crimes you people have mentioned, are they punishable? If I am not wrong I heard that everything is allowed in the test if you do not take it to the limit."

"That is not the only crime you are accused of," the Judge said. "You are accused of cheating in the sacred test of the Maha. There is no pardon for such a crime." 

"Really? I guess there is none, but I become confused again," Wrik said. "Can you elaborate again on how I cheated on the test?"

This time, the Judge let loose of Harth.

"How outrageous!" Harth shouted. "With the honourable position of the Judge, does his honourable self have to answer any question from you, cheater?" 

"So, I won't get an answer?" Wrik asked. "Pity. But I do have a hypothesis of what is going on here. How about I present that here? I know, most of you can't say something here, then how about a blink? Blink once if you think this is true, at least I won't consider all of you brain dead fool. Alright?" 

"Wrik, what are you doing?" Tanya asked from the side. Her voice did not hide her worry and anxiety. She did not know what she could do, only called her sister in the middle and let her hear what was happening here in the test.

Wrik did not answer with his mouth, but gestured with his finger to say, 'Continue what you are doing.' 

"You see there is a cheater among us, maybe more than one," Wrik said, having a glance at Scythe and Hearth. The golden armoured man gave him a look that he would eat him alive while Scythe still stood there without a care. Wrik continued, "But that person is way above the line to punish, so in his place, you guys wanted to find a few scapegoats who will take the crimes in his stead. After all, the people at the test were not idiots, they have seen things, heard thingsand you will only need to use two properly working neurons to understand who the cheater is here." 

An uncomfortable silence followed in the place. What Wrik said was somewhat true. Scythe was in the position to become a high seat if he performed well, but having such scandals in his name would be bad for everyone. The council and Scythe, both. So, why not give him a clean history while someone else takes all the blame.

[Junior, you don't go deep, you will not be able to get yourself out.] A voice transferred into Wrik's mind. It was not like when Byul transferred her thoughts through her ability. With just hearing that voice, his spine turned cold. Wrik lost some of his power and mental strength. 

A corona of white halo appeared in his eyes and Wrik collected himself. He stood upright like a sword and welcomed what was about to befall him.

[Accept what is going to happen to you, and you will be set free after a few months.] The judge transferred again. He wanted to waste the few people here after they had the gall to insult him and the others here, but he still had to worry about Harakatz. Even without sensing, he could feel the cold eyes were staring at him.

Wrik did not how to use telepathy. Maybe it was a higher level manipulation of maha mana, but it was not achievable at his level. So he voices out instead in a tone loud enough to reach everyone's ear.


"So, you have taken the hard way," the judge commented and look back at Harakatz, who was giving him all the stare. "You can't blame me for these. I gave them enough chances." The elderly man looked back at Wrik again and said, "As the judge of the test, I found Wrik Everknight guilty of the charges of--"

"Hold on." Before The judge could finish his sentence, someone yelled as a figure appeared before everyone.

"Rashin," the judge looked back at the man, who stopped him from continuing. "You should give me a sound reason for stopping me from my duty." 

The newcomer Rashin flinched a little, but he came closer to the judge, giving an Omega cube to him. "The Winter Queen is asking for you, your honourable self," he whispered. "She seemed to call you, but you did not pick it up." 

"Winter Queen?" Judge Nikier flabbergasted. "Why now?" he did not have the time to ponder as a voice came from the omega cube. 

"Am I talking to Judge Nikier?" even though the voice was transferring from thousands of kilometres afar, it still did not lose the coldness.

The judge swallowed hard. He recognised this voice. "Yes," he said.

"Address me properly." the voice said again. 

The Judge exhaled a deep breath and continued. "Yes, your Majesty. The Defender of the Tower, Protector of the People, High Seat of the Council, the Grace of"

"That's enough," the cold voice said again. She got what she wanted. She wanted to let the Judge know his place. 

"Can your Majesty mention the reason to call me?" 

"Of course," the Winter Queen said. "I hear you are in the middle of something. Punishing some lawbreaker?" 

"Yes, your Majesty," the Judge said and his face turned ugly. "There is some problem here in the first test this year. Some youth had the gall to cheat on the test.. ."

"Stop. You and I both very well know what is going on there. Spare your lies for another occasion," the High Seat said in her cold tone. "Now listen carefully to me. I want you to discard what you are doing and leave with all the inquisitors. Let the kids finish their business." 

"But" Cold sweats appeared on the forehead of the Judge. 

"Do I need to repeat myself?" the crisp voice said again. "I will deal with your master, withdraw now."


Next Chapter: Exchange.

Check out: CHAOS CYCLE. You will probably like it if you like the broken tower saga. 

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