Chaos Evolution: Only I Was Granted 3 Wishes

Chapter 46: Anomaly!

Draco was grinning as he rapidly moved to come right above a confused and scared Champion Ogre who was the leader of the Tribe, Draco was unfazed by the variety of attacks coming from all around as he flew down, shopped the hand of the Ogre, then killed him and smoothly devoured him.

"Next Step, Shapeshift." He said looking at the not worth mentioning 10k CP he got from the Ogre.

A few seconds later the Champion Ogre was in Draco's place, but with a missing hand.

'I have to give them a handicap' he said jokingly but in fact, it was just not to raise any suspicions because even a C-Rank being will get seriously hurt by such a destructive amount of Skills and Spells.

"Ooh, We've got an interesting skill." Draco said as he looked at the Devouring Panel, it really didn't have much, aside from CP, some Racial Traits he already had, and...

"[Champion's Roar]... It could make for an excellent entry." He said as he imagined himself roaring before launching himself at the entire army of students.

'Heh, Now I won't have to limit myself to 2nd years.' he thought.

"Well, let's get moving."


The first thing Draco did was jump all the way to the wall of the Village.


Landing steadily, he looked at the Students, and the second they saw him, he grinned, stood straight, and.

"ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOAR!!!!!" With a job like [Sound Master] he got from one of the 3rd year students, he was a calamity to anyone below let's just say 1 Million CP.

And who aside from the instructor had above that?

*Zvoom* *Crack* *Cukh* *Boom* *Thud*

Some 1st and 2nd-year students who had low defenses already fell to the ground unconscious or had their heads exploded to bits.

The witty ones already used all they had for defenses, and most 3rd years weren't affected.

[You've Killed x102 Academy Students +461 XP, 168,500 Gold]

Once the Roar stopped, Draco looked at the students and said.

"Welcome there, Humans! Did you like my present? How does it feel to be attacked from nowhere, huh? I, C-Rank, Champion Ogre, Ogadon, Shall make sure I erase you from existence! Get Ready... Humans!" Draco holding his grin back, used all the information about the Champion Ogre he absorbed and used it, only changing the rank to make it more believable making the students think it was an anomaly.

"C-Rank? It can't be, I made sure it was D-Rank before I planned the attack." One of the nerdy students held his glasses while mumbling under his breath.

"It might have evolved right there." another said but he got stares all around that made sure to convey the question, 'Are you dumb?'

"He might have had some artifact or skill that hid his real rank, but if that's true, some things make no sense, in any case, we have to bring it down, To avenge our lost Con- Teammates."

"Yeah, You're right! Let's go, boys! Go Go Go" This time it was Sato who spoke.

Draco looked at all of this in silence but in fact, he was really thinking of the next Chaos Language Spell to make, and also how to conclude this entire fight.

And so he made two conclusions, first, he needed someone with an illusion-based job, and second, he needed a true offensive Chaotic Spell but he couldn't use it here since it would be too weird for a Champion Ogre to use a mix of 21 Affinities, and even if they didn't associate him with Alex and Co, it will have too many repercussions.

And so, using the variety of memories that held so much information Draco could become a mix of all genius scientists back on earth, he located a 3rd year with an illusion-based job, basically called [Illusion Master(D-Rank)] a higher rank job of [Illusion Mage(E-Rank)].

Draco was going to use his fists this time, and so to account for Devouring and not being found out due to similar cases happening to the students before, he was going to make a Chaotic Skill that just blows his target to smithereens with a single punch, so when he fuses it with Devouring it looks like the target disappeared with a punch.

And so he made {Chaotic Punch} Nothing too hard but it also had effects similar to {Chaotic Presence Obstruction} and {Chaotic Death Bringer}, It was a one-hit kill that made one disappear from existence, Draco took his "I Shall make sure I erase you from existence" very seriously.

And so after a few seconds of planning and the students ready to unleash all kinds of attacks, Draco jumped once again.

*BOOOM* this time, his target was the Illusion master who was also cooking up an illusion to screw Draco up, unfortunately, he won't have much time.

{Chaotic Presence Obstruction}

"Where is he?" A student who was following Draco with his eyes suddenly saw him disappear and asked.

"He disappeared!"

"Scouts, hurry up, do your job!"

"We, we can't find him! No, there he is, Melik, Above you!" one of the scouts was using his skill to locate Dorac unable to find him for a second before he reappeared again when Draco canceled the skill and warned the Illusion Master of Draco.

Unfortunately, It was too late.

{Chaotic Punch} "[Devouring]!"

*Pchakh* *Boom*

[You've Killed Melik Adnan, D-Rank(Stage 2) Lvl36, +360 XP, 2,360 Gold]

"Oh Mother Portalia..." One of the students who saw the scene of the Illusion Master disappearing said.

{Devouring In Progress...}

{Host Has Gained The Skills: [Illusion Magic(Lvl14)], [Camouflage{Illusion Master}(LvlMax)], [Blood Spear(LvlMax)], [Appraisal(Lvl15)], [Status Camouflage(Lvl16], [Illusion Clone(Lvl5)]}

{Added Stats: <Combat Power: 27,785>]

{Condition Stabilized...}

{You Gained The Following Transformations: Melik Adnan.}

{You've Gained The Job: [Illusion Master(D-Rank)]}

{You've Gained The Following Affinities: Illusion(B-rank)}

{You've Gained The Following Immunities: Illusion(D-rank)}

{You've Gained The Following Personality Traits After Filtering: Smiles All The Time, Sneaky, Fools Yourself To Fool Your Enemy.}

{You've Gained The Following Items: [Spatial Storage Halo]}

[XP +191,450 - 13(XP: 494,028/1,300,000).]

[Skill Points +1,170]

{Integrating Memories...}

{Devouring Complete!}


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