Cosmic Trading System

Chapter 51: Chapter 51: Concept

"Universe Voyage Hotel.

This was the name of the hotel that Lin Yun had purchased.

"This is the hotel where you plan to station those B-level security guards?"

Mgmg Lin couldn't believe what she was seeing.

Because although the hotel seemed to have a dect area, it was not of a high grade. Judging by the number of customer cars parked in front of the hotel and the two employees in the lobby, the hotel did not attract many customers.

Wasn't it too much of a waste to station B-level security guards in such a hotel?

Ev Mgmg Lin doubted whether this would lead to a loss? After all, the salary of B-level security guards was not low.

"I just bought this hotel today. I plan to refurbish it. Trust me, it will soon impress you." Lin Yun said with a slight smile.

Although Lin Yun had only known Mgmg Lin for a few hours, just as he was with Hang Lee, his impression of her was quite good. He felt the sincerity of a martial artist in Mgmg Lin. Therefore, he spoke casually at this momt.

Just like talking to a frid.

"You just purchased it today?" Mgmg Lin exclaimed.

Th it dawned on her, "Right, I remember, this was originally Mr. Hang Lee's hotel, wasn't it?"

"You know Brother Lee?" Lin Yun asked curiously.

"He's a regular customer of our company, of course I know him. His several gold jewelry stores have be using our company's security services!" Mgmg Lin rolled her eyes and said.

"No wonder I found the name of this hotel very familiar." After a pause, Mgmg Lin nodded.

"It was Brother Hang Lee who introduced me to your company today." Lin Yun nodded with a smile.

"Wow, I didn't expect Mr. Hang Lee to bring such a big clit to our company. The next time he uses our company's security service, I will definitely give him a discount." Mgmg Lin's eyes sparkled, she said happily.

"Th I will thank you on behalf of Brother Lee." Lin Yun laughed.

After that, Mgmg Lin didn't ask much about the hotel, she just looked a the hotel.

Hang Lee was a regular customer of their company, and this hotel was originally his. Lin Yun purchased it that day, which made her feel more at ease about the hotel.

If Lin Yun really planned to use this hotel for unsavory activities, she probably wouldn't have noticed it that day anyway.

Also, the hotel was protected by the security guards from their company. The company's security guards had signed a contract with their company. If something bad happed, the security guards would report it to the company. Their security business was not a catch-all operation.

How could someone use their in-house security guards for drug trafficking or arson? Would their company allow it to happ?

Obviously not.

For instance, their company had explicitly stipulated that they would not accept any security requests from bars.

"From now on, this hotel will be your workplace. If anyone dares to cause trouble here, don't hesitate to handle it. If anything happs, I'll take care of it. This girl is the hostess of the hotel, you have to sure her safety. The hotel staff should not be bullied by customers, you should all stand up and deal with it if anything occurs, like..."

Lin Yun spoke to the t B-level security guards and five A-level bodyguards in front of him.

During this time, he showed them a picture of Xia Qingqing for them to recognize.

The t B-level security guards and five A-level bodyguards were those who Mgmg Lin had suggested to him in the car before. These security guards and bodyguards were knowledgeable and some were suitable for working in hotel vironmts, some had indeed worked in such vironmts before, and others had worked in school-like vironmts.

The level of the security guards and bodyguards was not simply about their fighting abilities. They also needed to pass on many special skills and safety knowledge.

Security guards are supposed to sure safety, for which strgth is definitely beficial, but if you can't protect the customer and their belongings safely, your strgth is useless no matter how strong it is.

Previously, the service staff of the Gold Sword Security Company explained to Lin Yun about the number of ordinary people a security guard of any level could fight in order to make it easier for customers to understand the gap betwe each level of security guard.

Otherwise, if you talk about special skills or safety knowledge or experice, these are very abstract things, and customers may not buy it.

Mgmg Lin had already told Lin Yun about this point wh he was picking security guards and bodyguards.

Therefore, Lin Yun took the advice of Mgmg Lin and specifically selected a few security guards and bodyguards who did not have excellt skills, but were good at other safety knowledge and special skills.

Looking at Lin Yun's arrangemts and his emphasis on the safety and dignity of employees, Mgmg Lin could not help but nod in her heart. Her appreciation for Lin Yun was growing.

Their company, Gold Sword Security Company, attaches great importance to the safety of their employees and their dignity and befits. Therefore, unlike other security companies who only focus on how much money the customers provide and accept all kinds of businesses.

Lin Yun's concept on this regard was similar to their company. how could she not have a good impression of Lin Yun?


"Hello, boss!"

At this momt, the two employees in the hotel lobby who had noticed the commotion outside for a while came out together to check the situation. Seeing Lin Yun, they immediately greeted him respectfully.

This was something that was due to the lack of hotel staff and security.

The team had be outside for a while before the hotel staff came out to check.

If there were more staff in the hotel or if there were security guards, they would have come out to check what was happing as soon as there was such a big commotion outside. If it was a customer, they could provide better service.

"These are the security guards I have hired for the hotel, and a few bodyguards to protect my girlfrid. Later, you can arrange their accommodation." Looking at the employees who came out of the hotel, Lin Yun lightly smiled, pointed at the doz or so people in front of him and instructed.

"Yes, boss." The two female employees nodded in agreemt.

As they spoke, they secretly glanced at the t or so people Lin Yun was pointing at, their eyes brimming with excitemt.

Did their hotel have security guards now?

And they seemed to be professional ones.

Indeed, these people looked very professional at first glance, uniformed, meticulous, and an imposing presce exuded from them, suggesting that their strgth was not weak.

With more people, you feel more courageous. If you have force, you feel ev more so. This way, they will be more confidt wh they meet problematic customers during their work.

Although Jiayun Lee had said that the security situation in Sh City was good and that the hotel could call the police if anything happed.

However, in reality, unless it's a big problem, it's hardly appropriate to call the police.

After all, the police departmt is not owned by you. Do you need to call them ev for trivial matters?

It's differt with security guards. The security guards belong to their own family. From now on, any incidt that is not worth calling the police for can be handled by the security guards at their hotel.

If something happs late at night, they can come out immediately to check it.

They had noticed the noise outside a while ago, but late at night, with only two girls in the hotel lobby, they couldn't handle it. Ev wh they came out just now, they had alerted the people inside the hotel about the situation. If something happed, people upstairs would come down quickly, ev to call the police.

Ev so, they were still a little nervous wh they came out.

Now that the hotel has so many security guards, they no longer need to worry.

PS: The book has be signed now, you can donate. Thank you very much to "Maple Leaf Specim" and "liushoushu" for their donations~

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