Crimson Overlord

Chapter 161 How they were born 2

Belial’s assumption was correct; right after Leon’s death, Snow chatting with someone felt it and shed a single tear.

”Snow, what is the problem?” Ren Xiaowen who was with Snow at that time asked.

”No, there is nothing. Will you help me?” Snow asked, not wanting to share the details of what happened. Xiaowen nodded and smiled.

”Of course I will help get closer to Amber.” She promised and Snow nodded, already thinking what to do next.

Meanwhile, back to Aatox’s side. He stood up from his throne and Elliam did the same.

”We are going?” He asked but Aatox said nothing. Elliam could only sigh and quietly follow Aatox.

They teleported out of the throne hall and arrived before a portal. As soon as he saw this portal, Elliam understood what Aatox had in mind. Aatox was the first to enter the portal followed by Elliam. As he moved forward through the hefty portal revealed only by fire. He was immediately met by a marvelous world. A world of lights and colors meets his eyes. Thousands of flowers and other lifeforms seem to glow in the greenish sun of this world. One could feel free, free to explore what lives in that river, what hides in that cave or where that forest ends.

Not far into the distance one could see strange shapes of creatures nobody could’ve ever imagined it existed in the outside world. They keep an eye on the one that entered in a predatory manner, however, this quickly disappeared when they feel how dangerous those two were.

Ignoring the fearful beasts lying on the ground all shivering, Aatox continued walking, not it was almost as if he was teleporting, his speed was that fast. Elliam followed quietly behind and finally they arrived at their destination. A small hut in the middle of a forest, pushing the door of this hut open they entered and they were meet with a vast underground facility, a laboratory sat in the middle of this facility.

Aatox went straight into the deepest part of this laboratory were various things were on display, they looked disgusting that Elliam wished to blow them up but he held back.

They kept walking until they reached their destination. It was a small room, as soon as they entered this room it was as if they had been cut off from the rest of the world.

”So, what do you wish to talk about for you to take all those precautions?” Elliam asked as he sat across from Aatox.

”You know why I created the beastsmen right?” Instead of directly answering, Aatox raised a question and Elliam felt compelled to massage his forehead.

”Isn’t it because you wished to deal with that abomination?” Elliam counterattacked with a question.

”Yes, fate blessed me. After that battle I decided to explore this world who seemed unusual no matter how you see it. I was injured at that time, that monster blood was missed with mine, unexpectedly when I was roaming a forest I stumbled upon a particular beast, a snow wolf and you know what happened?”

Aatox asked at the end of his sentence.

Elliam shook his head,it was his first hearing this story, he was not the talkative type to begin with, he never truly questioned Aatox on his motives on creating a new race despite their precedent failure, he just stood besides him as he believed that eventually that day would come, the day Aatox would tell him everything and finally that day has come. Even for the stoic Elliam Aatox’s explanation excited him, he felt like he was about to head a great information, information that could help them in their goal to eradicate what they created, as he believed that they created Orpheus. And if such abomination was not exterminated he was capable of bringing ruin to Elysium, it was how scary the existence of Orpheus was from Elliam’s point of view.

They could not inform their elders about Orpheus because it would be asking to add trouble on top of their existing punishment. So, they must do everything in their power to eradicate Orpheus, so Elliam believed.

Aatox looked at the distracted Elliam wondering what he was thinking about but in the end he decided against asking him what he was thinking about as he was about to tell him such great story.

”That beast assaulted him despite the difference in our strength and of course I obliterated him with a single thought but the same thing happened until I arrived at the conclusion that they kept attacking me despite the difference in strength because of something and do you know what made them so particularly obsessed and reckless?”

Another question from Aatox, naturally Elliam shook his head.

”It is because of his blood.” Aatox’s declaration was like a clap of thunder in the middle of a storm. Elliam was shocked and he started to connect the dots, suddenly the scenery changed and they were now in another location.


The city of Sunhold was built amidst the murky waters of an enormous swamp and is truly a modest display of wonder. Its uniqueness is matched by the backdrop of green, fertile fields which have helped shape the city to what it is today.

The riches these fields brought were of great importance, but they were also influential when it came to architectural designs as the vast majority of buildings have been built with an abundance of large windows to mimic the openness of fields.

The skyline is crowded with soaring skyscrapers and they seem to be reaching higher and higher each year. Employment is tremendous in Sunhold and it has attracted a lot of attention. Countless cultures have left their mark not just on business, but also upon the city’s identity. What historically was a city of little contrast has grown into a fusion of everything and it’s this that unites the 12 million people to this day.

It’s this multicultural identity that has truly left its mark. Hundreds of bakeries, concession stands and take-outs offer a plethora of culinary choices and those who feel hungry for something else can enjoy city exploring, photography, theaters or one of the many other recreational venues.

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