Cultivation Struggles of a Lowly Fox

Chapter 201 – You lunatic!

Chapter 201 – You lunatic!

Warning Gore!

Read at your own risk!

Aiko dashed towards them and they readied themselves.

It was clearly shown in their eyes that they felt uncomfortable fighting against a life-sized club.

Aiko naturally didn't care about that and slammed her improvised club into the first target.

He was blasted across the courtyard and vomited a mouthful of blood.

The other stiffened assassin recovered quickly, since they didn't want to end up like that unfortunate guy.

While they were undying, that didn't mean it didn't feel awful moving with broken bones and twisted muscles.

They would want to avoid that so they could get a peaceful death.

Unfortunately for them, Aiko would have none of that! She was enraged at their means of combat, she hated them with passion!

She would do everything in her power to completely shred their bodies.

'Don't forget about their Souls.' Aiko chanted in her head.

While she would not use the Ghost Lady when the Secret Guards were alive, that didn't mean she would shy away from it if she killed too many of them.

'Their Souls are already compromised, so we can't extract them, Mistress.' The Ghost Lady said that gently and with fear.

"Fuck!" Aiko cursed and this time slammed into another 2 assassins.

"Fucking pieces of shit!" Aiko hammered them with the body of their comrade until they could stand up.

While she was enraged, she was also cautious. Aiko would make sure that she blocked all of their blades with her improvised shield, before hammering them down again.

She would do her utmost best to completely obliterate their bodies, so they could no longer stand.

"Why won't you die!" Aiko kept hammering and hammering them with the body, not stopping for a moment.

The Secret Guards shivered, while they lost quite a few, they finally recovered from the poison.

This meant that the table completely turned and they now had the upper hand.

What was more concerning for them was the small little Fox bashing them with that body.

Was she an ally? The Prince did invite her, but what if she sees everyone as an enemy?

They shivered when they thought about it.

"Should we help her?" One Secret Guard asked the leader.

The leader shook his head and continued battling with the assassins.

They didn't know who was the target of their assassination, but it was strange that they so openly fought them.

They had their guesses, but since there was no conclusive evidence... the Secret Guards would have to wait.


If... anything was left of them.

Aiko ripped one assassin in half, since he couldn't be hammered into the ground.

She gritted her teeth as she ripped his spine out and used it as an improvised whip, but with the head still attached... Was it a flail in that case?

The assassins took a step back from the horror as the little Fox ripped another spine from their comrades.

Sure, they did get reinforcements, but the little monster completely ignored those reinforcements and hammered everyone into the ground!

Aiko spun around the tip of her toes, making the flail whips extend and hit even the assassin further away.

They couldn't approach that little tornado, since they felt nauseated from how she played with the spines.

"Come one!" Aiko yelled at them. "If you aren't going to fight, I will do even more things to you~!" Aiko giggled like a complete madman, which sent a shiver down everyone's spine.

Except for Umbra Fox... she was currently vomiting from the fact that they weren't dying.

She felt awful that she had to butcher them into pieces to stop them from biting her or trying to claw her.

The Umbra Fox really wanted to cry, but she didn't want to attract any attention, so she just constantly choked and vomited.


The assassins dispersed slightly, which allowed Aiko to take a breather. She already realised that she couldn't transform, which was concerning, but that didn't mean she would stop.

She tried to rip another spine to replace the already broken one, but that was a miss.

It broke down halfway, which made Aiko frown.

Not to worry, though; Aiko was very proficient with tying things.

She cut off his head and even more blood splattered around, painting the beautiful and colourful Private Garden into a sea of bloody dark red.

Aiko was not sure if it would work, so she first tested it. She picked up the head and opened his mouth.

She then stuck her fingers into his neck to see if she could see them through his mouth.

To her pleasant surprise, she could...

She smiled like a Devil and stole another pair of intestines.

Aiko made the head swallow part of the intestines so they would pop out from the neck. She then used her skilled tying skill to tie it up so it wouldn't break or loosen.

[You have acquired the Title: [Gruesome Craftsman]!]
[Gruesome Craftsman]
[Allows the User to strengthen gruesome creations with Qi!]

Aiko ignored that new title since she was testing her new flail.

To her surprise, it was quite bouncy, but Aiko didn't believe it would be able to endure the stretch if she used it as a whip...

Aiko glanced around. There were plenty of bodies, some of which could be used to replace the parts of her creations!

Aiko chuckled darkly and everyone shivered. They were terrified of what this little Fox would come up with.

Aiko didn't dwell much on her creation. She used the eye-sockets and upper mouth as gripping holes.

For some reason, Aiko was very proficient and even subconsciously took her stance like she would be throwing a normal bowling bowl.

Unfortunately for the assassin, they would not be used as bowling pins, as the little Fox changed her grip and used it as a throwing rock!

[[Juve-barian] Activated! Your throw is imbued with Qi!]
[[Cruel Slaughterer] Activated! Your mercilessness stunned your opponent!]
[[Gruesome Craftsman] Activated! Your creation was strengthened with Qi!]

The flying head turned into a cannonball, not only did it hit the assassin squarely, but it didn't stop at that...

The Head bowling ball was like a cannonball, but much more powerful. It didn't even show once he got hit and it just kept going, taking the assassin with it!


The assassin crashed into reinforced brick walls, but even that didn't stop him as he continued flying.


He passed through numerous wooden buildings, the head was already digging into his body; crushing his ribcage and twisting his internal organs.


He finally stopped once he hit the outer wall of the Royal Palace, which was reinforced by Cultivators.

[You have acquired the Title: [Godly Gruesome Pitcher]!]
[Godly Gruesome Pitcher]
[Whenever the User tries to throw something gruesome, everything about the throw will be enhanced!]

The whole place fell silent at this feat and they shivered. Even the undying assassins were no longer willing to engage with this lunatic!

Sure, they were here to retrieve the miraculous person, but that didn't mean they were willing to be used as cannonballs!

Aiko chuckled darkly, clearly happy about her feat. The assassin recoiled and wanted to run away, when...


Aiko ripped another head off of a body.

"Incoming~" Aiko hummed a 'sweet' tune, which was completely bone-chilling to everyone present.

She threw yet another head, the same style as the previous one.

The horror of the assassin as they saw the severed head flying was absolutely priceless.


They were barely able to dodge that head and now they abandoned all reason.

They immediately scattered, running away from that absolute madman!

Aiko's laughter sounded behind them and...

*Riiip* *Riip* *Riip*

Aiko ripped even more heads off of the fallen assassins.

"Come back~" Aiko giggled behind them and they almost shat their pants.

They ran even quicker than before, even using the rest of the Pill that would slowly kill them to speed themselves up.

But that was not enough...

"Heeey~" Aiko giggled right behind the assassin.

The assassin wanted to scream, but he didn't have a tongue, so he was unable to.

But his fear was apparent on his face and Aiko relished in it.

She threw the head at his back.


His body twisted backwards from the impact.

Sounds of broken bones spread into the surroundings, making the assassins just run for their lives...


{Inside the Royal Palace}

"So many lunatics!" One old Sect Elder cursed after he killed the 100th assassin.

"They just keep coming!" Another Sect Elder huffed, clearly tired.

The only ones who were not tired were the Beasts and Chen Shi.

He was using his Runes; skilfully protecting Lady Liu and everyone around her.

Meanwhile, the turtle hid his head, not because he was scared, but because...

*Swish* *Boom*

His head could be used as a cannonball since his neck was 5 metres long...

He used his neck to propel his incredibly tough skull and bash the assassins with it.

Meanwhile, his Dao Companion was mixing poisons and antidotes, creating poisonous zones for anyone who enters, but at the same time curing those who accidentally entered.

The Hawk blasted through the air, ripping the assassin with his talons.

This was a one-sided slaughter since they had the Snake Lady who openly distributed antidotes against the numerous poisons the assassins used.


The Royal Palace shook from some kind of impact.

The Sect Leaders were worried about someone new appearing, but the only person who knew what was happening was Chen Shi.

He was also the only person with an incredibly grim expression, like he was facing his ultimate nemesis!


Another 'explosion' shook the Royal Palace and the Emperor panicked.

"W-what is happening?!" The Emperor was terrified, since they had a special Array that negated most if not all earth tremors.


"Oh god..." Chen Shi massaged his temples. He felt the incoming headache; which would last for a long time...

"W-What's wrong?!" The Emperor was now scared shitless.

"Nothing." Chen Shi kept massaging his temples. "There is just a certain Fox causing an absolute mayhem."

Lady Liu glanced at him strangely. She couldn't understand how that little cutie could cause so much distress for Chen Shi.

Chen Shi just sighed, resigning to what’s about to come...


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