Daddy CEO's Beloved Wife

Chapter 526 Return

Song Zhanzhan stepped out of the elevator with an older looking man. The two seemed close from how they stood beside each other, and if other people were to look at them, it wouldn't be strange if they were mistaken as grandfather and grandson. 

As they took a step forward, a lot of the people outside of the elevator soon turned their heads simultaneously as if their bodies were pulled by a string. Several pairs of eyes locked on them which made the old man shudder in fear. 

Just what was going on? Who are these people? 

Although he didn't know the identity of these people, he had seen a similar view in the past. It was from when an extremely powerful president of a multi-hundred million company visited a party flanked by his bodyguards. 

That scene that he witnessed in the past was etched into his mind till this day because of how amazing it looked.

But compared to that one in the past, the one before him was overwhelming. Rather than protecting someone, these bodyguards looked as if they were on their way to a war. 

At this moment, he noticed a beautiful woman suddenly rushing forward. 

Old Chen panicked. Why was she heading this way? Do I know her? But I don't have a young lover!

He internally screamed in fright, but before he made contact with the beautiful woman, the little boy beside him pounced forward and hugged the woman by her waist. 

"Mommy!" the little boy cried out happily. 

Ran Xueyi crouched down and tightly embraced her son in her arms. Tears that had been held back soon fell on her cheeks one after another. 

Little Zhanzhan didn't notice it at first, he just happily hugged his mother back just as tightly as she did, but when something wet touched his neck, he soon realized that something was not right. 

Pulling back a little, he saw his mother's crying face. 

Little Zhanzhan was shocked and he began to panic, "Mommy? Wha-what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

Hearing him asking her, Ran Xueyi said, "Why did you leave the room, honey? Do you know how scared I was when I found out that you're not inside the room?" 

Little Zhanzhan frowned because he couldn't understand why his mother cried because he left the room. But no matter how he has no understanding on this matter, he knew he had done something wrong. Else, why would his mother cry? 

Ran Xueyi wanted to say a few more words when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She raised her head up to see that Song Yu Han was looking at her and shook his head. 

Immediately, she understood why Song Yu Han touched her. It was to remind her that their son still didn't understand what wrong he had done. 

Unless she calmly explained to their son that leaving the room without telling them in the middle of the night and following a complete stranger to some place, Little Zhanzhan wouldn't know why she cried and why she was so stressed out. 

Little Zhanzhan's situation is a little bit special. With his two parents, powerful figureheads in their own worlds, they certainly couldn't be beside him all the time. More importantly, Little Zhanzhan grew up without his father and only saw his mother by his side. 

When he wanted to, he would show an extreme display of obedience and independence that was unlike any child of his age would act. And due to his special nature, he would never complain to his mother whenever she had to be away for work. Instead, Little Zhanzhan waited patiently for Ran Xueyi to come back when in fact the normal reaction of a child being away from their mother was to cry endlessly and throw tantrums. 

Though this nature of Little Zhanzhan was suppressed ever since they moved back to Flower Country, and that he showed a side of him similar to ordinary children his age, it has still been Ran Xueyi's worries for a while now. 

"Why don't we return to our room for now? It's already late at night and everyone must want to rest for the day, right?" Song Yu Han scooped up Little Zhanzhan. 

At first, his son glared at him for taking him away from Ran Xueyi, but he still reluctantly hooked his little arms around his father's neck. 

Song Yu Han gave the old man a nod before turning around. Soon, the bodyguards that lined up the hallway moved to leave. 

Ran Xueyi stayed behind a bit longer to calm herself first before meeting Little Zhanzhan again. 

"Uhm…" Old Chen, who was ignored this whole time and didn't get the right timing to the reunion of the little boy with his parents, nervously murmured to get her attention. 

When Ran Xueyi's eyes met his, Old Chen opened his lips to say, "I'm sorry. I should have brought him back earlier. It's just that he suddenly appeared and followed me. I couldn't stop your son." 

Old Chen was scared that they would misunderstand the situation. As a businessman, he didn't want his reputation ruined because he was accused of kidnapping a little boy in the middle of the night. Of course, he could deny this claim, but the parents of the little boy looked like some people he couldn't afford to offend. Thus, he wanted to clarify the misunderstandings before they could assume anything. 

Ran Xueyi shook her head and told him, "There's no need for you to say sorry. It's us who should thank you for returning our son safely back to us."

They already watched the CCTV recording that captured the clueless old man who was followed by Little Zhanzhan. If he had kidnapped their son, he would return him now. 

After Old Chen left, Ran Xueyi was followed by Guo Yun to their suite. 

Little Zhanzhan was sitting on the couch with a glass of milk in his hand. Song Yu Han sat on his left and was on his phone. 

"...Alright, call me if you found anything new." Song Yu Han ended his call and turned his head towards the door where Ran Xueyi was standing.

Ran Xueyi smiled reassuringly at him before she called out, "Honey, when you're done with your milk, let's go to bed, okay?" 

Little Zhanzhan: "Okay!" 

After saying this, he hurriedly gulped down his milk before proudly showing it to his mother. 

Ran Xueyi's heart ached at the thought of almost losing her son. If that old man didn't return Little Zhanzhan, she would never be able to see that beautiful smile on his face again.

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