Daddy CEO's Beloved Wife

Chapter 538 Explosive Matters (2)

538  Explosive Matters (2)

Percy said, "It's still too early to know if I'll marry into that family."

"Knowing Elder Liao, you will probably marry into the Cao family with or without your underwear on," Larry glanced over at their organization leader and grinned, "He can do anything to achieve his goal." Elder Liao did not become the Leader of An Hun merely through being the previous leader's eldest son, he was a menace that killed all of his siblings, who tried to take the leader position from him. There was even a rumor that says that he once sold his sister to another organization's leader to secure his own position. It wouldn't be a surprise if Elder Liao decided to use Percy and make him marry into the Cao family to achieve his own goals. As for what really happened to their junior, who went missing, Elder Liao had long moved on from the state of sadness and now wanted to suck the entire Cao family dry for his own use. Marriage was never something he'd ever consider in his life. Percy liked being free and doing whatever he wanted, not bound by any rules. Getting married to someone and being tied to his wife would be the last thing he would do before he died. And he still wanted to play around.

'However, Elder Liao have what I wanted.' Percy ruffled his hair irritatingly and followed his friend.


Sitting inside the monitor room, Carsillion abruptly sat up. His eyes zoned in on two guests standing not far away from Ran Xueyi and frowned. After a few seconds of deliberation, he finally took his phone and dialed her number. As soon as it connected, Carsillion stared at the monitor screen. "We need to go." Ran Xueyi frowned. "What's wrong?" "An abomination appeared, and I don't want you to meet him," Carsillion kept his eyes glued on the man with tanned skin.

"What?" Ran Xueyi continued scowling and looked around, but she heard Carsillion telling her to stop. "Who did you see?"

Carsillion said, "The Crow." ***

Ran Xueyi met 'The Crow' once while she was in Ren Country. At that time, she was still trying to get a grip on the new world that Alina had showed her. Percy Vorona or mostly known as The Crow, was one of the few people that Aline had warned her about. When Alina talked about him, her eyes held some fear in it. It was a strange scene when Ran Xueyi saw it because Alina seldom showed fear, even in front of her best friend.

But was there really anything to fear about this man. At least, she knew that he wouldn't make a move when there's too many people around them. In addition, Percy must have not known about her yet. Suddenly, Ran Xueyi thought of something and raised her head up to look at Song Yu Han, whose eyes hardened with an unknown light. "What is it?" Ran Xueyi asked. Song Yu Han forcefully took his eyes off from where he was looking at and said, "The Cao family managed to snag a big prey tonight. No, it's more appropriate to say that they're now trapped in a Black Widow's web."

"What do you mean?" "An Hun is making a move now." Song Yu Han placed his hand on her lower spine and continued, "And here I was wondering why they're being so silent for so long."

"What do you reckon they're planning to do?" Ran Xueyi did not turn her head to look around. She already knew what Song Yu Han saw earlier. Song Yu Han was silent. Then, he shook his head. "I don't know. But it's definitely nothing good."

He was still human, after all. Everything in this world could be predicted by him. If it were that easy to think of what An Hun's elder was planning, Song Yu Han would be a god.

"For now, we'll observe and see what they're trying to do," said Song Yu Han, looking slightly disturbed by the variables that appeared before him.


"Old Patriarch Cao, what do you think of my proposal for alliance?" Elder Liao stood beside Old Patriarch Cao with ancient grace. "It wouldn't be too bad to consider it. The man I'm planning to have your granddaughter marry is someone only a few would dare offend. Having him as your grandson-in-law would be an advantage."

Old Patriarch Cao narrowed his eyes, but he held a smile on his lips. He would not allow himself to show any kind of vulnerability in front of this man. "Elder Liao's words are right. An alliance with you would be in my advantage. However, you also know that my granddaughter already has someone in her mind. I doubt a change of mind will happen soon."

"A change doesn't necessarily need to happen for our alliance," Elder Liao's smile became wider. But the words flowing between his smile were colder than an ice cellar. "Do I really need to remind you that your one month is almost up?"

Old Patriarch Cao's eyes flashed before dimming. "Are you threatening me, Elder Liao?"

"Threaten you? You make me look like a villain when I'm the one who lost one of my juniors because of your family member," replied Elder Liao.

Old Patriarch Cao retorted, "My niece may have been the one to hire your junior, but haven't you thought for a second that the culprit might be the one he targeted?"

Elder Liao lost his smile at once.

He naturally searched for answers. But he was stopped before he could reach Ran Xueyi. Who knew that a celebrity's security could be so tight that, even when he sent people in her way to take her away and interrogate her, came back all beaten up.

Although this point was suspicious enough for him to think that Ran Xueyi had done something to his junior, Elder Liao couldn't completely believe it.

After all, she was a celebrity that many people admired. A normal person basked in dazzling lights of camera and fans' obsessions wouldn't react normally when someone targeted them.

Moreover, there were no signs of Xiaoshun in the film set she was in when he went missing. There wasn't even a trace of him arriving in that city.

Hence, Elder Liao ultimately removed Ran Xueyi's involvement in his junior's unknown fate.

Besides, the loss he was feeling after Xiaoshun went missing was no longer there. Right now, Elder Liao's mind was filled with how much can he take advantage of the Cao family and make the entire Underworld wrapped within his hands.

"Don't evade responsibility, Old Patriarch Cao. It's making me lose confidence in trusting you as an ally," Old Patriarch Cao's eyebrows went deeper as he frowned at Elder Liao's words. "I might just end up forgetting about the deadline I gave you," he warned.


Poisonlily has something to say: Truly sorry for the long wait!

Whenever I try to write a word or a couple more to create a chapter to update this novel, I just find myself staring at the blank page and get so annoyed that although I can imagine what's going to happen next, I feel defeated and discouraged to write it. I become self conscious and doubt myself as an author. Sometimes, I even hate myself for writing. I don't know how to compensate my readers for staying this long with me. For that, I'll create a schedule on when I will be updating this novel since it's ending soon.

I'll be updating this novel on MONDAY and THURSDAY starting next week.  

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