Debut or Die

Chapter 510

If I can’t debut, I’ll die of illness.

Going into the 510th episode system felt like a kind of sleepy state.

It is the dirty feeling of waking up in a state of being held down with scissors, but eventually succumbing to the pouring sleep and falling asleep with sober mind.

‘Really ‘sucked in’ is the right expression.’

Just like Big Moon explained.

-brother! You quit too… … .

-brother? my… .

-… … .

It seemed like the big moon was still sending messages, but that was all.

It hummed dullly, as if hearing a sound from outside in the water, and soon even that was not audible.

like falling into a deep sleep.

Like falling down a cliff.

The feeling of sinking into the deep sea far away.

‘… … after.’

For a moment, it seemed like a dizzying feeling of overwhelm, but it was soon shaken off.

‘It was already expected.’

No need to panic about what you know. I paused again and tried to figure out the structure of this system.

After a while.

‘… !’

As if slowly opening my eyes, I began to be aware of where I was.

And I was horrified

‘oh my god.’


Luminous masses of different sizes were packed randomly all around, endlessly. And they were intricately connected to each other and flashed irregularly.

The inside of the system was messy like a patched circuit.

‘What is this?’

It felt like a system coded by a beginner. To the extent that I think that naming it a system was a pretty good choice.

At the same time, it felt like an architectural blueprint with bizarre and confusingly cut and pasted connections like spider webs or synapses.

In a word, the size of the colossal… it’s shit

Is this the first time you’ve implemented this as a status window? It was clear that Big Moon had replaced his head.

‘Should I take a look at each one.’

I first approached the nearby mass and focused my consciousness.

As if I could connect to the database.

This… .

[Measuring company rating]

That’s right.

‘Is this how each function is divided and connected?’

I briefly guessed that it might have become this messy structure because the necessary things were added at the time.

And from then on, the search began in earnest.

‘There is still plenty of time until morning.’

I thought I’d be stuck here for at least a few hours.

And after a good amount of time has passed.

I checked the names of all kinds of lumps.

Is it because it’s out of town? There were a lot of company-related functions that seemed to have been created recently.

‘It’s too much.’

It wasn’t weird that I was annoyed, but I wasn’t mad either because I was satisfied that I was digging into the insides of this damn system.

Anyway, it wasn’t long before I found what I was looking for while patiently checking my surroundings.


Unlike the other lumps, this guy has a distinctive expression.

It wasn’t made by the system. It is the trace left by the big moon that was implemented last time.

‘I implemented it when the building collapse mission failed.’

It looked like a kind of terminal rather than a lump that was intricately connected with various lumps.


This gave me direct access to the features I wanted.

And if you want, you can make an application function by connecting them well.

-Actually, it’s not even applied, it’s just a change in the way it’s displayed… .

No search is a really great feature.

I remembered Keundal’s words and connected to the ‘search’ terminal.

‘Can I make it this way?’

After thoroughly checking the implementation, I concluded that I could create an application in a similar way.

And I used the search function as I was originally going to do.

The purpose is to understand how the update works in this system.


-… All update-related information.

give it all away

At that moment, consciousness began to rapidly pull towards its destination in all directions.

I gritted my teeth and began to take in the information pouring in.

And I realized

‘… !!’

The purpose of this damn cub is… .

* * *

‘Brother! Are you okay?’

Entering the body of Park Moon-dae now in the big month, he couldn’t bear to make a loud sound out of his mouth, but he was almost screaming internally.

‘I should have gone as expected!’

Testa Park Moon-dae, who was originally Ryu Gun-woo, was very good at subtle logic distortion and persuasion, and in the end, Keun-dal gave in to the cold… .

The thesis, ‘Doing it myself is more refreshing’ was a matter of subjective appreciation. Daedal, who still had a soft side, could not reasonably deny that.

In addition, Keundal had already failed once.

-Hyung pressure was so strong that it was impossible to find out specific information. Maybe if my brother goes in there… .

-… ? If someone has failed once, it seems reasonable to change people and try again.

-yes? Yes, but… .

So in the end, the moment he spit out an ambiguous affirmation, he was possessed, and when he came to his senses, it was a crazy situation that his body had changed.

‘Ugh… .’

That big moon couldn’t bear to fall asleep in bed, so he came out to the sofa in the living room and waited for news from Ryu Kun-woo with open eyes… .

But I knew.

Manipulating the system is easy to say, but in fact it was incredibly demanding and difficult.

‘Maybe you won’t be able to come out for a while… .’




Keundal rolled off the sofa in an instant and had to cover his mouth.

There was a message from Testa Park Mundae, crackling and shaking in the air.

‘Did I come out?’

[It’s not like that.]

The message was answered casually.

[I found your search function. I tried to use the message function similarly. a little… It seems unstable.]

“… ??”

So now in the system… Are you sending a message?

Why did you come up with that idea? no more than that!

‘brother! Come out soon! I think I got it wrong!’

[No, it’s going smoothly here. I don’t think that’s necessary.]

The big moon cried out, “Why are you so calm in that monster sticker?” But the messages continued to arrive.

[There is a message.]

[I found the reason why the system updates in this way.]

“… !!”

The big moon forgot to even cry.

“What is it?”

The answer came back like a knife to the question that he unknowingly muttered with his mouth.

[To make me use the system often.]

“… ??”


[Think about it.]

[Last update when Cha Yu-jin’s memory was blown away. I tried a lot to use the system somehow to get information.]

That’s right.

Testa Park Moondae was trying to see if it was possible to activate at least some of the functions while holding on to the system that had been suspended and updated in that absurd state of emergency.

It was impossible, of course.

‘brother… .’

The moment when my heart was about to frown for a moment.

[I think I learned that.]

“… ??”

And a long message arrived at terrifying speed.

[This bastard decided that blowing my member’s memory was the most effective way to lure me.]

[That’s why he’s doing this shit. I expected that I would use the system often.]

Heo Eok.

[Last time, I saw you hurriedly knocking on the system to use it.]

“… … .”

The choice of words was unusual.

‘Tongue brother.’

And Keundal realized why Lee had to use the inefficient message function with himself.

He was so pissed off that he had to tell anyone about this… … .

[Do you remember? The last time we updated, we put in all the extra features.]

[Like asking you to try some.]

‘Yeah… .’

I also knew the big moon.

After completing the update, I saw all the flashing pop-ups such as surveys and new features as view sharing.


‘But it didn’t work… .’

That older brother ignored everything like a knife.


[He tried to make me desperate because it didn’t work for him to look useful.]

“… … .”

[That’s the current situation.]

‘My God.’

So the system decided that it was much more efficient to drive the opponent into a corner than to be useful.

It was a terrifying conclusion.

‘It’s safe because my brother is not subordinate to the system, but he became the owner… It wasn’t.’

If a rattlesnake bites its tongue, it will poison itself and die. Just because you have poison doesn’t mean you won’t be harmed by that poison.

After thinking for a while, the big moon realized it and quickly shouted.

‘Hyung, now that you know, you’re coming out, right? Come out quickly!’

I was thinking of begging him to throw away this system as soon as my brother comes out.



“… ?”

In the meantime, a surprisingly calm message came back as an answer.

However, the content made Daedal unable to calm down.

[I found another one now.]

‘What the hell?’

What else did you find in that moment?

Big moon wanted to cry a little now.

What the hell is your brother doing right now in that system?

* * *

The genus of the system.

‘Crazy bastard.’

I’m barely killing my anger.

As a result of the search, an astonishing result was drawn that it was a beta version and it was a nabal, and this system bastard was no different from before it was destroyed.

‘But once the result is obtained, it is a harvest in itself.’

The road to get here wasn’t easy. I won’t pretend it’s not for nothing.

First of all, the use of search, an ‘application function’ created by Keundal, consumed a great deal of mental strength. I thought my head would explode from the tremendous pressure.

‘Damn it.’

I’ve been thinking about it for a while, but how the hell did the big moon guy endure this while working?

It wasn’t surprising that he hadn’t been able to find out the specifics of the update until now.

I figured it was stupid to come all the way here and go back empty-handed, so I managed to hold on somehow.

-I still do it, X-foot!

… while doing this

Besides, since the big moon already knows everything, if I can’t do it, he will definitely try to connect here and try this again.

‘Then it’s inefficient.’

A waste of time and pain

so i did it once. And I didn’t like the conclusion I found.

‘This bastard is real.’

I suppressed my annoyance and looked at some of the update information that floated in front of me.

[Frequency of use: 0]

– Re-update

: Apply the best situation based on ‘frequency of use’ (Period: 365)

The goal is to increase the frequency of use.

‘That’s why this shit became.’

However, it was slightly different in the case of the first update that became the standard for this revision, namely Steer Cha Yu-jin.

: Applying command to improve the ability of entities belonging to ‘company’

In the case of Eugene Cha, it seems that it was an attempt to return the experience of Eugene Cha’s forgotten steer activities in order to promote ‘improvement of the ability of artists belonging to the company’.

However, during the update, the process of losing the original memory was included.

‘But since the frequency of use suddenly increased during the update, it means that the purpose was achieved by taking a backward step.’

It was astounding.

-go away.

My will echoed through the air, information scattered. I cleared my mind and calmed down again.

But there was also a strange feeling of untangling the knot.

Anyway, just knowing this bastard’s purpose showed me the way.

‘It’s not difficult to deal with once you know it.’

Perhaps the system didn’t just give me the ‘Mission Failed View’ function that I’m using now to enter Ryu Gun-woo’s body.

I think you analyzed that the system dependence would be high in the desperate situation of mission failure. Did you want to remind you of that experience?

sorry but it’s a failure

‘I’ll make you regret giving me this function.’

I laughed wildly and cleared the damn information from my eyes.

My head was spinning and I had a plan. It seemed that the business was over.

‘Then let’s go out… for a moment.’

But then.

I noticed that one of the last, most recently added entries in the scattered information dangling underneath.

Exactly this.

[Ver.2.2 update (scheduled)]

-Data implementation in progress

‘This… Is it next turn?’

In terms of the concept of modern civilization, it felt like content with a ‘reservation’.

‘Let’s check.’

I’m sure you’ll find out what this bastard was originally preparing for. I was told to analyze the information one more time.

If you focus your consciousness and try to grasp the specifics… .

A message rings in my head.

-who is this?

“… !!”

I lost my focus.

‘just now.’

Something got into the application function called ‘message’ that I implemented.


I tried to implement the ‘message’ function in more detail to make it more visible.

‘Damn it.’

For a moment, it seemed that no one was biting at the strange pressure that the system rejected.

The message is prefixed with a name.

-Lee Se-jin A: Who are you?

“… !”

I realized.

Sejin Lee A. The name tag Bae Se-jin received during < Azusa >. therefore… Bae Se-jin, who has not changed his name.

and to be updated.

‘The number of cases is only one.’

-Lee Se-jin A: Where is this place?

Now I have access to the memories of ‘Steer Bae Se-jin’.

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