Debut or Die

Chapter 513

If you can’t debut, you’ll get sick to death Episode 513

After gathering all the guys from Steer in the early morning and making a fuss.


I got out of bed a few hours later while the window light was still dim.

It was earlier than the original wake-up time.

Yeah, to be honest, I wasn’t sleeping, I was just closing my eyes. I couldn’t sleep.

My head was a little itchy. I don’t know if this is the aftereffects of getting my head stuck in the system or the aftereffects of staying up all night with a body in my 30s.

Since he seems to be exercising steadily in his own way, it seems that the former is much more likely.

‘It’s not my body anymore, I have to use it properly.’

I’m glad today is a day off.

After checking Ryu Gun-woo’s condition, I checked Keun-dal, who was sleeping on the floor this time.

By the way, there was a lot of conversation before the sleeping place was allocated like this.

First of all, I heard him worrying about my mental health for a few minutes, and then I heard the big moon screaming like this.

– As expected, hyung sleeps in the bed! Because it’s my brother’s bed in the first place… .


-… ? Are you real?


After all, when you change your body, you will be sleeping in bed. I nodded my head inwardly as I looked at the guy who was fully stretched out on the floor of the futon.

‘… Maybe now is the time.’

I closed my eyes for a moment and then immediately brought up the status window. To really make sure ‘this thing is over’.

And I called.

‘… Lee Se-jin?’

Steer Bae Se-jin.

Lee Se-jin A, who had a conversation through a pop-up.

… … .

But there was no response.

There was only one last pop-up left in the air.

[Lee Se-jin A: Thank you.]

… … .

The guy was no longer here.

That means… Either way, it means the job is done.

The guy who said ‘I want to check it myself’ and said he would visit Bae Se-jin’s consciousness… Anyway, there are no more left.


I thought for a moment, then laid my head on the bed again.

There was no point in staying still. With everything done, it was time to head back.

‘Don’t wake the useless sleeper, let’s clean up quickly.’

In addition to the pop-up with Lee Se-jin A, a translucent status window was visible in the air.

[Viewing the fragment record]

-Mission failed:

The elapsed time was written at the bottom of the restoration.

(04:11:21 / 48:00:00)

4 hours.

It feels like a day or two have passed.

[Are you sure you want to quit viewing the fragment record?]

Anyway, as expected, viewing could be stopped at any time within the time frame.

‘… okay.’

I nodded.



The sight blinked briefly and seemed dizzy, but it soon became normal.

And I realized I was lying on the floor with my eyes closed.

It was Park Moon-dae’s body again.

There was no new pain.


But the headache, like being stabbed in the temple with a needle, never ends. It’s the aftereffects of the system’s kneading.

‘Is this fucking pressure still there?’

However, when I went back to Ryu Gun-woo, I looked at the big moon who was still sleeping well.

‘Then this is better.’

It is better to belong to the spirit of the perpetrator. If you suddenly change your body in the middle of the night and get a headache as a bonus, wouldn’t it be quite X-rated?

If it were me, I wouldn’t leave it alone. In that sense, the current state of taking care of the situation you committed is not bad.

‘At most it will last for a few days.’

In the case of the big moon, it seems to have recovered after sleeping, but I’m just wheezing because I can’t sleep right now.

I woke up pressing my temples. I was thinking of waiting in the kitchen to drink some water before the other guys wake up.

And the moment you open the door and step outside.


… … .

In the early morning, close to dawn, the kitchen is still dark and quiet.

There were already passengers at the Irish table there.

A dark silhouette… It was Bae Se-jin.

… brother?

… … .

No answer came back. He was just standing there with a glass of water in his hand.

I didn’t rush and waited for him to respond.

and after a while

… … .

He nodded and drank the water he was holding in his hand. and asked me

Are you thinking of drinking water?

… It’s true.

In response, Bae Se-jin quietly went to the water purifier and got another glass of water. It’s no different from the usual early morning… .


… Is Bae Se-jin right?

I suddenly thought of such a possibility while watching the behavior of a particularly calm guy.

‘… … Lee Se-jin A?’

In the meantime, the guy finished using the water purifier. Then, holding a glass of water, he started walking.

Soon after, the pale sunlight passed near the window and illuminated the dark human figure.

The guy… It was a confused expression.

that… is it you


that he sent that… !

Bae Sejin is right.

He was like a guy enough to make my heart go numb. And check one more.

I nodded.

I see you.

It means that ‘Lee Se-jin A’ successfully communicated with this guy.

that’s right.

Bae Se-jin was silent for a moment, as if he didn’t know what to say, then slowly opened his mouth again.

and… got the memory

… … .

Was it like that

I nodded and

then the guy added calmly.

I haven’t received all of them.


* * *

A few minutes ago.

Two people with the same face were in a confrontation. Among them, the one with the thicker eyes and the tousled hair said firmly.

-You can’t claim ownership of time you haven’t experienced. stop.

What are you talking about from before? If that’s my past, what I’ve experienced is right! Is it something that never happened just because I forgot?

-… !

‘Did you leave it to me?’ The story that can be summarized as ‘It’s my heart’ came and went endlessly.

A tense argument without any concessions was taking place in Bae Se-jin’s unconscious mind. It was an inner conflict in the true sense.

-I am the embodiment of your consciousness receiving the memories of the past. So, it’s no different from deciding that you won’t be able to recover your memories after trying to retrieve them.

What are you talking about. You don’t even know how I’ve been

The more explicit expression of emotion frowned. This is Testa Bae Se-jin.

But how can you be sure you made the same judgment as me? that’s selfish!

– It’s sophistry.

You are a sophistry!

And both were mentally gasping, reaching an implicit truce.

-… … .

… … .

The two looked at each other as if they were tired of each other, but their faces were firm.

I couldn’t help it. Even though the experience was different, it was because the way of thinking was similar as much as it was the same person.

And the first to speak was Lee Se-jin A.

-I understand your argument.

Years of court battles and imprisonment gave him the wisdom to acknowledge the inevitable and quickly devise another route.

However, the destination has not changed.

-But the decision is mine.

… !

Just give up persuasion and act right away.

for a moment… ! Then let’s do this.

However, Sejin Bae was a little more irregular.

It’s because I’ve learned over the years that good results can come out even if I act as I want without worrying about it.

‘If it’s like this… !’

He boldly opened his mouth.

give me some

-… … .

Anyway, when I wake up, I can hear the other members’ circumstances. But if you listen directly, you can understand it yourself without being distorted.

Facts are distorted when they pass through someone else’s mouth, whether it’s because they’re worried, because they’re uncomfortable talking about it, or whether they’re arbitrary.

It was a part that Lee Se-jin A was well aware of.

It’s okay if you don’t give me the parts that you don’t feel comfortable giving.

-… … .

But I need to get what I need to judge properly.

so as not to misunderstand.

Lee Se-jin A looked at the same person with the same face as himself without saying a word. Bae Se-jin felt nervous as if he had swallowed saliva.

and after a while

… !

Lee Se-jin A, with a calm face, stretched out his hand.


It was a handshake.

Bae Se-jin carefully reached out and grabbed it.



Memories flooded into my consciousness.

sight is gone


Bae Se-jin stopped breathing for a moment at the feeling of intimidation he experienced for the first time.

Still, the feeling of overwhelm was short-lived. Soon, as if submerged in water, my consciousness in the wet sensation became clearer.

The first thing I felt was… message.

-who is this?

It was a message he sent to someone.

A strange person in a black space.

Gunwoo Ryu. therefore… … .

‘… Park Moondae??’

[I am a member of the same group as you now.]

Bae Se-jin realized.

What he received was not Lee Se-jin A’s life.

As the memory of Lee Se-jin A just before this, I received the memory of the end of the short time I had a conversation with Park Moon-dae in the system!

‘… ! Only this??’

Bae Se-jin was also taken aback at first. And right after that, I almost became enraged at the thought that I had been scammed, but I soon figured out the situation.


It is because Lee Se-jin A’s experience and background knowledge that led to this point came to mind naturally.

They acquire emotions and knowledge naturally, as if they had experienced it themselves.

‘oh my god.’

It didn’t seem like a lie that this steer’s Bae Se-jin was embodied based on his consciousness.

And since it was quite shocking, he understood why his past self was trying so hard not to return his memories.

It was pure good will.

‘… Charged with transporting drugs.’

The knowledge alone was astonishing.

However, the memories received now are only background knowledge to recall.

The terrible arrest, trial and painful time have already been overcome, and once refined as if through a filter, it is understandable.

So Bae Se-jin digested them slowly.

He was able to accept it calmly, as if vaguely recalling the past.

But there were also things that couldn’t be.

-A long time.

The situation where he had a direct conversation with the Steer members through the mouth of Ryu Gun-woo.

The real-time emotions felt by ‘Lee Se-jin A’ revealing the truth to them were as vivid as if they were experiencing them now.

-I won the case.

A light sadness, calmness, a refreshing feeling, and a clean lingering aftertaste.

and… … assurance.

‘I see.’

Bae Se-jin understood then.

Lee Se-jin A So, the hardness you showed in yourself in the past… It was the unique confidence of a person who struggled alone and achieved what he wanted in the end.

It was tough.

And at the same time, it was shocking.

‘I… Could it be like this?’

Lee Se-jin A is her past self.

So, he was a person who could overcome this extreme situation without collapsing.

‘… … .’

In fact, Bae Se-jin thought that it was miraculous that he had grown to this extent as a testa.

I thought it was only possible because I was able to become a team with good people by chance and get encouragement and resolve.

Because he knew his own sensitivity, he implicitly thought that if the environment was a little worse, he would not have been able to handle it.

But maybe that wasn’t true.

‘I am… I could have endured the worst.’

and could win

It was a thrilling realization.

So, when the replay of that memory was over, he called out with excitement without realizing it.

To Sejin Lee A.

excuse me… .

-… … .

But no answer was heard.

it’s already gone Or absorbed into oneself.

‘… ah.’

He was a bit forlorn. Even though you know it’s you.

So, even though I knew it was unconscious, I tried to say it out loud once.

great job.

It was strangely comforting.

Bae Se-jin felt that the opaque vision was getting brighter.

‘You’re waking up.’

So he awoke from his dream.

I didn’t intend to tell all of this in detail, but I thought I should at least explain the progress of the work.

* * *

… That’s how it happened.

… … .

Bae Se-jin drank the water again and I nodded my head inwardly.

He seemed to have had a better experience than I thought. and… .

‘In the end, the two identical guys got into an argument and agreed to deliver only enough memories to grasp the situation.’

He was really a consistent guy, no guy. I drank the water and laughed.

You are great.

Are you being sarcastic? … no it won’t be


Bae Se-jin meekly accepted my answer and sat down on the chair.

And he said it quite forcefully.

anyway… So that’s the point.


What are they going to do? Especially Ryu Chung-woo.

… … .

I felt it while searching for memories… He seemed so tired.

The guy added seriously.

It was a very active attitude.

I think he was dealing with too much during that steer. But there was no place to turn to and no compensation.


The problem is knowing why they want to stay here… . Yes I can see why you were so worried.

Bae Se-jin frowned as if he was worried, but soon raised his head.

It was a pretty reassuring expression.

So I’ve been thinking a bit too.



listen. therefore… … .

Bae Se-jin started to seriously express his opinion and I was quite surprised.

‘It’s fine.’

The guy’s opinion was pretty good.

Plus, as a side effect, I noticed that my head had cooled quite a bit as I listened to the story.

‘Is it burden sharing?’

As an outsider, being able to work out a solution with someone who knew everything was honestly pretty cool.

Two heads were better than one.

‘Not bad.’

So I forgot my headache and had a short conversation with Bae Se-jin.

Until the other members wake up, wake up until the big moon, and the morning hours become a mess.

uh huh Gunwoo… Oh, Mr. Moon!

yes! you’re right. There I am… .

Eyy, eat and go! How did you get here at this early hour?

huh ah so uh huh… .

… For your information, Keundal gets rid of the incident so far while going back and forth like a ping-pong ball in the ping-pong of Keun Se-jin and Seon Ah-hyun throughout the meal.

And that means… Those who heard the story and realized the exact outline of the incident began to stare at me while widening their eyes.

It means that the system has been rushed.

… … .

… … .

therefore… Did you change your body and come back?

Okay. I was determined.

It’s dumb… .

… … .

Park Moondae Are you really going to do this?


won’t be anymore

‘Now I know how to handle the system.’

Calculation is over.

ah… . hey can’t do it! Or write a memorandum… .

I will.

… ?!

I gladly signed a non-consultational non-recurrence of ‘system sudden use without consultation’. The members responded with expressions that seemed like they would applaud.

let’s get stuck

ugh right… !

… … .

so far?

Of course, even in the midst of this, the two guys who were not original members were an exception.

Steer guys.


Kim Rae-bin eagerly listened to Cha Yoo-jin explain what the situation was, but Ryu Chung-woo showed a slight reaction as if he hadn’t decided how to react.

His expression was still mild, but that was all.

Originally, I would have actively rushed in, grasped the situation, and tried to melt into it naturally.


After the conversation at dawn, this guy seemed to have some complicated thoughts.

After making eye contact with Bae Se-jin, I nodded once. And he opened his mouth.

Come to think of it, it’s a new shoot tonight.

Yes… ! That < true match >.

Filming this contest.

I was thinking of making a bet there.

However, when I went to the filming set, one more variable appeared.

Adopting a survival contest method, a new contestant entered < Jinsung Match >, where one last contestant was eliminated from the previous stage.

Hey, newcomers.

Let’s do it well~

Those guys were the first to come to the set and were greeting each other with nervous faces.

But that participant.

Thank you very much! I am Eter, a rookie from Wonder Hall!

it was ether

A rookie group that benchmarked us.

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