Debut or Die

Chapter 549

If you can’t debut, you’ll get a fatal disease Episode 549

That’s right.

I did the crazy thing of signing an actor contract with LeTi in the past.

In order to collect the information of Cheongryeom from various angles and to obtain an identity that can step out in case of emergency.

After specifying personal information and signing, the manager smiled and told me.

“Then, come to Korea two months after the end of the trip?”

“yes. thank you.”

Of course, I couldn’t go back to Korea right away. Not only do you not have a passport, but your identity is also fake.

‘I don’t even have a record of entering the United States.’

It was good to be arrested.

So I delayed my entry into the country, saying bullshit like ‘I’m going to live in the US for two months before the start of next semester, so it’s hard to cancel’.

LeTi also said it was okay, as if he had no intention of compensating for the cost of canceling the trip.

“Well sir!”

However, when parting, the manager was polite as if he was conveying some kind of secret.

“But before coming to Korea… You can go straight from your screen debut. There is a perfect location.”


“When we judged it internally, Geon-wu’s mask and attitude were very good… You know?”

I don’t know.

“You can do it right after your debut.”

I have no intention of debuting.

Instead of saying that, I deliberately hesitated a bit.

“I think it’s too fast for me, but I think I should do it after practicing something so that the company doesn’t feel ashamed.”

“Ah~ What are you talking about!”

I’m not listening.

It doesn’t matter. Anyway, I’ll be flying as soon as I’m done analyzing the system clues.

I got up from my seat at the cafe and saw the head of the department leave.

“Anyway, thank you, Mr. Geon-woo!”

“yes. thank you.”

Then, as if touching a baton, a guy got up from the table behind me and sat down in front of me.

“The contract seems to have reached an agreement.”

“… … .”

It is cast iron.

I don’t know why you don’t just sit next to me and do weird things like this. Instead of asking, I just nodded.

“Then are you staying in America?”


“It may be better than Korea, but the United States is not an easy place for stateless people to live.”

“There are not one or two illegal immigrants in the United States. Just do it in moderation.”

I can speak English and can cook and make coffee, so I will be able to get a job at any fast food restaurant or cafe.

Ju Dan shook his head.

“At least I’ll unlock your first smartphone. With a prepaid phone.”

I smiled.

“What kind of money do you have?”

“You would think of it as an investment for the future.”

It seems that I still firmly believe that I was in my own group.

His eyes lit up and he asked seriously.

“Let me ask you one question. Can I afford to buy a building in the future?”

“… uh.”

that… not sure

The boy nodded his head in satisfaction.

“Then thank you. I keep in touch with senior Cheongryeo while monitoring her movements.”

And he held out his hand as if to shake hands.

I held out my hand with a smile.


And I realized

That the other person’s hand feels hot as if it’s burning.

My hands were unbelievably cold.

“… !”

He opened his eyes wide to see if the other party felt it too, then nodded as if he understood the situation.

“This is what happens when you order a cold drink in this weather.”

“… okay.”


In fact, I didn’t even touch the drink I ordered.

In other words, this is not a symptom of a temporary decrease in body temperature due to cold.

“… … .”

After confirming that the judan stood up to order another drink, I raised my hand to examine it.

As I held the glass table, even the glass that should have been cold felt lukewarm.

Dull pain is a bonus.


yeah this was a problem too.

It’s just that my condition is rapidly becoming trashy.

It is difficult to go to the hospital because he has stolen his identity and has no money.

‘It wouldn’t be a problem to go to the hospital to get better in the first place.’

I opened and closed my fist.

* * *

“Mo body… It got colder.”

“… … .”


Keundal was holding the arm of Moondae Park, who was sprawled on the sofa.

It’s because the body temperature has started to cool down as if frozen.

Her breath is very thin and her pulse is very light.

Feeling almost dead.

Even once, it faded as if it would disappear, and when it came back, it made three people pass out of breath.

Kwon Hee-seung, who was on a video call, pulled his hair.

[and. driving me crazy. On the Internet, no one really thinks it’s weird. furthermore… wait for a sec! Is lunchtime over already? Senior Cheongryeo, don’t you have to come back now? Wow then what should I do?]

“It doesn’t matter today. It’s a holiday.”

[ah… Then it’s fortunate.]

Cheong-rye wasn’t relieved at all.

He looked back at the big moon and asked.

“I’m sure you haven’t found any traces of the system yet.”

“… yes.”

Keundal sniffed and kept trying, but no clues came out of Moondae Park’s body.

It was so strange. Obviously, it was my older brother who gathered all the systems, and it was the system that put him in this state.

however… .

‘How can there be no trace?’

when your head is spinning.


[Now, why don’t we just focus on that and think about it again!]

Kwon Hee-seung reminded us of the situation.

[First of all, seeing how hyung gets colder and then fades every moment, then fluctuates… .]

Cheongnyeo muttered.



“Park Moon-dae is not dead.”

[Everyone should be like that!]

I didn’t mean to be relieved.

‘If the condition continues to change abnormally while the body is still alive.’

It is clear that there is some mechanism, Cheong-Ri concluded.

So, this kind of reaction appears because Park Moon-dae is experiencing something.

but somewhere other than here.

And it’s just a situation where there is no clue where it is.

Kwon Hee-seung began to groan.

[hmm… location. Oh then there… When I became a server. Do you know what state our bodies were in at that time? on that plane that… big moon brother? Hyung wasn’t there.]

Keundal groaned together.

“I don’t know because everyone was dragged in together… Ah, but even then, I logged into my brother’s status window and found him!”

But now there are no traces.

[Oh really!]

Took. Took.

Cheongryeo knocked on the table slowly.

[What the hell is different? What are the conditions different from that time?]

Cheong-Ryeo stopped tapping her fingers on the table.


-Does Park Moon-dae have a system?


– Did Park Moon-dae have any abnormal symptoms?


In summary, it is the same.

Other than that, it’s the details.

And if there is one difference in the process… .


“is it.”


Park Moon-dae was collecting system fragments.

And the last one who had that shard.

Besides, when he gets caught up in a strange phenomenon, the only person he comes in contact with is… .

“it’s me.”


was himself

Cheong-ryo grabbed the big moon’s arm.

“Check me out.”

“ah… … .”

Keundal was pushed by the momentum and unconsciously tried to ‘connect’ to Cheongryeo reflexively.

and… .


“… !!”

The big moon trembled.

Then he slowly raised his head and swallowed.

“there is.”

Hope shone in his eyes.

“There is something about Cheongryeo! So, I should say it’s a trace that leads to some system, but something like a passage… .”

[Wow, I was right!!] No

matter what Kwon Hee-seung shouted, Chung-ryo did not respond.

“Can I contact you?”

“I’m trying to do it now!”

The big moon worked hard.



Cheong-Ryeo felt a faint, unpleasant dull ache-like throbbing pass through her mind.

But that was it.

“… … .”

The big moon was breaking out in a cold sweat.

“too… too far… … It’s fast.”

[Is it fast?? What does that feel like?]

“I don’t know! It just feels like that… … .”

It was as if he was trying to convey a message to a person in a moving train by running naked.

feeling of inadequacy.

It felt like a completely different method was needed.


Still, as much as he managed to get a clue, Keundal tried hard to think more calmly.

how to contact

“Seon Ah-hyun.”


The big moon looked back at Cheongnyeo.

“That was what caused the system to fail. Is it unavailable?”

In the first place, Cheong-Ryeo gave priority to calling Seon Ah-Hyun as soon as the incident happened.


Keundal understood the words, but at the same time fell into deep trouble again.

It was because Seon Ah-hyeon didn’t get through Cheong-ryeo’s phone call at all.

“Ha, but I don’t even remember Moondae hyung, and I don’t even know him at all… How”

How do you persuade?

That was the moment.


“Hey there.”

“… !!”

When I turned my head, I saw a tall figure entering through the front door of the building.

That person with a nervous expression… It was Seon Ah-hyun in a coat!

“… ?!”

For a moment, Daedal suspected that he had some strange ability.

“hi… do.”

However, Sun Ah-hyun was not the end.

After Seon Ah-hyun, who cautiously entered the room, five more people came in with different steps.

“excuse me.”

The big moon is frozen.

Testa Power.

Everyone suddenly appeared in the JSA.

“… !?”

“I came because I wanted to ask you something.”

Ryu Chung-woo, who came in last, confirmed that all the members had entered the door.

and asked

to Cheongryeo.

“Who is Moondae Park?”

* * *

Two hours ago.

“Thank you for lending me the book. sejina. It was fun.”

“… what.”

Bae Se-jin was a little embarrassed and snatched the book Ryu Cheong-wu held out.


Ryu Cheng-wu smiled coolly.

It’s because I’ve noticed that this friend is sometimes brusque, but actually takes the time to make a list to recommend books to herself.

The book I read this time also showed that I had carefully chosen it. It was an autobiographical essay about a retired athlete succeeding in the IT industry. Liu Cheng-wu smiled pleasantly at the slightly explicit contents of the book.

‘I have to read it carefully’

But when I read the contents completely, I thought that this would be more interesting even if someone who is more interested in the Internet than myself reads it.

So, among the members… … .

“… … .”

Liu Qingyu crossed his arms and leaned against the wall.


“… why.”

“Did you do the most monitoring among us?”

“… ! I just watch some WeiTube, but not that much!”

“huh. yes.”

“Rather than me… !”

However, Bae Se-jin, who tried to give an example without hesitation, was stuck there.

‘… therefore.’

It must have happened, but when I tried to give an example, no one remembered it.

who was there

“… … .”

“… … .”

A stiff silence settled somewhere in the living room.

In the meantime, Lee Se-jin, who was about to pass by holding a toothbrush, hesitated for a moment.

“… ?”

At that moment, Bae Se-jin broke the silence and barely shouted.

“okay! You see more of that Lee Se-jin! Internet!”



“… I don’t know what it is, but it seems to be bad for some reason? Isn’t it?”

“… … Oh no.”

With the addition of a playful tone, the stiff atmosphere was finally resolved, and a sense of relief dominated the living room.

However, Liu Chengwu was deep in thought with a calm face.

Lee Se-jin lightly tapped the leader on the shoulder.

“Oh, Sejin.”

“yes. brother!”

Sejin Lee rubbed the back of his neck even while laughing cheerfully.

“hmm. For some reason, the atmosphere in the dorm today is very stale~ Is it because everyone works so hard?”


Liu Cheng-wu nodded and then suggested this.

“Would you like to see some old videos?”

“Oh good. I also want to find a beginner’s mind!”

That’s how they gathered in the living room and started watching Testa’s previous stages and contents.

Randomly from debut activity to recent activity.

[Think of you whom I met tomorrow all day long.]

[Dream blue dreams like daytime-]

“Oh, what are you watching?”

“I just finished my work.”

And like a holiday, the members joined one by one and started watching the videos.

Debut Stage Extreme Travel A special stage for a concert in the countryside with Munggae, an uninhabited island in distress… .

Even the first concert commemorative W live.

[Park Moon-dae (Today’s Crybaby King): … Thank you.]

But I felt strangely awkward.

“… … ah.”


But the more I looked at it, the more the awkwardness disappeared.

Bae Se-jin thought.


Normally, gathering together and monitoring should be fun. Why do you feel like you’re holding back so much?

And Liu Cheng-wu, who was sitting next to him, opened his mouth as if talking to himself.

“It’s just a thought.”


“You just had a good high pitch on stage.”

“That’s right.”

“Our members are good at it~”

Ryu Cheong-wu calmly asked at the feminine virtues.

“Who exactly?”

“… … .”

-Whose treble is it?

“Oh, of course you are my brother. Oh, except for our rapper line, everyone is good at middle and high notes~”

“I don’t think I can raise it that high.”

“… yes?”

“I know my vocal range well.”

Liu Qingyu said calmly.

Absorbing his experience as a knowledge, he knew his own strengths and weaknesses more clearly than before.

“I am not.”

“… … .”

“I heard that one of our members called.”

“that is… That’s right.”


Again a giddy silence reigned in the living room.

Only the sound of Testa’s stage came out dull from the TV and resounded.

“Shit… Is there a 7th member that no one knows about? Like a haunted house story?”

Cha Yoo-jin covered her mouth and shouted.


Everyone was startled and started shaking their heads or hitting the person who said it.

“Don’t talk nonsense, Cha Yoo-jin!”

“You every time, every time!”

“Ouch! sick! I am sick!”

Lee Se-jin did not hit Cha Yu-jin, but shook his head and said.

“Ah, there’s no such thing as a ghost~ Oh, since I’m a ghosted idol, that reminds me of that. why is that Yes~ Previously, VTIC Cheongryeo sunbaenim and our members came out together… .”

“ah. the mountain hut.”

When Bae Se-jin, who remembered < Be close for now >, said, the members nodded vigorously.

Yes, there was that too!

Ryu Cheng-wu asked.

“… Who is that member?”

“… … .”

“… … .”

chilly silence.

The hand that was hitting Cha Yu-jin also stopped.

[OK. Now I literally get goosebumps.]

And he realized that he had casually trusted someone to translate this English, and that no one had come forward to do it now.

As for the sense of incongruity that I had felt until now.

He frowned.


Liu Qingyu pressed his forehead.

“good. If everyone has had a strange experience, let’s be specific. Wasn’t there some kind of trigger?”

“that is… therefore.”

But everything felt vague and stable, like in a fog.

The goosebumps I felt at the moment disappeared and became like something that never happened. The moment they are about to move on to the stage where they become slightly ashamed, as if they overreacted unrealistically.

It was then.


Seon Ah-hyun spat out an exclamation with a pale face.

“What is it?”

“brother… ?”

Pushed by the pressure, Seon Ah-hyun slowly opened her mouth.

“I mean, that’s… a moment ago. I made a call on Sat. Suddenly the phone rang… .”

“with who?”

“VTIC senior Cheongryeo with this smartphone.”

Lee Se-jin frowned slightly.

“Isn’t that Ahyeon’s private phone? Why does that senior know that number?”

“Oh, that was strange… and.”

Sun Ah-hyun muttered as she put down her smartphone.

“Suddenly, he asked me if I knew any stranger.”

“… … .”


“A person named Bar Park Moon-dae.”

It was a name I had never heard of.

So the members got goosebumps up their spines.

“… What did you answer?”

“He said he didn’t know, so he told me to search in the search bar… .”

“… … .”

Usually, asking a portal site to search means that if you search, it will come out… .

The occupation is usually a celebrity.

idols like them.

“And I just checked.”

Seon Ah-hyun lifted another smartphone off the table with her face still without a complexion.

It was Seon Ah-hyun’s work smartphone.

He had been checking this since the call. There was something that kept bothering me.

“The number I called from my private phone was different.”


“Cheongryeo sunbaenim’s number that I saved here… It wasn’t.”

“… … .”

That’s it.

Everyone intuitively felt it.

That was the strangest and most suspicious!

“Why don’t you try inserting the character radish?”


And Seon Ah-hyun, under the supervision of Ryu Cheong-woo, put this text in Cheong-ryeo.

-Is it possible to visit the JSA on the same day? We would like to go see you now.

a few hours later.

“No matter how you think about it, it’s strange.”

That’s what they asked here.

Ask stupid questions that you would never normally have asked.

“You mean the person named Park Moon-dae who I spoke to Ah Hyun over the phone earlier.”

“… … .”

“Were you a member of us?”

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