Demon Lord Gets Married

Chapter 220

Chapter 220 - Dominating Jianghu

When he woke up in the morning, there was a light snowfall. The mountains on all four sides were covered with white cloaks and were wrapped in silver. It added a bit of sanctity to this independent world.

Of course, no one in the righteous path of the martial arts Lin would ever associate these two words with Evil Sect.

Wu Lin, who had been frozen for an entire night, had accumulated the most dissatisfaction. When breakfast time was about to break out, these men were then captured by the steaming hot porridge, fragrant meat buns, and heavy pancakes.

Zuo Shaotang woke up late, but luckily, no one wanted to see his fox face, so after he woke up, he ate the breakfast that was made for him in the kitchen.

Yin Xu sat opposite of him, scanned his entire body up and down, and chuckled twice.

Zuo Shaotang held back his eyelids, with a trace of spring in his eyes, he yawned and said: “Is the Sect Leader beaming with radiance because of today's wedding day?”

“Left Protector looks haggard. Is he tired recently?”

“What are you saying? It is this protector's duty to relieve the sect leader of his worries.”

“Then you have to take care of your body even more. I'm counting on you to take care of all the major and minor matters in the sect. Don't ever run around without sleeping in the middle of the night in the future.” Yin Xu looked at him with concern.

“What do you mean?”

“Isn't it? Last night, when I ordered someone to go and invite you, he said that he didn't see anyone.

Zuo Shaotang stuffed a piece of roasted mantou into his mouth, thinking: It would be weird if Yin Xu could remember him during that passionate moment last night.

Yin Xu glanced at the steamed bun on his plate. It had a golden color, a unique fragrance, and the sound of it crunching.

He asked worriedly, “Is it okay if you eat this?” With that, he cast a meaningful glance at his third path.

Zuo Shaotang almost choked on the steamed bun in his throat when he heard those words. He drank a mouthful of porridge and smoothed the bun over, forcing out a smile and said: “Of course there's no problem, why is Sect Leader only interested in eating porridge? Could it be that my body isn't feeling well? “

Yin Xu thought: “Continue acting!” This sect leader likes to drink porridge. “

The two of them stared at each other and started to eat breakfast silently. However, Zuo Shaotang was not overconfident, he only ate two pieces of roasted bun before stopping.

On top of the tall altar stood three thick pillars. Each pillar was engraved with complex patterns and characters, but these patterns were all eerie and violent. With a single glance, one could tell that they were not the right path.

Wearing a red embroidered dragon robe, Yin Xu stood on the altar. As he listened to the Great Clan Elder recite the lengthy sacrificial script, his exhausted body began to clamor that it wasn't right.

Beneath the altar, someone was whispering to one another without stopping. He was still in the midst of the shock of seeing the High Priestess for the first time.

“Is this really the newly appointed Sect Master of the Evil Sect? Isn't he too young? “How good can you be if you can't even grow hair?”

“You can't say that. Back then, this youngster was the one who saved Evil Sect from the Alliance Master and everyone else. Do you dare to say that he doesn't have any ability at all?”

“It's him?” No wonder he looked so familiar. No wonder everyone thought that youth was the new Sect Leader of the Evil Sect when they saw his accomplice at the bottom of the mountain. They didn't expect him to be … “I really didn't expect this.”

“Indeed, it is beyond our expectations. Fortunately, we have come. It would be truly unbelievable if we did not see it with our own eyes.”

“Hmph, isn't that even better? Even if a little brat like him has high martial arts skills, he doesn't have a lot of experience, right? Who knows, he might even lose all his Evil Sect. “

The surrounding people nodded happily when they heard this. The weaker the Evil Sect, the happier they would be. However, one had to admit that wishes were not good, but reality was cruel.

“However, this also means that these two people are indeed related to Evil Sect. Then Alliance Master Qing …”

“Shh …” We can talk about this when we get back, the Qing Family will definitely give the entire martial arts forest an explanation, didn't you hear what they said?

“He has really shamed all of our righteous martial arts Lin!” Qing Family is really insidious, with a mouth full of righteousness and benevolence, but behind everyone's back, they had already hooked up with Evil Sect. “

“Otherwise, how could he sit in the position of Alliance Master for so long? “It's a good thing the paper can't wrap up the fire. Let's see how he'll deal with it this time.”

Qing Xiaoyan smiled bitterly as he heard the rumors. Fortunately, he was mentally prepared so he didn't have to accept it.

On the altar, Yin Xu could not help but send a sound transmission to the Great Clan Elder, “Cut the crap, get straight to the point.

The long tiger's body shook, he looked around in astonishment, and finally realised that the voice belonged to Yin Xu, and looked at him in shock.

“What are you looking at? Why aren't you going faster? ” Yin Xu changed the center of gravity between his legs, regretting that he did not get someone to lift a chair up earlier.

In the end, who had to stand up and accept this?

In fact, Yin Xu was overthinking it. This ceremony started when the successor had to complete it on his knees, and gradually, no one was willing to bend their knees to become the Sect Leader. Only then did they stand.

Great Elder's white eyebrows twitched, and he immediately jumped to the last few words, “Heaven and earth belong to the five elements, under the blessing of the heavens, the last orders of the Sect Leader, the present Huo Tian, is to train both the inner and outer ranks. At this point in time, I am willing to report to the heavens and earth, which is the Sect Leader's position. We look forward to seeing the seriousness of the contemplation, the conscientiousness of the heart, the self-respect, the kindness of the loved ones, and the new governance of Sky Piercing Sect and Sky Piercing Sect … “

“Hmm?” Yin Xu squinted his eyes and glanced at him.

The Great Clan Elder immediately understood and wiped away the cold sweat on his forehead, then quickly corrected himself, “Today, I, the lord, have changed Sky Piercing Sect to Myriad Demons Sect, and from now on, there will no longer be any words' Tong Tian ‘in the martial arts world. I hope that my Myriad Demons Sect will dominate the martial arts world!”

As soon as the last words came out, the martial artists below were immediately angered. You f * cking forced us to come here, we could forget about you attacking us on the way, beat us to a tent, and you even have the ambition to dominate the martial arts world. Are you trying to make us kneel and worship you?

“Pui!” “A warrior can be killed but not humiliated. Brothers, can it be that you all are helplessly watching these demons ride on top of our heads and do whatever they want?”

“Yes!” Even if we die, we will never lower our heads! “

Suddenly, the atmosphere became tense, many of the martial artists pulled out their swords and pointed at Yin Xu who was on the stage.

The Great Elder knew he said the wrong thing again. What he said was not wrong, but he forgot that this time, there were people from various sects and schools who came to attend the reigning ceremony. Wasn't it obvious that they were trying to cause trouble by saying they were dominating the martial arts world in front of them?

“Sect Leader?”

Yin Xu waved him down and turned to face the audience.

He looked around, lifted his chin, and asked, “Are you angry? Why are you so angry? Do you look down on our Myriad Demons Sect or do you think that we do not have the ability to dominate the martial arts world? “

“Amitabha, benefactor's ambition is too great. The martial arts world belongs to the martial arts world, not the Evil Sect.”

“Heh, old monk, I will not argue with you about your talent. Today is my sectmaster's inauguration ceremony, and it is also the day that my Myriad Demons Sect will be officially announced to the world. Not only that, I have also invited everyone here for a discussion.”

“Go ahead.” Shaolin's monk was still relatively calm, he was not angry at Yin Xu's words.

The rest of the people did not have much of a sense of quality anymore, and even the people from Qing Family were holding their foreheads, unable to look straight at them.

Yin Xu took two steps forward, extended his finger, and pointed at Qing Xiaoyan, “Alliance Head Qing, you have been a Martial Union Master for a long time, shouldn't you give up the position to a sage?”

“…” After a brief period of silence, the crowd suddenly burst into a clamor. “F * ck your mother!” Don't go too far with your Evil Sect! “

“Alliance Chief Qing!” We, the righteous path martial arts Lin will not sit around and allow you to give us the position of Alliance Master.

“So what if I give way?” We can't accept it! ” Everyone clamored, pointing their spears at Qing Xiaoyan.

Qing Xiaoyan laughed bitterly, what was this? What a calamity!

He had no choice but to stand up and walk to the front, and meet Yin Xu's gaze.

He revealed a bitter smile and said, “Sect Leader Huo, I can't agree to your proposal!” Even if this old man is incapable of staying in the position of chief, the seven major sects should choose the position of chief instead. Evil Sect … “He is not qualified to participate.”

Yin Xu slowly stepped down from the stage, one step at a time, and this move caused many people to be dumbstruck.

He stood in front of Qing Xiaoyan, “Whether or not my Myriad Demons Sect has the right is not up to you guys to decide, but this …” He made a gesture with his fist, and the corner of his mouth curved into a confident smile.

Following his movements, all the disciples of the Evil Sect took out their weapons and surrounded the people below the altar.

On such an important day, almost all the disciples of the Evil Sect had returned. There were no less than ten thousand people, and there were also quite a few that came from different martial arts sects. However, there were less than a thousand people.

But they were not afraid, now that Young Master Lin Wu Dang's Sect Leader was here, how could they just sit back and watch?

With them there, as long as they can take Yin Xu down, they can capture the king first, so what if there are more people in Evil Sect?

In an instant, the entire square quietened down, and only the sound of weapons being drawn could be heard, as well as the uneven breathing of the crowd.

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