Demon Lord Gets Married

Chapter 239

Chapter 239 - Enemy Attack

Qixin and the others were tired and hungry, but when they finished cooking, they wolfed down their food. They didn't even manage to taste the taste of the food before stuffing half of their stomachs with food.

Only after eating seventy percent of their food did they slow down. Finally, someone sluggishly discovered, “Wow, why is the food so good today? There's a big meat bun with fish, meat and white noodles. “

“Really? This is the first time that I've eaten such a sumptuous meal in my many years in the army. In the past, I only ate such huge amounts of meat with energy saving during the New Year festivities.”

“Haha …” Envy? We came out this time to enjoy the meat, and… There are also women. “

“Woman? “Where is it?” Hearing this word, the surrounding soldiers' eyes all began to shine with a green light. It had been several months since they had last seen a woman. They were almost unable to hold back their anger.

“What are you looking at? How could they be in the army camp? ” A young man looked at them contemptuously, then lowered his voice and told them all about their journey as if it were a chance to show off.

Of course, this was all an exaggeration, but if the one speaking was happy and the one listening was happy, then no one would be able to correct him.

The soldiers who had been starving for a long time were finally willing to put down their bowls and chopsticks, even if Qixin came over to tell them to eat less, so that they wouldn't have diarrhea later on, everyone would still disobey.

What was there to be afraid of when you had diarrhea? Those who had starved before would know the importance of food. They would rather have a full stomach right now.

He and Yin Xu were sitting at the same table, together, Xiao Feng and Zuo Shaotang.

Qixin did not recognize the two of them, but since they were able to sit at the main table, they must be Seventh Young Master Huo's trusted generals, just that the two of them were very young, he did not know how strong they were.

“Brother Huo, why don't you tell everyone about that formation? Everyone is very curious. Just how did the 300 over people manage to create such a great power?”

Everyone held their breath, their laughter suddenly stopped, as they looked at Yin Xu in anticipation.

After all, they all came from the Capital Camp, so it was normal for some of them to know each other.

However, the guards that the Emperor had gifted Yin Xu were all reputed officers in the Capital Camp, so who would think highly of them in the army camp? Some of them had been bullied quite a bit, so it would be strange if they didn't put on some airs when they were asked to do so in front of others.

However, they couldn't tell them the answer even after they finished the test, because they didn't know either.

“Formations, after using the luck of the sky, the majesty of the earth, the spirit souls of people, and the spirit energy of the world, can create something that ordinary people can't create. Some of the top formations can even create worlds, move mountains, and overturn the seas.” Yin Xu tried to coax them into listening to the dangerous story about the Cultivation World in their past life.

Seeing everyone's expressions of reverence, sometimes sighing, and sometimes sighing emotionally, Yin Xu felt that there was nothing bad about life like this.

The events of his past life had been moving further and further away from him, and now that he thought back, they had actually become incompatible. It was as if it was really just a fictitious story, and did not resonate at all with him.

Qixin's mouth was dry from listening, he especially wanted to drink a little. He felt that his life was too ordinary, only knowing a few big swords and a few tactics, it was not worth mentioning.

“Good!” Our Big Beam has a talent like Brother Huo, why should we be afraid of any strong enemies! “Come, I will use water as wine to toast you!” He believed that once this matter had spread, Yin Xu's reputation would definitely not be much weaker than the Marshal Huo's. Huo Family was indeed a War God's family that was passed down from generation to generation.

Hearing his words, Yin Xu's heart jumped: This is not a good thing, there is a Huo Zhengquan in Huo Family that makes the emperor uneasy, if this were to spread, who knows what he would think.

Yin Xu chatted with him for a while longer before letting Qixin and the others rest. Seeing that each of them had drooping eyelids, even sitting down was about to fall asleep.

Upon returning to his tent, Yin Xu immediately wrote a letter to Teng Yu, telling him to quickly return to the capital. On his side, he wanted to use the reason of the battle not yet over, so that no one would spread the news of the frontlines.

The military's clerk was even more pitiful. He accidentally knocked over the oil lamp in the middle of his sleep and burned all his papers and pens, as well as his ink and ink, to say nothing of the results of his journey.

If someone had not reacted quickly and rescued him, he would have become a corpse by now.

“Envoy Huo, can you really not send someone to buy some ink and paper?” I can't do my job without these things. “

Yin Xu impatiently waved his hand, “We are here for war, we aren't here for sightseeing. What the hell do you want to remember? Do you think it's writing a travel note? “

“But …” All of these will be filed when we go back. Perhaps the emperor will want to see them as well. “

“This young master is half dead from work, I don't care if those people want to watch or not. If they want to watch, then let them come!” Yin Xu glanced at Zuo Shaotang and asked him to throw him out.

“Envoy Huo, you can't be like this …”

Yin Xu curled his lips and muttered: “If I had known this would happen, I wouldn't have saved him. It's so peaceful to burn him.”

Zuo Shaotang finished throwing people in, and continued to guard Yin Xu, occasionally glancing at him, and maintained this state for the whole day.

Yin Xu could not bear it any longer, “Just how long do you want to see this happen? Not afraid of Xiao Feng thinking that you're in love with this young master, and that he's going to kick you out? “

Zuo Shaotang clicked his tongue, “It's fine. You have a Third Prince, so he's not worried. This subordinate just wants to see if you're a monster, a fourteen year old youth that's strong to such an extent. Is it true?”

Even if he started learning from his mother's womb, a genius wouldn't be this strong, right? And what was even more interesting was that the master who could teach such a disciple must be a celestial immortal!

“Fifteen!” Yin Xu emphasized his own age.

“Fine, fifteen is fine, that's not a normal person either.”

Yin Xu slanted her eyes at him, “Do you think you're normal?”

“Cough cough, this is definitely normal. Do you want me to acknowledge you as my master?”

“Sorry, but this sect leader already has a disciple.” Yin Xu looked at him with disdain, “You are so old, you don't have the talent, but you don't have the bone or bone. What you want is nothing, don't learn from him and try to take him as your master.”

Zuo Shaotang's head was filled with black lines. He was able to stand out amongst his comrades, and had even snuck up to become a protector at such a young age.

Furthermore, from his point of view, he was much stronger than Wang Ren.

“Wait, shouldn't …” Is it possible for Wang Ren to learn Formation Techniques? “

Yin Xu stared at him in confusion, “Your question is really strange, why would I accept him as my personal disciple if he can't learn formations?”

Zuo Shaotang remained silent. What was the logic behind his words?

However, after hearing the news, he finally understood why that brat was able to enter Yin Xu's eyes. It seemed that their Myriad Demons Sect would not have to worry about being destroyed in the future.

Although he had seen the effect of the Sect Leader's grand formation, with the previous example, it should be as stable as a mountain.

This feeling of having a strong shield behind him was simply too great.

Halfway through their sleep, the sound of a gong and drums suddenly came from the barracks. The soldiers who had already fallen asleep all picked up their weapons and rushed out. “What happened?”

“Enemy attack!”

Yin Xu grabbed onto a soldier who was running away, “Pass down the order, no one is to leave the camp, those who violate the rules are to be punished!”

The soldier pointed at himself blankly. “I …” I'll go? “

Yin Xu pushed him a little, frowned and taught him a lesson: “Didn't you say you still have people here?”

“Oh, oh.” The soldier staggered to his feet before running off in a daze to pass on the news.

Halfway through, Yin Xu saw Qixin. He was dressed meticulously in armor and his eyes were clear;

Yin Xu himself had only worn that armor once when he left the city, and hadn't touched it since. It was a pity that Teng Yu had used up a lot of manpower and materials to make that set of armor.

“Commander Huo, there are a total of three thousand or so enemies, and each one is highly skilled. They should be the Duke of Qin's Death Soldiers and Dark Guard.”

Yin Xu had already guessed that there would be such a group of people. The information that Teng Yu had given him was extremely detailed, no matter how well the Duke of Qin had hidden them, as long as they dug deeper, they would still be able to dig out his personal power.

And when Yin Xu went to visit the Kun City last night, he did not run into these people, so they were likely not in the city at the time.

“In a head-on confrontation, what are our losses?”

“It won't be a problem for all of us to fight one against ten people. With our numbers, victory is inevitable, but we will at least lose half. Furthermore, the Duke of Qin and the Second Prince can only rely on experts to watch.”

These soldiers were all trained by him, his feelings were extremely deep. He really couldn't bear to see them falling one by one.

He didn't even know that he was looking at Yin Xu expectantly, hoping that he could turn the situation around.

“The formation from before?”

Yin Xu waved his hand, “I've said it before, the array formation is not a problem to deal with dead creatures, but right now, we're people who can run and jump, they won't just stand there motionlessly, and we don't have time to set up the array, it's useless.”

Qixin clenched his teeth, “Then I'll do it!”

Yin Xu patted his shoulder, and revealed a slight smile, “Don't be anxious, this young master did not say that there are no other methods, do you think I would not have any preparations?”

Qixin's eyes lit up, “Haha! I knew Brother Huo was no ordinary person. “

F * ck, isn't this youth really the reincarnation of Wu Qu Xing?

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