D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 1149 1149 Auctifer. Lover Of Men. Women. Others

"With game we'll be entering a short intermission. You all have thirty minutes to do whatever you want. Just make sure you're back here in time for the next game, or I'll be forced to mark you as forfeited for the event. Feel free to take the elevator back out, if you all want," said Thyme with a bow… before disappearing entirely along with all the cannons. 

Kat jogged over to her team and grabbed onto Lily, who transformed to return Kat's hug. *That was stressful. I nearly lost there at the end because I got a bit tricky with my tail, and I had to abuse my fire to get the win. I do feel bad about that. I was so close to getting through the game too…*

[Hey, Kat it's fine. This is an important contest for everyone here. The fact that you managed to win isn't something to be ashamed of. It was all perfectly within the rules, and it's not your fault that the other teams didn't bother to put a mage into the fight.]

*I… I guess but I just sort of feel bad? I'm not some new demon like the first round, and it's not cooperative stuff where we all work together… now I feel sort of like the boss monster at the end of the dungeon. I AM the final boss. Stan seemed so surprised that I was Rank 3 already… and I just don't know what sort of advantage that gives me…*

[Well Kat, Thyme is at least Rank 5, but think about how strong they are. I bet even if you got to Rank 5 yourself, that wouldn't suddenly make you strong enough to fight Thyme, so just… don't worry about it for now Kat. It will be fine.]

*I know… I just can't shake the feeling that all of this is wildly unfair to the others.*

[Kat. It is not your job to reduce your strength down to their level. Thyme has already bent the rules a bit to ensure that you're not overpowering people with your strength. Thyme could have limited you more than you already are if it was really a problem. Don't you trust them?]

*I… I suppose I do? Is it weird that it makes me feel better to look at it that way? I trust Thyme… and I trust Thyme not to give out any unfair advantages… so I guess I should trust the expert? I mean… Thyme has been around for a long time… so it should be fine.*

Lily very pointedly didn't mention that Thyme had just recently realised how poorly designed his table tennis game was when a dwarf was facing off against someone of taller stature, or that Thyme had to pause the dodgeball game to talk through exactly what the rules should be when Nell deflected the ball and Burnice caught it. 

"Naw, look at them Gareth, they're so cute together. Is that what we look like normally?" asked Green from the side with a big grin on her face. 

Gareth coughed awkwardly, "Well… I can't exactly say. Kress?" 

Kress rolled his eyes, "I find nothing adorable about this scene. Clearly, you're seeing something that I'm not," 

"Come ooonnn… Nixilei back me up here," whined Green. 

"You have a somewhat different dynamic with Gareth, but the reason this is cute is because Kat is taking comfort in Lily's presence… it's a bit similar to if Gareth was tired and slept on your legs for once, instead of your normal routine," explained Nixilei. 

Green's eyes glazed over as she picture Gareth curled up in his full set of armour, resting his head on her lap under a tree. Green started to drool a bit until Nixilei slapped her on the back. "Focus Green, you're in the presence of royalty. Please control yourself," 

Green looked around the group confused, but Nixilei shook her head then jerked it slightly towards the group of fae and elves with Burnice in them. Green looked over, then back at Nixilei, before looking back at the elves before once more returning her gaze to Nixilei. "Nope. I've got nothing. Who's the royalty?" asked Green.  I think you should take a look at

Nixilei sighed, "Green, that sort of thing is important for politics. We covered this in a number of your classes, do you mean to tell me you really don't know?" 

Green looked around sheepishly, and Kat decided to save her, "Well I don't know, and I have no reason to have known. Perhaps you can share with me?" 

Nixilei glared at Kat with a face that told the demon she wasn't fooling anyone but Nixilei decided to answer anyone. "The princess is Marigold, the one with the axe. The Elf King is… well he's known for his harem. Elves are known for their exceptionally low birth rates… but the elf king… does not suffer from that issue. Some say he's actually just a half elf, some say it's his age, others proclaim it to be his magical affinity…

"Whatever the case, he… is rather infamous for his large harem of queens that act as his advisors in many things. Marigold is one of the younger princess, and daughter of Queen Ivy, head of agriculture. Despite Marigold's young age, Queen Ivy is actually the oldest Queen, and she's been a part of the King's harem the second longest. Marigold is her… well…" Nixilei pursed her lips, not entirely sure if it was a good idea to confirm something. 

"Let's just say that Marigold is the first child of Queen Ivy. It's… mostly accurate," Kat gave Nixilei a weird look but didn't comment. "Now, the King proclaimed an heir centuries ago, it is no question who the first princess will be… but the King seems committed to… repopulating the elven race. 

"Marigold is eighty-seventh Princess, which might sound like a lot, but considering King Auctifer has had over forty wives… eighty-seven is not considered unreasonably high until you realise that he's an elf. Many elves have tried for a century without a single child. Auctifer allegedly just needs a year," 

"Huh… well I mean, I remember that guy," said Green. "The king obviously, and like Ivy's pretty important I think… but I've never heard of her daughter so…" 

Nixilei wanted to slap Green for that, but she'd already said it. A quick glance revealed the elves probably weren't listening, but Nixilei wasn't going to count on that. Nixilei was trying to calm herself down, as Kat asked, "What do you mean 'has had'. I'm somewhat scared of the answer," 

Nixilei waved Kat off. "The king is… rather free with his affections. I suppose I should also mention that… not all of those forty wives were actually women. Auctifer is perfectly willing to sleep with anyone they deem beautiful. Yet… he's surprisingly realistic about some other things. 

"Elves can get old, and they live for a long time. Auctifer doesn't force anyone to stay with him, and there's this big… anti- marriage? I suppose that's the best word for it? Auctifer has an anti-marriage ceremony where he officially frees them to seek the affection of others. It's a bit of a show, but there's a somewhat popular story about Auctifer's third wife. 

"It's a comedic play about her leaving Auctifer's harem because he was too gentle a lover. So the woman… hmm… I don't remember her real name. In the play she's called Bofat, which I know isn't her actual name in the history books… anyway, I'll just use Bofat. Apparently she was legendary for her… alternative tastes. Nothing was too extreme for her. 

"So she first went back to take up her old job as a courtesan… only to be turned away for being the Queen. Despite her insistence Auctifer let her go with no ill will the business wouldn't take her. The play then goes through several acts where Bofat goes first to a few other business, then to the lest then legal avenues, then finally just walks around towns naked hoping for someone to jump her…

"Only for each and every man or woman to realise that she's the Queen, apoligise and then leave. Bofat finally had enough, and ran off to the woods where she met an old blind hermit. Bofat thought that might finally be her chance… so she seduced the man. Yet the night he finally lay with her… as he ran his hands over her body… he said 'Wait, that's the Queen's Ass! Shit!' and bolted," 

Kat couldn't help but let out a slight snicker at the image as the others laugh. Nixilei continued, "Yes it's a great play, and one I found very funny. Though I'm not sure how closely it matches true historical accounts. However, it is always cited as the reason when asked why Auctifer hosts a big ceremony for divorce. It's unclear how much of an issue it would truly be these days. Auctifer is well known for letting his queens leave when they desire to, not that many do leave…

"I suppose it's better to er on the side of caution. Besides, I've heard it's always a good excuse for a party," finished Nixilei with a smile. 

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