Descent of the Demon God

Chapter 132: TRA (3)

Chapter 132: TRA (3)

'Why is Sky Demon Sword…?'

Chun Yeowun couldn't hide his shock at the image that turned to the Sky Demon Sword.

He thought that the wrist guards only looked alike, but this sword looked exactly the same as well.

He couldn't figure out why the Sky Demon Sword was included in this armour. Chun Yeowun, who had been looking at it in doubt, suddenly looked at another part of the armour.

It was the upper part.


In the picture, the upper body part of the armour looked familiar. Chun Yeowun, who was looking at it, pressed his finger on it.

And once again, the armour came to life and its form changed, it turned into a staff.

'Ice Cold Staff!'

Surprisingly, it was the Ice Cold Staff, which was a divine item of the North Sea Ice Palace. The reason why Chun Yeowun knew about it was that he had gone to the Ice Palace to catch the Dragon Turtle in his time.

At that time, he managed to get the staff, a lost sacred object of the palace, and took it back to the Cult.

'But the colours are different.'

He didn't know it right away because it was in the same dark colour as the Sky Demon Sword, but this staff was definitely the same one.

The surface of the Ice Cold Staff was painted with gold, so recognizing it at a glance was impossible.


Was the divine item of the North a part of this set?

'How could such a thing happen?'

As Chun Yoewun knew, the Sky Demon Sword was a sword made from a meteorite that fell from the sky.

And he suddenly thought.

'Wait, wasn't the staff made from a meteorite too?'

He remembered the story he heard from Dan Jucheon, a person he recruited from the Ice Palace.

[The staff is an item made from a meteorite which fell in the Yunnan region by Dan Yeong, the first Lord of the Ice Palace.]

The common denominator of the two items.

Both were made from meteorites that fell from the sky.

However, looking at the picture, it was as if the item was already a completed one.

'Just what could this be?'

When he pressed the other armour parts, they transformed into various weapons.

The left wrist guard turned into a sword, and the helmet turned into a weapon resembling a wheel.

Helmet, upper body, lower body, left and right arm, and leg guards. A set of armour which turned to seven weapons.

'This is a paper from this cylinder, not from Earth, but I don't know why two items that I know about were in the picture.'

A huge question.

Both people who made the weapons from the meteorites had left records of how it was made, so why did this picture show them?

'Thinking about it, the staff had the spirit of the Great Bird.'

No famous or strong sword could withstand the spiritual energy of a Beast.

However, the staff managed to hold it just like the Sky Demon Sword. It could also absorb the power of the Gate beings' cores.

'I should have brought it.'

One unfortunate thing was, after absorbing the spirit of the Great Bird, Chun Yeowun gave it to Dan Jucheon as a reward for his loyalty.

He heard that when the Black Sky company disbanded, the Dan clan left for Russia.

'I need to call them back.'

He had to get that thing to be sure.

'I don't have much time, this much should be enough.'

As Chun Yeowun rolled the paper ready to leave, he looked at a unique pattern written near the top of the paper, which he didn't pay much attention to in the start.

'This… a letter? Nano? Can you understand it?'

[The regularity of strikes says it is a letter, but it is confirmed as a language not registered in my programming.]

Naturally, the letters weren't from Earth, so Nano couldn't understand it.

'I guess I need to ask Shakena or Deo.'

There were two demons he could ask about this thing. That was when Chun Yeowun heard someone's voice.


It was Hu Bong.

Unlike him, who came here to catch Hagar, Hu Bong went with Bi Mak-heon, Yu So-hwa, Im So-hye and the other members to the area of TRA.

‘Have you reached Fuyang?’

-Lord. I think you should come sooner than later. Not to Fuyang city, but what was this place? Hold on… ah! It is said to be southeast of Huainan.

'Huainan city?'

Huainan wasn’t far from Fuyang. This meant that the presence of the TRA entity had moved.

-Can you hear me? It is the first time I have seen such a thing. Right now, it looks to be a sea of fire all around the place. Strange things have come out and explosions occurred everywhere…

It was being transmitted through their brain messages because of the Nano bomb, so the surrounding sounds couldn't be heard.

'Hu Bong, just wait. I'll be there soon.'

At the same time.

A large number of troops gathered in Huainan city.

Hundreds of tanks and flying aircrafts were constantly firing missiles, filling the night sky with flames and smoke.

Bang! Bang!

The place where the bombing took place was around 1.5km to the front.

It was a place slightly off to the east side of the wall, and the constant bombing made the area turn into a wasteland.

However, what was even more impressive was behind the bombing.

Even in the blurred vision, most of the destroyed buildings in the region had green smoke rising up.

Like Fuyang, Huainan city was a death city. Fortunately, all the citizens were asked to leave beforehand.

"Shoot! Don't stop the shelling!"

The command post was about two hundred metres behind the tanks.

The camp was in a heavy truck.

It was meaningless to set up a garrison in this place when the being was constantly moving and when they had to continue bombing.

"C-commander. I don't think the missiles can do much."

At the subordinate's words, major general Yu Young-kang, the commander, went stiff.

Two divisions have already been killed since they've started. This was now the location of the third line of defence.

Although there was no way for the military to act, they only used the bombing to stop that being from moving.


"Commander! Again the radioactive levels are skyrocketing!"

A sergeant monitoring it shouted.


"In the direction of the ZRV-30s 2nd tank's coordinates 32.714957, 117.105750 are within range."

"Damn it!"

Commander Yu Young-kang went to pick up the radio.

"Captain of tank 2! Move right away…"

Before he could even finish his words, a green light appeared on the monitor screen.

And then, the green light turned into a straight line.


At that moment, the heavy truck shook. It was so strong that the monitors were tumbling out of their places.


The sound of an explosion.

The officers in the truck fell down. When the vibration and thudding stopped, Yu Young-kang looked at the monitor showing ZRV-30s. His face went stiff.


The ground was dug deep, and green smoke was blowing out. The place was devastated.

With one hit, hundreds of tanks were wiped out.

'How can this thing be stopped?'

It was frustrating. If this continued, the entity would absorb the energy around and destroy everything.

As one could see, its power was dangerous enough to be called the worst.

However, unless they bombed it, the being wouldn't stop moving.

'In the end, will we sacrifice the military to stop it from moving?'

Right now, that was the role of the National Guard. The moment they would stop, the being would head for Bengbu city.

Since the evacuation was still happening in that place, they had to do their best to stop it from moving. At that time, the second lieutenant in charge of defence radioed.

"Commander. The director has contacted."

Director meant the head of the Ministry of Defence. He couldn't ignore it, so he raised his hand and saluted to the radio.

“Loyalty! Yu Young-kang here sir!”

After receiving the radio, his expression turned strange.

Soon after the radio ended, Yu Young-kang gave the orders.

"Stop the bombing right away.

A high hill about 300 metres south of the military base. There were people in protective suits.

Murim warriors with weapons and Gate Keepers. Many strong people were called out.


Military trucks continued to come in with reinforcements. As the situation was serious, they had to bring people from various places to this spot.

A large number of well-known Murims and Keepers had joined. And even they couldn't hide their nervousness.


Everyone had serious faces as they looked at the green light that rose from the 2km destroyed region. It was their first time seeing a being withstand such a massive bombing.


"Bombing stopped?"

The bombing had stopped. As a result, the Murims and Keepers grew more nervous. The meaning was simple.

It was time for them to be deployed.

"Oh! Is that it? This is great."

A man wearing a protective suit worn by Keepers with a large iron box on the back of the truck which just arrived, looked out and seemed amazed.

Everyone was serious, but this one seemed excited.

'What is with him?'

'Is he here for a picnic?'

It made other people feel uncomfortable.

Not just that, there were a few people who were trembling too.

"Wow. It is huge. "

It was Hu Bong.

Bi Mak-heon, who was next to him, nodded with a stiff face.

As the smoke covering the bombing area went away, the figure of the being was revealed.

Almost 120 metres tall.

The appearance of the hard-looking shell which seemed like armour on the body, and numerous thorns on the head and back. A gigantic monster one would only see in movies.

And that wasn't the only problem.

As the gigantic monster was visible because of the reduced smoke, it showed that there were 20 beasts of 20 to 30 metres in size crouching.

They were smaller than the huge one, but still huge.

It seemed like the giant one took the bombing and saved them.

"Crazy! Even those small ones are the size of Alpha entities."

"How can we catch them?"

It was uncertain if anything could survive the bombing. In the end, it seemed like getting rid of the cores and attacking the weak spots was the only way out.


A truck arrived. And a man in a protective suit with seven large sharp wheels on the back arrived.

It was Seo Jang-ryeong.

One of the special officers of the public Security and one of the Five Great Warriors with the name of Chil Ryun-jae.

"Have you waited for long? Now is the time to hunt! Everyone."

He spoke loud and clear.

The Murim people who recognized him were delighted.

"Chil Ryun-jae!"

"One of the Five came!"

A captain wasn't appointed for this. However, it seemed like Seo Jang-ryeong took it.

"This dangerous entity is the worst thing ever! It is designated as TRA and could be called S-class. If the forces aren't joined together, that monster will slaughter millions of civilians."

Seo Jang-ryeong began to give a speech to the Keepers and Murim warriors to stop them from splitting into teams.

Judging from his age, ability and leadership qualities, there was no way anyone could replace him, so everyone stayed silent.

But not everyone was like that.

One of them stepped ahead.

"Are you the Chil Ryun-jae of Five Great Warriors?"


A person in large iron armour stepped ahead. It was Sayogi.

He was aiming to be the best of Murim, so he was itching for a fight as soon as he saw Seo Jang-ryeong.

"Yes. Young friend. The situation is urgent so let's talk later. Then the Keepers of Team C will…"

It was urgent, so Seo Jang-ryeong tried to continue his instructions but,

"After we take care of the monster, how about fighting with me?"

Seyogi interrupted again. Everyone thought he was a Murim warrior who was excited to see one of the Five Great Warriors, but when he asked for a fight, Seo Jang-ryeong's face contorted.

He was annoyed, but he resisted.

"I am well aware that the young friend is motivated, so stop now, and wait for the instructions."

However, Sayogi didn't stop.

"Is it so hard to accept the request for a battle?"

In the end, Seo Jang-ryeong warned with anger.

"I see that words don't work with you. I won't forgive you if you interrupt me anymore…"



Before the words were done, Sayogi's hand went for Seo Jang-ryeong's neck.

He wasn't aiming to kill, but the sharp energy from the hand touched the neck.

"I wonder if my challenge was taken lightly. I treated you with courtesy since you were strong, but I guess you lack manners."

Seo Jang-ryeong looked at the man with a stiff face.

If this man was determined, he could have extended his hand a little more and killed him.

'… who is he?'

At this level, this man could be the same, no higher than him. He was shocked when someone shouted.

"L-look over there!"

The eyes of those who watched the two turned to other places.

It was none other than a colossal monster. And a small human figure floating in the air with a monster.

"What? Is he flying?"

"Who is he?"

Since it was dark, no one could see anything.

The man raised his hand, and countless blue swords appeared in all directions around the monster.

"No… No way!"

Seo Jang-ryeong was startled, forgetting the hand close to his neck.

'Are they all Air Swords?'

When the black form lowered his hand, the Air Swords from all directions exploded at the monster and the small ones around it.

Swoosh! Kwakwakwang!

Seeing that, Hu Bong smiled.

"Sky Flash! Lord is here!"

It was one of Chun Yeowun's famous skills, the Sky Flash.

Chun Yeowun, who was expected to arrive later, had come.

Sayogi watched the scene and mumbled with twinkling eyes.

"Not this one. But he is the strongest one."

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