Detective From the Future

Chapter 241: One lift for two.

Chapter 241: One lift for two.

The person in the photo his face could be unseen clearly, the female bowler hat and long hair in a shawl hid it well, and this person wore a long patterned dress and a tall figure.

Wang Zi Jia glanced at the photo and stopped crying: "Officer Han, you're really kidding me, I'm not a woman, how could that be me."

"How did you know it was a woman?" Han Bin asked.

"She's wearing women's clothes, of course; she's a woman," Wang Zi Jia said.

"I don't agree with that. The world is free and diverse. Whoever stipulated that men can't wear women's clothes stipulated that men can't love men, is not it?" Replied Li Hui.

"Officer, I totally agree with your statement, but even if it's not a woman in the photo, that doesn't prove it's me," Wang Zi Jia defended.

Han Bin tapped on the table: "Wang Zi Jia, let me ask you again, is the person in the photo you?"

"No," said Wang Zi Jia firmly.

"On October 27, did you go to Jing'an Hutong?" Han Bin asked.


"Did you wear clothes similar to those in the photo?"


Wang Zi Jia denied it three times, without an expression.

Han Bin couldn't see any flaws, but he felt the other party seemed to be deliberately suppressing his emotions. The three consecutive questions from earlier can be considered foreshadowing, and when the answers will be verified as false, they can be used as evidence against Wang Zi Jia.

However, now that Wang Zi Jia denied death and refused to admit he was the one wearing women's clothes, and Han Bin did not have enough evidence to convict him, the trial could only end temporarily.

Han Bin walked out of the interrogation room, and Zheng Kaixuan also walked out of the observation room. He lifted his chin and asked:

"How do you feel?"

"Have you not seen at all, a dead duck possessing a hard mouth?" Han Bin sniffled.

"On the way back after arresting Wang Lu Shan, I asked him how he handled the first police interrogation. He said that Wang Zi Jia found him in advance, helped him rehearse for a long time, and had thought of various questions in advance, so he was very calm in the face of you and Sun Xiao Peng," Zheng Kaixuan said.

Hearing these words, Han Bin had a sudden realization. He took notes from Wang Lu Shan and Wang Zi Jia respectively but found no signs of lies in either of them, and he had just learned that Wang Lu Shan had to practice in advance and was prepared for Han Bin's questions. It was a bit like an actor. Before acting, he had to determine the role in advance. The more he studied the role and rehearsed, the more he would act similarly. And the role played by Wang Zi Jia was a good innocent person.

"Captain Zheng, with our current evidence, it's not enough to convict him," Han Bin sighed.

"The person has already been caught, and I'm not afraid he will run away. This way, let's go back to rest today, and then check again tomorrow," Zheng Kaixuan looked at his watch, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening.

"Yes, Captain."

... ...

When Han Bin got home, it was already eleven o'clock at night, and his body was tired and exhausted, but he didn't feel like sleeping. After he had taken a shower, he poured a glass of red wine, and after drinking it, he felt a little more drowsy.

The next morning, Han Bin ran for half an hour in the community and went home to wash up, and rushed to the police station without eating. After a few bites in the cafeteria, he went to the conference room for a meeting.

Dai Ming Han personally chaired the meeting, listened to the progress of the case, gave a few words of encouragement, and left the conference room. After Dai Ming Han left, Zheng Kaixuan continued the meeting.

The nature of the two meetings was different. Zheng Kaixuan glanced at everyone and said: "Wang Zi Jia has been arrested, but he still refuses to confess. The most urgent task now is to find more evidence of the conviction. Anyone can talk about their brainstorming."

"Last night I interrogated Wang Zi Jia and asked him why he forged an alibi. He said he was at home and lied because he was afraid the police would suspect him. It is necessary to check if Wang Zi Jia was home that day," Han Bin said.

Zheng Kaixuan nodded: "This is a very important thing to check."

"I kept thinking yesterday, can we start with the source of the clothes? Wang Zi Jia is probably the criminal, who killed the beggar, disguised as a woman. If we can prove he bought the same clothes, the suspicion around him will increase further," Tian Li said.

"How are you going to investigate?"

"A man is unlikely to go to the store to buy women's clothes. Most likely, he made purchases online. I want to check if his mobile phone has purchased records.

"The mobile phone in the technical team, you can pick it up later," Zheng Kaixuan praised.

"Yes, Captain," Tian Li replied.

Han Bin touched his chin and began to think. Although these two pieces of evidence are important, they cannot form a complete chain of evidence. To convict the suspect, more crucial evidence will be needed. Moreover, it is here the difficulty of solving the case. Once the key evidence is destroyed after the suspect commits the crime, he won't easily admit the crime. If the suspect's confession cannot be obtained, a large amount of circumstantial evidence must be used to form a chain of evidence, which will be used by the police to charge him.

Han Bin thought for a while, and then said: "Captain Zheng, we have already done an analysis. When the suspected suspect left, there was no blood on his body and his bag was missing. We suspect he prepared two sets of clothes, the bloody clothes he was wearing when he committed the crime were probably left near Jing'an Hutong."

"Do you want Anpingli Police Station to help find the bloody clothes?" Zheng Kaixuan asked.

"Yes," Han Bin replied.

Zheng Kaixuan thought for a moment, then smiled: "I have a better idea, maybe I can find the blood clothes faster."

"What idea?"

"You'll find out in a moment." Zheng Kaixuan pretended to be mysterious and said: "Han Bin, take someone to the vicinity of Jing'an Hutong first, and I'll rush in a moment."

... ...

It was after nine o'clock in the morning that Han Bin brought someone to Jing'an Hutong there. The murder scene was cleared, and Jing'an Hutong regained its former composure. Of course, this kind of calm is only superficial, the local residents were still talking about the murder that happened in front of their house after dinner, and many people dared not go out alone at night.

Han Bin got out of the car and lit a cigarette, took a few puffs, and saw a police car driving by not far away, but this police car was different from ordinary police cars, it had these words; "carrier of police dogs", written on it. After a while, the police dog car arrived, and three people got out of the car, one was Zheng Kaixuan from the Third Criminal Investigation Team, and the other two were dog handlers.

A dog handler opened the trunk of the car and a black Labrador jumped out of the car. Zheng Kaixuan took out a bag containing Wang Zi Jia's clothes and handed it to the dog handler next to him. The handler then opened the bag and let the Labrador sniff the clothes.

Han Bin secretly cheered, the idea was not bad, if Wang Zi Jia is really the murderer, then according to the smell of his body on these clothes, the Labrador should be able to find the bloodstained clothes he was wearing during the crime, which is faster than sending police everywhere to search.

With the smell source, Wang Zi Jia's clothes, if he really was the killer, the clothes stained with the blood of the deceased will be found, and they can indirectly prove that Wang Zi Jia is the murderer.

We can say the criminal police killed two birds with one stone.

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