Chapter 86

86 Chapter 86: Hunting for beast cores




Alex kept pounding violently until the mutated monkey was a bloody mess. Its body caved in at so many points and its eyes looked hollow. Alex’s strong grip was the only thing preventing it from falling to the ground.

At first, when Alex was punching, One sword simply believed he was a psychopath who loved torturing his enemy but soon e realized something. At first, Alex’s punching power was incredibly high then suddenly it dropped and soon it hung in between. Slowly it became balanced.

As someone who worked for the Briggs for so long, he was familiar with the first stage of the demon-kin secret technique... The first form of kill allows the user to focus all his power in one attack, ultimately drawing out all his power and dealing tremendous damage while damaging the user in return. It can easily be considered a suicidal technique that almost nobody dares to use recklessly.

Right now, he realizes Ale was simply practicing how to bring out the most power his body can handle. From what he saw, he guessed Alex must have a D rating fitness, and with the power, he just pulled up, he barely crawled into the C ratings.

If Alex used the peak ability of the demon-kin technique, he can easily climb up to the mid-tiers of the C ratings and with the second stage of the demon-kin technique, Alex can easily make it into the peak tier of the C ratings!

Such tremendous power he generated from a simple martial technique is terrifying!


<> One sword exclaimed in his mind as he watched Alex in awe.

When his power was still at the D ratings he couldn’t replicate such a feat. He wasn’t going to act like he isn’t inferior to Alex! In his opinion, if Alex had the same fitness and ratings as him, he definitely will win against him if they fought.

“I guess I can’t compete with a Briggs with just this level of power One sword muttered.

Meanwhile, Alex fell on one knee as he dug out the beast’s cores from its skull. Grabbing it with his hands, Alex could feel the amount of energy stored within it. It was far smaller than he expected.

He also realized that the monkey type mutant beast was far weaker than expected as well! His eyes turned cold as he considered a possibility and frowned. Amongst wolf tier mutant beasts, the weakest ones are always the deadliest because they move in groups. It means this one should have a group but he found this mutant beast eating a fellow mutant beast of its kind. Even a fool knows this is not the way it should be, it must have done it in hopes of getting more power to evolve but at what cost?

Normally these types of beasts become lone wolves unless they form a pack of their own or get strong enough to challenge the current pack leader and take over. Its plans were obvious to Alex, making him shiver at how dubious mere wolf threat mutant beasts are, what will happen if he comes in contact with tiger threat or dragon threat mutant beasts?

He finally understood why two to three B-rated guardians or hunters are required to take down a low-tier mutant beast! Their strength is truly exceptional!

Alex walked over to the second corpse which the spider monkey was chewing on and pulled out the beast’s core.




“What’s going on?” Tracy asked while looking flustered.

The sound resonating from all corners meant numerous beasts were approaching from various sides, all coming towards their location. While Tracy was confused, Alex and One sword knew what was happening.

” Spider monkeys are amongst the weakest variants of mutating beasts in the wolf threat... One sword said.

“To make up for this they move in groups for safety reasons... I guess the rest of the group are coming this way” Alex finished what One sword was going to say but he didn’t seem worried at all instead he looked excited.

A mutant beast pack may consist of five to fifteen beasts at once. While he had no intentions of creating beast gears from weak spider monkey mutants, he did entertain the thought of using their beast cores to help power up his matter absorption ability. This is a rare opportunity for him to break through and go past his current limit.

“Take her and return... I will deal with them and hunt a little bit more... If I am lucky I will find mutant beasts worthy of becoming my beast gears” Alex said calmly as he unsheathed his daggers.

One sword was going to reject the plan or at least try to convince Alex not to do such a thing but Tracy was already dragging him away by the hand.

“If he says he can do it then he can do it... Staying here will only keep him distracted” She said as they retreated.

One sword just nodded to her words and glanced at Alex’s back for a short while before looking away. He wished he could stand and see what Alex is truly capable of. Something deep down kept telling him that so far he is yet to see Alex’s true strength.

“You are Tracy Ainsworth?” One sword asked after giving the matter some thought. Meanwhile, Tracy just nodded in agreement without saying a thing.

“You guys are dating?” One sword asked again.

“Yes, we are dating. Why do you ask?” Tracy didn’t seem pissed or disturbed by his question at all leaving One sword confused.

If all nobles or wealthy family kids were like Tracy and Alex who are easygoing even with commoners then the world will definitely be a better place.

“The Tracy Ainsworth I heard of rejected or suitors that came her way... Even from the Walker, Hall, and Briggs family... So why would you pick someone like Alex who is younger than you?” One sword asked with visible confusion on his face.

“The rest were simply puppets for their families... They will slit my throat if their family orders it... But Alex is different... He fought Wilder to protect me” Tracy said calmly but her eyes flared up with passion as she said the last part.

Hearing this, One sword almost choked on his saliva. Wilder is arguably the strongest SS-rated master in the world! Not just the Unite stated! The other members of the big four fear him, the world fears him! Yet a youth whose rating is at the D rank dares to square off with him?

Isn’t Alex scared of death? Or did he just get bored of living?

This further made him interested in Alex! He wanted to know about him!


About eight spider monkeys came into view, glaring at Alex disdainfully even though he was surrounded by two corpses of their comrades. Their eyes seemed to be on the daggers in his hands and it looked more like they were contemplating whether to fight or flee.

Alex saw the visible hesitation and frowned! If wants to get stronger he needs them to come. He walked over to one of the two corpses and stabbed it with his dagger!


Blood squirted out and splashed everywhere but Alex didn’t say anything. He just kept stabbing silently. With each moment his blade plunged into the chest of the corpse, and the eyes of the spider monkeys narrowed. They seemed to react to every hit he landed and it seems to infuriate them.

It was bad enough for him to kill a member of their crew now he is disrespecting the dead by toying with the corpse!


One of them screamed and charged down and the other spider monkeys followed. The sight of eight mutant beasts charging at a person all at once would make any normal person terrified but Alex didn’t seem to be moved. By absorbing the properties of the dagger, he had a body as strong and sturdy as that of a pseudo mutant beast so he had nothing to fear!


Three spider monkeys jumped toward him from three sides but Alex didn’t move. His eyes were pinned to the ground as if there was something he was searching for! As soon as they were all above him, just a moment from pouncing on him Alex moved.

His hand wielding the dagger moved in a 180 degrees circular motion. The three spider monkeys blew past him and fell to the ground but their heads were already ahead of them, rolling forward uncontrollably.


The other spider monkeys stopped in their tracks upon seeing this. They realized Alex was simply too strong for all of them! Joining hands to chase after him was no different from suicide!

They wished to flee but suddenly their bodies got heavy. It felt like their fits were stuck in some sort of quicksand, sinking faster each time they tried to struggle. Alex slowly walked towards them with his blades in his hands and a pair of pitch-black eyes.

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