Devil Slave (Satan system)

Chapter 142 The Smiling Skull Drew Closer <59:59>

Clawed was already a Great demon-ranked demon.

This meant that he had seen his own share of the blade and its miraculousness.

He had seen its horrors and like all demons, he had embraced its destruction.

The blade was a weapon with the purpose of only ugly death.

It carried with it an unfathomable curse. 

Those that lived by it were to without a doubt die by the very edges they used to parry attacks.

This was knowledge that every warrior, whether demon or human knew at a subconscious level.

There was nothing good about it. But such was the great ugliness of life.

However, when Lenny held his blade and he moved, that curse to die by the blade had been reduced to nothing.

  Clawed looked at him and felt the blessing of a man and a blade become entangled in the oneness that had become art.

But he was not the only one.

The raging crowd had suddenly quiet down.

It was as if they all feared to make a sound in regret that they might interrupt their senses from absorbing the gracefulness of his dance.

Many begged their eyes not to blink, scared of missing every moment.

Their minds worked hard to imprint every engaging motion his body made.

The bending of his taunt muscles filled with the flow of his desire that was ignited into reality at the tip of his blade marvelled their hearts.

Even Basit had to shut up and watch.

His mouth was dry of both teasing words and saliva.

This was the marvellous effect that lenny's movement had on all.

Meanwhile, as Lady Vinegar watched, she subconsciously tightened her legs, and her face was flushed red.

Within the dungeon, even the gladiators fighting for their lives were distracted from their battles by his actions.

"is that guy really a Reminder like us!?" Decay voiced out the thought of all the gladiators claiming to be Reminders watching.

However, Poison immediately sprang back from the illusion Lenny's killing dance provided.

Her Eyes focused on him. To her surprise, she could not see him move. But She was able to guess his general trajectory.

Immediately, her mouth opened abnormally wide.


Big balls of Acid spit rushed at Lenny. Or rather, it was fare to say that Lenny was rushing into the Acid Spit.

After all, her target was not where he was but where he was going.

However, Just like what had happened before.

Every time the Acid spits were about hit, his body would move to avoid the burning balls. but the amazing part was that he did it so effortlessly and still without his eyes.

It was almost like he had eyes in other parts of his body apart from his face. 

The bend his body made to avoid the attacks were as if luck was on his side, but those that had bathed in battles again and again could tell that this was a height of the flow, being one with the battlefield. 

Lenny turned, he grabbed a devil by its head and placed it before the ball of acid.

  Loud SCREECHING sounds were heard as the demons screamed in the horrors of the acid bathing their skin.

<+45 kills>

<+46 kills>

<+47 kills>

The Satan system gave alerts for the count of every death.

Unlike before, the count was unending. 

there was no interruptions. 

After Poison's attacks, the other gladiators also sent attacks Lenny's way. But they actions only fueled the charisma of his every action.

Unlike before, he was not interested in them. 

this was something they immediately noticed.

After all, he dodged not just their attacks but even confrontations with them.

He dodged and waved about them like a ballerina with the eyes of a rigid judge on her.

lenny's body was fueled by his Will to compete one task and one task only. Every other thing flowed past him like water from a flood. 

None of it concerned him and every fiber of his being worked in that light.

In his head, he remembered how he moved against the Dire wolves during the test. 

Unlike before he did not confront the Dire wolves. His body moved, dodging their claws and fangs. 

His body had touched the universe at a fundamental level. 

It was like his every cell asked questions to the cosmos and got a unified answer. Each one of them followed strictly the revelation that swarmed at them from the air and from the earth.

All this was the manifestation of Will. 

The cells that needed to hold the Needles in place did just that. 

And those that needed to concentrate on his movements did just that, while at the same time, his head decided not to think, but rather to follow the directions as guided by the Unconscious mind through the Subconscious mind. 

All his conscious mind had to do was simply hold the attention of every part of his body on their specified task. 

In this manner, Lenny's blade butchered through the devils. 

Every time, he would cut, slice and dice only what was relevant to finishing the task before him. 

Meanwhile the crowd enjoyed the crazy slaughter. 

But they just could not figure out what was happening.

After all, some times he would kill all the devils in front of him, and other times, he would dodge a devil that was obviously easy to kill. 

He would avoid it like he was avoiding the plague. 


The timer was an ever reminder that he was close to his end. However, Lenny did not care to look at it. In his mind, he had delegated a task and the time range for it to be achieved. 

Decay in his anger hit against the ground again. 

decay tore through the earth in his direction. 

<+90 kills>


Lenny could not be bothered with unnecessary attacks from his enemies. 

However, from his perception ability, he could tell one very important problem. It was the fact that he was running out of One eyed devils.

He had killed nearly all of them, and he was still a fair distance from the target mark of a Hundred kills.

<+97 kills>


Lenny moved even faster than before. He killed another two devils.

<98 kills>


However it finally happened, as far as his perception could tell, there was no longer any Devil with just one eye anywhere in sight.

He suddenly sensed one far off in the distance.

However, this devil was hidden right behind Poison. It had been trying to sneak up behind her.

Decay and poison had been too focused on Lenny to notice this.

Lenny found it. However, they were too far, and even if he sprang as fast as he could, he knew that he would not make it in time.

Firstly, he had lost too much blood. Even with his healing, he would need some time to get back his strength.

He thought of just throwing his weapon at the devil, but if he did and it got Poison instead of the Devil as intended, then that might spell his end.

After all, if he killed a gladiator instead of the Devil, then he was going to die. Starting all over again was not a possibility.

This was it. This was the place Lenny loved so much. It was the place his mind was at its quickest, sharpest, and even toughest.

It was also the place of death. Even now, he could feel the long sharp claws of lady death slowly tugging at his shoulders. Her seductive fingers stroking his back like a lover enticing her man to come to bed.

Her whispers so close to his ear that he could swear that her cold bony lips brushed against his skin.

"Mmmm!" Lenny could feel his being get tempted to lean back into her hold. 

After all, he had struggled for so long. Definitely, her embrace would not be bad, but rather relaxing.

Lenny chuckled lowly, "sorry, but not yet my darling. I only thought of teasing you!" He spoke in his mind.

once more, Lenny took the 'O Gasume' stance.

And then he suddenly stretched backwards.

His mind suddenly and solely focused on the feel of the blade in his fingers and the flow of the air current within the cave.

This was the moment of actualization. This was the moment that would define his fate.

Lenny made a round turn and as he did, for the first time since he stood up from the pile of devils, he opened his eyes.

Just like Decay, Poison could see that Lenny's eyes were on her. 

This was not the usual look he had given her before. 

She felt as if it was not his eyes that had laid on her but the eyes of a more superior being.

It might have been her illusion, but she saw the image of Smiling skull behind him.

It instantly captivated her heart.

The smiling Skull drew closer. By the time she had realized it, it was already too late. The smiling Skeletal skull she had seen had actually been Lenny's sword.

He had actually thrown it.


The sound of the blade going through flesh was strong enough for all of them to hear.



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