Dimensional Store System In Apocalypse

Chapter 141: Blood For Blood

Chapter 141: Blood For Blood

[As the user might have known, the Foundation Status or Bloodline Status was a unique trait from one person to another. From an early hypothesis conducted by the system, through a few specific candidates, the base for one to possess the Foundation option in their Status Panel comes from Martial Arts]

[Toot… Toot… Listing the number of potential candidates believed to have Foundation Status in their panels…]


[Wang Lao - Grandfather of Wang Yufei]

[Captain Hu - Captain, Tianhe Special Squadron]

[Donald Mckenzie - Group Leader, Horus Eye Mercenaries]

[Alim Roanoke - Group Leader, Horus Eye Mercenaries]

[Hei Mang - Gangster, Xuanwu Gang]


[From the system's initial assumption, the Foundation Status was added after the user practiced with the Breathing Technique. But the explanation at that time was too vague]


[Making this into an easier understand the term, Foundation reflected similarly to the user's unique trait. It can be considered a trait that comes with the user since birth and unlockable when a condition is met]


[The same condition are applied to the individual Satella's Bloodline Status. But her status is generally different from the user's Foundation Bloodline. The system believes that the answer to these differences was because the general population in this post-apocalypse were cloned]


[This fact alone made it understandable why the unique trait is no longer as unique as the system previously thought. But that's also where the source of a problem came. Because the genetics is no longer capable of self-evolution, this haltered the expansion of the bloodline]

'Oh? What does the system mean by that?' Zhang Qin Feng interrupted in the middle of Stein's explanation. Although it was made easier to understand from his perspective, there's still a part or two he's feeling clueless about it.

[Example: User's Foundation Status started at 1 point. Then, the user got married and had a child with another individual when the status increases to 5 points. This would lead to a possible improvement of the child's inherited part of the unique trait from both parents in growth]


[But the same situation couldn't be applied to the clones. Even if the clones managed to get their Bloodline Status raised to 10 points, the clone would have to restart from 1 point again. There will be no diluted in genetic, but no improvement either]

'That means… The people from the post-apocalypse will keep restarting everything without an idea how to keep it running. Am I correct? Just like a console in an arcade, no matter how many world-breaking records there are, you can only choose to start a new game.' Zhang Qin Feng said.

[Yes. That's another way to understand this]

Stein replied.

"Then, does the Bloodline from Satella's status works the same as my Foundation?' Zhang Qin Feng continued. Although he gets a rough idea about the differences, he'd still find it lacking.

[From what the system find out, Bloodline Status doubles the effect of serums taken by the survivor. The unique trait also strengthens the individual's strength against all minor illnesses, such as fever, inflammation, flu, and more. There's also another trait that user might find it disturbing from the Bloodline Status]


[Would the user choose to skip or continue?]

Stein seems to have a hint of hesitation in explaining this part. But that only made Zhang Qin Feng getting more interested in it.

'Continue.' he said.

[Toot… Unless the gene locker was modified on the Genetic Modifier, all Bloodline Status holders were infertile. The organs of the individual with Bloodline Status were also estimated to undergoes petrification as they get older, all the way until they stopped working]


[This genetic flaw can be controlled temporarily by strengthening the individual's body through the various serum still available. For each Bloodline Status Point, the clone receives an extension of two years from Blood Petrification]

'What? Petrification? Don't tell me…' Zhang Qin Feng closed his eyes and ordered Stein to pull Satella's Status Panel out. With seven points in this status, this means Satella has been trying very hard to keep herself alive until now.

At least for fourteen years from when she was kicked out of the cultivating tank.

[The system's initial scan hinted that Satella's petrification will be flaring up in the next eighteen months. Unless she collected enough serum to strengthen herself until she reaches 8.0 points in Bloodline Status, the side effect from Blood Petrification will come and haunt her]


[Believed side effects including zombifying, loss of hair, organ malfunction, and muscle deformation. The living matter of the individual would also undergo a petrification effect when the flaw is flaring up]

'F*CK…' Zhang Qin Feng spouted some profanity language out. Unable to keep himself in check, Zhang Qin Feng opened the minibar below the smart television for a can of beer.

'What about my Foundation Status? Is there any flaw in it?' Zhang Qin Feng asked. Finishing the entire 330ml can of beer in one shot, he reached out for his second can.

[There is… But the flaw can be ignored]

'Oh? Keep it going. What's with the flaw?' Zhang Qin Feng pulled the opening pin and continue drinking.

[From what the system noticed, the user's Foundation Bloodline gives out a minimal improvement to all status. The higher the Foundation Status, the more effective is the percentage of its passive increment]


[The Foundation Status is also highly adaptive to modification and possessed a 25% inheritance rate to the next of kin. Generation Leap mutation is also possible at a 1.5% rate. The system also noticed something interesting behind the user's Unique Trait]


[Listening to this might be disturbing to the user. Shall the system continue?]

Stein asked. But from its tone, there's more positivity in it.

"Go ahead. Surprise me." Zhang Qin Feng smiled and reached for the third can of beer.

[The user's Unique Trait seems to be highly adaptable to all kinds of changes and genetic modification. Perhaps this was a self-defensive mechanism from ancient times till now. The result from the system stated that the user's unique trait was like a catalyst]

"Catalyst?' Zhang Qin Feng asked. It wasn't because he doesn't understand that word. It's because he's puzzled by how much it meant.

[Yes. It means as long the user is willing, you can change everything happening in the post-apocalypse, as you wish. But in an exchange ratio of blood for blood]

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