Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 364

Chapter 364: Friendly Feast

A brief moment of silence passed. Bradok’s serious expression remained. As did the man’s jovial grin.

“So... That’s why...” Bradok took in a long, deep breath. “This... Baby girl, I forbid you to question this man’s identity any further.”

“... Okay.” Stunned by the remark, Ania had nothing else to say.

Then, Bradok began laughing, returning to his usual demeanor. He looked to Oli inside the raging energy and shouted with all his strength, “I’ll leave it to you, boy! Make us proud!”


“We’re leaving, Ania.”

Unsatisfied, Ania said, “But he hasn’t finished explaining-”


“So he’s in there to increase affinity. And then he’ll come see us before more training,” Bradok replied with a cheeky smile. “What more is there to know?”

“That...” She didn’t want to leave so soon. But looking back at the king cultivator, her father, and almighty stranger, what more could she do. “You promise I’ll see him before the tournament begins?”

“I’ll bet my life on it,” replied the man, nodding with confidence.

Temporarily swallowing her remaining anxiety, Ania nodded and followed her father. They used earth essence to sense the ground and walls, finding the stairs high overhead. The gorillas leaped and climbed away without wasting any breath.

Nodding, the man turned his attention once more to the formation. “We should get going.”

“Alright...” Zelsh had nothing else to say.

Like what happened with Bradok, knowing the man’s identity changed everything, from their interactions and conversations, to how Zelsh perceived and imagined how lucky he was to ally with such a person.

With that, the man vanished. Zelsh rushed out to catch up with Ania and Bradok. Oli was left alone in the formation, struggling more than anyone would be able to see.


“If that’s your only way of finding me, you’ll never get any further than the prefectural qualifiers.”

Panting and exhausted, three young cultivators surrounded the leopard lecturing them. They took advantage of the rare opportunity to see him.

Vloz added, “I won’t explain my technique, but your perspective on essence is incorrect, at least in regards to stealth. Until you understand that, you’ll never fully find me or my pupil when we’re fully concealed.”

“... Thank you, Master Vloz...” Tilgron bowed between his deep breaths.

Kraz did similarly. “Thank you for your lessons! ... Master!”

“Thank you... for further opening my eyes!” said Vant.

“You’re welcome. And should King Zelsh offer more than one training session with my pupils, then I’ll be back to offer further instruction. Maybe then you’ll catch a glimpse of understanding about stealth,” replied Vloz. “Kraz, I hope you’ll pay close attention to what you’ve learned. Though you have death essence and not dark essence, that can’t stop you from pulling off the same level of stealth.”

“THANK YOU, MASTER!” shouted Kraz, bowing his behemoth body into the ground.

Continuing, Vloz looked at the swordsman, “And you should also be able to pull this off. Your illusion skills give you a natural advantage. You’ve just never tapped into your full potential. Should you wish, after the tournament, I’m willing to teach you what true assassination looks like...”

Surprised, Vant humbly sheathed his sword and bowed. “Thank you, Master Vloz! If I’m allowed, it would be an honor!”

“Hey, if I’m not allowed to recruit your people, then you’re not allowed to scout mine either!” Booming laughter reached the arena, coming from the palace entrance. There, Zelsh stood with a tremendous grin. “You did better than I expected! Now hurry and wash up, or the food will get cold!”

“YES, SIR!” the three shouted in unison.

Vloz returned to Jarrit, Netra, and Puula in the stands. “Netra, you should follow them. We’ll meet you at the dining hall.”

“Okay.” Like always, Netra nodded and complied with her teacher’s instructions without question.

“Now, do you mind showing us to the dining hall?” Vloz asked, looking to Zelsh.

With a nod, the king turned and waved, “Follow me! It’s first come, first serve!”

The band of perennials followed Zelsh and soon reached a large set of double doors. Once inside, they found a large table set up in the middle with some familiar faces waiting for them. There were also some unfamiliar faces, all of which were human in form.

“You know the gorillas, so let’s meet the others. Donovan, introduce yourself,” Zelsh ordered.

“Of course, Father.” Standing up, Donovan showed a warm expression on his face. “My name is Donovan, and I’m King Zelsh’s firstborn. I’m lucky to have recently ascended and am now an early-king. It’s an honor to meet you, Vloz, Puula.”

Next, the woman beside him stood and linked arms with Donovan. “I’m King Jeminine. I’m merely visiting my partner and happened to be present for such an amazing feast.”

“It’s an honor to meet you,” both Vloz and Puula replied.

Finally, another woman stood up while pulling out a seat for Zelsh. But she didn’t get a chance to speak before Zelsh stated, “And this is Dewlia, my wife and my love.”

“Please, forgive my husband for how roughly he’s treated you during your stay,” Dewlia chimed in, making sure to speak for herself. “He’s rough around the edges, but Zelsh is a great man nonetheless. I look forward to building the friendship between our Rot Region and your Iron Territory.”

“Thank you, Lady Dewlia,” Vloz replied while bowing with Puula and Jarrit.

“Now we can ignore formalities. Take a seat and dig in!” Zelsh boasted, eagerly grabbing a gigantic leg off the whole, braised elk.

No time was wasted as everyone else did the same, grabbing a bit of everything. Given how Bradok would be leaving Bore City, they had to make the most of the situation.

“Mmmmmmm! What is this?” Donovan asked, turning to the chefs across the table. “I thought it was seasoned with Jrabda?”

“It is,” Ania answered with a nod, “But we added some flobbin pears to counter and enhance the sweetness.”

Entranced by the smell alone, Zelsh was almost tearing up. “Bradok... Must you leave? Can’t you bring Ania here?”

“No can do!” boasted Bradok, proudly puffing out his chest. “Now, I get her cooking all to myself!”

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