Do You Want Me To Be The Villain Like That?? Open Your Eyes And See

Chapter 100: Kill Each Other

Chapter 100: Kill Each Other

As the stars exploded, sending shockwaves across space, the surviving leaders and representatives of various races took their stances, ready for battle. They all turned their eyes towards a man dressed in black. This man radiated an aura of overwhelming terror, one so suffocating that it made their bodies tremble. None dared to move.

Jiang Yun's icy voice echoed, "Samsara Ring..."

Suddenly, a colossal ring of light began forming around them. The races tried to flee, but the ring expanded too quickly, trapping them inside. They stood confused, weapons drawn, prepared to fight if needed.

"Your opponent is not me," Jiang Yun spoke coldly, "but the others within this ring."

Whispers spread between the races. A giant murmured to a member of the Heavenly Serpent tribe, "Can you send a distress signal?"

"I've tried...nothing works," the serpent responded, its face grim.

Jiang Yun observed the growing confusion in their eyes. With a sneer, he said, "You'd better hurry...this ring will keep shrinking until it kills all of you. The only way out is for one of you to be the last one standing."

The various races were still stunned, struggling to comprehend what was happening. Suddenly, the Samsara Ring began to constrict violently. Those who stood too close to the edge were sliced in half instantly, blood splattering everywhere. Panic ensued as everyone rushed to the center.

Jiang Yun smirked. "If you want to survive, kill each other until only one remains."

At first, no one moved. Everyone was hesitant, unsure of what to do. Then, the giants made the first move. One grabbed the leader of the Earth Rat tribe and crushed his skull instantly, setting off screams and triggering a massacre.

That initial act of violence ignited a frenzy. Each race quickly drew their weapons and began attacking one another. A mad slaughter ensued within the Samsara Ring, with no other option for escape but to kill or be killed.

Jiang Yun watched the bloodshed with cold indifference, his gaze filled with boredom. The Samsara Ring continued to tighten, forcing the remaining races to fight even more desperately. Bodies piled up as the survivors bathed in blood, their screams filling the void.

Finally, the brutal and heartless battle came to an end, leaving only a single survivor—a representative from the giant race. He stood panting, his eyes filled with rage as he glared at Jiang Yun, full of hatred.

Jiang Yun sneered and spoke coldly, "Congratulations on surviving...but to keep your friends company, you'll be joining them soon."

The giant attempted to speak, "You bastard..." but before he could finish, the Samsara Ring constricted further, slicing his body in two. He had no time to beg for his life.

With all the representatives and leaders now dead, Jiang Yun gazed at the scattered corpses and wandering souls in the void. A wicked grin spread across his face. He decided to temporarily revive the spirits of the Immortal Emperors from the various races.

The giants, thinking themselves dead, gasped for air as they were revived. Before they could speak, their souls were forcibly controlled by Jiang Yun. The spirits of the Immortal Emperors began transmitting messages to their races, each delivering the same chilling command: "Begin the attack on Tianyuan World."

Every Immortal Emperor who had been killed by Jiang Yun sent this message to their respective races, unable to resist the compulsion.

One Earth Rat, in a fit of anger, tried to resist, yelling, "Filthy human! What are you trying to do?" But as soon as he spoke, all the spirits began to scream in agony. Their voices echoed through the void, and their bodies and souls were consumed, reduced to nourishment for the Dao of the Universe. Once their souls were devoured, even the soul stones that represented their life and death did not shatter—there was nothing left to indicate their demise, as the Dao of the Universe absorbed everything, leaving no trace of their existence.

Jiang Yun watched it all unfold with cold detachment, unmoved by the wails surrounding him.

Meanwhile, on the planets where the races awaited orders, a giant walked into the hall to report to his leader. "We've received the signal to begin the attack on Tianyuan World."

The one-eyed leader of the giants, a figure both formidable and fearsome, grinned wickedly and roared, "Gather our forces! It's time to take Feng Yang's head!"

The giant bowed quickly before rushing off to rally the troops. Simultaneously, other races began preparing for war. Each tribe mobilized its armies in full force.

Soon, hundreds of trillions of flying ships took off from various planets, all converging towards the same destination: Tianyuan World.

On a distant, quiet planet, Chang Ming, the Lord of the Sword Peak, had been assigned to destroy this world. However, upon his arrival, he found no signs of life.

Chang Ming and the sect members who had followed him surveyed the desolate landscape. The remains of what seemed to be a massive battle surrounded them. Buildings and settlements lay in ruins, large slashes and scars from powerful attacks littering the area.

As they explored, Chang Ming sensed something strange. In an instant, he drew his sword and struck the empty air. "Boom!" The void shattered, revealing the crimson form of a monstrous creature, nearly as tall as Chang Ming and standing on two legs like a human. Its power was comparable to an Immortal Emperor.

Chang Ming narrowed his eyes. "An, why is it standing on two legs?"

Before he could ponder further, the blood ant lunged at him with incredible speed. Chang Ming dodged effortlessly and countered with a swift strike, severing its head in one blow. But before he could catch his breath, thousands more blood ants charged at him, their cultivation equivalent to lower-tier Immortal Emperors. The battle seemed like it would drag on, but Chang Ming was unfazed. He slashed through them with lightning speed, cutting them down.

After confirming the creatures were dead, an unsettling feeling grew within Chang Ming. He immediately contacted the Guardian Elder.

It wasn't long before the Guardian Elder arrived through the void. Chang Ming bowed respectfully, and the Elder nodded before examining the remains of the blood ants. His voice was deep as he spoke.

"They should've been why are they appearing in Tianyuan Universe?"

Chang Ming narrowed his eyes in confusion. "Elder, what do you mean?"

The Guardian Elder looked at him seriously. "These are Blood Ants. They are true devourers of universes. Wherever they appear, all life in that universe is doomed. They multiply rapidly, and newly born ants are incredibly powerful. Worse still, when they consume a body, they gain its abilities, and the victim's soul is destroyed permanently. Not even our sect master can revive those taken by these creatures. Anyone bitten but not killed will be infected, turning into a Blood Ant themselves. Blood Ants are a grave threat to any universe below the divine level, and they were thought to be extinct, as none had been seen for over a million years."

A heavy silence followed as Chang Ming and the others processed the gravity of the situation.

The Guardian Elder looked up at the sky and spoke grimly, "It seems our plans may need to change..."

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