Dragon God Sovereign

Chapter 4171: The real battle (5)

Chapter 4171: The real battle (5)

"Feng Wuchen, not only can you quickly recover from a serious injury, this saint can also do it."

Yan Witch Sen said coldly: "The real battle has just begun, how can this saint be defeated so easily? You might underestimate this saint!"

"Witch, you are not Feng Wuchen's opponent, stop here." Yan Di Soul said through the voice, secretly worried in her heart.

"Yes, you have also seen the power of Feng Wuchen. Now that only the six-fold Chaos Heavenly Sovereign can severely hurt me, he can no longer increase his cultivation level. Once he breaks through the realm of the Supreme God, it will be more difficult to kill him. "

Yan Witch said in a voice transmission: "Now I am the only one who dares to kill him. The ancestor of Chaos will never intervene. I must seize this opportunity."

Hearing this, Emperor Yan was silent.

Witch Yan is right, the war has not yet erupted, and the only one who dares to move the wind and dust is the saint of heaven.

The Yan Witch is qualified regardless of her status or strength.

Do not kill Feng Wuchen now, once Feng Wuchen becomes stronger, they will die.

Witch Yan had planned to try Feng Wuchen's divine power, but when she discovered that Feng Wuchen was so powerful, she had a murderous intention.

"Witch Yan, the battle just now was your peak strength, but I was still seriously injured." Feng Wuchen sneered, "You are now recovering from recovery and you still have to fight again. Can I understand that you want court death?"

"Seven times the attack power, still can't kill this saint." Yan Witch Sen said coldly, her beautiful eyes flashing with anger and strong killing intent.

The heavenly saint of the dignified nine-fold Chaos Heavenly Sovereign was seriously injured by the wind and dust of the six-fold Chaos Heavenly Sovereign, not only losing the face of Yan Clan, but also losing the face of the ancestor of Heavenly Tao.

"Why? Don't you believe it? Then I will let you see!" Feng Wuchen sneered, and the eternal power broke out again.

At the moment when the words fell, Feng Wuchen appeared silently behind Yan Witch, and the Dragon God Sword had been placed on Yan Witch's shoulders, the speed was more terrifying than before.

"What?" Yan Witch's face was shocked.

"What a terrible speed!" Yan Di Soul, already the three great monarchs, were all shocked.

With their cultivation base, they almost didn't notice it. One can imagine how terrifying Feng Wuchen's speed is.

The top powerhouses of the major forces did not react at all, and they were all terrified at the moment.

"Feng Wuchen, stop!" Yan Dihun roared in panic, but he didn't dare to act rashly.

If Feng Wuchen slipped his hand and accidentally slashed it with a sword, no one knew whether Yan Witch could survive.

"If you go down with this sword, even if you can't die, your physical body will be ruined. My ancient chaos decisive method is no worse than you." Feng Wuchen sneered, and the terrifying speed obviously surpassed the Yan Witch.

"This is impossible! You can't have such a powerful ancient Chaos Jue." Yan Witch said in shock, her face full of disbelief.

Feng Wuchen sneered and said: "The facts are in front of you. You don't believe me and there is nothing you can do. Frankly speaking, I want to kill you. It's easy. It's as simple as pinching an ant."


As soon as Feng Wuchen said this, the Yan Witch's mind suddenly blasted, her pretty face turned petrified, and her heart was shocked and angry.

What is shocking is that Feng Wuchen really has such strength?

Angrily, Feng Wuchen actually regarded her as an ant, which is really insulting her!

"However, if I don't kill you today, I just take it as a thank you for letting me know my current strength, and you can go." Feng Wuchen sneered lightly and immediately retracted the Dragon Sword.

Every word of Feng Wuchen is constantly stimulating Yan Witch. It really seems that she can easily kill her, the first genius in the chaos world, and killing her is really as simple as pinching an ant.

Anyone who heard it was furious.

The Yan Witch's heart was full of anger.

"I killed you!" Yan Witch shouted furiously, turning around and slashing out with a fierce sword.

However, Feng Wuchen disappeared out of thin air the moment Yan Witch took out the sword.

A fierce sword struck the air.

"Space supernatural power!" Yan Di Soul's old face changed drastically.

The King of Chaos said in horror: "The very domineering space divine power is as terrifying as the chaos divine power, including Feng Wuchen's bloodline divine power."

"Space supernatural power!" The Emperor Wuyue and the Emperor Yanhun also exclaimed.

"Witch Yan, if I don't kill you today, it doesn't mean that I won't kill you!" Feng Wuchen said coldly, just for a moment, Feng Wuchen has returned to the sky above the Dragon Temple.

"If you have the ability, you can try it!" Yan Witch shouted angrily, really furious.


The Yan witch swooped down holding the Heavenly Dao Emperor Soul Sword, with a surging aura and murderous aura.

"Master, Witch Yan wants to die, then she will be fulfilled!" Dragon God Sword said fiercely.

Feng Wuchen waved his hand, the Dragon God Sword flashed out of thin air, and the eternal divine power burst out and poured into the Dragon God Sword.

"You want to die! I will perfect you!" Feng Wuchensen said coldly, and a cold murderous aura broke out.

Feng Wuchen broke up and seals, and the vast aura that was beyond imagination exploded, which was several times more terrifying than the ancient Chaos Decisive aura he had previously displayed.

Obviously, the Ancient Chaos Judgment that Feng Wuchen wanted to use was very scary.

"Does Feng Wuchen have a more terrifying Ancient Chaos Decision?" Yan Di's soul was frightened.

"What kind of aura is this? It's more terrifying than before! It made the monarch feel the pressure of overwhelming!" Wuyue Monarch said in extreme panic.

The Chaos King's eyes widened and said in horror: "Feng Wuchen actually has a more powerful Chaos Decision, how is this possible?"

The powerful of the major forces are all scared to death.

The Ancient Chaos Decision that Feng Wuchen had cast before was already terrifying enough.

After all, the ancient Chaos Jue of the Patriarch of Heaven is the strongest Chaos Jue, and Feng Wuchen can come up with a stronger one. You can imagine how terrifying it is.

Now, Feng Wuchen has come up with a more terrifying ancient Chaos decision, which has exceeded everyone's imagination.

The Yan Witch who swooped down was also frightened to stop her figure, looking at Feng Wuchen with an inexpressible look, her face was petrified.

"What kind of legal decision is this..." The Yan Witch showed such a strong fear for the first time.

Even if he was hit hard by Feng Wuchen before, he didn't have such a strong sense of fear.

In the depths of Yan Witch's heart, regret surged.


After a while, when Feng Wuchen's momentum erupted to the highest point beyond imagination, the overbearing and terrifying sword power spread out, breathtaking, and the space violently tremors.

At this moment, all the top powerhouses, including Yandi Soul, felt an extremely dangerous aura.

Feng Wuchen really intends to kill Yan Witch!

"You don't cherish the chance to survive. Do you really think that I would not dare to kill you because I am afraid of the Patriarch of Heaven?" Feng Wuchensen said coldly, and his murderous aura soared several times.

Feng Wuchen possesses eternal divine power, even if the ancestor of the heavenly path comes, Feng Wuchen is not afraid.

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