Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 241: Harbor or Empire

Chapter 241: Harbor or Empire

"Huh? Uncle En Ci is missing?"Questioned Dai Yun'er in shock as she felt her whole body tremble.

She wasn't the only one as the others were surprised that the Divine Domain Douluo En Ci would be missing.

One must remember he was a Limit Douluo, the only one that the Douluo Continent knew that was in Star Luo Empire.

For him to go missing, this indicated many things. Some that weren't pleasant to think about, causing Dai Yun'er to shake her head.

"Do you know when he went missing?"

"Months ago, from the reports before, he had been recovering in the medical hall after he took damage from the Calamity. Two months before, the top echelon of the Empire was thrown up into an uproar, after finding En Ci was missing from his room. Regardless if it was the Royal Family or the officials, all of them were uprooting everything, trying to find him."Said the voice.

"That is expected, this is their Limit Douluo that went missing." Said, Zang Xin with a nod of his head.

To any organization or country, the value of a Limit Douluo was too high. With a Limit Douluo, an organization is considered a capable power, with them being able to lord over those without one.

With En Ci as there Limit Douluo, it was one of the reasons that the Star Luo Empire was able to be so strong.

As it wasn't wrong to say many other organizations around the continent wouldn't hesitate on invading and conquering them.

But all of them were destroyed or suppress by En Ci and the other top figure of the empire. It was through these countless achievements that the people began calling En Ci the Pillar of the Empire.

How could the Royal and Imperial Fractions not be anxious? To think their pillar would go missing when they were still in a delicate situation.

"And there has been no word about his whereabouts?" Questioned Zang Xin with a frown.

"Not that we know about. Although strangely, enough just a few weeks ago. The Empire has gotten oddly quiet."Said the voice causing Zang Xin to furrow his brows.


"Yes, it seems that the two fractions have come to a cease-fire of some sort, as there hasn't been much or any death at all. Of course, this might just be a cover-up with the infighting becoming even more terrifying."Said the voice causing Zang Xin to nod his head.

"Is that all?"

"That's as much as we know about the Star Luo Empire situation. We do know somethings about the Evil Soul Masters here."Said the voice before he began talking.

It was only after about fifteen minutes that the voice was done relaying all of the other information they had on the continent.

"What is your name?" Questioned Zang Xin as the voice finished speaking.

"Oh! My bad Vice-Hall Master, I'm Yao Chen."Said the voice causing Zang Xin to nod his head.

"Wait for further orders, Yao Chen."

"Yes, sir!"

After those last words, Zang Xin hangs up the communicator before letting out a sigh and turning to the people behind him.

He was able to see most of them had grim expressions, as they were mulling over the information they just received. It wasn't wrong to say they came to this continent, thinking things wouldn't be so terrible.

They at least thought they would have the help of the Tang Sect Member, but it seems that even they were in a miserable situation.

To think one of the top sects in the whole world would be attacked so badly, forced to be on the run through the continent.

And the one that caused this was the Holy Spirit Cult.

A cult that for the past thousands of years were too scared to come out in the open.

As they were too terrified of the other organizations, even with their hatred of Shrek and the Tang Sect.

But the actions of the calamities have given those Evil Soul Masters a chance to develop and expand across the world.

'That's not even accounting for those two fractions.' Thought Zang Xin as he moved his hand to his temple.

Two fractions, fighting to be the chief overseers of the country, while the present Emperor is laying in a bed with a coma. While the only other person qualifies to be his stand-in, went missing with his status unknown.

"Alright, what's the plan?" Questioned Xie Xie as he glances at Zang Xin.

"Depends, what are you planning to do?" Questioned Zang Xin as he turned to Tang Wulin, who has been quiet for a while.

"The plan is base on my actions?" Questioned Tang Wulin with a raised brow.

"Depending on if you want to go search for the whereabouts of Jormungandr or not, then yes. As we may either have to split up or go together."Said Zang Xin causing Tang Wulin to nod his head.

"What do you think?" Questioned Tang Wulin as he glances at Gu Yue.

"You want my input?"

"Sure." Said Tang Wulin with a faint smile causing Gu Yue lips to twitch but she let out a sigh.

"First let's understand the situation." Said Gu Yue as she moved her hand to her temple.

"At the moment, the whole empire is on lockdown, with everything from the city to the harbor being closed and monitored. Making it difficult for us to check the surrounding area where Jormungandr was last seen. As we would have to fight our way through countless soldiers as I'm certain they have a tight guard around that area."Said Gu Yue causing Xie Xie to furrow his brow.

"Then you think we should handle the Star Luo situation?" Questioned Xie Xie but Gu Yue only glared at him.

"I'm not done yet, the situation with the Star Luo Empire is even trickier as this type of infighting and conflict won't be ending anytime soon. This may go on for even more months, with there being a chance of the average citizen being dragged in if nothing is done."Said Gu Yue causing Dai Yun'er's expression to change.

"You believe they would do that?"

"They may have to, if they don't pick an Emperor soon or if Dai Tianlong doesn't recover soon. As the people of the Empire will get suspicious the longer they don't see their Emperor. It won't be long before they start asking questions and then get dragged into the conflict."Said Gu Yue causing the Limit Douluo to sigh as they also came to this thought.

"Not only that but those Holy Spirit Cult would be able to take advantage of that situation. As without the Emperor, the people may become uneasy and the cult may use their feelings as a way to convert them."Said Wu Zhankong causing Gu Yue to nod her head.

"Even without the conversion, they can still feed off the negative energy around. Alongside the fact, there are many snakes hidden inside of this empire, more than I thought." Said Gu Yue with a hand on her chin causing Dai Yun'er to tremble.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you find it odd, that the Imperial Officials were able to gain the help of enough people to help them? That they didn't get wiped out by the Royal family who had the support of the Monster Academy and the Top tier Soul Masters in the empire?"Questioned Gu Yue causing Dai Yun'er and everyone but Tang Wulin and the Limit Douluo expression to change.

"You don't mean..." Mutter Liu Yuxin as her pupil constricted as she began seeing the whole picture.

"Whether it be the Holy Spirit Cult or others, someone is trying to feed the fire that is the infighting in the Empire. To the point, they are willing to help the Imperial fraction increase their strength enough to match the Royal family."Said Gu Yue with a sigh.

"For what purpose? It depends on the person, that has been fanning this fire. Either way, this seems to be the situation of the Empire at the moment and what we will be facing depending on the choice."

"So, what do you plan to do?" Questioned Gu Yue causing everyone lips to twitch.

While she didn't choose for Tang Wulin, she was able to explain the situation better for everyone. Either choice they selected, would still lead them into conflict with the empire and with them getting into a conflict with the empire.

'I guess this is expected.' Thought Tang Wulin with a sigh as it seems his plan will be going out of order.

"Alright, let's focus on the Star Luo Empire." Said Tang Wulin causing Gu Yue to nod her head.

As she too believes that it best to deal with the heart of the problem before it becomes too big for them to handle. But she felt her body shiver when she saw a smile gradually forming on Tang Wulin's face.

"Well then, let's help the good citizen of the empire." Said Tang Wulin as his grin continued growing on his face causing everyone to give him a suspicious look.

"What are you up to?" Questioned Shen Yi as she gave Tang Wulin a wary look.

It wasn't just her but everyone else around them. They all knew Tang Wulin nature and how he acted, they didn't believe for one second that he would willingly help the citizen so easily.

"Oh nothing, I feel like, after Gu Yue explanation, things have become even clearer. We might as well kill two birds with one stone by helping the Empire and its people." Said Tang Wulin as his grin became even bigger.

"Just what are you up..." Said Gu Yue with her eyes narrowing even more.

"Contact the Tang Sect, tell them to get ready." Said Tang Wulin to Zang Xin causing him to blink his eyes.

"Everyone else, we need to go into the town and get some new clothing." Said Tang Wulin after a bit of thinking causing all of them to be confused.

"Boss, what are you planning?" Questioned Xie Xie with Na'er also looking at Tang Wulin in confusion.

"Hm? Haven't you all figure it out, were going to be an entourage." Said Tang Wulin causing all of them to blink their eyes.

"To who?" Questioned Long Yeyue with a raised brow.

"Isn't it obvious? To the future empress."Said Tang Wulin before he turned to Dai Yun'er who was wide eye.

"How do you feel about becoming the ruler of the country?"

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