Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 249: Undersea

Chapter 249: Undersea

"So tell me, why were you keen on taking all of my blows? Its as if you wanted one of them to kill you."Said Tang Wulin as he gazed down at Tong Yu who was bleeding.

Some of the scales on Tong Yu's body were smashed apart, with bruises and cuts that were open all around his figure. Countless parts of his body were turned purple and black, with his face still leaking out blood.

"...Why didn't you unleash all your power on that last punch? Or on any of your blows?"Questioned Tong Yu as he stared at the sky above him, with his chest slowly rising up and down.

"...You wanted to die?"Questioned Tang Wulin with his eyes slightly narrowed as his punches weren't something just any Limit Douluo could survive at full power.

"...My death was something long overdue."Said Tong Yu as he sighed regretfully, to the slight surprise of Tang Wulin.

"What are you talking about Tong Yu." Dai Yun'er's voice rang out as she and everyone started to close in on them.

The Imperial Advisors were extremely reluctant to go over, as they all saw and witness Tang Wulin smacking around a Limit Douluo. Even though they knew he killed a Calamity, it was all from the help of the plane and the other Limit Douluo's.

Never in their rational mind, would they think a Spirit Douluo could contend with and beat a Limit Douluo. Especially one who didn't use a battle armor, they all couldn't help but think Tang Wulin was a bigger freak than known.

The others, mostly those from the Douluo Continent were inexpressibly shocked that the Star Luo Empire had another Limit Douluo.

As they all saw the spiritual domain and his control over the laws and energy of the world, that only a Limit Douluo could produce.

After all, how else could he still withstand Tang Wulin attacks?

These were blows that came from a person with a god-level body!

"It's better for me to just show you." Mutter Tong Yu as his aura surged before it erupted outwards, forcing everyone but Tang Wulin, Zang Xin and Long Yeyue back.

They all saw it, the countless images and figures appearing all around Tong Yu who was still in the sand and Tang Wulin who was above him.

They all watched the story of the one who would come to be known as the Qilin Douluo. They watched him as a young boy, chasing after a girl who was the same age as him.

They saw how he got indignantly rejected. With the girl saying she would only date someone who was a great hero, the most brilliant person in the world.

The images continued to change, as Tong Yu began telling his story, from the little boy and the girl growing up. With the little boy chasing after the girl, doing everything he can to make her happy and even more.

Yet Tang Wulin didn't care much about this story, with his attention waning for half it. It wasn't until Tong Yu got to the end that he became interested.

He saw the image of Tong Yu coming home after training in the Monster Academy and how saw his mother lying listlessly in the bed. She had lost her sight, and her legs were broken while she was on the verge of her final breath, yet she still persevered.

'I see...' Thought Tang Wulin as he continued to watch, he neither approved or condemned Tong Yu's actions as he took care of his mother on her final days.

He watches as Tong Yu found the person who broke his mother's leg, to his unfortunate fate, it was none other than the girl he loved.

The words the girl said, Tang Wulin could see was piercing through Tong Yu's heart before he couldn't take it anymore and left.

But not before shattering her leg, right in front of her son who witnesses the whole thing, eyes wide.

"I went to the monster academy, to plead guilty for my crimes and in hopes I can rot away in the jail for eternity. I desperately desired death, as only through my death can the debt be repaid, the debt of my mother suffering and killing the child-mother in front of him."

"I didn't care about the world anymore. At least with death, I would suffer no longer."Muttered Tong Yu with a regretful sigh.

Some of the people around had sorrowful expressions, as the sight affected them of Tong Yu and his mother. With some of them missing the warm embrace of their mother, they were also feeling complicated at the sight of him injuring the girl.

As they all wondered, could they have stayed calm? Could they stay calm if this was the perpetrator of their mother?

Yet even then, they all knew that the sight of the son witnessing the murder was something too horrible.

"...Tong Yu. What was the girl's name?"Questioned Dai Yun'er as she wanted to get some of the Imperial Advisors to help find out the son's whereabouts.

As she knew the fault was also a lack of empire awareness and law regulation.

"...Tang Ilya."Mutter Tong Yu recalling distance memory causing Dai Yun'er to furrow her brow but she nodded her head.

It was then a gasp rang out causing everyone to glance at Na'er who was looking at Tong Yu with a shocked expression.

"What's the matter Na'er?" Questioned Xie Xie with everyone nodding their heads, as they too were puzzled.

"...Now it makes sense, why he never talked about it."Said Tang Wulin with a sigh causing everyone to shift their gaze to him.

"Big brother..."Mutter Na'er as her hand began to clench as she started to grit her teeth with her pupils turning into slits.

A terrifying pressure erupted from Na'er as her expression began to radically change.

This caused everyone around her to be surprised, especially Gu Yue as this was the first time they ever saw Na'er so visibly angered.

"No, Na'er." Said Tang Wulin causing Na'er to widen her eyes.

"But he is-"

"We have no say in this." Said Tang Wulin causing her to frown but she didn't do anything else.

"Wulin? Na'er?"Questioned Mu Xi as she felt something was amiss as if the name Tong Yu said was familiar to them.

"...Do you guys know her?"Questioned Tong Yu as he too felt something was amiss.

Tang Wulin didn't say anything as vines began to appear out of the ground before they started to wrap around Tong Yu.

'First Soul Skill: Aqua Breath.'

The vines began to shine with an ethereal blue as it began to enveloped Tong Yu's figure, producing a thin veil around him.

"Listen and listen well. You're going to fix yourself back up, help the Star Luo Empire and the other sects drive out the Holy Spirit Cult. Then when I return, you will be coming to the Douluo Continent, where you will face the core of your problems."Said Tang Wulin as he turned around from Tong Yu and began walking to the submarine.

"Wait! You know her son!"Shouted Tong Yu as he felt the shock reverberating through his body.

It wasn't just him but the others were surprised that Tang Wulin would know the person Tong Yu was talking about.

They couldn't help but sigh at the coincidence, yet it was only Long Yeyue, Zang Xin and Gu Yue whose eyes narrowed.

As they felt something was still wrong but Tang Wulin didn't say anything as he continued walking ahead.

"Young lady! Do you know who her son is?"Questioned Tong Yu causing Na'er to sigh as she glances at Tang Wulin before turning to Tong Yu.

"Yes. Tang Wulin and I know the son, alongside everyone here but the Imperial Advisors."Said Na'er as a faint smile appears on her face yet it wasn't the same as the others.

"We do?" Questioned Dai Yun'er with her eyes wide.

"You do, after all. The person is none other than Tang Ziran our father."Said Na'er causing everyone to tremble with shock and disbelief.

Tang Ziran!

He was the child of Tang Illya, the person who got their leg broken by Tong Yu, leading to her death.

He was the son who witnesses everything.

Yet the people who know and talk with Tang Ziran all couldn't believe this. Every time they met him; he always displays a kind and joyful feeling, showing no hint of revenge.

"...I wonder if this is fate."Muttered Tong Yu as his eyes started to become wet with his body trembling.

"...Let's go."Said Na'er with a regretful sigh as she turned around before chasing after Tang Wulin.

"You guys have a mission you must complete, we can deal with all of this later." Said Long Yeyue with a sigh causing everyone to blink before they head to the submarine.

Within minutes, Long Yeyue and the others saw the submarine, slowing descending into the ocean before it was gone from there view.

Once it disappeared, all of the Imperial Officials let out a sigh of relief, with some of them dropping to the ground and clutching their chest.

Long Yeyue lips twitch when she saw this scene but she didn't comment and only shook her head.

She would laugh if she heard the thoughts of the Imperial Officials. As all of them were thinking the same thing.

'He finally is gone!'

She shifted her head at Long Yu who was still covered by the vines in the small crater. He was still staring at the sky, with tears leaking from his eyes.

'At the very least, let's bring him back.' Thought Long Yeyue as she headed towards Tong Yu.


Deep in the sea, the submarine was moving deep into the depths, with the temperature dropping. Most if not all Soul Masters were all somewhat curious about the world below the land, as the sea many secrets and stories within it.

It was a region that no one could claim that they have conquered, as it's a hundred times more deadly environments.

Yet this place, far below the ordinary world, is still a wonderland of mystery and treasure waiting to be sought.

Many aquatic beings were swimming past the submarine, with some of them including soul beasts that weren't weak at all. Yet none of them dare to try and attack the submarine as they all felt more than one terrifying presence deep within the sub.

'We are deep.' Thought Wu Zhankong as saw on the screens above him, that everywhere but in front of the submarine was dark.

They had already released the soul lights but from the words of Tang Wulin, they weren't even close to where they need to go.

From the words of Tang Wulin, they were getting closer to the area and will be there in the next hour.

But this also meant that they were going even deeper into the deep sea, meaning the water pressure will rise to a terrifying level.

He and everyone weren't sure if the submarine can withstand the pressure if they went super deep into the sea. As the submarine was only meant for sneak attacks, escaping the enemy radar but not deep diving.

'Hopefully, we can reach the place before it began to crack.' Thought Wu Zhankong with a frown as he looked in front of him to see Tang Wulin.

At the moment, he was controlling the submarine, as he was the only one who knew where they needed to go.

The amount of soul power he was expanding wasn't too horrible if it was only for a while. But doing it for hours, was enough to push Tang Wulin to his limits, as his face was already pale.

This was the first time Wu Zhankong had ever seen Tang Wulin expression like this.

But luckily for Tang Wulin, everyone was passing their soul power to him, allowing him to keep up the steering of the submarine.

It was only after an hour had passed that Wu Zhankong and everyone started to notice the area around them was lighting up.

They were all stunned, as they saw the same arrays of buildings that Tang Wulin saw back when he asked for the Plane, Nature, and Sea help.

They saw the seashells that as big as a house, they saw gleaming towers made out of lustrous pearls and some of the buildings were made out of carols.

Some sea beasts were moving through the area, exploring the buildings and all around.

The submarine slowly came to a stop as Tang Wulin stopped controlling the submarine and began to get up from the controls. As this was happening, everyone began to gather around him while their eyes were still gazing at the outer world.

"Are you able to sense or have a general idea of Jormungandr is?" Questioned Shen Yi causing Tang Wulin to furrow his brows.

"No. Even with the help of nature and plane, I can't seem to find out anything."Said Tang Wulin causing the others to frown.

"Should we go out and explore?" Questioned Xie Xie.

"I don't think-"

"That isn't a bad idea." Said Tang Wulin, interrupting Wu Zhankong causing everyone to turn their gaze at him.

"You think you can find it if you get close?" Questioned Wu Siduo but Tang Wulin only shrug his shoulder.

"With the help of the plants around, I might be able to find it by looking through all of them." Said Tang Wulin as he knew it was useless trying to find a god through his spiritual sense.

As unless they wanted to be found, a God is no different than non-existence to a soul master spiritual sense.

"Besides, I feel something calling me."Mutter Tang Wulin as he stared at the gigantic palace down from the buildings ahead.

The palace was made out of coral alongside pieces of pearls and sea rocks. It was over thirty meters tall and more than a hundred meters wide.

Beads of lights could be seen all around it, with a layer of blue soul power flashing all around it.

"Something is calling out to you...Alright, let's check it out at least."Said Zang Xin after a bit of thinking causing everyone to nod their head.

They all began to get ready in the next few minutes, securing anything they may need in the submarine. After this, they all met back up at the door that will allow them to leave.

"Sir, we will move the submarine to a place that isn't in the open. When you need us to get you, just contact us."Said one of the Tang Sect workers causing Zang Xin to nod his head.

"Be careful, this place is even more terrifying than above."Said Zang Xin before turning to Tang Wulin and the others.

"Let's go."

All of them left the submarine, with some of them flinching as they experienced the terrifying pressure of the sea depths.

Everyone but Tang Wulin had to realize their battle armors, to fully withstand the pressure and be able to move without a struggle.

As they all felt the pressure weakened. They glance at Tang Wulin and to their shock, he showed no sign of struggle at all.

They all shook their head before chalking it up as his body being so terrifying. But that wasn't the reason why Tang Wulin was showing no struggle.

'So they recognize me.' Thought Tang Wulin as he felt the sea, eagerly becoming apart of him, allowing his sense to expand beyond even its limit above land.

His Seagod bloodline was one of the reasons he wasn't too worried about fighting or trying to find Jormungandr underwater.

As the sea wouldn't be overbearing on him.

It wasn't wrong to say the sea would act no differently than the nature spirits that loved to help him.

Yet even with his senses being expanded, unsurprisingly he still couldn't find any traces of Jormungandr.

But he did pick up on a large crowd of Sea Beasts around the area and deep inside the palace.

He relayed this to the others causing all of them to have grim expression as they all knew things are going to be dangerous.

Gu Yue formed air bubbles around everyone's head, to help elevate the sea pressure and giving them air to breathe.

With all preparations done, they trek on towards the coral palace, with all of the sea beasts, around ignoring them as if they didn't exist.

It didn't take long for them to reach the entrance of the palace, where they all began to enter with all of them on alert.

Yet as they went inside, a bright dark-blue light swept past all of them, blinding all of them and then dying down.

As the light faded, Tang Wulin and the others were nowhere to be seen.

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