Dragon Monarch System

Chapter 768:- 3rd Spiritual Meeting

Chapter 768:- 3rd Spiritual Meeting

Aditya again found himself falling from the sky. But instead of endlessly falling from the sky, Aditya saw the ground. He slowly landed on the ground. When he landed, he noticed her. She was sitting in the same place as before. She looked beautiful as before. It was as if she never left.

It was like they were resuming their previous meeting. "Hey!" Aditya waved at her before walking up to her. "Danna-sama!!" She had a small smile on her face. But her expression looked kind of tired. Seeing this, he quickened his steps. After sitting next to her, he took her right palm and asked. "Are you alright?" "I thought we would meet last night." Aditya was waiting for her. "Due to what's happening to me, I couldn't fall asleep." She said with a forced smile. "What did they do to you?" Squeezing her palm, he asked in a cold tone. His coldness was directed towards the people who were holding her. "I don't know!!" Rin murmured in a low tone.

"Due to a special condition, they cannot physically touch me."

Taking a deep breath, she looked at him and continued. "I don't know what they did, but right now, my body is in a condition in which I am unable to open my eyes or move any part of my body. It is as if my whole body is frozen in time." "Even with my eyes closed, I can feel everything." Her voice was heavy. Her voice seems to contain all the pain and torture that she has gone through. Aditya pulled her closer to him. He wrapped his around her shoulders and gently hugged her. Rin buried her face in his chest. Both of them stayed like that for a while.

Since their last meeting, their relationship has gotten a lot closer. Both of them stayed for about 5 minutes until Rin opened her eyes and looked at his face. Rin could see him looking very concerned. He looked worried.

Whenver she spoke of those people, his eyes turned very cold. This really touched her as it showed just how much her fiance cared for her. "Danna-sama?" "What is it?" "I feel weak." Even Aditya has noticed this. Rin appeared a lot weaker in this 3rd meeting. In their second and first meeting, she appeared a lot more energetic and joyful. But now she looked sad and exhausted. "Since I can't see, I don't know what they are doing with my body. But I can feel it. After every process, my body is getting weaker. It is as if my energy is being squeezed out of my body." Since they could not physically touch her, they just used other means to proceed with their operations. Hearing her words, Aditya became a lot more concerned. 'I have to hurry.' He grabbed her shoulders and made her look at him. "Rin, let's not waste any time. Please tell me where you are being kept." He did not like her seeing him in this condition. "Danna-sama, all I know is that I am somewhere in Stardawn."

"Stardawn!!!" Aditya murmured the name. He recalled visiting and hearing about Stardawn back when he was on the Main Continent. "If I remember correctly, the Stardawn is a Pocket dimension world." To which Rin nodded her head. There were many various kinds of Pocket dimension worlds. Each Pocket dimension world was unique in its own way. But after coming to the Dying Isle Continent or after becoming the Emperor of the Istarin Empire, Aditya has never heard of the 'Stardawn' name. The people of the six continents know very little about the Pocket dimension world. In fact, even Aditya did not know that Stardawn was nothing but the given name used to call this Pocket dimension world. He didn't even know what a Pocket dimension world was. In fact, in the present days, he doubted any King or Empire other than the Dune Sovereignty knew what a Pocket dimension world was. The existence of Stardawn wasn't intentionally kept secret or anything. But rather, there were two reasons why people do not know its name. The first reason was obviously because of its location. The Pocket dimension world named Stardawn is located very close to the border of the Main Continent. From what Aditya heard from a knight back in the Main Continent, the entrance to the Pocket dimension world was located on a very small island that was located very close to the border separating the Main Continent and the Six Continents. 'This makes this whole mission a little bit troublesome.' Aditya vividly remembers no cultivator from the Main Continent showing interest in heading to this Pocket dimension world. At the same time, he didn't know what a Pocket dimension world was. So, he always wondered why cultivators never bothered to head to Stardawn. But once he came to know that the cultivation restriction in the Stardawn was much worse than in the six continents, he understood why no one wanted to go there. The second reason why not that many from the six continents know about this Pocket dimension world is because of the restrictions. These two reasons discouraged any cultivator from the six continents from heading there. As a result, the name of Stardawn was eventually lost. 'Maybe a book in the library will give me more information about this Pocket dimension world.' Even his knowledge of this world was severely limited. "Don't worry!! I will rescue you and kill all those who have wronged you." "Just have faith in me. Don't lose hope." He gently hugged her while saying that. The way he comforted her deeply touched her heart. She felt very warm inside. "You gave me hope when I have given up on myself." "I will always believe in you." "I am sure even if I die, you will avenge me," Rin said with a soft smile. Hearing this, Aditya gritted. "Don't ever say that!! I will save you. This is the promise of the Dragon Monarch."

"Hehe!!" "I don't know what the people would say if they saw the mighty Dragon Monarch being so soft and vulnerable with the woman." Rin changed the subject, saying that talking about this matter was making the atmosphere awkward. 'I wish I had met you much sooner.' This was the regret that Rin had in her heart. She always wondered what kind of man her future husband would be. Now, she had her answer. Her husband was a big, fierce man. He was a lion outside of the house, but inside the house, he was a soft furball.

'Maybe not a Lion, but a Powerful Dragon.' "I don't care what people say." "I am not surprised." She also didn't care what the people said about her. "It looks like our meeting is up. Let's have another meeting tomorrow night." Rin's body began disappearing. Her body was starting to become transparent. "I wish you good luck in your journey. I hope that Heaven will guide you to me." He silently nodded while staring at her. "I can't wait to see you in real life."


When he woke up, he found himself in his bed. He was surrounded by his women. There was Julia, Alicia, Riya, and Lara. Alicia and Julia were on his right side. Riya and Lara were sleeping on his left side. 'How long have I been sleeping? No, the question should be, for how long I was in the spiritual world this time.' It was still dark outside. The night was still not over. 'Now that I know where she is, I can rescue her.' Aditya did not want to waste a single second. Every second and every minute mattered to him. He slowly moved Julia's hand from his chest. He did it very gently and slowly so that he wouldn't accidentally wake her up. As he was about to get up, Riya moved in her sleep and hugged his left arm. Seeing Aditya helplessly, he sighed before slowly freeing his arm. 'In these times, I wish I had the ability to make a clone of myself. That way, my clone could have handled all of my work while I could have continued to sleep with my wives.' Aditya was a very possessive man. Even if he did end up creating a clone of himself one day, he would never allow that clone to get close to his women. His women were only his. Not even his clones were allowed to come near them. 'It useless to think about something I may never achieve.' Shaking his head, he decided to get up. Now that his destination was clear. He wanted to head out on his journey as soon as possible. Aditya was aiming to leave after having breakfast with everyone. So before that, he needed to get some work done. Fearing that if he tried to get out of bed, he might wake others, he simply teleported to his office without making any noise. 'I am going to be away from the Empire for a while.' Aditya began writing. 'The place where I am heading won't let me return whenever I want. So I have to make preparations.' Fortunately, for such situations, he had capable subordinates by his side. Even in his absence, the Empire can still run. No one other than the Royal Family members, the generals, and a few select nobles will know of his absence. 'Spencer can handle everything. In my absence, everyone will be listening to him.' 'The Empire has grown strong enough to handle any threat even without needing him.' 'When I am gone, I won't have to worry about the Dune Sovereignty.' They will be too busy with their internal disputes to focus on the Istarin Empire.

Aditya planned to leave a few pages long notes about what things he wanted Spencer to do if he was gone for an extended period. If he returned within 2 to 3 weeks, then there would be no need to leave notes. But if he was going to be away from the Empire for one or two, then it was necessary. After all, in his absence, he did not want the growth of the Empire to be halted. This was something that cannot be allowed. After all, at the end of the day, there was a much bigger enemy that the Empire would need to face. Knock!! Knock!!

Hearing the knock, he knew that it was Watson without even needing to check his Aura. Earlier, he had asked a maid to call Watson to his office. "Come inside." Watson walked in his professional outfit. It did not look like Watson was sleeping just a few minutes ago. "Sorry for disturbing your sleep." "Your Majesty, there is no need for you to apologize. As your butler, you can summon me anytime you want." He said while placing his right palm above his heart. "Alright!! I have a task for you." Aditya would have gone there himself, but he was busy right now, so he could only send Watson in his place. Besides, he had other things for which he needed Watson's assistance, but that was only after he completed this task. "Please go ahead and tell me."

"I need you to find any books containing information about Stardawn from our library." "Stardawn?"

"You don't know about it?" n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

"No, I know a little about this Stardawn." Aditya was expecting Watson not to know about this, but unexpectedly, he knew about it. "Really!!" "Yes!! I have lived a long life, so it's natural that I know about the Stardawn." "Back when Lord Adam was really young, his father, who is also Lady Julia's grandfather, went to Stardawn for over a week." Aditya wasn't expecting this. "So, do you know anything about Stardawn?" "I do know that this place further restricts cultivators cultivation to Peak 4th-order. I think it would be better if I bring a book containing information about Stardawn since I also don't know much about this." It was because of the time when Julia's grandfather went there when Watson was very young. Julia's grandfather never really shared much information about this place. Before leaving, Watson hesitated, but then he finally asked. "Your Majesty, if you don't mind me asking, why are you working at this hour?" The night was about to end in around 30 minutes. Yet, instead of sleeping, the Emperor was in his office. Unless something important has happened, he wouldn't be doing this. Sigh!!

"Something important came up. I will be leaving the Dragon Palace for a few weeks." Watson wanted to ask more, but he held himself. He nodded and then took his leave. Watson will eventually know the reason, but now it is time to bring more information about Stardawn. 

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