Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Chapter 974

The Medicine-Taking Genius Wizard Episode 974

: Library of Darkness (2)

Nox Biblio.

It’s probably no coincidence that the moment he mentioned those words, Tillian’s complexion turned as pale as a corpse.

‘The Library of Darkness…’

Did you say it was an archive that contained all evil arts that did not belong to this world?

Then, it is understandable why Oliveira brought Lennok to this dungeon.

A subspace that stores and records all kinds of magic techniques from the old world that use strange intentions.

Oliveira must be thinking that he must find a way to the remote city there.

However, it was surprising that it was Tillian, and not anyone else, who was guarding such an archive.

A warlock who participated in a meeting between high-ranking powers held in the satellite city of Etanok, but was attacked by the Executioner immediately after Anathema’s incarnation and left first.

However, seeing that he is alive and proud in this dungeon now means that he was not at his best back then.

“You’re crazy to crawl into my workshop barefoot, Maze.”

The warlock Tillian, who was glaring at Oliveira, let out an angry voice in an old voice.

The eerie feeling of discomfort of hearing the voice of an old man in the form of a young baby.

“I have never interfered in the cartel’s affairs at all in the past dozen years. How dare you invade and defile my territory…!!”

[There is a lie in those words, Shandorei.]

Oliveira answered, crossing her arms over her fancy coat of arms.

[If you were to ask who started it first, you would have to go back more than several decades.]

“Don’t be funny. “Who is this coward who didn’t even attend the meeting speaking nonsense?”


When Tillian struck down his hand, the dark magic that enveloped his body shook heavily and intensely.

A clear and weighty idea that seems to function as the heart of this huge dungeon by its very existence.

Like all magicians, Tillian’s power will grow exponentially stronger within this dungeon.

As if Tillian didn’t know that fact, he glared at Oliveira with a vicious look.

“Even if he comes alone, I’m not sure if I should let him in. How dare you even bring that young wizard?”

[I brought Goryeong because I heard about the meeting. I hope you don’t misunderstand.]

Oliveira asked in a mocking voice.

[I’m sure you’ve said before that you need the insight of an apostle-slayer for the meeting.]


[The order of events was different, but in the end, this man became an apostle-slayer. [You brought here the expert you so desperately wanted, so shouldn’t you be thanked?]

At the meeting, Tillian once provoked Lennok, saying that it should have been the apostle-slayer Thousand Times, not the lightning fast.

Even though Oliveira did not attend the meeting in person, he was mocking Tillian by bringing up that fact.

Tillian, too, seemed to have forgotten what happened at the meeting, and his hands were shaking with exasperation.

“Do you really want to insult me?…!!”

[Shandorei, you didn’t think that your trick wouldn’t be noticed during this meeting, right?]

Oliveira cut off Tillian’s shout like a knife, flashing his magical eyes beyond the veil.

[It is absurd that a clever magician like you was so easily defeated by a fool. I guess he left the place right after Anathema’s appearance because he didn’t want to get caught up in something useless.]


[Above all, I can’t say that you, who were hiding in this tunnel while the leaders of the church crawled all the way to the satellite city, didn’t know about it. Can you do it?]

After Oliveira’s interrogation continued, Lennok understood why she was pushing Tillian.

Obviously, Tillian was attacked by the Executioner during the meeting and left first, but Oliveira thought that was Tillian’s intention from the beginning.

They also said that the fact that the cult’s forces entered the satellite city itself happened with Tillian’s connivance.

“This is absurd. “So, are you saying that my dungeon should have been a beacon protecting the Balkans?”

However, as if Tillian also had nothing to say, he quickly calmed his expression and answered.

“Even if it were your request, it would be too difficult. Cancer is out of the question. “In that case, I would have destroyed the satellite city with my own hands.”

Tillian’s face, looking down at the two, is darkly distorted.

The huge baby’s face collapsed grotesquely, taking on the shape of a vicious demon.


“Don’t provoke me too much, Maze.”


“It may not be the same as the days when we shared and studied techniques, but we should help us make memories of decades ago.”

‘Magic power…’

Lennok, who was watching Tillian’s thoughts swelling, tilted his head with an expression of interest.

At the time of the meeting, the situation was so tense that I didn’t realize it, but the perfection of the technique was beyond imagination.

A black magic that is different from the black magic of the famous people, but has been divided and differentiated in its own unique way.

Perhaps it has something to do with the reason why that warlock named Tillion exists in the form of a giant baby.

Above all, the last name is Tillian.

Didn’t that match the name of Craig Tillian, a warlock whom Lennok had dealt with once a long time ago?

At least it’s clear that the giant baby sitting in the obsidian coffin is related to Craig, who rebelled against the city council.

Oliveira snorted even after hearing Tillian’s words.

[So much time has passed, but you keep repeating the same words over and over again… What you were learning was not proper black magic.]


[You tried to teach me magic by hiding that fact, and I I refused. It would have been completely over at that point.]

“But even so, you came to me first, as if you were showing off like this.”

Tillian muttered in a gloomy voice, his eyes flashing.

“I helped you gain access to Nox Biblio, but you abandoned me and joined Kaise’s side.”


Tillian raised a trembling finger and pointed at Lennok and Oliveira.

“Neither of you are qualified. “You non-hex magicians have no right to access the Dark Library…!!”

[no. As the key keeper, you have no choice.]

Oliveira’s answer was cold.

[Now, bring the key. I will enter Nox Biblio.]

“This is not a request.”

Tillian said, stretching out his hand with a distorted expression.

“This is not what I wanted to hear. I am…!”



At that moment, Tillian’s hand was immersed in the darkness and he took out a key covered in black oil.

With trembling hands, he hands the key, which gives off an ominous look as if it will rot and crumble just by holding it, to Oliveira.

His body was shaking with an unpleasant expression, as if the movement itself was not his intention.

In that forced restraint, Lennok was able to sense what Oliveira had done.

‘Can’t Tillian refuse the very act of requesting to view the library?’

I don’t know why, but Tillian must hand over the key to anyone who wants to access the library.

The keyword is probably the word Nox Biblio that the other person is mentioning and requesting to view.

Oliveira knew that and knew that Tillian would not be able to refuse the request from the beginning.

[Accept it.]

But as soon as Oliveira received the black key dripping with oil, she threw it to Lennok.

Oliveira turned away from Tillian without any hesitation and immediately got out of the cradle.

[I don’t have time, so I’ll explain quickly. The key is a consumable artifact. If you open the library, it will disappear on the spot.]

Oliveira said while walking backwards through the dark hallway.

[So you should be the one entering the library, not me. There is only one thing to do after entering Nox Biblio.]


A steep cliff located in front of the dungeon entrance.

Oliveira stopped right in front of the wall of white bones lined up on all sides of the cliff and turned his back.

[We are ‘renting’ a celestial technique that can arbitrarily change the orbital period of the central front curtain.]

“No. “I don’t know.”


Oliveira looked away in annoyance and stopped talking when she saw Lennok with a cold expression.

Lennok’s reaction was mixed with even a faint anticipation, as if he was dealing with an enemy rather than an ally.


A cold wind blows over the steep cliff, shaking the white bones hanging on the wall.

Hundreds of shaken, worn-out skeletons sway and dance.

Beneath the cliff, Lennok and Oliveira were standing facing each other, looking at each other.

“Explain it properly, Olivia. “We can’t work together like this.”

Lennok’s eyes turned cold as he looked at Oliveira.

“You don’t plan on continuing like this until you reach Kundara, do you?”


It’s not surprising that I broke down just a few hours after we started working together.

But Lennok felt that if Oliveira was going to solve the problem in this way, it would be better without her.

Being dragged around without even being fully aware of the situation is something Lennok most avoids.

It would be better to get an explanation of everything here and give up collaborating with Oliveira.

“If you’re thinking of using the excuse of prohibition to keep your mouth shut, then let’s end it here. “I will pretend there was no deal and find a way alone.”


After hearing Lennok’s words, Oliveira stood there and was silent for a long time.

A strange reaction, as if it took some time to accept Lennok’s firm refusal.

It was a few minutes later that Oliveira screamed again.



[I admit that I was a bit impatient when it came to Kundara.]

Oliveira spoke slowly, lifting her veil slightly.

Her transparent cheeks glowed softly behind the veil.

[Nox Biblio is a subspace archive created by a powerful transcendent person of unknown origin.]


[All the knowledge he has collected because he has the belief that knowledge should be free and unrestricted in the spread and transmission. And the spell information was disclosed without restrictions.]

“You disclosed the spell information to other spellcasters?”

[If a person who knows the existence of the library requests access, the librarians must hand over the key according to the will of the library owner. That was the content of the deal I requested from Tillian…]

Oliveira glanced at the cliff and said.

[The existence of this dungeon creates a relatively suitable environment for browsing the library. This is because Shandorei Tillian himself served as an external librarian and created a dungeon to view Nox Biblio’s magic information.]


[The number of times you can enter the library is limited. What information can be viewed and ‘lent’ depends entirely on one’s capabilities.]

Oliveira gazed at Lennoc through the veil that had calmly settled down.

[I used up all those opportunities. So I have no choice but to leave the next part to you.]

“…I see.”

Lennok belatedly agreed to Oliveira’s words as he quickly poured out information.

The silence before choosing an answer was probably to make sure that there was no prohibition on what was to be explained.

But even taking that into account, the information Oliveira explained about the existence of Nox Biblio was extremely interesting.

It is a magic archive created by a transcendent person who took the sharing of information and passing on knowledge as a task.

It is surprising that such a transcendent person existed, but the fact that they had Shan’dorei Tillian as their librarian is also quite unique.

Rather than being bound by secrets and visions, isn’t he a transcendental person who has reached a level where even the distinction between good and evil is meaningless?

“The reason I studied magic with Shandorei Tillian was to access Nox Biblio and obtain information.”

Lennok asked.

“Did you use Tillian to adjust your hierarchy to suit the Demon Eye?”

[For your curiosity, I have no intention of adding excuses for what happened in the past.]

At that moment, Oliveira’s excitement subsided quietly.

[The reason I brought up something that was buried decades ago is only because I am complying with your request to go to Kundara.]


[The important thing is to find a way to the outer city. Among them, it is the act of twisting the veil to reveal Kundara.]

As Oliveira said this, she slowly drew the veil to completely cover her face.

[If you are convinced, insert the key into the cliff. If the time and place are right, the library will welcome readers at any time.]


It is said that Oliveira has been wandering around the continent and the Magic Tower for a long time, learning and researching various magic.

It would be no wonder that she once learned black magic from Tillian and tried to use it for her own rescue.

In the process, if you were aware of Nox Biblio’s existence and accessed the library, you can understand why she is trying to find a way here.

But most importantly, it confirmed that Oliveira was at least willing to cooperate with Lennok on this matter.

Unlike Lennok, who was even thinking of cutting off cooperation here, at least she is not participating in this work reluctantly.

There would be no problem thinking of her as an ally, at least up until the road to the Abyssal City.

Thinking so, Lennok slowly pushed the oil-dripping key into the cliff.


I put the key in the crack of a hard rock, and a metallic sound rang out, as if a lock was being unlocked.

The black oil that flowed from the key increased explosively and instantly covered the cliff in pitch black.


A huge cliff stained with darkness.

Countless skeletons hanging on the cliff are dancing with their backs turned to the shimmering darkness.

An eerie sense of loneliness, as if standing alone at the entrance to a huge cradle of darkness.

Lennok turned his back.

“What are you going to do?”

[I have something to talk about with that guy.]

Oliveira, with her arms crossed, glanced away.

[I should take care of it before you come back from the library.]

“It seems like he still has feelings for you.”

While talking to Oliveira, Tillian seemed to have regrets about the days when he taught her magic.

Even Lennok, who was watching from the side, recognized the scent, so there was no way Oliveira wouldn’t have known about it.

But as soon as Oliveira heard Lennok’s words, she snorted.

[It is foolish to be influenced by such trivial emotions.]


[It is done. It’s not something you should worry about. It’s my job to take care of, so I’ll just go back.]

The magical eyes looking at Lennok through the veil flashed sharply.

[Unfortunately, if you can’t borrow a celestial technique from the library, then you have to be prepared.]


Lennok turned his head, leaving behind Oliveira, who disappeared like the wind.

Darkness rippling from all directions. The dance moves of countless white bones soaring over the cliff.

The moment Lennok, who exhaled softly, took a step, the heavens and earth were distorted as if turned upside down, and a void spread out before his eyes.


The surrounding geographical features or scenery have not changed.

Everything in sight is slowly sinking, stained black.

The black cliff stands tall before Lennok’s eyes, and the skeleton hanging from the cliff is also clearly visible.

One thing that has changed is that there are now tens of thousands of books stacked on the cliff.

Doo doo doo doo!!!

A library so far away, the height of which is unknown, is spread out before Lennok’s eyes, as if the sheer cliff itself was used as a giant bookshelf.

Grimoires and parchments that radiate all kinds of magical energy are posted here and there, revealing their presence.

Clatter, rattle, rattle!!

The white bones hanging from the cliff move around, organizing the books in the library and carrying them away.

It’s a strange sight that countless skeletons seem to be functioning as librarians to manage this library.

Only then did Lennok understand what it meant that this dungeon was created as an environment for reading Nox Biblio.

The cliffs were strangely deep and wide, and there were piles of skeletons hanging cruelly on the cliffs.

They were all part of the environment for viewing and managing this dark library.

Good profit…!!

The tall bookshelf above Lennok’s head bends and distorts with each step.

Width and height lost their concept and became distorted, and a new bookshelf rose up from inside the bookshelf.

The three-dimensional sense lost direction and wavered in this space, drawing different axes across time.

Countless grimoires and parchments slowly passed by Rennok, who was standing in the middle of the library.


The moment Lennok, who had been standing at the entrance for a while, was about to take a step.

[Nice to meet you.]

Someone spoke to Lennok from behind his back.

One of the skeleton librarians who had been walking between bookshelves carrying books on their backs for a while.

The skeleton, with its dim eyes shining as it pounded its chin up and down, spoke.

[It’s been a while.]

“…It’s been a while.”

Lennok asked, tilting his head.

“This is my first time coming to this library.”


The skull burst out laughing.

[I’m sure you’ve been here once before.]


Who is this skeleton librarian referring to the past to, other than Lennok?

Not paying attention to Lennok’s cold gaze, the skeleton librarian smiled and slowly turned his back.

[Let’s go. I’ll guide you to the liquor library section you’ve always been looking at…]

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