Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter 289: Battle for the World Tree

Chapter 289: Battle for the World Tree

Drake and Aralleen made it back to the camp. The day had turned to night, signaling that a few hours had passed since they left. It seemed that time flowed the same in that system space.

Once they arrived back, they were swarmed with the people gathered. The teens, Claire, the elves that had accompanied Aralleen, and Teresa who had forced herself along to both watch Atropos and Clothos as well as Drake.

She had for the most part just observed them, leaving the group alone. But even she grew curious on how the Summit had gone for them.

“Well, what happened?” Landin asked expectantly.

Drake shook his head, “Not as planned. At the very least no one won, but that also means we didn’t.”

A collective grumble came from the group.

“I am sorry once again for failing to live up to expectations Lord Wallen. I thought I could speak to my people, but it seems they are well within Valor’s pockets now…” Aralleen apologized.

“Now, now. It isn’t your fault. We didn’t prepare well enough and they even laid a trap with our own recording crystals. I can only assume we have people purchasing for them through our auction house, but that’s expected. I’m more concerned with Atticus and his skills.”

“What do you mean Drake? What happened in there?” Claire asked.

“He was able to use a skill that the system didn’t inhibit. I’m not sure what it was since I resisted it but it must have been some sort of status effect, maybe mental…” Drake thought aloud, before he pulled a crystal from his pocket.


Natto’s voice quickly came through the crystal.

Yes? What is it? Have you all run into dire need of the great me?”

Drake shook his head, “I need you to get as many of the best mental attack resistant accessories you can find and we can afford. I don’t care if we go broke buying them. I’m sure you know how many I want?”

“Yes, yes, enough for your family and the brats. I will do my best to acquire enough for the brutes and dear Theo but I can not promise much. Large portions of our funds are going to expanding the city currently and it will take time to replenish our stores. Now, how did the Summit go? I assume from the lack of notifications, it went poorly?”

Drake winced, remembering how he had it out with his brother during the Summit.

“Yeah, you can say that…”

I see. We will speak further once you have returned. Be quick about it. Felling an oversized tree should be no matter, even for the likes of a deplorable dithering dullard such as yourself.”

The crystal dimmed and Drake placed it back into his pocket.

“So what’s the deal then? They refuse to listen?” Leon asked lazily.

“Unfortunately yes. The New United Colonies, Avalon, and my brother’s Purity. All of them tried to trap us during the Summit. They missed winning by only 1%,” Drake sighed, his head leaning back, “I gave them three days to evacuate but I don’t think Valor is the type to listen.”

Leon frowned, “You gave them a warning? Are you fucking stupid?”

Drake leered back, “These are people we’re talking about Leon. Not everyone who is forced to live in a city ruled by a lunatic agrees with what they are doing.”

“Yeah, only enough to not leave or stand up against it.”

“You think they have a choice?! Have you even seen what is going on?”

“That isn’t my problem. And it isn’t yours either. The only way you’re going to stop that crap is by taking out the bastard in charge. And all you did was give him a heads up to make things worse,” Leon scoffed, poking Drake between the eyes, “Use your tiny little peebrain! You said the guy’s a lunatic? What if he decides to use human shields now? Maybe child soldiers? Holds the whole place hostage, what then?”

Drake bit back a retort, but Leon was right.

“You might think you’re doing those people a favor by being merciful, but all your doing is putting more people in danger. And not just them. All these people you're so desperate to protect here just got the difficulty shot up through the roof because of you. And are you prepared to stick it through the heart of some person who wanted nothing to do with this fight to get to the evil fuck?”

“Leon, bro. Cool it my man,” Damian cut in, “You know how the kid is, He ain’t gonna learn till he deals with it first hand. You know how many got damn times we had to teach this knucklehead the same lesson before it stuck?”

“He aint a kid anymore. And I’m sick and tired of killing helpless weaklings. I thought we’d at least have something to do here, but all we’re doing is cleaning up his mess like we always do,” Leon grumbled.

“I can clean up my own messes,” Drake spat, “And I’m not going to change how I do things. Yeah, telling them we’re coming might be a dumb decision, but if it saves one kid, one family, giving them enough time to get out, that’s fine by me! Because I want to be a person strong enough to help others and take care of the people I love. I might watch the world burn to protect them, but that doesn’t mean I have to use that as a standard. I’ve seen enough of what’s happening to know those people in that city just want to live to see the next sunrise.”

“You’re just being naive, just like you’re being with your brother,” Leon frowned.

“Excuse me? How are either of these even remotely close?!” Drake scoffed.

“You know exactly what I mean. If you had just-”

“Just what? Gone after him the moment I heard he was killing people? Left my city filled with innocent people vunerable to chase after him? Not gone after my Mother and family to protect them? If I had just run to kill my own family without even trying to help him?! It may be easy for some, but I’d like to keep my conscience for as long as I’m able!”

“We both know that conscience of yours has no place here. Not anymore. So don’t bring that crap back on me for telling you the truth, since no one else will! And don’t blame me when it comes and bites you in the ass,” Leon tapped his spear against Charlotte’s shoulder, “Come on kid, looks like you got hell of a lot more sparing to do if you don’t want to die for his dumbass ideals.”

Charlotte looked between the two, but nodded, following Leon.

“The rest of you should do the same, we’re leaving bright and early to get to Avalon and I want some private time to talk with my wife about some things,” Drake explained, heaving a breath.

Damian smacked Drake on the side, “Don’t let ol’ Grumps tear ya a new one like that. And come check out my ride before we head out. I know you been eyein’ ma’ baby since you seen it back in the city.”

Drake smiled, “Yeah, I will. Thanks man.”

Once Damian also left, Drake had to wave off the others. Atropos and her Aunt Teresa not wanting to part, knowing what was about to happen between Drake and Claire.

“I’m entitled to alone time with my wife! Get the hell out of here, you nosy little runts! And why are you even here?! Just to spy on me?” Drake grumbled, pushing Teresa away.

“But Boss! We haven't even had time to ourselves! At least let us consummate our deal! There’s no need to be shy- Yah!!” Teresa shot off like a scared cat instead of a wolf, her hands holding her burnt rump where Drake had zapped her.

Atropos reluctantly followed suit with the others to go to train, leaving Drake, Claire, and Arallen.

“You too Princess, big day tomorrow so get some rest. And don’t dwell on what happened too much, it wasn’t your fault, it was mine. So go ahead and blame me for it until we get there. You did your best, now just leave the rest to me alright?”

“I appreciate your words Lord Wallen, but it is my responsibility as-”

“Nope! It’s mine. Can’t run things if you don’t take the fall when shit hits the fan. It’s my bed to lay in. You just worry about how you are going to save as many people in that city as possible,” Drake interrupted.

He clasped her on the shoulder and tried to give her a reassuring grin, but Aralleen recoiled, turning her head away as her ears went beat red and bounced slightly.

“Then… I will do just that, good evening Lord Wallen, Lady Wallen…” she replied, speeding off.

“What’s her deal?”

Claire grounded her knuckles into Drake’s side, puffing out her cheeks.


“What? I just went through all that so we could be alone and you turn around and insult me?”

“Who said you should go and flirt with a Princess right in front of me?! Why are you always surrounded by more and more women…” Claire sighed.

Drake chuckled and pulled her into his embrace, “I thought you were prepared and ready for stuff like this?”

Claire pushed her head into his chest, “Just because I know it’s going to happen doesn’t mean I won’t get jealous,” she pouted, “And I’m always going to want you to myself… I’m sure Sarah is the same way.”

Drake felt a pang of guilt, but this was their reality. He wouldn’t be able to stay a one woman man in this world.

“Well for tonight at least, I’m all yours.”


Exiting the tent the next morning, Drake felt refreshed. Or at least physically.

Having to go over the Summit in his head multiple times, trying to figure out a way around the truth was wearing on him. And each time he played the scene out in his head the more he felt torn apart.

The things that Atticus told him didn't make sense. His memories were clear, he remembered each and every year of his life leading right up until the present.

Drake also couldn’t find a way to dismiss the pure hatred he saw in Atticus’s eyes when he berated him. He hated it, the feeling of helplessness he thought he was long past. Drake could tell what Atticus said about getting his vengeance and going on this crusade against him was heartfelt and that is what worried Drake all the more.

I’m really going to have to stop him….aren’t I? Drake thought.

But his thoughts were soon pushed to the back of his mind. It was time to go. Avalon was still a day's travel and now that Drake had announced their arrival to the Summit, he would have to be all that more attentive.

He was soon surrounded by the people he brought along. First Claire, still sleepy eyed and reluctant to leave the tent’s warmth. The teens, all in full gear with Charlotte and Atropos shooting Drake some irritated glances.

Teresa and Aralleen came a few minutes later with the elven guard in tow. Somehow the two had started a fight between one another over their dress code. Drake didn’t pay too much attention.

Damian, Leon, and Ari came last. And Drake couldn’t help but smirk seeing his old friends hadn't changed all that much. Leon walked in front, pulling Damian along as Damian tinkered with one thing or another in his hands.

If it wasn’t one thing it was another that always kept Damian slow to arrive. Girls, music, shopping online, or designing something or another. And now it seemed to be his Dwarven blood that pushed him to make gadgets and the likes.

“Are you still messing with that thing dude? You kept us up all night…” Leon yawned.

“Yeah and you two kept me all night with your got damn feral skin slapping, so we even G!” Damian countered.

Leon grinned, “We did go pretty hard last night didn’t we,” he looked over at Drake, noticing both his and Claire’s unkempt hair and clothes, “Didn’t we.”

Drake raised a hand, “I’m married, it goes without saying. Besides how do I keep my hands off a wife this beautiful- Hey, I can feel you pinching me you know.”

Claire puffed out her cheeks continuing to pinch and twist Drake’s lower back silently.

“Right, well now that everyone is here, I guess it’s time to let you all know the plan before we start moving out,” Drake began explaining despite Claire’s tortuous needling behind him.

Everyone besides Leon and Damian stood at attention.

“The party that is going to assault the city,” Drake paused, glancing at Leon and Damian, “Is going to only be myself, Leon, Damian and The Princess.”


“You can’t be serious Drake, we’ve been training for days. Not to mention we helped with Sandal didn’t we?” Landin protested.

“Drake, you aren’t going to leave us here!” Claire shouted from behind him.

“Lord Drake, please, allow us to aid you. We will not be burden-”

“But you will be,” Drake said firmly, cutting off Atropos.

“Why would you keep us from gathering more strength? Do you not wish for us to progress further, Patriarch?” Kalik asked, biting back his attitude.

“Don’t misunderstand me. I want nothing more than to have everyone grow stronger but there are some things preventing that here.”

Drake looked at Aralleen, “This is the Princess’s fight for one. That is the sole reason she is coming along. I will need her to navigate the city, deal with the Tree, and possibly Valor, as well as get any willing people out of the city unharmed,” he took on a serious expression he had not worn since the ceremony, “And I will not put anyone else in danger. The fight at Sandal showed me that you all are not ready for this. I rushed your growth and put you all in mortal danger. That said, the experience you gained was invaluable but I won’t be making that same mistake. The three of us will finish this quickly. The rest of you are going to stay at a safe distance and protect yourselves.”

“I am not bound to listen to this. I came for a fight and to follow you into battle, I will not be pushed aside to wait-”

Drake hit Teresa with a scathing glare backed by his aura, “You will if you know what is good for you. I have no room to tolerate disobedience this time. My family is here, my wife is here. And if you aren’t willing to listen, you are not welcome here.

He moved close to Teresa, each step pushing down with more pressure as she fell to her knees, her ears and tails slumping down.

Do I make myself clear?” Drake reiterated.

“Y-yes boss. If that is what you want, I will keep them safe,” Teresa said meekly.

“Good,” Drake sighed, his hair shifting colors from its natural black, to snow white, “Princess Aralleen, please lead the way.”

Aralleen nodded, her face visibly conflicted over something but began to lead them nonetheless.

“You’ve gotten colder huh Shot. I didn’t give you enough credit,” Leon smiled.

“It’s not like I enjoy doing that. But some people only listen when you put the cold hand of reality to their neck…” Drake sighed.

“Don’t sweat it, ain’t it always a dick measuring contest one way or another?” Damian scoffed, “Was like that when we was at the top and it’s gonna be like that now. So why don’t we start our reunion with a bang?”

“A bang, huh? What did you have in mind?”

Damian snapped his fingers, his enormous mecha slamming down next to him, kicking up wind and dust.

“Oh, I gots a few ideas,” he laughed, smiling ear to ear.

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