Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster’s Power

Chapter 328

Chapter 328

I stand back with Ember to watch my body double attempt to complete the 30 Demonic Energy attacks and 30 Mana-based attacks in just 60 seconds.

With a minute on the clock, I watch the small streams of dark black Demonic Energy as well as pure pink mana both collide to erupt into sparks against a nearby tree. Just fractions of a unit are used in each projectile, and a few dozen MP at most per mana-based attack.

The swaps back and forth are almost seamless. From an outside perspective, it almost looks as if the two attacks are being thrown simultaneously. But of course, at closer inspection, I can tell there is a switch being made every second.

The gold and white lights engulf my double expanding from the arms and chest until it takes over entirely.

[You have Died]

The memories of the test fill my mind, and I smirk while turning to Ember.

"66 swaps, that was 33 attacks from each hand. I passed."

Ember nods slowly.

"Very good, now we'll move onto the next portion of training; concentrating your energy to a single portion of the body. Once this is mastered, you'll be able to launch multiple attacks without even having to switch. Both Mana and Demonic Energy will be able to be wielded at once. This shouldn't take more than 3 hours at your rate of improvement, with enough practice it'll click."

I acknowledge this claim and make another body double before leaving the dungeon to go farm the other quests.

After paying a guard and asking around I enter a lv100-150 Dungeon and a level 300-350 dungeon to make Dungeon Walker points on both of them and begin my hunting. One of them is a Giant Rat Dungeon, while the other one is a Steel Tortoise Dungeon.

The Rat Dungeon is similar to the other old rat dungeons I've been in before. With rolling hills of dark-colored dirt, and eerie grey skies above, it feels very familiar. The scratching sounds of dozens of claws come over the hills in packs and the horrific odor comes along with it too.

In the past, I'd be disgusted, but right now it just sounds and smells like money to me.

With a grin across my face, I begin obliterating packs of rats with advanced fire magic slashes while air-stepping and teleporting across the dungeon.

[Use Absorption]

MCP: 1,016


[Use Absorption]

MCP: 842


[Use Absorption]

MCP: 909


The Mana control absorption is incredibly low, but the pure crystals they leave behind I collect to put in my storage for an emergency later. Having extra mana in my storage leftover for potential fights outside of the mana-rich dungeons is a smart thing to stock up on while I have the chance. Each group of rats drops 1-2 claws on average. It will be a slow grind, but a profitable one.


After creating a few body doubles to send back to Ember and collecting a few hundred rat claws, I decide to take a breather and test out the Tortoise Dungeon too.

The landscape inside is very different than any dungeons I've been to before. The ground consists of chalky red-colored dirt and similarly crimson-colored shrubbery growing from it. Above these, there are short but thick trees every few dozen meters that go on as far as the eye can see.

Large rock formations and boulders obstruct the flat land, but other than that it looks like a flat clay desert.

I air-step in to explore and set more Dungeon Walker points, soon finding the native monster; a Steel Tortoise.

It looks like a normal tortoise, just enormous in size. Standing on 4 sturdy legs it's almost 5 meters long nose to tail. The only thing that gives away why the locals may call it this is its single skill at the bottom of its status.

Body Hardening [Legendary Grade]

As I get closer, Its shell shifts from the desert-colored reddish-brown to a shimmering silver, producing a slight white aura around it, almost as if the creatures are on the verge of unlocking their potential to wield mana control.

Nevertheless, I swing my blade across my body to let out a single fiery strike and cut the monster in two. I'm not using my full power, but the slash leaves a deep slit in the rocky ground after the mana crescent goes all the way through.

[Use Absorption]

MCP: 15,336


[Use Absorption]

Skill: Body Hardening

Upgrade: Legendary Grade


I choose yes on both before moving on deeper into the dungeon.

In the past few hours, after upgrading my Absorption skill I've already obtained 2 new legendary grade skills. Stealth and Body Hardening. On top of that, millions of MCP are being absorbed with ease.

By the time morning hits, I may even be proficient in Demonic Energy Manipulation.

However, a thought resurfaces in the back of my mind as I air-step across the desert sky while looking for another tortoise to defeat.

"My new Crafting Skill, I wonder how exactly it works..."

The moment my mind thinks of the skill, a blue text window pops up in my vision.

[Use Craftsmanship][Mythic Grade]

[NEW] or [Upgrade]

I raise an eyebrow, and click new just for the sake of my own curiosity.

Raw Base Material: [NONE]

Item Type: [NON]

Raw Imbuement Material: [NONE]

Skill or Special Attribute Imbuement: [See Available]

Bonding Ingredients: [NONE]

Stat Bonus: [NONE]

Name: [Input Name]

Complete: [YES][NO]

My eyes shift up and down the menus provided.

I even take out a few old items from my spatial magic to begin testing to see what all of the labels mean. I'm able to place all kinds of raw dungeon materials into the [Raw Base Material] slot. This includes the horn of the behemoth I've been saving, the Minotaur horns I just farmed, and even old weapons and item drops. They can be repurposed into base materials to begin a new craft. All of the possible options for a craft show up in the [Item Type] menu once a single base material is added.

Next, the Imbuement Materials. I'm able to put the leftover firestones from the Volcanic Salamander break in my inventory into this slot, and can even stack multiple of them. I already have a sword with a fire aspect, so there's no reason to waste these on a new craft.

Once I click into [Skill or Special Attribute Imbuement] my entire skill list pops up, allowing me to attach the properties of my skills into whatever item I'm crafting. I choose one, and all of the other attributes become greyed out. So it seems only one attribute can be imbued at a time.

"Even a mythic grade skill has its limits..."

Then, for bonding ingredients, the only thing that shows once clicked in is [0/500mL]. In my previous crafts, Bri back in the Vice Region always needed a portion of my blood. This makes sense.

Nothing shows up in the [Stat Bonus] section. This may only show results once the crafting process begins.

Lastly, [Name] Is self-explanatory, I can name whatever I craft anything I'd like.

With a tightened gaze, I switch over to [Upgrade] instead. A similar status shows up.

Upgrade Item: [NONE]

Additional Raw Imbuement Material: [NONE]

Additional Skill or Special Attribute Imbuement: [See Available]

Stat Bonus: [NONE]

Complete: [YES][NO]

Immediately, this gives me an idea as I place my Flame Emperor's sword into the Upgrade Item Slot.

The moment I do, the [Additional Skill or Special Attribute Imbuement] goes from lit up to dull.

"So if an item already has a special attribute like the fire aspect, and I can't add any additional ones."

With a nod, I start sifting through my items to see what can be placed in the sole slot remaining. My eyes widen once I attempt adding a Firestone to the sword.

The slot changes to [Additional Raw Imbuement Material: Firestone 1x], but it continues to glow, signaling there's more room for additional items. The more I place in, the higher the number climbs. I add over half a dozen stones, even the larger boss's stone before looking down at the [Stat Bonus] tab with wide eyes.

Before thinking twice, I choose [YES] to complete the transaction and a series of notifications fill my vision.

The Firestones dissolve into the sword in a flash of white light, and I'm left in awe.

[The Flame Emperor's Sword has been Upgraded]

[Fire Aspect]->[Advanced Fire Aspect]

[Additional 29% Strength Buff Added]

[Additional 26% Mental Strength Buff Added]

[New Stat Bonus Added]

[+100% Defense]

[+100% Speed]

[+100% Agility]

The long black sword in my hands glows red hot as a black and deep red aura slowly fades from it and the blue text notifications leave my vision. All I see are its improved Stats.

The Flame Emperor's Sword [Advanced Fire Aspect][+188% Strength][+152% Mental Strength][+100% Defense][+100% Speed][+100% Agility]

Another Steel Tortoise comes into my line of sight moments later, and I cut it down with ease from the sky. However, still using the same powered-down strength I was using before to hunt these low-level mobs, the size of the black crescent that erupts from my blade is over three times its normal size. This leaves a crater in the ground larger than anything my full-powered attacks have ever produced previously.

Black flames flicker burning away dungeon mass, slowly making the crater even wider even after the attack.

Grinning while collecting the MCP and twirling the blade in my hand, I continue air-stepping forward to find more mobs to farm. One of the top things on my mind are the possibilities of new items I can craft if I find even better materials in the future.

I'll definitely have to go farming in a Labyrinth or higher-grade dungeons once I find my team and get the chance.

Meanwhile, after a few hours of farming and training pass back in the Minotaur dungeon, I throw a line of Demonic Energy out from my fingertips while the pink light of a pure mana blade comes from my right hand.

Ember speaks up to my body double once they collide and erupt into an explosion similar to the one he showed me earlier as a reference.

"You catch on quick. Over 10 successful attacks in a row without a single negative reaction. Pick up that dagger and one of your swords. This will be the last stage of training, imbuing weapons and fighting real monsters. I think it's time you test this new ability on a few fast-moving targets. If you can manage to fight the Minotaurs here with ease, I say we venture out to the Demonic Energy Source. You may be surprised at what you find."

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