Elysium's Multiverse

Chapter 193

Chapter 193

Chapter 193

Tupper gulped, nervousness overcoming him while he traversed the halls of his clan’s compounds. He was already getting glares from numerous members of his family, but as long as he found Fay before his father found HIM then he’d be fine.


Cringing at the memory of how that last encounter with his father had gone, he mentally brushed it aside with supreme will and headed towards his mother’s chambers. Fay wasn’t in her room, and he needed to make sure she wasn’t making a huge mistake.

Passing by another succubus-incubus couple sitting on a couch and turning left down the pristine hall of this shared nether realm pocket dimension, Tupper came up to the large doors that signified the clan mother. Taking in a deep breath and looking around to make sure no one else was there, he knocked.

“Come in Tupper, we’ve been waiting for you.”

Tupper’s face paled. We?

Hopefully that wasn’t who he thought she meant.

Gathering his courage and entering the room, he let out an audible sigh of relief when he saw his sister Nitidi and Saemi, his mother. His father was nowhere to be seen. But he still noted the look of distaste Saemi gave him before she gestured for him to sit on one of the nearby beds.

He took a seat, the usual suit he wore back on Panu gone in favor of a more free flowing robe with a large slit down the middle to reveal his chest - a chosen garment many of their kind wore. His black eyes met his mothers, and he shuddered. “Hello, Saemi. I was hoping you’d know where Fay went.”

His sister Nitidi frowned, exchanging a look with the older succubus before Saemi leaned forward with hands clasped together. “We know exactly where she went. Why would you want to know?”

Tupper blinked, then firmed his will. “I believe she is making a mistake by leaving. I am… just confused. Confused as to why it was said she used an artifact to leave, for one. I know there’s no chance any of you would ever use an artifact to cut her contract like that unless she was in mortal peril. Is there an explanation for why she would say that to Riven?”

Saemi raised an eyebrow. “Is that all?”

“No it isn’t, but it is the first of a few questions.”

“I believe you just want her there because you’d miss her, rather than it being the right choice.”

Tupper’s mood immediately darkened. “Of course I’d miss her, but-”

Saemi cut off his words with a raised hand, leaning back against a stack of pillows with a snort. She turned left, picking up some fruit and beginning to chew softly before swallowing - then glanced back at her son. “I did not use an artifact.”

“Then how did she break the contract, and why would she lie?”

This time, it was Nitidi to chime in. “It’s because her contract stated that in order for her to stay, Riven could not harm her. Why she lied about it? We don’t know.”

Tupper’s eyes widened, and a look of shock overcame him. “He was hurting her?”

“Not physically. But emotionally, yes. It was enough for the system to consider it torture, mental anguish can bring even more pain than physical. So it allowed her to break the contract on the spot.”

“But that’s utterly ridiculous!” Tupper exclaimed, standing up with hands outstretched. “This makes no sense! She’s acting out of emotion only, and not thinking logically! Riven still cared for her, I know he does. There was still a chance for her to make things work if she’d just stay, instead of forcing him into choosing between her and ATHELA who Riven has been with since the beginning of the integration! He had even said he cared for Athela in a non-romantic way, and for all Fay knows it may be like asking him to choose between his love interest and a family member! Fay has known him for half the time she has, and he’s going to be used as a prized stallion for the Blood Moon Requiem to breed with anyways - whether he likes it or not. She does realize this, right? WHY force him to choose!? He told me on his way out of the manor that he even asked her to try and work a relationship with both of them should Athela agree!”

Nitidi rolled her eyes, but nodded in agreement. “We already told her this almost verbatim before she took such rash action. Neither of us are pleased either, Tupper.”

“Well then let me talk to her so I can speak some sense into her, if you two couldn’t!”

Again, Nitidi shared a look with her mother. “Unfortunately she isn’t here.”

“What do you mean she isn’t here? Where else would she be, since she’s not on Panu?” Tupper asked, brows furrowing in worry. “You don’t mean…”

“She impulsively took the first demonic contract that became available to her due to grief, she has a new master now. She’s in the Drig sector on a middling planet.” Saemi replied, irritatedly throwing the last piece of fruit across the room with a loud huff. “Fay is now bound to some crime lord, a cruel nobody with a sick obsession for abuse. I'm not sure if she did it out of self hate, as a form of self punishment, or she simply was just stupid enough not to modify the base contract in her grief. And I’d had such high hopes for that daughter too.”


The other leaders, gathered from Dawn, Chicago, Brightsville, the kingdom of Tereen, and very recently even Deepnest - they’d have to wait until tomorrow to have any real talks concerning him. For now they’d been instructed to do what they could without him, and that he’d meet with them tomorrow after he cleared his head.

He already missed Fay. It was like he’d lost a family member. How things had spiraled out of control like this was beyond him, but honestly there wasn’t much he could have done without knowledge of the things happening behind the curtains. And now that he’d been forced to be honest with himself, now that he’d been forced to choose - he was certain in his decision that Athela was one of only two people he cared for more than Fay.

That still didn’t make it any better.

He’d hoped to talk them into something less traditional as a way out of this, particularly when he and Fay had talked in his room before she’d abruptly got up and left, but he understood why neither of them wanted it. He couldn’t blame them for that either, he'd not wanted something like that either until only very recently - and only because of what the consequences were if he chose otherwise.

Riven stepped down off the ledge, dropping onto a flat expanse of mountainside. To his right, the ruined gas station they’d teleported to out of Negrada was in even worse shape than it’d been in months ago. The view was also a lot different, due to the landscape being terraformed into an unholy version of its old self. Various kinds of wild undead, as well as other creatures of the night, stalked in the shadows - but even they were very aware of just how dangerous it’d be to approach him on his way there due to his aura. So he’d been left alone, absolutely unhindered.

Continuing to walk forward and wiping away the moisture from his eyes, he came to stand behind the woman he’d come to love. She was curled up with her knees tucked into her arms and her head resting on her knees while continuing to silently cry - her pitch black skin only barely reflecting any of the starlight that sometimes penetrated the fog of these haunted woods.

“Out of all places, you chose to come here?” Riven said softly, sitting down next to her and startling her.

She looked up at him, shocked to see him there, and blinked her red eyes rapidly while wiping them away and sniffling. “Riven, I’d like to be alone for a while. Please.”

“Why’s that?”

She shot him a glare that could kill, not even bothering to answer.

He stared back with a soft expression, trying to keep down the burning emotions he had before reaching out and putting a hand on one of her knees. “Are you ok?”

“OF COURSE I’M NOT OK!” Athela screamed, tears bursting out again before she slapped him hard across the face, shuddering and getting to her feet in a huff. She opened her mouth to scream at him again, but abruptly calmed herself and took in a deep breath while closing her eyes - retracting the claws that she’d produced instinctively before straightening. “I… accept… your decision. I just need time to think about it before I decide on what I want to do. Please, respect me enough for that and give me some space. Please, Riven.”

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Riven touched the bruised spots on his face, part of her claws had even come out in the slape and blood trickled down one cheek before his vampiric regeneration quickly sealed the cut. He looked up at her, sighing and standing up before putting both hands on her shoulders while her lips trembled and snot began to leak out of one nostril.

He wiped it away with his sleeve and she didn’t bother stopping him. “Your version of ugly crying is something else. Athela, Fay left - she cut the contract and disappeared. I didn’t tell you to leave the room because I’d chosen her.”

His voice cracked upon his admission, and Athela’s eyes widened yet again - but this time much wider than previously as she took in a shuddering breath. “Athela… I just needed some space to let her know that I chose you.”

Hurt was obvious in his expression, and he bit his lip to try and keep from crying again. “Honestly, I’m angry with both of you for forcing me to do this. I’m not going to lie Athela, I liked her. A lot. Telling her was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. But if there’s anyone on this planet other than my sister who I care for even more than her, it’s you. I’m not willing to lose you, Athela, and if you want to try this out… If you really want to date and maybe one day marry me, then after everything we’ve been through together - I owe it to you to try.”

Athela’s body remained stiff in a state of shock. “You chose me over her?”

He nodded once, trying to maintain a quivering smile but failing. When she noticed with a frown of her own, he gave an apologetic shrug. “Sorry. It’s just… it was hard. Not that it was even a choice, I love you Athela. I’ll just miss her. I hope you can understand and give me a bit to come to terms with it.”

She slowly nodded, biting her lip with mixed emotions and continuing to stare at him unblinking. Then, suddenly, she threw her arms around him and started wailing with pent up tears exploding from her face while she shook and hiccup-sobbed.

“Riven I… I love you so, so much… I won’t forget this for as long as I live. I promise you, you didn’t make the wrong choice… I'll show you, I promise!”

Riven held her close, kissing her on the forehead and began rubbing her back to calm her down while a feeling of warmth overcame him. In this moment, seeing his partner in crime like this, it made his soul settle down even despite all the emotional trauma they’d all recently undergone. “I love you too, Athela. I love you too.”


The next morning, Riven woke up to a knock at the door with Athela buried under one arm with her head laying on his rising chest. It was brighter out today, and sunlight managed to shine through an open window while he looked her over.

Dr. Brass had been right all those months ago. Athela had always worn an exoskeleton over the top of her body, a very thin and formfitting one - but Riven could certainly tell the difference now that she was naked and pressed up against his chest. Watching her shed the thing like a tight suit had been a very interesting sight to behold, before she’d aggressively pounced on him in an emotional love making he’d never forget.

She twitched in her sleep, groaning and pulling him in tighter before mumbling something inaudible. A silly smile was plastered on her face, and she gave off a soft giggle before drifting back off into dreams.

The knock repeated itself, and Riven responded with a call for whoever it was to come in - after he’d drawn up the covers to make sure Athela’s backside wasn’t exposed.

The door opened with a click, and Genua walked in with two other elf maids and her daughter in tow. They each carried a variety of platters with refreshments for breakfast, along with a goblet of blood. They were all silent and left quickly with the exception of Genua, who curtsied and kept her eyes lowered.

“Allie said we needed to wake you. I hope you’re not angry with us for obeying orders, but here’s your breakfast. She says you need to eat and come down stairs, because the other leaders are waiting and it’s nearly noon.”

Riven chuckled at her words, but nodded - only stopping her when his vampiric senses picked up on the strange but familiar smell coming off of the woman. “Wait. Genua, why do I sense vampirism on your person?”

Genua stalled, then her eyebrows raised. “Oh. That is your sister’s doing, while you were gone for those many months I told her that I’d take your offer up to become a thrall. I’m not one yet, but I’m mostly finished with the transition. I’ve been drinking the blood of your sister, and sometimes Gurth’Rok in order to complete the transition. I believe it was their plan to let you do the completion at the end though, in order to acquire me as a thrall for yourself. I was told your other thrall, that old man Luke, does not supply enough blood and that I would likely be needed. Does that satisfy you?”

Riven thought about it, rubbing Athela’s bare back as she groaned again beside him and adjusted her position. “Yeah. It does.”

Genua nodded with a bland smile. “I must say, the transition is going well. I feel… happier. I’m told it’ll only get better when it completes.”

“Because you get to see your daughter now?”

“Yes. But also I believe the vampiric effects of becoming a thrall are shifting my mental state. It was needed, I was in a severe depression after my family’s betrayal - and after you killed Ethel and my husband. Now though, I can honestly say it stings a lot less. If I am to be in this position, I’d rather do it as happily as I can - at the very least for the sake of Len. Is that all, master?”

Riven’s gaze drifted to the ceiling. The way she phrased it made him feel… evil. Villainous. The previous raw emotions he’d had towards Genua and her family were fading away now that many months had passed them by, and he didn’t really know how to feel about their betrayal in an attempt to murder him anymore. Not after what she’d just said.

“I’m glad you’re feeling better about it.” Riven finally said. “I’m glad you and Len are back together.”

Genua nodded and curtsied again. “Very well. If you are ever in need of my blood, or my body again, please feel free to let me know. The last time we had intercourse was quite enjoyable, likely due to the drugs and my mind changing - but nevertheless I’d like to repeat it sometime. Perhaps Athela would like it too, I believe I find her more attractive than I do you actually. As for the cage…”

Genua looked over to the cage that Tupper had been keeping her in along the corner of the room. “I was told to stay out of this room last night by Tupper, but if it is ok with you I’d like to continue rooming with my daughter across the hall.”

Riven blinked. His heart clenched when he remembered the first night he and Fay had engaged in promiscuous activities, and he had to forcibly push those thoughts away while nodding. “Yes, that’s fine. The cage was a bit overboard anyways in my opinion. You can stay across the hall with your daughter regularly - and if Len ever needs anything let me know. Just be sure she continues attending those re-education classes.”

Genua gave him a warm smile, brushing her locks of blonde hair behind her pointed ears. “Thank you master, I will do so. I’ll be leaving now unless you need anything else.”

“Nope. That’s all, tell the others I’ll be down there within the hour.”

“I shall do so. Have a good breakfast, Riven.”


The eastern wing of the manor was filled with people. Elf servants and slaves rushed around in maid uniforms under the direction of Tupper - who looked rather downtrodden after Riven had given the news to him yesterday. There were various guards posted along the halls and all around the compound outside from the Thane Necropolis - a mix of different species but mostly undead, humans from Dawn, ratkin from Deepnest, and even some of Gaia’s dryads.

Inside the eastern wing, the inside pool wasn’t in use - but the kitchen and dining areas up on the elevated platform beyond the pool were a quite busy with people seated around a very large circular redwood table that’d replaced the previous rectangular ones.

Kathrine, the vampiric princess sat next to her counterpart Allie. Beside them in turn were Mara, Lahn, Vin and Nin, Shovi and the rest of Lahn’s family who all looked rather pale. King Arthur Brix, his spymaster Kassius, and Lord Nikola Lucio - Lahn’s father were all in deep discussion about something or another. Dr. Brass and Gurth’Rok were there, having become prominent figureheads in the running of the necropolis during Allie’s absence. General Bruner sat beside them along with the new mayor of Chicago that Riven still didn’t know. Snagger and his sister Mesha - the ratkin were there, along with Rashtalia the brood mother of Brood Tarrow in Deepnest City; representing the ratkin queen. Gaia and a couple of her greater dryads were also present, and beside them were two nervous, blonde elves in very fancy but scant clothes that showed off their bodies with blue paint decorating their faces and arms. No doubt these were the king and queen of Tereen, the elvish country that’d just surrendered and had come to negotiate on the behalf of their people.

There were two chairs still vacant, no doubt for Athela and Riven, with Azmoth standing beside the open spots to gesture them in. “You two are late.”

The room went silent when Azmoth’s proclamation was heard, and all eyes turned to Riven - who stared at the group of individuals present before being gently tugged along by Athela. She held his hand, leading him forward and sat down beside him with a gushing smile towards Allie when Riven’s sister gave her a wink.

“Now that my lazy brother has finally decided to make an appearance…” Allie loudly said, getting a laugh from the table - some of them nervous and others genuine. “I believe it’s finally time to get to the heart of the issues we couldn’t discuss last night. First and foremost, let’s bring up the topic of integrating Dawn and Tereen as vassal states into the necropolis. Do you have any objections to this, Riven?”

Riven blinked, then he shot a look over to King Arthur Brix. “I’d been expecting Tereen to fold, but why Dawn? You want to become our vassal?”

The rest of the room became silent as the king stroked his short, well cut beard, and he let out an audible sigh before putting his clasped hands on the table. “It became very apparent to me when Rippenvire invaded that we are not up to standards with what can compete, concerning the aggressors from beyond. Our own fleet is decimated after the attack, over half of our forces are dead. It will take decades to regain what we lost, to repair our city and to get our fighting forces back in shape to what they once were. Without the intervention of the necropolis, I know without a single doubt that it would have been an absolute slaughter. Not only do I want our country to become a vassal to yours because of the military protection it would provide, but also out of thanks for what you did for my people. This world is changing, fast, and we wish to be under the umbrella of a greater power for these trying times.”

Riven considered the man’s words, slowly nodding. “Then it is agreed.”

Allie beamed victoriously, then stood to gesture to the elves sitting on Riven’s right. “That was fast, I like it. Moving on, this is King Glassleaf of Tereen and his wife, Queen Glassleaf of Tereen. They said they would only negotiate when you were present, and I believe they have a proposal to make concerning the terms of their surrender.”

Riven’s red eyes shifted over, a simple stare as King Glassleaf pushed a nervous, shaking hand through his long blonde hair. His wife grasped his hand firmly to squeeze before he stood up, a green and blue robe of minimal proportions showing off a lot of his body similar to many elvish garments. His green eyes settled on Riven, then traveled back to Allie, before he cleared his throat.

“I am King Glassleaf, leader of Tereen, and I have come to negotiate on behalf of my people. I would like to repeat the same words I spoke yesterday, that if either me or my queen fail to return from negotiations our country will continue to fight under the orders of our generals until the last man - and that we have come in good faith that we will be treated fairly. Our offer, at the core concept, is that we become the vassal of your Thane Necropolis in an exchange for the end of this war and the return of our people that you have enslaved. What particulars you wish in return for this end are on the table, are negotiable, and I am hoping we can come to an agreement before my wife and I leave this meeting.”

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