Elysium's Multiverse

Chapter 196

Chapter 196

Chapter 196

A pale, thickly built man stood on the main command deck of an enclosed flagship owned by House Wraithtide of the Blood Moon Requiem. His body was covered in heavy plate armor, decorated with seals and ornaments displaying his rank - with the sigil of his house etched into the center of his breastplate: an orb wreathed in deathly flame. It was smaller than the Blood Moon Requiem’s own sigil and was displayed below it, subservient to the empire’s own crest, but nevertheless it distinguished which house he belonged to. Red eyes stared out at the planet beneath him through a huge glass window, large screens were set on displays to his left and right, and military officers in similar red-black armor gathered information about the surface as well as comings and goings of corporation fleets in the area.

General Viku was a hardened man with a couple small wars under his belt, all of which had ended in victory. Some of them were against other noble houses when conflicts ended in blood feuds, others were border wars concerning core kingdoms that didn’t know not when to push their luck. Still, others were against pirates or slave uprisings that spiraled out of control.

And in all his years, he’d not been so blatantly held back by the elders.

He stood there, watching neighborhoods and towns burn while citizens were murdered in the streets. He stood there, watching as lawlessness and anarchy erupted in places across the planet of Luteksi that were what the elders considered ‘expendable’ to make a point. He stood there, unable to do anything, just so that this new fledgling prince would have a light shone down on his ‘incompetence’.

It made him sick.

Not only did this reflect poorly on the young prince, who’d given these slaves new rights that’d been unheard of in the empire before, but it reflected poorly on himself as well. General Viku knew very well that this reflected almost solely on him rather than the elders who were the ones really pulling the strings, but what could he do about it?



He shook his head. He’d served long under the banner of House Wraithtide, and he would not throw away his position just to save face or prove a point. He needed this position, for more reasons than one, and despite his pride being stripped from him - he would choose the job over the pride any day.

His daughter depended on it.

The cube in his hand gave off a steady vibration again, and then began to blink. It drew his red eyes down to stare at it, and from underneath his helmet - a small smile crept over his lips to display his fangs.


“General Viku!” One of the house elders, a man by the name of Baron Orimus Wraithtide called out while walking onto the elevated platform of the command deck. His wiry posture moved like a practiced snake in burgundy robes, and his eyes glinted mischievously under slicked-back chestnut hair while glaring at the screens on the general’s sides. “I see the rebellions are going well. The agents we planted are supplying as necessary, not too much but enough to cause trouble. Are the damages being quarantined to the designated areas?”

General Viku nodded gravely. “Yes. The production facilities and mining operations are all still under our protection, we’re letting the slaves sack the Bezin and Norcof districts where our poorer citizens reside. It’ll be enough vampiric blood to get quite a reaction out of the rest of the empire, they’ll be calling for a culling.”

His eyes shifted to the other, well groomed vampire as Baron Orimus Wraithtide nodded in approval. “Do you really think it wise to go against a high ranking prince like this? Sheline’s son, of all people?”

The baron scoffed indifferently, watching as cargo ships from other sectors in the galaxy warp in through a spatial gate before changing course to dock at the space station nearby for check in. “Sheline is dead, and her son made it very clear to the rest of us that he can’t be trusted to lead the family when he gave those sarak cattle rights. Can you believe this list of changes to the laws that we have to abide by? Just listen to this!”

General Viku rolled his eyes while turning his head so the baron wouldn’t see. He knew very well what the changes were, and to him they weren’t all that big of a deal - but to an old timer like Baron Orimus Wraithtide it appeared to be the end of the gods damned multiverse.

The old vampire pulled out a list, then put on a pair of reading glasses while loudly clearing his throat and staring at the hastily scribbled on parchment down the bridge of his nose. “Ahem! Where is it… Ah yes. Just to BEGIN the list, we have protection for the cattle children!”

Baron Orimus Wraithtide raised an eyebrow and scoffed again in disbelief, glancing at the general who continued to stare down at the planet from their perch on the flagship’s deck. “Do you realize what that means, Vikus? It means no child labor which cuts down production by an entire 9 percent worldwide. No delicacies at the Rouge Cafe that I so frequently visit or ANY OTHER high end establishment on the planet. No training them for unique positions such as concubines or slave warriors. No pets for our own vampiric children. It’s absurd! Utterly absurd! And that’s just the CHILDREN of these cattle!”

The baron smacked the paper again with mouth agape, shaking his head violently and huffing loudly. “No gladiator battles between slaves, no torture without reason, oh - here is one of my favorites - NO BUTCHERING CATTLE IN FAVOR OF REGULAR BLOOD DRAINS!? IS THIS MAN SERIOUS!? I nearly got up and left THAT VERY DAY after reading this ridiculous list! We literally BREED SARAK in some specialty lineages to become fatter so we can EAT THEM! WE HAVE TO SPARE THEIR LIVES AND JUST USE THEM AS RENEWABLE BLOOD BALLOONS? THIS IS RIDICULOUS!”

General Viku stared straight ahead, trying to give off apathy, but inside he was struggling very hard not to smirk. He’d never liked Baron Orimus Wraithtide very much, but since the ruling lady of the house left many years ago never to return - the baron was one of three of the house nobility that was in contention for Patriarch of Matriarch due to Lady Sheline’s absence. It was Viku’s great misfortune that he had to listen to this idiot babble, otherwise he would have hung him from a tree many months ago due to political games ramping up when Riven and Allie had first appeared.

The baron continued to rant, jabbing an old wiry finger into the paper with each thing he listed off. “We have improved slave housing which has cost us trillions, compensation built into our tax system for slaves who donate more blood over the course of a year than others, ability to attend NEWLY BUILT CRAFTING SCHOOLS that also cost us a fortune, FREE HEALTH CARE, and a clause that allows slaves to own basic property? HE MIGHT AS WELL MAKE THEM HONORARY CITIZENS! And that doesn’t even BEGIN to touch upon the fact that he and his sister are being auctioned off to the highest bidder AS WE SPEAK, with the conclusion of the bids in coming months allowing a FOREIGN vampiric noble house the rights to be WED to them?! We might as well just hand away the keys and pack up all our belongings now! I hear that House Crushada is especially invested in obtaining Riven and has even managed to get their daughter to seduce him on that integrating planet! This is the end for our lineage if we don’t do something about it now, Viku! And I’ll be damned if it happens while I’m still alive! It may take a couple underhanded schemes and maybe a couple years but eventually if we’re able to prove incompetence we can petition the crown and have him removed. If it were anyone else without the bloodline, I’d just have him assassinated, but the queen would have my head faster than you could say sarak cattle shit if I even tried. So though I do not want to go up against a prince of our own house, I do not believe I have a choice in order to maintain our way of life. Sometimes, dark deeds must be done to correct for the greater good of the family.”

The baron reached out and put a hand on General Viku’s shoulder pauldron, patting him twice. “I know I can count on you to do the right thing, Viku. Just remember what we’re fighting for, and why we’re letting this happen. I expect your full cooperation in this matter, and in future ones. We cannot let outside forces like House Crushada interfere in our internal affairs, unless we want to be absorbed by them. I know they’ve been in contact with you, and I hope you see past their lies. Do you understand?”

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General Viku spared the old man a glance, keeping eye contact and clicking his tongue before turning heel and beginning to head down the bridge. The cube in his hand was vibrating again, and he had an appointment to keep.

“General Viku!” Baron Orimus Wraithtide called out, a little more harshly than usual, and he rushed to catch up to the larger man while deeply scowling. “I expect an answer! Let me hear you say it!”

“Say what, exactly?” Viku said with an exasperated sigh, turning to face the smaller, thinner man as officers from along the command bridge curiously shot glances their way. Viku brushed the hand Baron Orimus Wraithtide put on his shoulder again, and he gave an irritated grunt. “If you’re looking for me to turn my back on the head of this house, you have me mistaken for a blood traitor - Baron.”

The baron’s eyes went wide, and his pale face deeply reddened while he took a step forward. “I would watch your words, general. You are essentially calling me a blood traitor by association, and I do not take such offense lightly.”

“Are you threatening me?” General Viku’s figure met the shorter man, towering over him as his hand drifted to the broadsword at his hip. The weapon hissed when his skin touched the metal, and a neon red flared along the scabbard with an aura that drenched the room in death.

He stood there glaring down at the Baron, and the older man’s eye twitched - looking to the general’s hand on his weapon. Other soldiers in the room were now dead silent, watching to see whether or not the baron would keep his head on his shoulders. Viku was an A-grade warrior, having taken millenia to cultivate himself to that level. It was nothing to be scoffed at by anyone, an impossible feat by most, so if Viku wanted the baron dead - the baron would no doubt be dead very soon.

“Let me make something very clear to you.” General Viku said with a visible sneer between the gap down the middle of his helm. “It was not you who elevated me to this position. Nor was it any of the still living elders of this house. This house is a shadow of what it once was, thanks to you and people like you. Now that the main bloodline has finally returned, I no longer have to answer to you. My position is due to Riven’s mother, a true leader, and I owe her everything that I am. Everything that I have is due to her, and here you come years after she disappears to threaten what is rightfully her children’s inheritance? In what world did you think I would agree to such schemes? Ask yourself one more time, Baron Orimus Wraithtide, is what you are doing wise?”


Riven blinked, finding himself seeing two versions of reality just like Kathrine had warned him about. He had his normal body back on Panu in the crystal formation, and then he had this ghost-like hologram that he was now using to stand in a barren metal room.

It was an odd sensation, splitting his senses between the two places, and it gave him a bit of a headache - but it wasn’t anything he couldn’t manage. Flexing his ghostly fingers back and forth in front of his face and only barely ‘feeling’ the ground underneath his feet, his attention was brought upwards by Kathrine’s own ghostly apparition when she cleared her throat.

“Riven, my prince, this General Viku - leader of the legions and fleets of House Wraithtide.”

She gestured over to a tall man in a heavily decorated black and red plate mail armor set similar to the soldiers at the Blood Moon Requiem's trade commune, helmet off to reveal a bald glistening head that was bowed while he kept a fist over his chest in a salute.

“General Viku, it is a pleasure.” Riven stated while straightening, reaching out to shake - but realizing that probably wouldn’t work very well and withdrawing it a split second later. “My name is Riven Thane - or Riven Wraithtide, I suppose. I hear you knew my mother and father.”

It was both a statement and a question, and the bald middle-aged vampire smiled. “Of course. Lady Sheline Wraithtide and Lord Timvar Wraithtide were always kind to me. They raised me to what I am today, and I owe them my life. Because they are now gone, that debt is passed on to you.”

The bald warrior bowed low in respect, and he held the bow for a solid few seconds before straightening again to look Riven in the eye.

Timvar. It’d been a long, long time since Riven had heard that name uttered. Timvar was his dad, also known as just ‘Tim’ back on Earth, and he’d disappeared many years before his mother jumped ship.

Hearing that name caused Riven's chest to tighten.

“I see.” Riven said with a quick nod, regretting having brought his parents up. “I’ll be counting on you to inform me of what is going on, and why. Kathrine here has been kind enough to help me to the best of her ability, but does not have the necessary insights or power regarding House Wraithtide to give me much more than theories. Perhaps you could enlighten me as to why I am told a slave uprising is being let loose on my parent’s home planet, while our fleet remains in orbit and our legions within their military bases?”

The general’s lips twitched upwards. “My lord, it would be my absolute pleasure to tell you exactly why in very vivid detail. Unfortunately my hands have been tied this entire time due to house politics, but after I personally supplied House Crushada with the required materials for that array you’re using - I am happy to say that I can take orders directly from you.”

Riven’s eyebrows raised, and he shot Kathrine a look. “You never said it was him that gave you the crystal formation. Based on context clues, I’m assuming this particular long-distance communication is rare?”

Kathrine gave a half-hearted laugh and nodded, side-eyeing the now scowling general who glared her way. “Yes, yes, it is quite rare. In fact, it’s incredibly expensive to get and even more expensive to operate. My house doesn’t actually have the materials needed to create one of these formations, it was entirely General Viku’s hand that guided this into operation.”

“Oh. I’d thought it was you or the queen that set this up.”

There was a dramatic pause, and Kathrine sheepishly stepped back to give General Viku the floor.

The bald man snorted. “No, my prince. Outside of the system's own methods, it is very hard to create passage between different universes in the larger multiverse. This was actually acquired using my own personal money, and money taken out of House Wraithtide’s coffers. I had to blame it on a profit error when the elders found out so they didn’t reroute the funds or confiscate the equipment, as I'm sure by now you know some of your house is rather averse to the idea of your return. At least, Kathrine said she'd pass that along. This flagship, inside this sequestered room with the crystals surrounding you, is one of two pieces of a limited formation that allows us to talk between universes. It will allow you to travel around the ship within a a few miles in any direction Doing that, speaking between entire universes, is a very hard feat indeed. You can’t just get on a ship and fly to another universe, after all the multiverse is filled with numerous universes, and the cost is astronomical while the resources are extremely rare. But I do believe it was needed in order for you to retain your hold on your inheritance, otherwise the vultures would take what is rightfully yours. It is a long story, filled with boring details of petty squabbles between cheats. Before anything else though, perhaps you would want to take your first look at the planet your parents left you? We are in orbit now, and the view is quite beautiful.”

Riven’s eyes lit up at the suggestion, and a wide grin spread across his ghostly face. “That actually sounds very neat. I’d love to, please - show me the way.”

Viku bowed again, then opened the thick metal door to whisper to four guards standing right outside. He motioned for Riven to follow, then started a grand tour of the ship while making their way to the main deck.

The flagship was absolutely enormous.

Many thousands of vampires called this ship home, with the central docking bay holding many hundreds of small, sleek dog-fighting craft that could be launched out large bay doors leading into space. From the first angle Riven got, he nearly fell over because he thought he’d get sucked into space.

It caused Kathrine to laugh and General Viku to grin, because not only was there a force field inbetween himself and the vast canopy of stars and celestial bodies outside, but he wasn’t even really there to begin with.

It’d just startled him to see it like that.

The hangar doors put on full display the absolute might of House Wraithtide’s fleet outside. Tens of thousands of ships, some small and some large, hovered in space and peppered the starry sky behind them with a vast nebula in the near backdrop. Some of the ships were absolutely enormous, being larger than the biggest skyscrapers back on Earth, while others were as small as the dog-fighting craft docked here in the hangers on different levels - each big enough to fit one or two pilots inside. They all shared the same basic design though with only a couple of variations, most of them being made of dark gray steel and obsidian - with occasional red metals or paint thrown in for decorative purposes. Most of the ships were very sharp, angulated, and sleek - almost looking like daggers; with only a handful of very, very big vessels having the other ships coming and going from ports like the one he now stood on.

“This vessel is a super carrier, the pride of the Wraithtide armada.” General Viku stated proudly while he followed Riven’s hologram to the edge of the bay where the forcefield stopped them from falling out into the void. “Those other carriers you see out there? They are only half the size of the one you stand in now. The other large vessels guarding the carrier are cruisers and battle ships, the bulkier ones are transports and cargo, and the flat circular ones are utility ships outfitted with high end scanners and barrier fields. The smaller ships are fighters and scout craft. They’re all yours.”

Riven let out a low whistle, amazed at the sight, and took a long time to comprehend that he really was seeing this. “This is incredible.”

His words seemed to please the general, and Viku puffed his chest out with pride while officers and fighter pilots behind him were slowly gathering in a perimeter while speaking in hushed and excited tones - pointing or gesturing Riven’s way.

“I’m glad you like what you see.” Viku said with a large grin. “But you have yet to actually see the planet, the warp gate, the space station, or the corporation trade fleets. None of that is viewable from this location, all that you see before you is the actual Wraithtide armada, but I think you’ll be just as impressed with everything else on the other side of the flagship.”

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