Elysium's Multiverse

Chapter 201

Chapter 201

Chapter 201

The conversation lasted a little longer, but not too long. Fimrindle had an obvious aversion to speaking, and it almost seemed like it pained him to do it. However Riven did get a lot of valuable information out of the scarecrow concerning his cultivation path revolving around the sin of Gluttony - which was a bit odd considering the demon didn’t have a sin shard himself.

The next and last demon he approached was Rheufa Chak Tal, the Thousand-Eyes Beholder, and the demon’s realm was far more vast than any of the others had been.

Standing on the edge of a cliff, Riven looked into the distance where the cliff dropped thousands of feet below. A desolate, burning hellscape roared and erupted with volcanic plumes of magma, and overhead the sky thundered with black clouds crashing into one another in spurts of lightning.

The sight reminded him very much of Negrada, though it lacked the giant flaming eyeball in the sky or any kind of ruins. Otherwise the environment was the same though, and Riven casually waved to the right where a large beholder demon, very unlike the other two they’d seen thus far, remained hovering over the cliff.

The previous two beholders were slightly smaller than him - one being in his demonic assortment before he’d chosen Fay as a succubus, and the other being the one who’d ambushed and helped kill Athela. They’d each had dozens of eyeballs on stalks with a singular central eyeball far larger than the others, and rows of teeth in mouths underneath.

This beholder was far larger, somewhat similar to the size of Athela in her Drider form, and its features were slightly different. The largest feature change was that this monster’s body was made of shadows very similar to how the Abyss-Lord had been.

The same central eyeball in the center of its mass was present, the pupil was cat-like and glowing neon green, and it had a large mouth full of sharp teeth just like the others had. It also had numerous flickering stalks of similar but smaller eyeballs just like its weaker beholder counterparts, but extending beyond these and off its back were dozens more of these stalks that split, and split, and split again until they began to lose substance - black fading into ghostly white before disappearing entirely into the air. They almost looked like snakes, or thick branches of vines that attached the demon to the air about its body, and then those same stalks would reappear only to have eyeballs attached at the end of them in different places all around the area they now stood.

More and more eyeballs began tearing out of space to glare down on Riven’s group, until hundreds and then multiples of hundreds of eyes stared down at him as one.

  • Rheufa Chak Tal, Unique: Thousand-Eyes Beholder, Unholy / Shadow, Level 126. ELITE. - One of the most calculating and cunning demons of his generation across the multiverse, Rheufa Chak Tal started his rise to power by burning away entire cities in the hellscapes when a certain incubus tricked him into giving up an item of power. Since then, Rheufa Chak Tal has waged wars against entire clans of enemy demons - laying traps and springing ambushes to blindside his enemies with long range bombardments from numerous angles. Since his recent evolution into becoming a greater demon, his power has seen drastic upgrades and he has become an overwhelming force to deal with as he plunders enemy holds for wealth. He is known as an ambush predator, and a loner. [136 Willpower Required]
“Quite impressive.” Riven stated aloud, turning around and around - up and down until settling back on the beholder’s main body while the stalks moved and shifted in non-existent winds. “Makes me wonder what else you can do.”

“Rheufa Chak Tal, at your service. You may call me Rheufa.” A gentlemanly voice replied with an amused hum to his voice. His green eyes landed on Athela, and he began to laugh. “Never did I think to see the day where a summoner of your caliber would consider marrying one of his demons. The prospect is hilarious to me.”

Athela hissed threateningly, while the others in the party watched on in silence. “It is rude to spy on other people’s realms.”

“It is in my nature to spy. To collect information. To evaluate my prospects of success when undertaking such a task as this.” Rheufa replied with a silky voice - hovering closer and pushing his enormous eyeball up to the other demon. “It would be stupid of me not to do so, but do not think that I am making fun of your situation. I am actually quite impressed that he’d value you so highly, most summoners just look at us as tools - similarly to how most of us look at them. It is a symbiotic relationship, they acquire our power and in turn we are able to level with diminished amounts of danger. Eventually the summoners usually die, and we are left in an ascended state when compared to our prior selves. Or at least that’s what generally happens.”

The large eyeball shifted around Riven at high speed, examining each party member in full with the vibrant green eye until settling back on him again. It smiled, sharp white teeth glistening under the body made of void-black, shifting shadows. “Now let’s play at a question. Why would I, as a rather selfish individual by admission, submit myself to you? A summoner? When I am able to grow easily enough by myself?”

Riven shrugged. “No idea. You tell me, that’s what we’re here for right?”

Rheufa sighed, and its eyeballs all rolled simultaneously. “That was somewhat of a rhetorical question.”

“Didn’t seem like it.”

“Just stay quiet for a moment.” Rheufa cleared his throat in his gentlemanly voice, far too sophisticated for the demonic body it possessed, and narrowed its sight one more time on the vampire. “What would you say, if perhaps I was able to show you a way to acquire not only myself as a contract - but up to 10 in total? What would you say if I could guarantee that you become not only stronger and survive the trials of integration, but that I could guarantee you become the first E-grade creature on your planet before even arriving in Chalgathi’s next quest? What would you say if this meant your power ranking on Panu’s power ladder would shoot you up to the number 1 spot, that I could guarantee your ability to conquer your world by the end of integration? That all you had to do to achieve this was pick me and accept my terms?”

Riven remembered the words Fimrindle had spoken concerning Rheufa Chak Tal’s previous master, and he folded his arms while considering the beholder’s words. “That’s a lot of promises, and you’re giving off used-cars-salesman vibes. No matter how good your promises are I can in turn promise you that I won’t be picking you if the contract is shit. But if it is good… then yes, I’d be very interested in hearing your proposal. Just how would you follow through on all these promises? I’m quite curious.”

The beholder once again laughed, and the green eye in the center of its body lit up. “Your answer is a simple one, but achieving it will not be. You may die trying to acquire it, and the risk is extreme, but should you succeed - I and any other demon you are contracted to will benefit immensely. I am greedy by nature, and wish for power, and in you - I see the potential to finally enact my plan. Riven Thane, I wish for you to acquire the class of demon lord."


“I’m very grateful for my minions… and more is always a good thing.” Riven began hesitantly, glancing over at Athela and putting an arm around her shoulders while smiling at Azmoth. “But I’m not entirely sure my way leads down the path of focusing on Willpower. It is growing exponentially harder to keep my contracts as they are, and holding more than a handful of demons will cost me a massive amount of stats in the Willpower category. Those are stats I’d rather put towards building up my own body and mind.”

“The power you’d gain by gaining our contracts would far outweigh the power you own yourself.” Rheufa said with a blink. “Just think of the power you’d gain with ten demons on par with Athela. You would be unstoppable.”

Riven stared, then nuzzled Athela with his nose. “Know anything about this?”

Athela was frowning, but she nodded. “I have heard of the class, it is real, but I am not sure how to obtain it. The one downside is you’ll have to pull a lot of points into your Willpower, as you said. A LOT of Willpower.”

“Yeah that’s a no from me then. At least for now.” Riven replied with a sideways glance at Azmoth. “That ok with you bud?”

“Do what best for you, not worry about me.” Azmoth stated promptly. “I will get strong and catch you in time.”

“I never doubted you would.”

The large floating eyeball tried to convince Riven a couple of times about the prospects of the class, and Riven was honestly tempted a bit. But he’d been growing at high speed by himself despite what the demon said, and considering Fimrindle’s warning - along with this demon having bound itself to the sin of Greed - Riven didn’t necessarily trust Rheufa.

“So what happened to your last master?” Riven eventually asked in a pause during their conversation. “Fimrindle told me something happened to him, and to ask you what that was.”

Rheufa’s large green eye pulsed, almost angrily, and he stared the vampire down. He then grumbled something under his breath, and huffed to turn around. “I suppose there’s nothing more to be said. If you do not wish to pursue the path of the demon lord, then there is nothing more for us to speak on. I will find another.”

Riven blinked, and immediately found himself back in Yattazi’s realm with Rheufa gone. The transition was a bit jarring because it came without warning, but it wasn’t unwelcome. The large coiling snake was still mostly submerged in magma, but the huge frame of the beast that was out of the volcanic slide still dwarfed him a hundred times over.

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Curiously enough, Fimrindle was also there - perched on his iron cross near the magma pool and next to the gigantic serpent who’d resumed her normally sized form.

Furrowing his eyebrows, Riven looked around.

“Have you declined the sssssslippery beholder?” Yattazi asked, its huge dark gray scales shifting with its swaying head side to side in anticipation. “We await your decissssion.”

His red eyes shifted to those of the gargantuan beast overhead, and then to the scarecrow. “The beholder will not be joining my team, no. I wasn’t all that interested in the devil. As for who I am going to choose between the two of you… Honestly, I’m torn.”

There was a lapse of silence as Riven pondered his decision.

Fimrindle’s head cocked to one side during one of Riven’s blinks, and a raspy voice echoed from its dark throat. “Perhaps there is another way… Your sister, she is a necromancer, yes?”

Riven slowly nodded, eyebrows raised. “Yes. Why? And how do you know about my sister?”

“I have ways. What level is she?”

Riven shrugged. “70 or 80 something. Why?”

“Because minions cannot outlevel their masters.” Fimrindle replied with a thick inhale. “I believe it would be best that you take Yattazi as your own, and that I match with your sister. You see, I can artificially lower my own combat level for months at a time, and truthfully I feel that she is a better fit for me than you are. I do not mean to use you, but my being is both a demon and an undead twisted into one. Perhaps you can talk to her for me, and though I would be weaker until she reaches my true level - I could give her guidance to reach the peak so that she may stand beside you in these turbulent times.”


She stood atop the hill with her large undead drake on one side, and her new metallic, scythe-wielding scarecrow on the other. It was certainly a good addition, and extremely good addition to her forces, with it easily being the most powerful of any servant she had. Why it had asked for her specifically she did not know, the answers he gave her were fickle even when she commanded him to tell her, but she was grateful for the opportunity to acquire him.

Allie watched Riven leave down the mountainside on a huge demonic serpent, heading towards the old hospital entrance that’d turned into a gateway into the underdark. Patrolled by numerous caravans coming and going from Deepnest where the war with the dwarves still raged, and having been hollowed out to create larger pathways into the deeper parts of the world, Allie still didn’t think he’d be able to fit that enormous slithering creature down there with him. The creature was carving entire paths through the haunted forest, simply bulldozing everything in its way as other creatures of the night frantically ran for their lives.

He very well may have to reduce the size or unsummon it altogether until they hit the larger caverns.

Tyranus, the dungeon boss turned undead minion she’d flown here after getting Riven’s message, tilted its head to look at the stick-still figure of the scarecrow silently crouching on the ground next to Allie. “This creature is a strange one.”

Fimrindle did not reply, nor did he even move.

Allie turned her red eyes to look upon him, smiling slightly, before blinking and seeing her odd minion now having completely vanished altogether. She could feel him though, and turning around she saw the thin monster perched on the decimated rooftop of the broken down gas station. “We’re all odd in our own ways. It is unfair to judge one so.”

“Apologies, mistress.” Tyranus bowed low, the huge skeletal maw of the flickering monstrosity nearly hitting the ground in submission. “I forget myself. May I ask, what are your plans now that you’ve sent scouts to weed out the Rippenvire vampires? Do you truly intend to let Riven fight the dwarves on his own?”

Allie nodded, glancing over at a dozen of her elite skeleton minions on the perimeter of the clearing that’d accompanied her here. They were all hooded mages, still somewhat lacking their own will but still able to learn forms of her own magic - which made them rather intimidating when compared to most of the populace on Panu. She sighed, then began walking over to the side of the drake to clamber up onto its back. Sitting herself on a saddle specially made for the huge undead creature, she held to the reins and mentally turned him around - pointing towards the northwest. “Yes. Riven is more than able to handle those rock loving halflings all by himself. They will take the knee, or they will die. As for me, I have my own meetings to attend and a cultivation path to acquire. Mara will finish off talks with Dawn concerning the rebuilding of their city, and the king and queen of Tereen will be escorted home tomorrow. Fimrindle, this is your chance to prove yourself valuable.”

She waited for her skeletons to clamber on behind her, then spurred Tyranus to take flight, and his enormous ethereal wings created from death mana and hollowed flesh tore into the air - launching them skywards as Fimrindle disappeared entirely without a word.

“Head northwest, over the mountains, until we see a large river. Then follow that river straight north for two days, and we should reach our destination.”

Into the dark clouds gathering in the east and through a light drizzle, the vampiric queen soared towards her destination.


Death pulsed with every step she took, the dying light of the sunset beckoning the night to come forward. The weaker creatures and lesser beings of this world involuntarily cringed and took a step back at her passing, bowing their heads in displays of reverence and whispering to one another as she took up the invitation from the alliance who’d sent emissaries only days before.

News of what the Thane Necropolis had become was far reaching. The feats of her empire, herself, and her brother were plastered across the world’s forums. These people, neighbors of her fledgling kingdom, were afraid.

And rightfully so, but for her - it was not enough. Her power was not enough. She needed to catch up to Riven, to stand alongside him. She would not be left in the dust.

The amphitheater was very large, and the hall she now walked down led towards it where hundreds more of nervous people whispered to one another. The alliance before her was created from different human factions that’d banded together. Some of them were of Old Earth, but they were in the minority - with most of these people having originated from one of the other two worlds of Zazir and Elhisterii. She wasn’t sure which, but they certainly were more acquainted with magic and medieval-style weapons - albeit enchanted ones - than the people hailing from what had once been a city in China.

The dozen hooded skeleton mages all silently walked behind her, their eye sockets glowing a neon teal light, and wants out at the ready in case of any ambush attempt while Fimrindle remained out of sight.

That creature truly was stealthy. If she didn’t have a connection with him, she’d not even have known he was there. He hadn’t talked much since their introduction either, and she was still trying to get a handle on what he was like or what his motivations were.

The stone amphitheater eventually opened up in front of her, with baubles of light held aloft overhead in racks along the tall walls, and stained glass windows painted the room in oranges, greens, blues and reds.

The room quickly hushed on her arrival, and her crimson eyes searched the stands - identifying three individuals who stood at the bottom and ahead of the others as a greeting party. No doubt they were the leaders of the three faction alliance that’d invited her to come. One was an Asian man from Earth who wore a pistol at his waist and an exquisite suit. Another was a very pretty young woman with silky black hair that hung down far past her waist in a braided ponytail - wearing a blue robe decorated with golden sigils around a bird in flight. The last was another human man who was completely shaven to the point that he didn’t even have eyebrows - though the wrinkles in his face showed he was growing older. He looked very much like a monk with plain brown robes that were frayed at the ends of the sleeves, but he above all looked the most calm.

She stopped only ten yards from them, putting herself into a confident stance and silently staring through the holes in her skull mask while the soul-stitched wand at her side hissed. Six hooded skeletal mages took positions on her left, while six took positions on her right, and people in the hallway behind her continued to whisper and stare from the shadows at the upcoming negotiations.

“This one greets the esteemed Queen of the Thane Necropolis. My name is Astrand, Great Shepherd of my flock - The Golden Bull Sect.” The monk said with a small smile, stepping forward and bowing low in a sign of respect - with everyone else in the room doing the same as he did just a moment later. He raised himself and clasped his hands in front of him at chest level with the sleeves of his brown robe nearly causing his hands to disappear entirely. “The ones beside me are Ryu Chen of Beijing, and Authin Verume of the Bluesilk Nest. We have heard and seen of your exploits, Queen Allie Thane, and we wish to extend our most sincere congratulations at your accomplishment of defeating the Rippenvire fleets. To think that one of the invaders sent here by the system was already put to heel and routed so early is a great boon indeed, and our world owes you and yours a great debt for it.”

Again he bowed at the waist, and again the entire room followed suit before he stood up.

Allie sorted through them one by one. She was able to identify most of them, many of them having levels inbetween 15 and 40. There were a couple over level 60 though, and even one other S-grade on the power ladder who stood at the very back of the room wielding a claymore, but overall they were quite weak.

Not that it mattered too much. These people were mostly politicians and leaders, rather than warriors, and they could have more S-grades waiting just outside. She simply didn’t know enough about them.

But she doubted any of them would be stupid enough to make a move. Call it arrogance or confidence, she was certain that she’d be able to escape if push came to shove.

She held up her right hand, and out of it flew a myriad of bones. They began stacking atop one another, building into one another as a vortex of magic much like the bone garden atop her tower in Brightsville came to life. Many of the people in the room tensed or reached for weapons and talismans as she summoned the low tier magic, but when they realized what she was doing - they either sagged their shoulders in relief or outright gawked in outrage at the blatant insult.

The bones stopped swirling as the last of them came into its intended destination. There, in the middle of their own amphitheater in the center of their heartlands, Allie sat upon a tall throne she’d created from the skeletons of her enemies.

Spines created the armrests. Skulls decorated the back of the support board, which itself was created from numerous ribs. Skeletal hands held up the large chair, and sitting in it caused her to look down upon the three insignificant specs of humans ahead of her just like the rest of the theater looked down on them as a whole.

It was a statement, a statement telling them where she stood in relation to them. But even despite this, despite the anger she saw on many of their faces, Allie didn’t budge - nor did she see any of them brave enough to say anything about what she’d done. Those scowls turned to slight gasps when she removed her mask to reveal her utterly stunning, pale features - with many of the men even looking on with a lustful envy intermixed into their fear.

“Your emissaries told me you wished to speak, so I came. It was good you called, there aren’t many high density population centers like this one near my empire outside of the Tereen elves we just conquered - even if it is split between three groups controlling the area.” Allie said slowly, pulling out a goblet made from the skull of her old arch enemy ‘Prophet’, and filling it with blood from a jug in her spatial sack before beginning to sip while. “Tell me, what makes you want to speak with me? I wish to hear it in your own words.”

Astrand, the older hairless man, nodded sagely while ignoring the fact that he was looking up at her now - as opposed to being on equal footing. “I had hoped, young Queen of the Thane Necropolis, that our alliance could exist with your own - peacefully so. We had hoped to establish good relations with a player on the world stage such as yourself, and that of your brother, so that no unnecessary conflicts and death arise in the future. We had hoped to establish trade and perhaps an exchange of knowledge, so that we may all thrive in this new world we find ourselves in. That is why we have summoned you, your majesty, and it is my hope that we may someday even become friends in our quest to combat the darkness that plagues this world.”

Allie’s beautiful smile widened, and her fangs were on full display without her intentionally trying to do so. She glanced left to where she felt Vin and Nin ready and waiting somewhere outside the building, having gotten there even before she did. “Oh, but my dear friend… perhaps I am that darkness."

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