Entertainment News Headlines

Chapter 132

132 The head horn

It was only when Zhu pan made an appearance on the live broadcast program and caused people to dislike him on the internet that Zhao rang’s new film began to suffer a setback.

Last night’s midnight box office earnings were less than three million Yuan, which was in stark contrast to the popularity of the movie a few days ago.

Up until this morning, the box office had been declining. There were already rumors on the internet that Zhu pan was a box office poison.

As Jiang se listened to Yu Xiaozhou and the others talking about the news they had heard online, she recalled Zhao rang’s furious expression in the livestream room last night. Zhu Pan’s actions had such a huge impact on the movie. It was no wonder Zhao rang could not hold back his anger back then.

I heard that after the live broadcast, as soon as the camera was turned off, director Zhao flew into a rage at Zhu pan and threatened to ban her. Is that true? ”

Cao Shuang asked curiously. The rest of them were also curious about this and urged Jiang se to tell them.

Although Zhu pan had shown some hostility toward Jiang se during the livestream last night, Jiang se would rather talk to him face to face if she had a problem. If she had any conflicts or grudges, she could just compete with him in the movie. She was not used to badmouthing people behind their backs. After Cao Shuang asked, she shook her head.

“I don’t know. I left a long time ago.”

The few of them were very disappointed by her answer. Yu Xiaozhou did not believe it.

“Didn’t you hear any news? You’re not in the same crew?”

“What news? We met for the first time during the program last night.” When Jiang se said that, they still looked suspicious. They wanted to continue asking, but Jiang se used revision as an excuse to stop them from asking.

Someone in the library was taking pictures of her with their cell phone. Jiang se was not bothered by it. She picked up the books she needed and moved to a corner.

She didn’t want to hit Zhu pan when he was down, but Zhu Pan’s thoughts were different from hers.

After century Galaxy decided to hold a press conference for Zhu pan in the afternoon, Zhu pan knew that he was finished.

Ever since she entered the industry, every step she took had been extremely difficult. The company had put in a lot of effort to get her the role of Zhao Rong, the female lead in Zhao rang’s “the 99th love letter “.

She had thought that her career would take a step further after she finished filming the likable role of ‘Zhao Rong’. Zhu pan had never dreamed that she would end up like this.

Nowadays, the internet had a very bad opinion of her. After last night’s exposure, some people started a topic of ‘boycotting Zhu pan’, which was getting more and more intense on the internet.

Ailsa had wanted to help her delete the negative comments, but as soon as the interview ended, “the 99th love letter” had been on a decline at the box office. Some people had already said that she was a ‘box office poison’.

the company’s matter has already alerted the higher-ups. Su Yanjun called Yan Chunhua from Ruihe Corporation, hoping that he could mediate and get Zhao rang to come out and help you. Ailsa was a little helpless, while Zhu Pan’s eyes were red from crying. Ever since the incident, she had seen the curses on the internet and was now afraid.

Ailsa had put a lot of effort into her, and she could not bear to see her go to waste. However, she was still a little angry when she thought about what happened last night, ”

“What’s the use of crying now? What did you do last night? What kind of show was “a filmmaker in the industry”? Don’t you know what kind of person Sheng Jingzhi is? ‘He’s from a family of scholars, and he’s also a graduate of the first Academy. No matter how much you dislike that newcomer named Jiang se, can’t you just bear with it? What were you thinking? how dare you pull off your dress!”

When she said this, she was still not satisfied.

I’ve told you a long time ago that Jiang se has someone backing her. Now that something has happened, I’m no longer embarrassed. I’ve been making calls everywhere, but none of the major media outlets and websites dare to delete their comments. They say that the higher-ups have already informed them. No matter how much you hate her for stealing your limelight, you should know that this is only temporary. You still have your work, so even if she can become famous, it’s only temporary. What are you afraid of?” I saw that newbie last night. The group of people around her are probably the princelings. I’ve asked around about their identities when I came back and brother Zhou at the TV station warned me not to mess with them. No matter how powerful the newbie is, he’s just a toy. How long can he be fresh?”

“Panpan, if you were a little smarter, why would Zhao rang be so angry? If he’s still supporting you, the company wouldn’t have to go to Ruihe for help.”

Ailsa crossed her arms and stepped on the ground with the tips of her toes. She looked at Zhu pan, who had his head lowered, and said, ”

I’m friends with Brother Su. This time, he came forward to explain to the company’s higher-ups, so I arranged a press conference for you in the afternoon. I’ve already ordered someone to list out the questions you need to answer. Memorize them later and don’t let anything happen again! She warned, ” if anything happens again, even the heavens can’t save you!

After saying that, Ailsa snorted coldly and turned to leave.

Zhu pan was sitting in the lounge, leaning against the back of the chair with his head raised. His eyes were still swollen.

The assistant prepared an ice pack and came forward. She took it silently. Although she was no longer saying anything, she still sniffed from time to time, and her red and swollen almond-shaped eyes showed resentment.

“Sister pan, Qianqian.”

The assistant wanted to comfort her, but Zhu pan looked up at the ceiling and said in a hoarse voice, ”

“Get out.”

It was obvious that she was in a bad mood at the moment. After being lectured by ayisa, the company was already showing signs of giving up on her.

Once the company gave up on her, even if they didn’t freeze her, this lesson was enough for her to suffer.

Unless there was a turning point during the press conference this afternoon, if something went wrong, she would probably never be able to make a comeback in this lifetime.

“Jiang se! Jiang se!” Zhu pan gritted his teeth. When he thought of this incident, he was filled with regret and hatred.

The phone in her handbag rang with the piano piece composed by Shi Jiadong from ” the 99th love letter “. She had been playing this piece ever since the movie had entered its promotional period. She had been proud of herself for playing the role of the female lead in Zhao rang’s new film, but a few days ago, she had been smiling when she heard this piece of music.

However, when Zhu pan heard the music again, he wanted to smash his phone!

The call was from an unfamiliar number. She didn’t pick it up after the first ring. The second time, her assistant came in from outside, but she still didn’t want to pick it up.

The person on the phone was also very persistent. After the fifth call, the assistant tried to pick up the phone. After a long while, she handed the phone to Zhu pan with a strange expression.

“Sister pan, she’s looking for you. The person on the phone says that she can help you get out of your current predicament, Hanhan.”

Before she could finish her sentence, Zhu pan sneered, ”

“Help me escape?”

the person on the phone said her surname was Feng. She said it was really Huahua. the assistant nodded timidly. Zhu pan frowned and hesitated for a moment before taking the phone.

Now that she had fallen into such a situation, she was not afraid that someone would use her as a tool. However, if there was a chance, she would not let it go no matter what!

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