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2 months ago
Everything has to be studied to understand its meaning, Chiba Shiraishi realized that when he had... Read more Everything has to be studied to understand its meaning, Chiba Shiraishi realized that when he had transmigrated to a new world he has no knowledge of, he only knew he was in the village of Konoha.Shiraishi couldn’t sleep, so he took out the book he had picked up “The Will of Fire” and read it carefully in the middle of the night, only to see the words in cracks. The whole book was written with two words – Pyramid Scheme.Shiraishi felt hesitant and fearful for a while, and he decided that sooner or later, he must escape from this brainwashing organization called Konoha. Collapse Army Building, Cautious Protagonist, Childhood Friends, Clever Protagonist, Hard-Working Protagonist, Kingdom Building, Male Protagonist, Medical Knowledge, Reincarnated in Another World, Scientists, Fanfiction, Naruto, Character Growth, Genetic Modifications, Human Experimentation, Industrialization, Obsessive Love, Pregnancy, Slow Romance, Weak to Strong, Transmigration, Hiding True Abilities, Charismatic Protagonist, Calm Protagonist, Yandere, Age Progression, Multiple POV I just read the whole thing, honestly it's not bad, especially for a fanfic. I rate it as 7/10 since the mc turned into third rate villian at the start of the "Fourth" Ninja World War. Other than that is all good. I just wished this story focused more on chakra science or whatever, it was the most interesting part of the story for me. Also I kinda hoped mc would destroy the ninja world by creating a kind of sage art compatible with humans thus basically creating cultivation lmao.That said, go into this story if you like delving into the chakra science, reimagination of Naruto (the series) and kingdom building. Other than that, the story is nothing much. The last few arcs def had a major drop in quality but ig the author is tired of writing a naruto fanfic for over 2 years and just want to finish it. It is over 850+ chapters long after all. Overall, read it if you want to read a good naruto fanfic since this is the only good naruto fanfic. Ha! At the moment I have read up to chapter 257. I'll be real originally when I first started reading it I dropped it after 50 ~ 60 chapter because the translation I was reading was just that bad. Eventually I found it again being translated by Chizihn who I think decided to continue after the original guy stopped translating. At least that's my reasoning for why his first 60 or so chapters in the translation are so bad. Which I found improves drastically at the chapter 80 point last I remembered.(Don't me quote this, I might be wrong)Anyways the story really does get interesting after chapter 109 ~ 114 because at that point the MC actually does "Escape Konoha". The one thing that really interest me about the novel which I feel isn't directly expressed and I found really hard to understand at first before the novel translation improvemented in quality would have to be the fact that the MC doesn't know "Naruto". Throughout the story he doesn't have "future knowledge" to hold back on which I liked because for some stories I have read it seems like such a crutch for the character motivations / planing. As well as the fact that it makes the story less predictable.Some aspects or important plot point still happen but you can see how the MC effects theses events not through him knowing the perfect thing to do in advance but with him just being there or experiencing the after effects. Lastly I really like the fact that the MC isn’t actually the main focus. Ironically within the story everyone mainly focuses on the 2 teammates the MC has given that there both a Uchiha and Hyuga. He's more of a nobody to everyone because everyone doesn't know how powerful he's is given that he doesn't have a conventional power set. [I'm not sure how to talk about his "power's" without spoiling it.]I wouldn't recommend for anyone who hates MTL. Even then the MTL is readable at the very least for the first 60 unlike some other novels I have attempted to read. The break point for when translations improve as I talked about previously is the 80 chapter point. If you want to read it I would recommend reading up to chapter 114 I would say that it's really the cut of point for where it turns form a meh novel to a actually good oneAnyways I would probably give it around a 4.3 Stars out of 5 stars. I think that what really ruins it would have to be the fact that the first 60 chapters aren't translated very well, which could have changed but last I remember haven't. As well as the compounding factor that the story takes a slower pace to ramp up / important plot developments within the first 60 chapter can get glossed over with the bad translation which not only stops people from reading further but causes problems for later chapters if you didn’t understand it to begin with.- Also whoever decided the cover art for this site either hasn't read the story or is going to make me eat my words if MC becomes what ever monstrosity that is in that picture.- If he does become that I'll change my review to 1 star.4.3/5 Yo! Is the Uchiha clan destroyed in this fanfic? Yes and No(I think?).In the fanfic, after the MC escaped Konoha the Uchiha clan split into two camps. Those who remained in Konoha suffered the same fate as in the anime/manga. Maybe not sure yet, like Night Edge said there split into two camps. So far in the story the clan in Konoha hasn't been destroyed but looks like they mostly will be destroyed. Though there might be a plot about going back to steal some members before it's destruction though. To be real it really glossed over the other Uchiha at this point in the story. I think they will talk more about the other clan that left Konoha after the clan is destroyed. I think I read this rubbish on mtl, a chatty, boring work, a guy without any objective pretending he wants to escape.Rank D- I couldn’t get past 100 chapters, everything seems to be not bad, but Mc for me personally is extremely boring and morally weak (maybe it will change later, but I don’t have the strength to read it anymore). Mc henpecked who always obeys and is afraid of his girlfriend (who is a tsundere), I hate those the most. And so, in principle, you can read it, there is nothing disgusting or very interesting in this novel, just an average novel to kill time. Damn, this is one of the ugliest covers I've ever seen. Definitely a top 3. Horrible concept and execution Not worth reading. I read it on RR before and dropped it at about 50 chapters. I’ll just paste that review and then make additions afterwards. I’m 80% sure this is a translation. Nothing against translations on their own but they tend to be of a lesser quality simply because translators tend to not be very skilled writers. To translate a poem a twice as skilled poet is required and all that. The regular jokes about capitalism being horrible got tiresome after the first few instances. Characters are pretty one dimensional and can be summed up by their introductory paragraph. The MC is a genius because the writer wrote 3 sentences and that’s it. The other characters support the MC just because, and it’s getting hard to describe how the story is mediocre without giving specific situations thus giving minor spoilers. Read it if you have nothing else to read or really want to read a Naruto fan-fic that has the MC really dislike Konoha for a very shallow reason. This story is very mediocre, grammar wise it’s okey, the characters are shallow, and overall it is meh. I kinda wish the site required, or even gave the option, for novel posters to let us know if it is a translation. Every character is shallow, never changes, and acts for the benefit of the MC disregarding any logic or how someone would actually act. 3/10. Royal Road used to be a website where you could be sure that the works posted would be of a decent quality even if you wouldn’t personally read it. Now 1/10 works are translations and 1/5 is brainless smut fan fictions. Anything worth reading in this new batch? IDK. Staying away from the chinese translations is almost always a safe choice and it seems like a good choice this time as well. The few that I looked over were not good with one of them being barely ok. I haven’t read many of them yet so I can’t really make many inputs.Edit: Most of everything was not good. It seems the only ones that are good are the ones I start reading just as the website starts to upload new ones. I can't read real novels anymore. Only Chinese slop webnovels are good enough. ''P2W Uchiha in Konoha'' is the ONLY very good naruto chinese fanfic, almost the greatest fanfic of all I tried reading that but it just wasn’t anything great. It seemed like it had the same basic problems of every chinese novel (brainless harem, capitalism bad, women bend over, MC is better, etc…). Honestly you should try again, it gets very good a little later, the defaults exist but the qualities are so strong that they make you forget them. Just realized your name and know why you like it now. Nah seriously from a strictly literary point of view it gets very good pretty quickly, and the harem stuff is pretty well done and don't take too much story-space (btw the way he got Tsunade made me cry, frankly it was heartwarming), and it's not even the main point of the story, the way he played politics against the Hokage around chapter 150-200 was very clever. The writing style is good, more formal than most story, descriptive, not too repetitive, and the chapters are pleasant to read. Royalroad dropped ever since every single authors did that whole review bot thing. Honestly, the site ui wasn't even that good so I can't even find good novels without clicking a few dozen times. Switched to scribblehub, much cleaner ui and at least you can trust the ratings. Yeah but Scribblehub has a higher percentage of shitty posters with no section that has vetted content. I can recognize about 10 that post multiple works everyday and none of their works are good. They don’t just post one or two but over a dozen works each so for about 4 hours everyday the only thing on the feed is their shitty content. At least RR has a way larger upload pool so the amount of bad works taking up their feed is lower and they have a decent “Good works” instead of a “Most popular” section.And many writers don’t have bots on their works. US and Ethiopia national teams played a friendly the other day. The final score was USA 8-Ethiopia didn't.