Established Pinnacle: The Enigma

Chapter 361 Long Time No See

"I... I choose... to pay fealty."

"I want to pay fealty too!!"

"Long live our new Emperor!!"

The people below, began going down on one knee, and paying their respects towards the city behind the two dragonkins. Towards their future Ruler, who was kind enough to take them in.

And as they did such a thing, a transparent screen of light appeared before each one of them, presenting a small Template that resembled a game template.

• • • • •

Name: Jonathan Miller

Job: God Chef

Merit Value: 100 pts (Starter Pack)

Job Quest: Open up a food stall. You will obtain +5 Merit Points as a reward.

Side Quest: Make a healing dish for the malnourished living beings of Emerald Ridge City. Each dish made will net you +2 Merit Points.

• • • • •

The blue template was as such. And every new entrant was able to see one appearing before them. Well, every one who paid fealty to Ophir, and chose to bend a knee to her Rule.

"Surprised? I know how you feel." The blue scaled dragonkin said with a sneer of triumph, then added, "Everyone will obtain a hundred points of Merit as a starter pack. Merit is a power that allows us to manage our living circumstances better."

"With Merit, you can do anything you want, as long as it doesn't necessarily affect those around you negatively. You can heal wounds, renovate your houses, and even buy off things from one another."

"But most importantly, with enough Merit, one can also... increase their Realm of power." The red scaled dragonkin added, his words dealing more shock than anything his friend had previously said.

Increasing one's one Realm?

Wasn't that a godsend?

A lot of living beings actually got where they were from snatching talents and potential from one another. Ever since the sun disappeared, there has been opportunities going to people that don't deserve them.

Hence having higher potential wouldn't necessarily mean a greater future. Mirai and Archdemon Riley were a great example of this, even if they began a long time ago.

But still, they had to fight, struggle, and even suffer, just to obtain those opportunities. Especially so, if it was never meant for them in the first place.

And yet, they were giving a different solution? A path to grow stronger, without having to fight, struggle or suffer? At the same time, while gaining protection from extremely powerful beings?

Why would they say no to that? Why would they continue hesitating? Why would they not sacrifice their pride and ego and just bend a knee? Why not?!

• • • • •

Mission Complete: You have managed to successfully welcome the new residents of Emerald Ridge City without much trouble. You have obtained +500 Merit Points.

Mission Complete: You have convinced the new residents of Emerald Ridge City without having to result in physical force. The people's faith has been reinvigorated. You have obtained +1,200 Merit Points.

Mission Complete: You have guided the new residents of Emerald Ridge City through the use of Merit. You have obtained +250 Merit Points.

• • • • •

Notifications rang out to each of the two dragonkins, signifying three completed missions out of the ten that they initially obtained when they got appointed as tour guides!!

Yet 33% of their completed missions, gave them each, almost 2,000 Merit Points. A number that could allow them to act like gods among men!!

"Hahaha, this was easy!! By the time we done, we could have 10,000 or more Merit Points to our names. Each." The blue scaled dragonkin said in excitement. "With that amount, and my savings, I can probably breakthrough into the deity lord Realm."

"Easy soldier, easy. We haven't yet obtained those points yet." The red scaled dragonkin said, yet even he had a smile on his face. It was hard to conceal his excitement.

In this time and age, growing stronger was key. It was the most sought out goal by even those lacking in ambition or those without hope.


Meanwhile, as this took place, not only at Emerald Ridge City within Ophir's domain of rulership, but also within the other lands of her fellow seniors, they themselves, returned back to Mirai as instructed.

It didn't take a minute as she they just air dropped people and returned. And now, they stood within the air waiting.

Waiting for the army of the silver prince.

"My lady..." Natasha gently called out, as she floated behind Mirai, who closed her eyes and regulated her breathing. "...I'm okay. It's okay. I'm strong now. I can do this." She whispered, then reopened her eyes once more.

There was determination flickering within, like the flame light burning on a candle. A sort of weakly fluctuating determination that would not be snuffed anytime soon.


Natasha stopped, and retreated.

If her young miss believes she was strong hearted, then she was strong hearted. As a follower, she had no right to say otherwise. None of them, had that right.

At the same time, the army of the silver prince was almost reaching them, being a few trillion light years away. And the moment he scouted ahead, he couldn't help but come to a halt.

"No, no way..." He subconsciously muttered to himself, as even half a light year away, he could still see, and feel the auras of more than twenty Lesser Emperor entities ahead of them.

Twenty of them.

And though cloaked, he could smell a nostalgic scent coming off of them. A scent that was unique to a lineage that he was once deeply embroiled with. No, he was still associated with them even now.

The space dragon lineage.

"Your majesty, what is the matter?" And the current link towards this lineage, that he had close to him, floated behind him and inquired with a soft, yet lustrous voice.

"...It's nothing, legion master Miranda. I just felt terrifying waves of power up ahead. Let us move on." The silver prince commanded, then flew forward once more, leaving behind the confused dragoness.


And seeing him move forward, prompted the large army to move ahead with him. They were the swords and spears of the Silver Dragon Empire, hence they always had to be with their Emperor.

Yet their Emperor himself, was having a distasteful frown on his face. 'Why are there so many powerful space dragons here? Did they descend from the Upper Realms? And are they here for revenge?' He thought.

But the waves of power he felt from these new entrants, were weaker than him, meaning that their information of his strength was not too potent. This slightly calmed him down.

To add, there were no records of the space dragon lineage having any connections with the Upper Realms, hence they were probably not here for revenge.

'Plus, even as Lesser Emperors, the twenty of them can easily be handled by my hundreds of King level powerhouses.' He thought, completely calming down.

With God Kings, Dragon Kings, Elven Kings, Dwarven Kings, and other variant types of Deity King leveled powerhouses as his legion masters... he had nothing to fear.

Fifty kings on each being, should be enough to keep these Lesser Emperors at bay. Especially as each legion master had an army of a million beings ranging from Lesser Deities, to Deity Lords as support.



He thought, and he planned. Preparing to completely take out this small team of dragons, and report back to Archdemon Riley. Everything shouldn't be too hard.

Or so he thought...

For all these plans, all his ideas, all of them, were completely erased the moment he was a few billion miles away from the group.

Not only him, but someone within the legion masters also came to a halt in shock when she also saw what the silver prince saw. 'W–What..? Why..? Why is she still alive?!' She thought, her mind disconnecting from Reality due to shock.

The silver prince also had similar thoughts, as right now, he saw the lead being amongst the cloaked individuals, pull down her cloak. She pulled down her hood, and revealed her visage.

And her beauty, as well as bearing, shocked many legion masters, while her face shocked two people specifically. Only these beings could see so far away with just their natural sight enhanced by Divine power.

"Mirai..?" The silver prince subconsciously muttered out the name chaotically dancing within his mind, as if desperately trying to verify the scene before him.

Was this true?

Or was he seeing ghosts?

He could not tell, but he knew someone of his power, should not be troubled by mere ideals such as not being capable of telling apart ghosts from living beings.

He knew... that what he was looking at, was nothing but the truth. Nothing but reality ruthlessly unfolding itself to him.

"...Long time no see, Eliade." Mirai secretly clenched her fists, and greeted back, her voice traveling through the vast distances, and hypnotizing many young men and women with her bitter-full tone.


Yet to two people, those words meant nothing more than the fact that the woman they thought would have died centuries ago, was still alive.

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