Everyone Wants to Pamper the Lucky Daughter

Chapter 63: for your own good

She stuffed the note into the bamboo tube of the pigeon's right leg, let go, and the pigeon flapped its wings, circled twice in front of the window, flew out of the imperial court, and flew towards the palace.

Xiao Qingluo, don't blame Aunt Xu for not helping you find your biological parents, Aunt Xu is doing it for your own good.

Xu Yunru quietly watched the pigeons fly away, and just now rubbed the center of her brows, showing a little tiredness.

The Duke of Zhen's mansion has a high position and authority, and he is in charge of the 300,000 Lin family army. He has made great achievements and has become a thorn in the eyes of the empresses of all ages.

Fortunately, there is no daughter in the government of Zhen Guo, so the status of the crown daughter cannot be threatened, so it has been safe and sound until now.

Now that the eldest granddaughter was born in the Duke of Zhen's mansion, the empress felt like a lump in her throat, and she couldn't sleep well.

Fortunately, the fake granddaughter is spoiled and spoiled, stupid, arrogant and unlovable, a waste of nothing, the empress forcibly endured it, and never made trouble.

Xiao Qingluo, as smart as you, will understand Aunt Xu's painstaking efforts sooner or later.

Aunt Xu has no other expectations, she just hopes that you can grow up happily among the people.

At least until you have the ability to protect yourself, don't get involved in the brutal imperial power struggle.


The backyard of the imperial palace, Qinxue Pavilion.

The noble gentleman stood by the window, stretched out his right hand, and let the pigeon rest on his wrist.

Take out the note from the bamboo tube and let the pigeon fly.

He opened the note, looked down at it, tore it to shreds, and threw it on the ground.

Southeast, Woniu Village, Medicine King Valley.

Walking downstream along the river for three hundred miles along Woniu Village is Yaowang Valley.

Is the southeast referred to by the master of the immortal gate, the Woniu Village, or the Valley of the Medicine King?

If it really is Yaowanggu, why is Xuan'er's condition not getting better?

Xuan'er kept yelling for her sister to rub her belly, what exactly was the meaning?


Dashan's daughter-in-law and Liu's mother-in-law came to propose marriage to the Su family. After the episode of being rejected, Woniu Village resumed a peaceful life.

The hunters went to the mountains to hunt as usual, and the women did farm work, embroidered handkerchiefs, made clothes, and supplemented the family income.

The life of Su Hu's family is getting more and more prosperous, and it is inevitable that some people in the village will be jealous, and private discussions will reach the ears of the old village head, and they will inevitably be reprimanded.

Li Xiu'e made bamboo flutes at home, and went out to chat in her spare time, and heard a lot of gossip.

The general meaning is that the Su family has developed, but they have not taken care of the folks in the village. Except for the old village head's house, they can get some light and eat wild game every meal.

The other families, who should be poor, are still poor. They don't have enough to eat three meals a day, and they are hungry. I haven't seen him, the Su family, take the initiative to help.

Li Xiu'e felt uncomfortable after hearing the gossip, and when she got home she sat alone in the yard and sulked, no matter how much Su Hu tried to persuade her, she couldn't persuade her.

Su Zixuan is clumsy and doesn't know how to persuade others, so when faced with a difficult task, it still falls on Su Qingluo.

"Mom, don't be angry. Being angry is not good for your health."

Su Qingluo pulled the cute little milk voice, leaned in front of Li Xiu'e, and burrowed into her arms.

"Sister Yu, mother has thought about it. Although those **** are hateful, what they said is true."

Li Xiu'e hugged her little daughter's fragrant and soft body, and the anger in her stomach was slowly extinguished.

"There are indeed a few families in our village who live in poverty. Mother looks at them and thinks about the life she lived in the past, and she feels uncomfortable."

"Mom, do you want to help them?"

Su Qingluo spoke to Li Xiu'e intimately.

"Sister Yu, what can you do?"

Li Xiu'e lovingly touched her daughter's little head, with hope in her eyes.

Su Qingluo was very straightforward: "Mother just ask Dad to buy rice, flour, grain and oil, and just send them home."


Li Xiu'e was a little confused: "Is there no other way? Like teaching them how to make flutes?"

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