Everyone Wants to Pamper the Lucky Daughter

Chapter 75: 6 and a half years old

Winter went to spring, flowers fell and flowers bloomed, the days of practicing martial arts passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it was another year.

Su Qingluo, who was six and a half years old, was as tall as a willow branch, growing rapidly, and her slender and beautiful figure already had the embryonic form of a girl.

Wang Meng has undergone tremendous changes. Practicing martial arts throughout the year has made his muscles even and firm, his Kong Wu is powerful, and his stature has grown rapidly.

In just one year, he was half a head taller than Doudou. Among the eight-year-old children of the same age, he definitely stood out from the crowd.

Although Doudou is not as tall as Wang Meng, he is a ten-year-old boy who is calm and courteous.

Qiao Jie was also diligent and hardworking in the six arts in the county. She was the best among her peers in riding and shooting, and she chose to play the flute in temperament.

Along with the children who sprung up like mushrooms after a spring rain, there were also two foals.

Under the meticulous care of the Su family, the two foals, one and a half years old, have grown into tall horses with smooth and shiny manes, slender and powerful limbs, and fat bodies.

Heifeng is a stallion, taller and stronger, almost a head taller than Hongzao.

The two foals grew up together and are very close. Every day when they go out to stock up, they will stick together, rub their ears together, chase each other, and play.


When the two foals grew up, Su Hu thought about it, bought a donkey and a carriage, and put them in the old man's house on the other side of the river.

The donkey was given to my brother-in-law's family to pull a cart for transportation, and when I went out to Furong Town by myself, or went to the county town to visit my daughter, I took a boat to cross the river with two horses.

Riding a horse to the old man's house to set up a cart, let two horses pull the cart, and drive the cart on the road, which is much faster and more convenient than taking a donkey cart.


After more than a year of construction and decoration, the Royal Courtyard on the other side of the river was finally completed in the warm spring.

Under the instigation of the little kingfisher, Su Qingluo sneaked into the courtyard for a look before the owner of the other courtyard arrived, and enjoyed the beautiful scenery of the artificial hills, green bamboos, small bridges and flowing water in advance.


Mystic Canyon has changed slightly from the same year ago.

From time to time, Su Qingluo would find various reasons to sneak into the depths of the mountain to play.

Every time I enter the mysterious canyon, I will take care of the medicine fields, get rid of flowers and weeds, dig the soil, and water. Pick mature herbs to refine elixirs, and plant new seeds in vacant land.

Under her meticulous care, the medicine field is showing great vitality. Looking at it at a glance, it is green and emerald, and flowers are everywhere, which is too beautiful to behold.

The underground gold mine at the entrance of the canyon has been left untouched. At her young age, she still doesn't need to mine gold mines.

It is not easy to store large quantities of gold, and burying it in deep underground ravines is the best way to preserve it.


Wang Meng rode three tigers with her and went to the mysterious canyon several times.

Entering the canyon for the first time, the boy who was only eight years old was so frightened that he almost fainted when he saw several large gatekeeper snakes as thick as buckets.

Fortunately, the child's heart is quick to accept new affairs.

Under the persecution of the little kingfisher's obvious, contemptuous eyes, it successfully aroused the boy's competitive spirit.

For the first time, I gritted my teeth and persisted, not to be intimidated by the violent panic. After a few times, I gradually got used to it.

After exploring the mysterious canyon, the eight-year-old boy's eyes on the little girl's master have risen from awe to worship.

It is also because of this that he has strengthened his determination to work hard and follow his master to learn martial arts diligently, hoping to become her solid and reliable right-hand man in the future.

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