Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu's Favorite

Chapter 246

By the time her high heels left, the statement already had one more noticeable shoe print on it.

"Sorry, I didn’t see that either!"

With a cold grunt, Pei Ruoxi stepped into her office and slammed the door.

The female accountant’s eyes shifted from the shoe print on the statements and landed on the door of the room Pei Ruoxi slammed heavily. Her pair of eyes immediately turned cold.

The staff member nearby quickly came over and helped her pick up the statements, while giving her a few more words of comfort.

The female accountant got up again and returned to her office to reprint her statements.

With that, Ji Mo came out of the office.

“Let’s go, everyone, to the meeting.”

The crowd then got up in droves and packed up their things ready for the meeting. Assistant director Chen Liang, gently nudged Ji Mo’s arm.

“Director Ji, Miss Pei is here.”

Pei Ruoxi?

Ji Mo was also surprised. He had previously let her take a few days off and wait for the next phase to start before returning to familiarize herself with the case plan. He didn’t expect her to come to work so soon.

After giving it a thought, he spoke softly.

“Inform her to join the meeting!”

Chen Liang then went and knocked on Pei Ruoxi’s office door and politely asked her to come along to the meeting. Pei Ruoxi quickly carried her own computer and book out and also followed everyone into the conference room.

The meeting began with Ji Mo announcing that the show will still use Ning Xiaofei’s plan this time around. Everyone was surprised, but there were also a few patting Ning Xiaofei with flattery. Pei Ruoxi’s heart was angry and jealous, but she did not dare to show half a bit of it on her face.

Ning Xiaofei stood up and explained her thoughts and ideas concisely and clearly.

"I’m done, feel free to give your comments."

The crowd was silent. Ji Mo took the initiative to ask some questions in terms of details. With his initiation, only then did everyone started to share their ideas. However, they still tiptoed, careful not to criticize Ning Xiaofei.

Ning Xiaofei sat down in her chair, and was secretly pleased.

It seems that resignation is indeed a wise move, otherwise, if this continues, work will never be done.

Halfway through the meeting, Xiao Song at the front desk burst in sharply.

“Miss Pei, the station director is looking for you.”

“What is the matter?”

“He didn’t say, just that he wanted you to go to his office right away.”

Ji Mo raised his wrist and looked at his watch, “Alright then, let’s also disperse the meeting first. Have lunch and discuss the specific guest candidates in the afternoon. I want everyone to provide information on at least one potential guest.”

Pei Ruoxi picked up her computer and stuff, and hurriedly ran out the door. She returned to her office and grabbed her phone, rushing out of the column group.

“What’s going on?”

“Who knows!”

“Never mind her, let’s go eat!”

Everyone was discussing what to have for lunch when an employee in the corner suddenly exclaimed.

“No way, tsk tsk... This time, Pei Ruoxi is really done for.”

“What’s going on?”

“Look at her circle of friends on WeChat, they’re boiling mad!”

The colleagues took out their phones to open their WeChat. Ning did the same with the new phone Mu Tianye bought for her, but ready to order a takeaway.

In just a moment, Ye Qiao’s call came through.

“Feifei, quickly, look at your circle of friends. I sent you a message, this time Pei Ruoxi is completely screwed!”

Ning Xiaofei clicked on her WeChat and entered her circle of friends. Immediately, she saw a message forwarded by Ye Qiao, clicked it and was stunned.

On the screen, Pei Ruoxi was bent over, lying on the ground like a dog licking the wine on the floor.

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